The Alpha's Virgin Prize (Mated for Life Book 1)

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The Alpha's Virgin Prize (Mated for Life Book 1) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Bethany shook her head. “I told you I knew what I wanted. I remember telling you that,” she said. “I’m just a little overwhelmed with all this.”

  “Losing your virginity?”

  “And the fact I was just in heat, and my boyfriend’s a werewolf.”

  “Mate,” he corrected.

  “Fine. My mate.” She couldn’t help but smile. As unorthodox as all this was, it felt good to belong. To be part of something bigger than her. She kissed his lips once, twice, then settled back on her pillow.

  “I’m glad I won’t have to keep secrets from you anymore.”

  “Does anyone else know?”

  “My pack. Joe.”


  “Well, he’s not a wolf. He’s a bear. Actually, he’s outside.”

  She frowned. “My boss is outside while I’m having sex in your bedroom?”

  “Long story.”

  Did she even want to hear this story? Her mind raced as she tried to put together all the pieces she thought were odd over the past few weeks.

  “Can I see it?” she asked.

  “See what?”

  “Your wolf. Can you just change shapes whenever you want? Does it hurt?”

  He smirked. “I’m sure you’ll meet him one day. Right now, I’m going to be selfish and keep you for myself.” Caleb pulled her into the crook of his arm and kissed her forehead. “I want to know everything about you. We have a lifetime ahead of us.”

  At least he hadn’t had a change of heart after sex. That had always been one of her greatest fears—being treated like a one-night stand and abandoned after giving herself to a man. Her insecurities bore deep and she desperately wanted to move on and start a healthy family of her own. With Caleb.

  “Will we have puppies or babies?”

  He snorted. “Babies. They could be human or shifters, though. We won’t know until the time comes.”

  “Okay.” She could live with that. There was so much for her to learn. She was made of questions, but right now, she just wanted to listen to the strong beat of Caleb’s heart.

  There was a knock on the door, and the gentle energy coming from Caleb shifted into a volatile anger. It was so easy to read his emotions now. It was unreal and would take time to get used to.

  He leaped off the bed. “Cover yourself,” he said. “Nobody sees that body but me.”

  She pulled the blankets up over her nudity and waited.

  “What is it?” Caleb asked.

  “Congratulations. I never thought it would happen.”

  “Reese, what’s so damn important that you’re disturbing me?”

  “Bear problems. I hate to ruin what you’ve got going on, but things are going downhill fast out here.”

  Caleb braced a hand on the door frame. “Okay. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She watched as he started to dress himself. His body was a work of art and she happily soaked in the sight of his hard, toned frame. After tugging a t-shirt over his head, he leaned over the bed, bracing a knee on the mattress.

  “I love you, Bethany. Stay here until I come back. I need to make sure things are safe.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “Animal problems. Nothing we can’t handle. You’ll be safe here. I’ll die before I let anyone, human or animal, harm you.”

  She believed him but also didn’t like all the tension in the air. Bethany didn’t want Caleb to get hurt. She’d just found her path and didn’t want to lose it.

  Chapter Seven

  “Damn, if I was her, I’d be so pissed that you were leaving right after the slam-bam part,” Brian said.

  “Don’t. I’m holding on by a thread.” Although Bethany had suddenly appeared to be normal, he wanted to take her again. He’d pulled on his sweatpants but his cock was still harder than rock. Now he had to deal with whatever shit was going on out here.

  “We’ve hidden Joe, and he doesn’t like the fact we’ve got him bedded down with the dogs. Their scent is all over him, and thankfully the dogs took a dump, so it should distract, but the rogue bear is near,” Reese said.

  “How dare any of them come on our land,” David said.

  Caleb was in agreement.

  With his men at his back, he headed in the direction of the horrible scent. The rogue bear gave off something nasty and wretched. His wolf growled inside his head in warning.

  He needed to go back to his woman, but while he had the bear in his senses, there was no way she would be in danger.

  “David, stay back there. Call if you feel we’re being tricked.”

