Unbearable Fear

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Unbearable Fear Page 15

by ML Guida

  Sandra sat in a chair, her head slumped to the side and her arms hanging loosely.

  Betsy was checking her pulse. “She’s not coming around. What did you men do to her? I don’t believe for a minute she saw a mouse.”

  Vaughn and Tash glanced at each other. Tash nodded. Vaughn sprayed both Dr. Davis and Betsy with the gas. They collapsed slowly to the ground.

  “More medical personnel will come.” Vaughn peeked out the door.

  Walfea grabbed the plastic bag underneath the bed that had his clothes. “I know.” He yanked on his pants too fast. He swayed and fell onto the bed.

  “Let me help.” Tash grabbed the shirt out of the bed and forced Walfea’s arms inside the sleeves as if he were a little cub.

  Walfea couldn’t meet the captain’s direct gaze. He was a security bear. He should be stronger than this.

  “We need to get…out of here.” Walfea pushed himself off the bed and spread his legs apart to balance.

  “Obviously.” Tash seized his arm.

  “I can walk.”

  “If you fall, the humans will be all over us. Now buckle up and let us help you.”

  Walfea bit back another protest. Because it was obvious––he did need help. He tilted his head at Sandra. “We need her.”

  “Why?” Tash looked at her as if she were a pest.

  “Because Hector kidnapped her. She may know where he is. I need help in locating him.”

  Vaughn opened his mouth.

  “My smells intact, Vaughn, but if I just rely on that, she could be dead.”

  Tash forced Walfea to move with him. “Bring her.”

  Vaughn quickly put Sandra in a wheelchair that folded up near the bed. “Hope this works.”

  “It will.” Tash glared. “As long as you put on your game face.”

  Vaughn growled, but he looked more confident.

  Tash escorted Walfea out of the room, holding on to his arm tightly. Sweat leaked down his temples, and he was shaking. He was so much stronger as bear.

  Walfea looked straight ahead, putting one foot in front of him at time.

  The nurses barely noticed them, because they were cooing over pictures and looking at their computers.

  “Doctor, is she okay?” a voice said behind them.

  Both he and Tash tensed, but neither of them turned around.

  “Taking her for an MRI,” Vaughn said. “The doctor gave her a sedative to calm her nerves.” His voice was nonchalant and bored.

  “What room was she in?”

  “She was upstairs, but I got off here, because she said she was feeling woozy.”

  Tash and Walfea reached the elevators. The young nurse nodded and returned to working on her computer. Vaughn hurried down the hall to join them.

  Walfea held his breath as they waited for the elevator. They quickly shut the doors. Every minute risked an alarm. He had to get out of the hospital and find Skye.

  They reached the sliding glass doors and ran into Jeff Weaver crossing the parking lot. He was alone. Where was Steve Walker?

  Jeff looked at him curiously. “Hey, Walfea, you’re released?” A hint of disappointment was in his voice.

  The smell. The woodsy fake scent.

  Walfea narrowed his eyes. It was him. Jeff Weaver was the betrayer.

  Chapter 19

  Skye had no idea why Hector brought her to this old, one-room, rickety fishing cabin. The pine walls looked like they were about to fall down any minute. A pot belly stove in the middle of the kitchen, offered the only heat.

  Hector stared at her from across a wooden kitchen table, playing with a bowie knife that would scare the pants off a mountain man. She pulled on her bound wrists. Her hands were slowly going numb.

  “I’d untie you, Skye, but I doubt you’d be a good girl. Not after I told you that Sandra was safe.”

  She’d a rag stuffed in her mouth. Her lips were pulled back as if he were forcing her to wear a smile. Bitter pain pounded in her gut.

  The bastard had stuffed a rag in her mouth, so she couldn’t breathe. He had a scratch on the side of his check, but she’d paid for it.

  One eye was swollen shut, but she glared with the other one, wishing she had lasers and could cut him in two.

  “Jeff will be back soon.”

