Savage's Woman

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Savage's Woman Page 7

by Loki Renard

  She curled up in a corner of the tree house, hoping that they did not yet know she was there, hoping that they were just performing a check, or perhaps a little late night tree house maintenance. Lord knew it was well overdue.

  “Matthews!” An unfamiliar, but stern voice called out. “We know you're up there, come down now.”

  She didn't want to come down then or any other time, but the choice was taken out of her hands as the old wall of the tree house was pulled away and a pair of hands reached in, grabbing her hard. She yowled and hissed like an angry cat, but the soldier grabbing her didn't care. He tossed her over his shoulder, making the ground seem to rush very suddenly toward her.

  With a curse of fear, Zora grabbed hold of the man's shirt and held on tight as he descended the ladder. She didn't want to be caught, but she wanted to fall out of the tree even less. When they got closer to the ground she tried to make another run for it, but she was caught in just a handful of steps and dragged ignominiously into custody.


  “Ah, Ms Matthews. Do come in.”

  Martin Holt looked smug. Too damn smug for Zora's liking. She was released into his office feeling like a complete mess. Her hair was filled with leaves, her makeup had smudged, her knees were grazed and there were little scratches and abrasions all over her skin.

  “Where's Brett?” She looked around the office and found it painfully devoid of her lover.

  “Captain Savage will meet you back at home,” Martin Holt said. “Once the matter of your punishment has been attended to.”

  “My punishment? For what?”

  “For breaking and entering, stealing mannequin parts and of course, breaching the security of the data center.” Martin Holt shook his neat head at her. “Anyone would think you were trying to provoke a response, Ms Matthews. Have you been bored lately?”

  “Maybe,” Zora admitted, scratching some mud off the side of her face. “What's all this about punishment anyway?”

  “Of course, I can't disappoint your need for retribution. You do so like it when Captain Savage spanks you, don't you?”

  All the blood in Zora's body rushed to her face in a display of embarrassment. What the hell had Savage been telling this guy? “That is not true,” she denied.

  “I think you do. I think you enjoy the attention you get from Captain Savage when you perform your famed antics. But he assures me that his method of discipline is effective. So I've agreed to try that method.”

  “You are not going to spank me.”

  “You're right,” Martin Holt agreed. “I want you to meet someone.”

  It was then that Zora noticed she and Martin Holt were not alone in the room. There was a woman sitting on the couch. A very silent woman wearing a pantsuit of such overwhelming beigeness that she had managed to merge into the furniture.

  She couldn't work out who the woman was, at first sight. She certainly wasn't a military wife. Zora wasn't sure how she knew that, but she did. There was something about the woman that screamed 'spinster'. She was large for a woman, with a full broad bosom and shoulders and a hard gunmetal gray gaze that went right through Zora. Facially, she was not unpleasant to look upon. She had silver hair and wide, high cheekbones. A prominent, square chin completed the image of an unyielding woman who could probably stare a nuke into submission if she had to.

  “This is Ms Wright,” Martin Holt introduced her. “She's retired from active service, but she still helps out every now and then in unique cases.”

  “Am I a unique case?”

  Zora asked the question, then backed toward the door as Ms Wright stood up, revealing herself to be a good foot and a bit taller than she.

  Whilst Zora gawped at the woman, Martin Holt cut off her avenue of escape simply by standing in front of the door.

  “What the hell?” Zora began backing around Martin Holt's desk, hoping to avoid the punishment she felt barreling down on her. “What is going on?”

  “You know what's going on,” Ms Wright spoke. Her voice was not as deep or as rough as Zora had imagined it being. It was almost pleasant, feminine but rich. “You're the young lady who thinks pranks are amusing, and you're going to get your comeuppance.”

  “I think everybody thinks pranks are amusing. If they weren't amusing, they'd just be, I don't know, something else...”

  Zora found her voice trailing off under Ms Wright's stare. Her heart began to beat a little faster. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she was pretty sure it wasn't going to end well for her.

  “We'll see how amusing you find it when I am finished with you, Ms Matthews.”

