Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series

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Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series Page 7

by Michelle Areaux

  “She is just a bully. I can handle her,” I added.

  “I’m just glad you are finally liking it here. I don’t know what I would do if you were unhappy,” Zane said.

  His words made my heart flutter.

  “Surprisingly, I am enjoying myself here,” I admitted.

  Donovan sat down next to Eden at the end of the table and our eyes locked for a moment. He seemed to be trying to read me and for what reason, I had no idea. Donovan was like an elusive rare species. He was beautiful, yet there was something about him that told you to keep a distance.

  Zane nudged my side and Donovan diverted his eyes.

  “Huh?” I asked, turning back to Zane.

  “I was just telling you that tonight, I have a meeting to attend. Lain and Jordan will be with you,” he said, his voice dripping with sadness.

  It made my heart swell knowing he would miss our time together. I assured him I would be fine and we agreed to spend the next evening watching a movie together.

  After lunch was over, I went through the rest of my day, pretending to be a normal student in a world of Vampires.

  Chapter 12

  I had been immersed in mounds of homework when Eden bounded from the bathroom dressed in all black. She looked like a sleek ninja and I couldn’t help but smile at her.

  “What?” Eden asked, glancing down at her attire.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, trying to hide a giggle.

  “It’s my night to hunt,” she said, as though this was information I should know.

  “Oh,” I said. “I guess I forgot.”

  I tried to think back and see if she had told me. All that my mind would register was my moments with Zane. Man, I was falling for him.

  “Well, I told you at lunch the other day. But you were probably too busy giving Zane googly eyes,” she laughed.

  I threw a pencil at her and she quickly side stepped. Dang Vampire speed!

  “Where do you hunt?” I asked, standing and retrieving my pencil.

  “We are only allowed to hunt on the north side of the property. We have to stay away from the side of the property that borders the town,” she finished.

  I nodded, showing that I understood. That definitely made sense.

  “I will be back my morning,” she assured me.

  “See you later,” I said, waving as she left.

  Alone, I finished reviewing my monologue that I had to perform the next day. The room was silent and, usually, I would enjoy peace and quiet. But tonight, all the silence did was allow me to think of conversations that had taken place.

  Feeling bored and restless, I decided to step out onto the balcony and call my dad. It had been a few days since I last talked to him. Knowing him, he probably didn’t even know what day it was.

  Opening the french doors that led to the balcony, I allowed the cool air to comfort me. Bright, silver stars twinkled above as a white mist floated above the dewy grass. Even in the middle of the madness of this Vampire school, there was something truly remarkable and peaceful about the quiet of the night.

  I held my phone in my hands, wondering what I was going to say to my dad. After taking a deep breath, I found my dad’s name in my phone and waited for him to answer. I knew it was late, but I also knew he was more than likely still at the hospital.

  The phone rang only three times before my dad answered.

  “Hey, Audrey,” he sang through the phone.

  Hearing his voice provided me a comfort I didn’t’ know I needed.

  “Hey, dad,” I said. “How’s work?” I asked.

  I wish there were other things we could talk about, but over the last couple of years, work was the only thing my dad seemed to care about. And, I had learned the hard way that if I wanted to talk to my dad, it needed to be about what he was doing-- which was always work.

  “Work is busy. Are you liking your new school?” he asked.

  Again, I was placed in a situation where I could tell my dad the truth: that I was in a school filled with Vampires. That he made a massive mistake and needed to come save me. But, I just couldn’t bring myself to do that. Regardless of how insane it was to stay; I didn’t want to leave.

  “Yeah, it is different from what I expected, but I have made some friends,” I said.

  I could hear alarms and beeping in the background as my dad rambled on about new patients. As I pretended to listen to him, something moved out in the yard. I strained against the cool balcony, forcing my eyes to see through the blackness. Out of the corner of my eyes, I caught another movement--a flash of white light.