  Without question, David was gone.

  “Do you boys feel that?” Brian asked as they walked along. “I feel lighter. Like I can find the woman meant for me. Damn, it feels good.”

  A shot of guilt rushed through him. He’d put off finding Bethany as he didn’t believe he’d needed a mate, but clearly, his boys needed him to get his shit together. Now that they were finally free, they had a bear problem to deal with.

  “I don’t suppose we can cut Joe up and feed him to the birds?” Reese asked. “It would make our life easier.”

  “Not happening. The rogue bear is our problem. You know that, and we’ve got to help him. Helping Joe with this is also helping ourselves.” Even saying the words felt odd on the tongue.

  Bears and wolves didn’t mix, and now he was protecting one.

  Coming to a stop deep in the forest, he sensed the rogue. The smell was horrible, taunting his senses.

  He tensed up and waited.

  His men knew not to make a sound. Now it was up to the rogue bear to come at them. He wouldn’t come to this neck of the woods unless he wanted a confrontation.

  They waited.

  “You have one of my men.” The voice was unusual, somewhat high-pitched. Almost on level of a hyena with hysteria.

  Caleb looked toward the stranger still in his skin. His eyes glowed in the dark. His body was larger than what he expected, but this was also the plague of going rogue, of killing your own kind. You become more animal than man.

  This man was no longer human. His bear was leaking in even in human form, soaking up every part of his soul. Caleb had heard tales of this happening but never saw it in person. Shifters, especially bears, could go mad every decade or so. Something in the genes. They’d thirst to kill their own and go feral. It was uncommon but always a possibility. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, his wolf at the ready. This man, whoever he once was, killed unnecessarily. It was what started the process and with each death, he’d lost more of himself. There was no going back once you took out some of your own people.

  “You have no men,” Caleb said.

  The bear hissed. Again, another odd trait.

  He didn’t flinch. Didn’t even move. Caleb stood his ground, watching, waiting to see what would happen.

  “You’re making a mistake. Give me my man.”

  “So you can kill him on my land? Not happening. You have no rights here. I suggest you get the hell off wolf territory,” Caleb said.

  The rogue rushed forward, but Caleb reached out, taking hold of his neck and squeezing. Caleb had always been a freak of nature for his huge size, even for an alpha. On occasion, it came in handy. Like today.

  “Do not even attempt to threaten me on my land.” His hand turned into a wolf’s, and his fangs lengthened.

  He was the biggest, baddest wolf in his pack as he was also the alpha. Protect our mate. Protect our pack.

  That was exactly what he was going to do. He growled. The low rumble spilled from his lips, echoing around the forest. Birds left. The trees rustled.

  Their king was here and this rogue was nothing.

  He couldn’t believe this piece of shit had taken out so many in his sleuth and terrified the big bear hiding in his dog kennel.

  “Leave! Now!” He shoved the rogue to the ground and saw the shock on his face. Clearly, he wasn’t used to being challenged. Joe had it in him to become alpha but was scared of be
coming one of these things.

  Killing to protect the pack wouldn’t turn a man or woman rogue. What this man had done, he’d killed for the sake of it. He’d been afflicted with the mutant gene that drove a shifter crazy. Rogue bears were dangerous and couldn’t be left free to wander the forests. They had to be culled for the sake of everyone.

  “You’ll remember me. I’ll be back,” the rogue said.

  “Next time, I’ll break your fucking neck.”

  The rogue was gone, disappearing into the night, the putrid scent fading.

  Caleb wrinkled his nose.

  “Why did you let him get away? We could have taken care of him here and now, and we wouldn’t have to deal with him later. You and Bethany would be safe,” said Brian.

  “Because I need to know if there are others. What if more bears have turned rogue? The man is strong. Not as strong as my wolf, but there are others he could easily take down. We’ve got to find out if any other bears from their sleuth were affected the same way. They usually band together. The last time I heard of this happening was about fifteen years ago. I hope this time isn’t as bad.” He started to leave the forest, heading back to their home.