  “Why?” she mumbled through the rag.

  “I need money. We’re going to Brazil. No one will ever find us.”

  Brazil? Had he just lost his mind?

  “Soon Walfea will be dead. We’ll be able to build a life together.”

  She shook her head violently and wiggled helplessly in the chair. “No, I’ll kill you.” But the words muffled like any hope of escape.

  “Don’t tell me no.” He seized her chin and squeezed hard, forcing her lips and cheeks together. He forced her head to move up and down. “That’s better.”

  He released her and gave her a smile that stole her will.

  Tears filled her eyes. She struggled to breathe. No. Not Walfea. God, what an idiot she’d been. Why hadn’t she made love to him? To feel him inside her. To remember his touch, his kiss, his scent, to be the last thing she remembered in his world.

  No one knew about this god-forsaken place, but she wasn’t going to be a submissive captive. She’d fight with everything she had to escape.

  She wouldn’t let Walfea die.

  Hector’s phone rang.

  “Is he dead?”

  Skye held her breath. Be alive, please be alive.


  Hector flashed her a smile that beat down any hope. And cut into her heart. And the old pain that she would never get her life back, never be a peace, never find love, loomed in her gut like a pulsing ulcer.

  “Jeff’s on his way.”

  Skye lifted her head. Tears had dried up. Adrenaline pushed hate through her to every part of her body. She refused to cower beneath his deathly stare.

  There was a hint, no matter how slight, of doubt in his eyes.

  She redoubled her efforts on moving the ropes up and down on the chair’s splintered rod.

  “It’s useless to try and escape, Skye. Jeff said he’s only ten minutes away. And soon we’ll be gone.”

  He was goading her. She didn’t flinch. She met his gaze, refusing to give him the pleasure of seeing her fear. It was there, just below the surface, clawing to get out.

  A car pulled into the parking lot, the gravel signaling her time was up.

  Footsteps clumped.

  “That was fast.”

  Something growled, a menacing low one.

  She panted hard and slid her wrists down faster on the rod that suddenly had developed a new strength.

  Come on. Come on, break.

  “Jesus Christ.” He jumped back ten feet. His face pale and his eyeballs bulging. “There’s a fucking polar bear out there.”

  He’s alive. Walfea, he’s alive.

  Her laugh came out like a choke, and her body shook with joy.

  The door busted down. Splinters of wood flew through the air like bullets.

  A white polar bear, the most beautiful sight Skye had ever seen, stood on the shredded door, snarling. Death reflected in his green eyes.

  Hector pulled a gun out of a drawer.

  But he wasn’t fast enough.

  Walfea swiped his paw. Hector screamed. Blood splattered across the pot belly stove. A loud bang shook the cabin. Fiery heat whizzed by her forehead and she jerked back. Clouds of smoke muddied her eyes.

  Something sharp sliced through her bindings. She immediately pulled her wrists in front of her and yanked out the rag out of her mouth.

  “Skye?” Strong hands were all over her. “Are you all right? Are you hurt?” Walfea’s baritone voice was the most romantic thing she’d ever heard.

  “Walfea, I’m all right.” She laughed hysterically.

  He held her in his arms. “Are you sure?”

  The mist in her eyes faded and she stared at the most handsome man she’d ever met. His worried look only ma
de her smile.

  “I’m sure.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. “Because you’re alive. Kiss me.”

  He bent his head. She was the aggressor. Her tongue sought his out. He was masculine, strong, and hers, all hers. She held on to him, never wanting to lose him again.

  Someone cleared their throat.

  Walfea broke off the kiss and lifted his head frowning. He straightened and turned her around.

  Hector’s body was crumpled on the floor. Blood and gore were on the cupboard and floor. His head nearly ripped off. His hand was still held a gun.

  Skye should have felt mercy or sorrow, but she didn’t.

  No gut reaction. No terror. No nothing.

  The air tasted sweeter and the constant fear beneath her surface finally died. Her nerves un-wound and muscles unclenched. She was free.