  Then, I saw them. The two boys Zane had been talking to the other day. They were running toward a large building that I knew housed the ATV’s and other school vehicles.

  “Hey dad, I need to go,” I said, interrupting him as he told me about a new pie they were serving in the hospital cafeteria.

  I ended our call and placed my phone in my pocket. These guys were up to something and I desperately needed to find out what it was. Looking around, I realized if I wanted to uncover their secret, I would have to follow them.

  With two guards outside my bedroom door, there was no way I could just walk out my door. So, I did the next best thing; I decided to climb down my balcony. The trellis attached to the wall looked sturdy enough. At least, I hoped it was.

  Taking a deep breath, I hiked my leg over the balcony railing and grabbed hold of my wooden trellis. I didn’t dare to look down. If I did, I might chicken out.

  So, without thinking, I made my way slowly down the side of the school, making sure to stay out of the light and to not make any sounds.

  Once I was on the ground, I stood next to the school walls, making sure to remain hidden. I kept my eyes focused on the building, watching and waiting for the two boys.

  They emerged from the large building with two 4-wheelers. Pushing them into the forest, they waited until they were out of sight before turning the key and revving the motors. I watched, veiled behind a tree as they sped off through the forest.

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to follow them with a 4-wheeler, too, so I did the next and probably stupidest thing possible-- I began running. I should have been dressed in all black, or at least made a better attempt to be incognito, but here I was running through the dark forest in my House of Shadows uniform.

  I followed the roars of their bikes as I ran as fast as I could. I wasn’t sure where they were going, but something deep inside of me told me to continue following them no matter what.

  After an hour of stumbling through the dark forest, and with aching feet, I finally found a clearing where city lights fitted into the darkness around me.

  Sounds of cars moving and people talking filled my ears, and I knew I must be close to the small town that my dad and I had driven through on our way to the school.

  Emerging from the forest, I made sure to remain locked inside the shadows. Glancing around, I realized this small town was only made up of Main Street with a few buildings and one restaurant. The restaurant seemed to be the only happening place around, as it appeared everyone in this small town appeared to be there. And, so were Alex and Marcus. I spotted their 4-wheelers parked in the parking lot and I began to make my way across the street.

  As I walked inside the dimly lit restaurant, I realized it also served as a bar and diner. One side housed a large bar with a bartender quickly handing out drinks to patrons, while on the other side people sat around round tables talking and eating. A band played in the back and a few people danced around a make-shift dance floor.

  I scanned the room as I kept my back to the wall. I didn’t even want to think what would happen if one of the guys spotted me.

  Suddenly, I heard a loud laughter to my right and my eyes landed on Alex and Marcus. They were accompanied by two girls who appeared to be in their early twenties. They seemed to be infatuated by the boys as they clung to every word they said.

  I watched them from a distant, the boys smiling and flirting with the g
irls. It all appeared harmless enough and I instantly felt silly for following them. I wasn’t’ sure what I expected to find, but it was clear these guys were just having some harmless fun with girls.

  I was about to turn and leave before anyone caught me, when I noticed Alex touch the girl with long, shiny brown hair. Upon his fingers brushing her cheek, her eyes seemed to close and her body went stiff. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear and like a zombie, she began to robotically follow him to the back of the building. Marcus did the same move on the blonde girl and before I knew it, the four of them were escaping out the back exit.

  Something about the way the girls eyes seemed to grow dead and cold bothered me. Knowing I should leave now, I fought an inner turmoil and did the second stupidest thing I had ever done-- I followed them once again.

  The exit door was only partly closed, allowing me to see just a little bit out into a side alleyway. Marcus leaned over the blonde and sniffed her neck. Cold chills tingled down my spine as my breath caught up in my throat. He wouldn’t...would he?

  Before my thoughts could catch up with my racing heart, Marcus unleashed his fangs and bit down onto the girls neck. She didn’t scream or try to fight him off, instead she seemed frozen in place, like she was in a trance or something.