  Zora glanced around. Martin Holt was still there, watching. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Ms Wright shares Captain Savage's penchant for traditional discipline,” Martin Holt informed her, still speaking in his mild, calming tones.

  It was then that Zora noticed that there was a paddle on Martin Holt's desk. A wood paddle, about one foot long and six inches wide. It looked like a beast of a thing.

  “If either one of you comes near me with that thing, I will fucking... you don't even want to know.”

  “Calm down,” Ms Wright spoke, her matronly voice cutting through Zora's objections. “This paddling is going to happen regardless of your opinions on the matter.”

  “Oh yeah?” Zora folded her arms over her chest. “Try it. See what happens.”

  Ms Wright came forward and Zora prepared herself for a fight. When the woman's hand closed around her upper arm, she was ready to kick and scream and flail, but Ms Wright simply led her into a corner of the room.

  “You will stay here until you decide you are ready for your paddling.”

  Zora turned around immediately. “I'm not staying here.”

  Ms Wright turned her around again with a firm, but not unkind touch. “I have all evening, Ms Matthews.”

  Realizing that turning around wasn't going to work, Zora backed out of the corner, just to be shunted back in by Ms Wright. The process was repeated dozens of times more before Zora gave in and stood in the corner, waiting for a punishment she had admittedly been angling for, but had expected to receive from Savage.

  Groaning to herself, she leaned forward and rested some of her body weight against the wall. She was in a hell of a mess and there was no way out. Martin Holt had the door covered and Ms Wright had the rest of the room covered and she was stuck in a tiny corner of it until she agreed to let the woman paddle her.

  “You're a mess, young lady,” Ms Wright said. “You're going to need some salve on those cuts and grazes. Some of them are quite deep.”

  Zora looked down at her legs and saw that Ms Wright was not incorrect. There were some quite deep scratches in amongst the smaller grazes and some of them were still bleeding down into her gym socks.

  “Come along,” Ms Wright said, propelling her back out of the corner. “We will tend these before we tend to your bottom.”

  Martin Holt retrieved a small first aid kit and, thoroughly mortified, Zora sat on the couch with her legs up on Ms Wright's lap and watched as Ms Wright dabbed the scratches with antiseptic lotion and put dressings on one or two of the deeper cuts. The woman's hands were firm, but caring. Zora had a hard time imagining what it would be like to be punished by her. In fact, she had a hard time imagining the woman doing anything to her. She was so thrown by the concept of being disciplined by a woman that she temporarily became a gawping mullet of a creature.

  “Now,” Ms Wright said when the last graze was cleaned. “Are you ready for the second half of our evening?”

  “God no,” Zora said. “No way, no how.”

  “You know you'll feel better afterward,” Ms Wright said soothingly. “Let's get this over with, shall we?”

  Scowling, Zora tried another way of wrangling her way out of the situation. “Fine,” she said, “you can paddle me, but not with him here.”

  Chapter Six

  To her surprise, Martin Holt agreed to leave immediately. The door shut behind hi
m and then it was just her and the old battleaxe.

  “Are you ready, Ms Matthews?”

  “No,” Zora said, pulling her legs up to her chest. She regarded Ms Wright suspiciously over the tops of her knees. “Hitting people is wrong.”

  “Paddling ladies who go out of their way to cause trouble is not wrong,” Ms Wright disagreed, standing and brushing her pantsuit down. It was a necessary motion owing to the bits of grass and dirt that had attached themselves to her. “The sooner we do this, the sooner it will be over,” she said, making a factually correct statement about the nature of time.

  Zora nodded, steeling herself. How hard could an older woman hit anyway? She was used to being spanked by Savage. This Ms Wright would probably just give her a few love taps and send her on her way.

  “Come and bend over the desk, pull your shorts down too.” Ms Wright was giving orders. Zora hated orders. But she was also getting tired. It had been a long evening and all she wanted to do was go home and see Savage.