  He wanted to go inside, but David was standing by the entrance, complete with a gun.

  Caleb cocked a brow. They’d never needed to use guns.

  “Just in case,” David said. “I don’t think your woman would feel too comforted with me pacing in wolf form.”

  Caleb smiled. “I guess we will see one day. I’ll have to introduce the pack sooner or later.”

  He went to where their dogs were kept. The moment he was near, the dogs ran toward him. He petted them and Joe crawled out, brushing the grass from his pants.

  The dogs never strayed far even though their kennels were open. The shelter was helpful in the colder winter months.

  “You saw him?”

  “I saw him.”


  “He’s too far gone,” Caleb said.

  “I told you that. You could have killed him?” Joe asked.

  “I could have, but I need to know if he’s the only one. Have you heard of others going rogue?”

  Joe opened his mouth and closed it. “I don’t.”

  “You were forced out by him. Others too.”

  “A lot happened. It was so fast. I didn’t even think about others turning rogue, but I guess it’s possible.”

  “It would make sense. Last time this happened, six bears went mad. That was a long time ago.”

  “No, it can’t be possible, can it?”

  “It depends. Not everyone gets pulled in to kill. Some are able to fight it.” Caleb ran a hand down his face. “Taking a life isn’t easy. We can kill without mercy, but it doesn’t mean we don’t chip away at our soul. Rogues do it for pleasure. I don’t know what could be left of your sleuth.” He shook his head. “Fuck.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Caleb’s brow rose. “You’re sorry?”

  “I know this isn’t your problem. It’s a bear thing. I shouldn’t be here, putting you and your pack in danger.”

  “Look, this rogue is everyone’s problem.”

  Joe stepped forward as if he were going to leave.

  “He won’t stop at bears. He’ll ravage the forest, including wolves.” Caleb caught hold of him, stopping him. “No, you don’t get to leave.”

  “You think I can’t smell the mating on you? Do you know how precious that is? If the rogue were to do anything to hurt your woman, it would send you mad, and as much as I hate your wolf ass, I don’t wish that on anyone. Not to you, not to your pack.”

  “Stop,” he said. “I get it. You don’t want the guilt. We need to know if there have been any reported bear attacks within the area. We need to know what we’re walking into.”

  “You’ve done enough.”

  “Joe, stop. You’re not going anywhere. We’ve got this handled, and when the time is right, you’re going to take over as alpha, or whatever you’re called in your little thing.”

  “I don’t have what it takes.”

  “Why the hell not?” Caleb asked. “I don’t see a problem with you taking that role. You’ll be a hell of a lot better at it than glowing eyes.”

  “No.” Joe shook his head.

  “What is this? Someone is going to need to take over once the dust settles. To help any bears left. You’re not going to take that role?”

  “Look at me, Caleb. I didn’t stand and fight. I ran. I’m a fucking coward.”

  Silence rang out.

  He stared at the man, feeling his pain. He didn’t have any affection for this man. In fact, he rather hated him for the trouble he’d already caused. If it wasn’t for Joe, he’d have been able to make love to his woman properly without her going into heat. Instead, everything had been rushed and put him in an awkward place.

  His woman.

  He wanted to get back to his prize.

  Not talk business.

  “No leader would ever have run. I did. I have no right to help, to take that place.”

  “Yes, you ran, but you’ve got time to make up for that now.” He put a hand on Joe’s shoulder. “Help us make this right. Your people, they need you. Don’t let them down now. Help them ensure there’s only one rogue. If that’s the case, I’ll end him.”

  Joe’s shoulders slumped.

  He turned to his men. “I want you to research. Find out anything about bear attacks within the past couple weeks. We need to know what we’re dealing with. Hopefully, it’s only the one, but I want to be certain before we put down our guards.”

  “Why bear attacks?”

  “See if there’s any reference to there being more than one. I want to know how many rogues he’s got at his back, and then, we take him out.”