  Alex did the same and I watched as he began feeding off his unknowing girl. Blood dripped down their necks and onto their shiny outfits. Nausea rolled in my stomach and I thought I might just get sick right there.

  Everything we had been warned about at the school came crashing down on me. Vampires were forbidden to feed on humans. It was against their rules. They were trying to live among humans and now Zane’s friends were outside of the school, feeding off these poor girls. I wanted to rush to their aid and help them, but there was nothing I could do. Feeling helpless, I quickly spun on my heels and made a mad dash for the front door again.

  Running back toward the woods, I kept glancing back to ensure I hadn’t been caught or followed. I ran so fast; I swore my legs might fall off once I stopped.

  Panting and sore, I emerged sometime later back on school grounds. Tears fell from my eyes and I coughed as I tried to regain my normal breathing. A few times I had to stop while running to catch my breath and wipe tears from my blurry eyes. I wasn’t sure how long it had taken me to return, but I knew I had to get back to the safety of my room fast.

  Stumbling through the damp grass, I stopped dead in my tracks as a figure stood before me. Illuminated by the silver glow of the night, Donovan stood glaring at me. His yellow eyes pierced through the darkness and I gulped down my fear and worry.

  This wasn’t good.

  “What do you think you are doing?” he asked, taking slow, deliberate steps toward me.

  I couldn’t think anymore. Still unable to breathe normally, I felt my heart rate quicken and everything around me began to spin. Before I knew what was happening, darkness took over and everything went blank.

  Chapter 13

  “What did you do?”

  With my head pounding, I heard faint voices circulating above me.

  Coming to, the memory of the night comes back full force and I feel like I have been knocked in the head by a hammer.

  My eyes slowly open and I spot Eden over me. Concern drips from her eyes.

  Donovan stands in the corner of what appears to be my dorm room. He has his familiar scowl as he glares at me from afar.

  Visions of spotting Donovan as I emerged from the woods brings me back to reality and suddenly, I feel sick again.

  “Why are you all in here?” I ask, my voice hoarse and dry.

  “Donovan found you passed out in the hallway,” Eden states, as she helps me sit up.

  I realize I am on my bed now and my shoes are off and by the door.

  That can’t be right, Donovan caught me sneaking around the grounds at night. Something that was absolutely forbidden and could get me in a lot of trouble. Why hadn’t he told on me? More importantly, why had he lied for me?

  “Maybe I just need to rest,” I offer, locking eyes with Donovan.

  “We need to make sure you are eating enough. We feed each day, but I guess humans require healthy meals,” Eden concludes.

  “Yeah, you need to be more careful,” Donovan adds, crossing his thick arms across his massive chest.

  I feel the intensity of his stare and I can’t help but shiver from his ice-cold stare.

  I feel the warning in his words and know that at some point, we will have to talk about this.

  “Are you cold?” Eden asks, noticing my shaking.

  “A little,” I admit.

  “I will go get you some extra blankets and a drink,” Eden offers, as she rushes out of the door, leaving Donovan and myself alone.

  Silence takes over and we just stare at one another for what feels like forever.

  “Why did you do it?” I ask, finally breaking the awkwardness.

  “What do you mean?” Donovan asks, playing coy.

  Astounded by his vague response, I jump out of bed and rush toward him. I stop with my nose just barely inches from his. “You know exactly what I mean,” I yell, shoving my finger into his hard chest. “You caught me outside at night. Something that is against the school rules. Why didn’t you turn me in? Why did you bring me here?” I ask, my voice rising with each word spoken.

  Donovan doesn’t even flinch as I accost him and scream directly in his face. Instead, his eyes remain locked on mine, as though he is trying to reach deep into my inner soul.

  “Why were you outside?” Donovan asks, ignoring my questions.

  I take a step back, shaking my head in utter frustration. “Why does it matter?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest in defiance.