  Hating the whole predicament of having to present herself for the punishment, Zora got over it by simply doing it as quickly as possible. Before she had a chance to rebel against herself, she was bent over Martin Holt's desk, her pantied behind bent for the paddling.

  Ms Wright picked up the paddle and tapped it lightly against Zora's bottom. “You're a troublesome young lady aren't you?”

  “Young is relative,” Zora muttered against the desk. It was a long time since she'd been considered young, but Ms Wright was older.

  “It is,” Ms Wright agreed. “As is well-behaved.”

  With that, she lifted the paddle up and brought it cracking down across the fullest part of Zora's cheeks. It landed with a loud THWACK, which was quickly followed by a rather plaintive cry issuing from Zora's lips.

  Ms Wright proved to have a very good right arm. She swung the paddle down several more times, each swat leaving an ache and a burn that made Zora wail. After the first six swats, Zora was clinging to the desk with tears in her eyes.

  A seventh slap from the paddle damn near broke her resolve. It hurt. It hurt with a burn and a sting and an ache that made her legs tremble. And it was not over. Three more times Ms Wright bought the paddle down, until Zora could stand it no more and jumped up, clutching at her bottom with both hands as tears slid down her face.

  She had managed to stay stoically silent aside from yelps and howls, but when Ms Wright reached for her again, she drew away with a plaintive, “Please, no!”

  One steely sentence destroyed Zora's hope for an early finish to the session.

  “I am not yet finished with you, Ms Matthews.”

  Ms Wright took Zora by the arm and drew her around the desk where she sat in Martin Holt's chair and tipped Zora over her lap with practiced ease. Zora tried to reach back and cover her bottom, but Ms Wright smacked her hands away and then pulled her panties down to boot.

  Caught bare bottomed and red cheeked over the woman's lap, Zora was left to wail as Ms Wright began spanking her bare cheeks with her weathered hand. The woman seemed to know just where to smack to cause the most heat and sting. Before long Zora's feet were flailing, her hair stuck to her face, blinding her along with tears, her legs scissoring as Ms Wright smacked her bottom to a new kind of heat.

  “Now, Zora, have you learned your lesson?” Ms Wright paused the punishment to inquire after Zora's state of mind.

  “Yes!” Zora was ready to capitulate a dozen times over.

  “You're very red,” the woman said, reaching into her breast pocket to draw out a tube of Arnica gel. Zora recognized the smell the moment it was uncapped. “I think you don't get spanked enough.”

  “That's what Savage said,” Zora sniffed as the woman began rubbing the gel into her lower cheeks.

  “Captain Savage is a believer in corporal discipline, so why has he not been spanking you?”

  “I guess he feels guilty for dragging me back here,” Zora sniffed, surprising herself with the answer. In spite of the hard paddling and spanking she'd received, Ms Wright's ministrations were already making her feel better.

  “I think you're probably right,” Ms Wright agreed, gently drawing Zora's panties back over her cheeks to restore her dignity. She finished the proceedings with a pat to Zora's pantied bottom as she helped the very well spanked miscreant to stand up.

  Zora could not look at Ms Wright as she yanked her shorts up and rubbed the back of her arm across her eyes to dry the tears.

  “Look at me, Ms Matthews.”

  Zora sort of looked at her. She stared at a point on the woman's forehead.

  “I'm going to be watching you. If there's so much as a minor incident, you'll be meeting with my paddle again.”

  Zora felt her nose wrinkle at the announcement. She did not wish to ever encounter Ms Wright again. The woman was far too thorough for her own good, far too brisk and businesslike with a paddle too. Wright was wrong where Zora was concerned. Wright needed to be taken right out of the equation.

  Just as Zora began plotting ways to have Ms Wright sent to Siberia, Martin Holt entered the room.

  “Have we come to a satisfactory conclusion, ladies?”

  He looked at Zora. Ms Wright looked at Zora. Clearly they expected some sort of apology, some sort of verbal submission. She wasn't inclined to give them one. It was bad enough that she could feel her pulse in her bottom. Zora didn't think she could bear the emotional sting of having to acknowledge her acceptance of the punishment verbally as well.