  “Skye, this is my captain. Captain Tash.”

  She turned her head away from Hector for the very last time and froze. Even if Walfea hadn’t told her this was a captain, she would have known he was a leader. His green eyes were hard. He’d a scar on his face like Walfea. His made him look dangerous, while Walfea’s made her want to strip his clothes off.

  He was as tall and muscular as Walfea, but rather than white hair, he had long brown hair that was tied in a ponytail. He reminded her of pirate, ready to slash and pillage and burn. She stepped closer to Walfea and clasped his hand.

  “You’re Walfea’s mate?”

  Walfea hissed and turned away. He tensed as if he were waiting for another rejection.

  She looked up at Walfea, completely ignoring the glowering captain.

  “Yes, yes I am.”

  Walfea looked as if he wasn’t sure he believed her.

  “You heard me––I said yes.”

  “You do.”

  Walfea scooped her into his arms and looked down at her. She put her hand his check. His white scruffy stubble was softer than she’d expected–more like fur. He bent and kissed her softly on the lips, but she wanted so much more.

  “Do you know what it means to be a mate?”

  “No, but I’m sure you’ll tell me.”

  Tash cleared his throat. “I think you have some friends who’d like to talk to you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Oh my God, Steve!”

  Walfea laughed. “He’s fine. Banged up, but he’s fine. Sandra’s with them. They’re both a little dazed.”

  “Why is Sandra dazed?”

  “We used ragon gas on her,” Tash interrupted. “She was making a scene at the hospital, and we had to silence her.”

  She glared and snapped her finger. “Just like that.”

  “Yes.” He drawled out the word. He motioned toward Hector’s corpse. “I think we should leave before your security team comes.”

  She looked at Walfea questioningly. “Security team?”

  “He means your police force.” He took her hand and led her out of the grisly scene.

  Steve sat in the back seat with Sandra. He had a bandage on his head and was very pale. Skye released Walfea’s hand and rushed over. She flung open the door.

  “Steve, are you all right?”

  “I’ve seen better days. I wouldn’t have believed it, but your man transformed into a bear. Scared the living daylights out of me.”

  She raised her eyebrow. “You’re not totally freaked out.”

  “I was, believe me. But his two friends, Vaughn and Tash, saved my ass. Jeff had decided I was a liability and was fixing to throw me off a cliff when they arrived. He had me tied up in the trunk of his car.” He moved and winced. “Head’s still a little fuzzy.”

  Sandra patted Steve’s thigh. “Just rest a few minutes. Jeff talked his head off when they transformed into two of the meanest grizzly bears you’ve ever seen.” She glanced over at Walfea, who was talking with Tash. “I’m still a little freaked out and still a little dizzy.”

  Steve had his eyes closed. “Afraid to say they played ping-pong with Jeff until he talked a yellow streak.”

  “Where is Jeff now?”

  He put his thumb out. “Tied up in the back of the Escalade. We’re going to take him to the police.”


  Skye held Steve’s shaking hand. “Steve, I have to ask. Why all the mysterious phone calls…We thought…”

  He squeezed hers. “You thought I was the one betraying you, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “I was afraid to tell you.” He looked down and took a quaking breath. “I’m… I’m gay. And I found someone. That’s who I was talking to on the phone.”

  “Is that all?” Skye hugged him. “Did you think I’d love you any less?”

  He held onto her tight. “I was afraid. You’re all my family. I didn’t want to lose any of you, especially my baby sister.”

  She kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t be. You’ll always be my big brother.” She released him. “When will me meet this new beau?”

  Steve’s cheeks turned red. “He’s on tour with the Gypsies. He’s their manager.”

  “Can’t wait to meet him.”

  Sandra leaned close. “We’re fine. Go be with Walfea. We’ll clean up this mess.”

  Later that night, Walfea and Skye were alone in the caretaker’s home. Skye sat on her familiar place on the couch curled up next to Walfea.

  “So, Tash and Vaughn have gone back to the ship?”