  “Because, it matters,” Donovan answers, his eyes never leaving mine.

  Letting my shoulders drop, I realize Donovan is more stubborn than I am. He has already caught me, yet, he hasn’t ratted me out… yet. I might as well answer a few of his questions.

  Sighing, I march back over to my bed and sit down on the edge. “I guess if I told you I was just out taking a walk, you wouldn’t believe me,” I began.

  “Not a chance,” Donovan growled.

  “Ok, well I saw Marcus and Alex talking with Zane a few days ago. They were talking quietly and when I asked Jordan about it, he snapped at me. It was all really strange. Anyway, I was talking to my dad tonight and I spotted them heading toward their ATV building. I decided to follow them and see what they were up to. For a brief moment, I considered I could possibly escape this place. But, they just went to some small bar and restaurant. They met with some girls and I considered the possibility that I had made a huge mistak; however, I saw something that made me realize different,” I said, pausing.

  “You are right; that was incredibly stupid,” Donovan began. His eyes were filled with disappointment and I hated how terrible that made me feel. “What did you see?” he asked, his eyes boring into mine.

  I gulped down my fear. If I told Donovan what I saw, this could put me in danger.

  “I just saw them flirting with the girls. It was disgusting,” I added.

  I lied, but I knew I needed to hold onto this information a little bit longer. At least until I knew exactly what it all meant.

  I just needed to get through this semester and then when I could go home, I could figure out a way to fix everything. For now, I needed to keep myself safe.

  “Really?” Donovan asked, his voice clipped as he crossed his thick arms across his chest.

  I clenched my teeth as I participated in a stare off with him.

  “Yes,” I lied again.

  I noticed Donovan flinch as though my words had assaulted him.

  Zane, along with Jordan and Lain, were striding toward me and I wanted to hide in a case somewhere. How could my luck me so bad today?

  Zane stopped right in front of me, extending his arms and pulling me into him. Donovan never moved from his stance as Zane began to gush over me.
br />   “What happened?” he asked, holding me close.

  “Nothing. I passed out and Eden and Donovan just freaked out. I promise, I’m good,” I stated, smiling up at Zane.

  I swallowed down my dinner from earlier in the evening as I felt all eyes on me.

  “Well, part of the problem here is that Audrey left school grounds,” Jordan ground out.

  My eyes flicked to him as he spoke. Was he about to nark on me?

  “I will handle this, Jordan,” Zane shouted, causing me to shake under his wrath. “You and Lain allowed her to escape without being detected. It seems to me if anyone should be in trouble here, it would be you two,” Zane boasted, his fangs extending as a hissing sound escaped.

  I felt Zane’s fists clench against my back as he continued to hold me.

  Jordan and Lain backed down, neither one now daring to speak up again.

  “Where were Marcus and Alex going?” Donovan asked, finally speaking up.

  For a moment, I had forgotten he was still there.

  “What did you just say?” Zane asked.

  He released me and I felt a sudden rush of loneliness from the loss of his touch. I stumbled back and watched as Zane came nose-to-nose with Donovan.

  “You heard me. I know that you have been training Marcus and Alex, but for what, now is a mystery,” Donovan said, his voice laced with accusation.

  I watched the heated stand-off, unsure if I should intervene or not.

  “Why don’t you just say what you really want to ask,” Zane urged. He was fighting fire with fire and I was afraid we were all going to get burned.

  “I think everyone should just calm down,” I said, my voice high from nervousness. I glanced a look to Jordan and Lain, but they remained motionless. Would they just stand there if these two guys broke out into a brawl?

  Neither boy seemed to hear me.

  Donovan allowed a small, menacing smile to spread over his thin lips and the look alone caused fear to race through me. “You know what I should do? Tell Audrey and everyone else at this school the truth about you. But, I would much rather they find it out on their own,” Donovan seethed. For a cold, dead, Vampire, he seemed to be burning with rage.


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