  “What are you going to do?” David asked.

  “Take care of my mate.”


  Caleb’s room smelled like him, rich and musky. He was the forest itself.

  Bethany’s body was sore but pleasantly sated. She wasn’t the same woman she’d been when he’d carried her into the bedroom. The intense need that had taken over her body and soul had dimmed. She still felt completely alive. Her body hummed with new life.

  She felt connected to something bigger. Bethany wasn’t alone anymore.

  Walking around the room, she opened up his closet and stepped inside. She closed her eyes, breathing him in. Picking up a shirt, she rubbed the cuff against her face, imagining his hands touching her. Two dates and she was hopelessly in love. Wolfman or not, her heart was taken.

  She didn’t know why she felt so safe, just that she did.

  Caleb made her feel connected and wanted. She’d never found a place to belong before, but he’d changed all that. Stepping out of the closet, she came to a stop when she saw him standing in the doorway.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I wasn’t snooping. Honest.”

  “Don’t be sorry. What’s mine is yours.”

  She was still completely naked and his gaze ran down the length of her. The hunger in his eyes was feral … like a wolf. Arousal started to flood her body again. His t-shirt clung to his muscles, and she could see his cock pressing tight against his joggers. When she made to cover herself, he groaned, reaching out to her. “Don’t. You’ve got no reason to hide this body from me. You look stunning.”

  “I can’t help it when you keep staring at me like that.”

  “You’re my woman.”

  She smiled. “I think I can become addicted to the way you watch me.”

  “Good. I can’t help it. You have no idea what you do to me, Bethany.”

  She leaned in close, pressing her head to his chest. Whatever he’d done to her made their connection grow tenfold. It was like she’d known him forever.

  One of his hands went to her neck, gripping her tightly. She gasped at the explosion of pleasure as he ran his hand down her back, going to the curve of her ass.

  “I like you watching me. I like
you touching me. I never want you to stop,” she said.

  He cupped her ass and walked her back into the bedroom.

  “Kiss me,” she said.

  Caleb took possession of her mouth, devouring her, making all insecurities fade away.

  She moaned his name. Bethany whimpered as his grip on her ass tightened. There would be marks tomorrow, but she didn’t care. She loved his intensity.

  He growled against her, breaking their kiss to trail his lips to her neck. His tongue flicked over his bite and she cried out, feeling an answering heat sweep over her. Her pussy was so slick. She needed him again. Would she ever have her fill?

  “I can smell you,” he said. “Your body’s calling to me.”

  Caleb had her on the bed, her legs spread and his tongue stroking between her thighs. She cried out, hungry for his touch, willing to do whatever he wanted just so long as he didn’t stop. He was dirty and unrelenting, and she loved every second of it.

  His tongue plundered her pussy repeatedly before drawing up to her clit, circling her sensitive nub. She gripped the sheet beneath her, her arousal building.

  “That feels so good.” She whined and begged for more.

  “Come on my tongue, baby. I want to taste you again. Give it to me.”

  She didn’t hold back. Not when he growled his demands. Gripping the blanket, she held on for dear life as she relaxed enough to let go. She came hard, the release jolting her entire body.

  Caleb continued to lick and tease at her pussy. She melted into the mattress, feeling spineless. He didn’t stop. His tongue kept on working her pussy, building the heat again.

  “Please,” she said.

  The pleasure was almost too intense and she couldn’t stand it.

  He devoured her pussy, driving her toward a second orgasm that she didn’t think she was capable of having, but he did it, pushing her over the edge. Before she had even finished, he moved up the bed, settling between her spread thighs.

  “Tell me if you want me to stop,” he said.

  “You’re crazy if you think I want you to stop. I want to feel you inside me, stretching me, making me yours again.” She screamed as he pushed in the wide tip and slammed to the hilt in one quick, hard thrust. Taking his cock was immeasurably more satisfying than his mouth. Bethany wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his rough jawline and neck. She couldn’t get enough of him, his scent, and everything Caleb.


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