  She looked at the stars above the mountains. “Will you take me there sometime?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  She sipped her wine. She didn’t know why she was so nervous, but she was about ready to crawl out of her skin.

  He nuzzled her ear. “You’re shaking.”

  She shivered. “What does it mean to be a mate?”

  “We become one. Can never be parted.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything. Humans get divorced all the time.”

  He removed the wine glass from her shaking hands and put it on the table.

  “We’re not humans.” He got on his knees and looked up at her. It was as if he were proposing.

  Her heart thudded, and her breath quickened.

  “When Arians mate, our souls become one. If an Arian were to separate from his mate, it would be death. One cannot live without the other. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “You mean if you die, I would die.”

  “Yes, the bond is that strong. The Shades do not take bonding lightly. Once done, it cannot be undone.” He clasped her hand that had the green star on her wrist.

  “What will happen if I say yes?”

  “We will consummate. I will have a green star on my wrist. We hold hands and the Shades will make us one.”

  Skye stared into his honest pleading eyes. Since her parents died, she’d never had a real family. Her band was the closest thing she’d had to a family but turned out one of them wanted her dead. Humans sucked at love and turned their backs on each other. Maybe the Arians were different.

  “Show me.” She pushed his hair back.

  He stood and held out his hand. “Come with me.”

  She held his hand and squeezed it gently. He led her into his bedroom.

  “You can lead if you’d like.”

  “I think I’ve lost my nerve.”

  “As you like.” He kissed her gently on the lips and slid his hands up her quivering stomach.

  She sucked in her gut.

  “Easy rock star. I promise I won’t bite.”

  “But you might growl.”

  “Only when I come inside you.”

  He lifted her shirt off her and flickered his star over her.

  She crossed her arms as if she were scared.

  Without saying a word, he uncrossed them. In one flick and then another, bra straps came down. Her legs trembled, and she was sure she would fall.

  He wrapped his hand around her back and undid her bra. Like a feather, the straps ca
ressed her trembling arms.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “You already said that.”

  “And I’ll never stop.” He leaned over and brushed his lips on her neck, planting soft pecks that made her break out in goosebumps. The button on her jean popped off, and she gasped.

  He chuckled, but his eyes grew darker. His lips caressed her as he made his way down her shivering body. Her jeans were rolled down bit by bit until they were a pool at her feet.

  He lifted her up and shoved jeans and shoes off. She was placed on a comforter.

  “Naked for only me to see.” He sucked in his breath and lowered his head. “I shouldn’t have said that. I sound like–”

  She climbed on her and put her finger on his lips. “Never, never say that. Hector’s gone. He doesn’t have power over me. I chose you. Just as I’m naked only for you to see.” She put her hands on the top of his shirt, and using all her strength, yanked. The material ripped in half.

  His eyes widened. “You little minx. I liked that shirt.”

  “Your body is only for me to see.” She licked his skin, tasting spice and everything nice. He groaned, or did he growl? She didn’t care.

  She put her hand around his neck and pulled him down, wanting to feel skin-to-skin. “Love me.”

  He kissed her deeply, then put his hands on either side of her face. “I do, you know.”

  “You do what?”

  “I love you.”

  She put her hand on his chest. His heart beating beneath her fingers. “I know. You came for me.”

  “I’d die for you.”

  “You almost did. I’ve never had anyone love me like that.”

  “And you never will.”

  “Will you do something else for me?” She pushed together her finger and thumb about an inch apart. “One little thing?”


  She smiled and bit his nipple making him gasp. “Get out of those fucking jeans.”

  He growled and his eyes glowed, but she wasn’t scared. Desire like she’d never had rushed through her. She wanted his hands and mouth everywhere.

  Walfea got off the bed and jerked off his jeans. He was on her, his hands slowly moving over her, kissing her, licking, teasing her with those lips.

  She ran her hand over his body, discovering what made him hiss, groan, and growl. She had power over him. He was her bear.


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