Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series

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Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series Page 2

by Michelle Areaux

Eden growls at him and he stops and his smirk goes away.

  “If I’m not at a performing arts school, then where am I?” I ask, almost fearful of the answer I will receive.

  Eden leans over and is way too close for comfort. I start to piece things together. Eden and Donovan look alike. Donovan has the same last name as Dean Sullivan. It all comes crashing down on me like a freight train.

  “Wait,” I say, standing up and pacing the room. “Are you Dean Sullivan’s son,” I ask toward Donovan. “And you are...twins?” I finally sputtered out.

  Both of their heads nod, confirming that what I am saying is accurate.

  “Calm down. Our dad will be here in just a moment. We told him there was a problem and he is coming now,” Eden says.

  “I am the problem. I am in danger, why?” I ask, my voice shaking as tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

  “Come on, just tell her,” Donovan shouts, and his voice causes me to jump and gasp. I wish I could run away and hide, but I have no clue where I would go.

  “Tell me what?” I cried out. I don’t know how much more I can handle.

  Eden looks at me with a softness in her eyes that keeps me from screaming and jumping through the window in front of me. “Audrey, you are at the House of Shadows. This is a prestigious Vampire Academy school. We train Vampires to assimilate into the real world while also getting the best education possible,” Eden says slowly.


  Wrong School…

  All at once, everything that I had just heard and experienced hit me like a flash of lightning. To make sure I understood exactly what she was saying, Eden smiled, allowing her white, shiny fangs to protrude from her gums. As I gasped, her eyes turned from a hunter green to a golden yellow. I felt my legs crumble beneath me as darkness swirled in my vision. I felt like thick, heavy tentacles were pulling me down into a black abyss and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

  Oh no, I was passing out with two Vampires in front of me.


  “How long has she been out?” a deep voice echoed around me.

  My head was foggy and felt like I was being hit with hammers. I slowly opened my eyes and then quickly shot them open.

  Standing above me were Eden, Donovan, and Dean Sullivan… Vampires.

  Images of blood-thirsty monsters began to play through my head. Every Vampire-horror filled movie I had ever seen screamed through my mind.

  I leaned up on my elbows and tried to push myself back and away from them, but it was no use. They were crowded around me. I was trapped. Just then, the doors swung open again and in rushed another man with two guys trailing behind him.

  “Professor Martin, please come in and close the door quickly,” Dean Sullivan demanded.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” I whimpered, feeling defeated.

  Donovan let out a haughty laugh and ran a hand through his slicked-back hair. “She has clearly seen way too many Vampire movies,” he sneered.

  I stared at them all with mock confusion. Were they taunting me? I couldn’t be sure.

  It was Dean Sullivan who spoke again. “Audrey, I promise we are not going to hurt you. From what my children have told me, your acceptance of this school was an error. I have my assistant and Professor Martin trying to figure out the details, but, for now, I can assure you that you are safe and will remain that way,” he stated.

  Eden offered me a hand and she helped me up. Reluctantly, I allowed her to help me up and I sat back in the leather chair I had previously been in.

  “You are can that be possible? Vampire's don’t exist,” I said, more to myself than to them.

  “Vampires have existed in this world for centuries. We have just done a superb job hiding our identities amongst humans. This school provides opportunities for the elite of our kind to get a trained education and find resources to survive and acclimate into the human world,” Dean Sullivan said softly. “Take Professor Martin, here for example. Outside of being one of our Biology Instructors, one of his main roles is to research and find Vampire-run companies that harvest and sell synthetic blood and animal blood. As I stated, we don’t feed from humans.”

  “How...Why…” I tried to speak, but words seemed to evade me.

  Eden grabbed my hand and held it inside her icy palms. “Audrey, I promise it is true. When we were outside earlier, I could smell you,” she said.

  “Smell me?” I asked, and then realization struck me again-- Blood. Carl had told me I had smelled like blood and he had asked me when I last fed.

  “Your human blood. Vampires can sense when a human is around. We have exceptional hearing, smell, and sight. I spotted you fast, which means, others will too,” she said.

  I gulped down the bile that was threatening to release from my stomach.

  “I have to get out of here. I need to call my dad and tell him he made a terrible mistake,” I cried out.

  “We need to discuss that,” Dean Sullivan added. “Now that you are aware of us, we can’t let you leave-- just yet. You could expose the world to our secret and that would not be good for any of us,” he stated, matter-of-fact like.

  Now, true fear seared through me. Were they going to hold me here against my will? Like a hostage?

  “You can’t kidnap me,” I said. Though, I wasn’t sure I believed that.

  “It’s not kidnapping, my dear. We just can’t let you leave… Yet. Please, understand that this school holds the belief that Vampires and humans can safely co-exist. We teach our students how to live among humans. Some of them live in human homes, or will one day work at jobs with humans. That is what we do here, besides providing the best quality education money can buy,” he finished, smiling.

  “There are more like you?” I asked, a bit startled by his revelation.

  This time, Donovan jumped in the conversation. “Of course, there are. Humans are insane if they think there aren’t other supernatural creatures living in this world.”