  “Perhaps Ms Wright needs to repeat the dose,” Martin Holt suggested.

  “If she so much as tries, she'll find the paddle where the sun doesn't shine,” Zora replied, her face contorting with embarrassed anger.

  “Zora, that is enough,” Ms Wright interjected. “Any more and you'll be getting another spanking.”

  “I don't care,” Zora said bravely, ignoring the twitching of the muscle in her heated bottom. “I've had enough of all of this.” She glowered at Martin Holt. “This is all your fault. I'm going to make you pay for it.”

  “Threats, Ms Matthews?” Martin Holt shook his head. “Captain Savage was wrong. Corporal punishment has done nothing but make you combative.”

  “I disagree,” Ms Wright said, her steel gaze locked firmly on Zora in a way that made her squirm uncomfortably where she stood. “The ridiculous behavior on display now is Ms Matthew's attempt to soothe what is a very bruised ego.”

  “What do you suggest then, Ms Wright? Further discipline?”

  Zora found herself holding her breath as Ms Wright shook her head. “Not this evening. My point has been made. I suggest we let Ms Matthews go and lick her wounds before she feels the need to behave in a way that will truly require correction.”

  She was being talked about as if she were an interesting subject, nothing more. Zora hated it. She felt herself blush as Ms Wright read her like a book – aloud, at that.

  After Ms Wright and Martin Holt were done with her, Zora was more than happy to escape into the night and scuttle home where Savage was waiting for her. She wanted to yell and scream at him, but instead she melted into his outstretched arms the moment he opened the door and drew her inside.

  “How are you, sweetheart?”

  “Sore,” she sniffed.

  “No more than you deserve to be, I'll bet,” he said, cradling her close.

  “Why did you let them do that? Some crazy mean lady hit me with a damn paddle.”

  “Because you have to know that there's more than one person capable of tanning your little hide when you need it,” Savage said, caressing her burning cheeks. “Because I'm going to have to head out on some deployments soon and I don't want to find you in a military prison when I get back.”

  His hand was large and comforting against her bottom. As Zora clung to him, Savage peeled her shorts and panties down and slid his fingers possessively between her thighs. She moaned, spreading her legs as he toyed with her.

  “You're wet,” he murmured against her ear. “F
rom being paddled by a woman, no less.”

  “I can't help it,” Zora moaned as his fingertip brushed lightly against her clit, making her hips jerk.

  “No, you can't, can you? You can't help being a trouble-making brat. And you can't help getting all wet whenever somebody spanks your bottom.” He pushed a finger inside her body, spearing into her tender flesh. “God, Zora,” he said, his voice hoarse with arousal. “You're just a little hellion.”

  “I am not,” she moaned, spreading her legs to give him greater access.

  “Oh yes you are,” he said, holding her in his arms. “Let's go to the bedroom and I'll show you just how much.” Without waiting for her response he carried her off to their lair of intimacy.

  As Savage laid her down on the covers and kissed his way down her body, finally letting his lips find a home against the wet petals of her pussy, Zora realized that there was something of an advantage to being punished by someone else. Instead of being her disciplinarian, Savage was giving her pleasure, pleasure that drove all thought of the paddling out of her head and even made the ache in her butt diminish as he slid his hands underneath her cheeks, lifting her pussy to his mouth.

  She cried out all over again as he stripped her fully naked. He gave his own clothing the same treatment, kneeling over her completely naked, his hot, hard body making her melt in anticipation.

  “You're so fucking huge,” she said, biting her lip as she looked down at the thick, hard rod of his erection.

  “Because of you, you naughty little wench,” he said, slapping the head of his cock lightly against the junction of her thighs, catching her clit indirectly with a jolting caress.

  She felt the muscles in her lower belly clench and release with need. It was as if her body was trying to draw him in.

  “I know Ms Wright paddled your little ass, but I'm not done with you, Matthews. You skipped out on me, brat. And you brought down half the MPs in this place. Not to mention that ridiculous stunt in the data center.”


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