  My eyes rose in fear as I let that sink in.

  “So, there have been Vampires masquerading as humans? Like who?” I asked. It was a morbid curiosity that had me asking questions.

  “Politicians, Celebrities, Singers… you name it, they could potentially be a Vampire,” Eden added.

  Everything I had ever thought or known was quickly erased. Life as I knew it would never be the same again.

  “So, what does this mean for me? Obviously, I am not going to be attending my dream school, so what do I do now?” I asked.

  Now that I was aware that they weren’t going to suck my blood and have me for dinner, I could settle my nerves-- Just a little.

  “First, I need to find out who was responsible for allowing your application to get through our system. Once that happens, we can determine who is to blame. The next step is to meet with the other students and let them know that a human is, in fact, joining us at the school,” he finished.

  Thinking he had lost his mind, I jumped up out of the seat, almost knocking the chair over. “You can’t be serious!” I wailed. “I can’t go to school here! My dream is to be an actress. I thought I was going to attend a performing arts school where I could learn more about my craft.”

  Both the Dean and Eden gave me sympathetic looks, but Donovan continued to glare at me like he didn’t understand my outbursts.

  “Audrey, bringing unwanted attention to yourself here is not a good idea. At least, not until I have addressed the staff and students. Vampires know that harming a human will not be tolerated. I just need to remind them and the new Vampires of this. I can assure you that you will still obtain a superior education while at our school. We have secured the best professors and curriculum in the world. We strive for nothing short of excellence. And, while students do take classes on how to crave their hunger,” he paused, clearing his throat, “we offer a wide range of performing arts classes, too. Remember, we have graduated some of the world’s finest political leaders and award-winning actors. As far as the outside world is co
ncerned, House of Shadows is just an elite school with very strict admission guidelines,” he finished, nodding with a smile.

  While he was creating a strong case for me to remain at the House of Shadows, it was still an absurd idea. I couldn’t live among Vampires. What if one decided to make me a snack? I shuddered at the thought.

  “As amazing as I am sure this school is, it isn’t what I thought I was walking into. I promise, if you just let me go, I won’t tell anyone about this place,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

  “I can understand your hesitation, but the decision has been made. You will remain here or…” his voice trailed off, and Eden placed her hand on her father’s arm.

  “Dad, she is innocent,” Eden warned.

  I saw an exchange pass between them, almost like they were having some type of conversation, but that was impossible. They weren’t even speaking aloud.

  I couldn’t stand being suffocated in this room any longer. I found it difficult to breathe and I could feel a panic attack looming. Seeing this, Donovan carefully made his way over to me. For a brief moment, I thought he might be coming to hurt me. From our previous interactions, I could tell this dream-like boy wasn’t too fond of me.

  But to my surprise, he leaned down and slowly whispered into my ear, “Take a deep breath. No one here will hurt you.”

  I reached for my pocket, hoping I could quickly text out a message to my dad, but when I placed my hand in my pocket, it was empty.

  Startled, my eyes rose as I glared at Eden.

  Sighing, she looked down briefly, almost as though she were ashamed.

  “Where is my phone?” I asked, glancing around at everyone in the room.

  “We took it,” Donovan stated. He didn’t even seem ashamed, like Eden seemed to be.

  “Why?” I cried out. “That is my property.”

  “It is for both of our protection,” Dean Sullivan said softly. “Once we get everything arranged, you will get your phone back.”

  I knew what that meant. He was holding it hostage until they knew I wouldn’t rat them out. “Donovan, how can you say no one will hurt me and then steal my phone?” I asked, turning to him now.

  “You are being very dramatic,” he sighed, shaking his head in frustration.

  I turned to stare at him in bewilderment. Donovan was odd to me. He had the temperament of Vampires I had seen portrayed in movies and television-- brooding, hot, angry-- but he also appeared to have a kind soul, too.

  Part of me wanted to argue my case that they shouldn’t have taken my phone, but I knew it would be pointless. Regardless of what I said, I was still a prisoner here and they had the upper hand. “I’m scared,” I whispered, glancing at Eden and then to Donovan.

  Donovan regarded me for a moment and I stared deep into his golden eyes and finally allowed the tears to shed. There was no use holding them back any longer.

  “Let’s all just calm down. Eden, can you show Audrey to her room. I will gather her schedule and let the tour guides know that you will be her guide, instead. I need to arrange a meeting with the staff before the assembly this evening. Until then, keep Audrey away from the other students. Those who have been attending here for years will have little trouble reframing from acting on their urges. However, our new students will struggle,” Dean Sullivan spoke to the twins.

  Eden and Donovan nodded and then like a flash, Dean Sullivan was gone.

  I was left with twin Vampires… and I was helpless.

  Chapter 4

  “You know everything will be ok, right?” Eden asks, as I follow closely beside her.

  I am totally and completely out of my element here and have no earthly idea what to do.

  I simply nod my head as I follow her lead. She can’t really believe that I will be ok here. I am a human, filled with blood-- A feast for these Vampires. To think that I have to remain here sounds insane. I have to find a way out of this place.

  As we walk, I realize we have made several turns and I haven’t been paying close attention. I need to watch every step she takes. I have to find a way out of here. To tell someone who can help me and take me safely back to my house.

  We stop in front of a large, wooden door.

  “This will be your room,” Eden says, as she glances back down to the paper in her hands. Before we left her dads office, he gave her my itinerary and personal information. She had my room number, class schedule, and history.

  “I have to go home,” I whisper to Eden, as she hands me a key.

  “It is really nice here,” Eden says, unlocking the door.

  I can tell she is trying to calm me down, but I can see the nervousness radiating off of her in waves.

  “I’m sure it is, but I don’t belong here. I’m a human. What if one of you all tries to attack me? What then?” I ask, my voice shaking with nervousness.

  Hesitating, Eden unlocked the door, shoved me inside, and then closed it behind her. I stood in the center of what appeared to be a large, modern bedroom. To my right, stood a large dark cherry wood dresser with silver knobs. To my left was a four-poster canopy bed of dark wood was filled with intricate designs and the bed looked very comfortable. The soft, white comforter and fluffy pillows called to me, and I wanted nothing more than to lay down and sleep forever.

  The walls were painted a light gray color and another door was just ahead of me next to a large window that allowed natural light to float in the room. I assumed the other door led to the bathroom and closet area. Maybe if I survived, I could check it out.

  “Audrey, I can’t even begin to understand what you are going through right now. But, if it makes you feel any better, you have been surrounded by Vampires your entire life and have survived,” she said, slightly laughing as she tried to lighten the mood.

  It didn’t work.

  Now my heart was racing even faster as I realized the danger I had been around and never knew about it. What a terrifying thought.

  “That does not make me feel better,” I sigh.

  Blowing out a deep breath, Eden tucked a strand of her short hair behind her ear. “Ok, maybe that wasn’t the best example, but if something happens to you, your family will come looking for you. If we hurt you, we risk exposing who we really are. That is not something we can do,” she admitted.

  Now that did make me feel somewhat better. My heart slowed a beat and I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. I felt the mattress sink down and now I desperately wanted to fall back and just close my eyes. Maybe if I did, I would wake up and this would all be a dream.

  “My dad… he thinks I am at a performing arts school. He will want to talk to me. I have to be able to contact him,” I said, looking at Eden.

  She walked over and sat next to me. “We will let you talk to him. I am sure my dad will make the arrangements. We just want to be sure that you don’t…”

  Her voice trailed off and I knew what she was about to say. She meant that they were afraid I would tell my dad or someone else that they are Vampires.

  “Look, if I can just make it out of here alive, I won’t tell anyone about you,” I said, and I meant it.

  “This really is a great school. Like my dad said earlier, we have graduated actors who went on to win Academy Awards. We can offer you a great school. Plus, you could help us learn to work with humans.”

  I thought about her words for a moment. If I had been living with Vampires all my life, would this really be any different? Sure, I had never slept under the same roof with them before, but I had been in the same rooms and buildings. That was sorta the same, right?

  Was I insane to believe that I could make this work? If they did have a great performing arts program, would it be so bad if I stayed?

  I shook my head, trying to will myself to think logically.

  I couldn’t stay at the House of Shadows, or could I?

  Chapter 5

  My bags were brought up to my room sometime after Eden left. We had talked over the schedule I was given and before she left, Ede
n assured me that I would get a chance to talk with my dad. To be honest, the schedule didn’t look so bad. I would have my normal core classes; math, science, social studies, and English, but I would also have an acting class and a stage directions class. This would have been my schedule at the House of Shows, too...

  I absentmindedly placed my clothes in the dresser drawers. Feeling a little brave, I opened the other door and walked right into a spa-like bathroom. There was a walk-in closet also in there with the Academy uniforms hanging up.

  A loud ring blared from up above and I covered my ears as the sound pierced my eardrums.

  “Attention students. The new student orientation and tour will begin directly after the assembly. I need all students in the auditorium in fifteen-minutes,” a deep voice announced.

  My heart began to race as I realized I would be forced to join this group of Vampires again. Would others be able to detect that I was human? Would they be able to smell my blood? Fear began to wash over me again as I felt myself begin to hyperventilate.

  A knock on my door brought me crashing back down to reality. I stumbled to the door and opened it carefully, knowing I would have to be mindful of my surroundings now.

  Thankfully, it was Eden and I felt my nerves calm just a little.

  “Hey, I am going to take you down to the auditorium,” she said, offering a kind smile. Even though she was undead, she still had a kindness about her that made her seem human.

  “Thanks,” I said, my body still trembling. I wasn’t sure if I would ever stop shaking.

  Leaning in close, Eden pulled out a bottle of perfume. “This,” she said, gesturing toward the pink and white bottle, “is going to help mask your human scent,” she finished, spraying me with way too much perfume.

  I coughed and began to wave my hands around, trying to stop her assault. “You are going to make me sick,” I yelled, trying to back away from the sprays.

  “No, I am trying to save you,” she warned.

  Her words hit me hard and I stopped fighting her. After she had emptied almost the entire bottle on me, she began to lead me down the long hallway.


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