Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series

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Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series Page 11

by Michelle Areaux

  “Say something,” I begged.

  “Donovan said the same thing to me,” she blurted out.

  “What?” I asked, not following what she was saying.

  Eden leaned over the table, glancing around to make sure no one else was looking. “The other morning, Donovan came by and was angry and acting crazy. He was saying things that didn’t make sense. All I could make out was Zane’s name and Marcus,” Eden stated.

  Her face fell and her eyes clouded over. I could tell she was rethinking her conversation and trying to decipher what she had missed.

  Placing my hand on hers, I attempted to calm her down. “It’s ok, you didn’t know. I think Zane might be trying to help them, but I’m afraid he might also be in trouble,” I sighed.

  Remorse and dread filled me as I felt conflicted inside. I cared for Zane and didn’t want to see him doing anything that could get him into trouble. However, at the same time, I also didn’t think it would be the best choice to voice my opinion to him right now. At least, without credible evidence to support my cLains.

  Eden’s eyes grew wide and she quickly placed a finger to her lips, shushing me. Turning, I looked to see who or what had caused her to stop our conversation so abruptly.

  Expecting to see Zane or Donovan, I was quickly filled with anger when instead, I spotted Brie slithering her way toward us. I swear, she was like a snake ready to strike.

  “Well, I hope you are happy,” Brie hissed at me.

  I’ve had had enough of Brie and her sucky attitude. She had messed with me too many times and it was my turn to lash out at her. Standing up, I made myself feel tall as I held my stance.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about and honestly, I don’t really care. After your little stunt today, I think you need to stay as far away from me as possible,” I yelled.

  Students nearby looked at us, interested in the scene we were causing.

  Eden tried to tell me to calm down, but I was past control.

  “My stunt!” Brie shrieked. “Faking getting hurt was a nice choice to land the role of Titania, but I am on to your games. I don’t know how I will prove it, but I will uncover how you wound up here. Everyone will see you as the liar and fraud you truly are,” Brie said, seething with rage.

  For a brief moment, I was taken aback by her comment. Was she that good of a liar or was she truly not behind my accident and almost near-death experience? My head swam with questions, as I thought; if it wasn’t Brie, then who would want to see me dead?

  “Wait, did you just say that Audrey got the part of Titania?” Eden asked, breaking up our fight.

  Launching her hatred at Eden, Brie turned on her. “Of course, she did! That was her plan all along,” Brie raged, turning her evil eyes back to me.

  “Look, I had no part in almost getting killed. No part in a play is worth my life,” I cried out. “Stay away from me before I go to the Dean and tell him everything you’ve done. From what I have been told, you would surely be kicked out of the House of Shadows,” I finished, my breathing rapid as my body shook with emotion.

  Brie spun around, her long hair smacking me in the face as she retreated out of the area.

  Once she was gone, I fell into my chair again, trying to calm my breaths.

  “Man, you two really hate one another,” Eden noted.

  “I just don’t understand what is going on around here,” I said, my lips shaking as I tried to fight the urge to cry. “Someone is trying to kill me, there are secrets that Zane is keeping, and I still don’t know how me, a human, got through your impenetrable system,” I cried.

  Eden left her chair and rushed around the table. She fell into my chair with me and held me as the tears finally spilled from my eyes. I was tired of crying and feeling helpless. If it were the last thing I did, I was going to get answers once and for all.

  Chapter 19

  Once again, I found myself exhausted and spinning with confusion. At least I had the rest of my afternoon classes to keep my mind occupied on something other than my life being threatened.

  Eden and I were on our way to the English Department when I spotted Marcus and Alex heading for one of the back doors.

  “Look, it’s Marcus and Alex,” I whispered to Eden, pointing in her direction.

  Eden stopped and grabbed me, pulling me into a small alcove in the hall. “What are they doing? Those doors are off limits to students,” she whispered back.

  Glancing around, the guys looked to make sure no one was around. “I can see their mouths moving, but I can’t hear what they are saying,” I said.

  “Good thing I am a Vampire with super strength hearing,” Eden bragged.

  “Seriously? Why haven’t you told me?” I asked, outraged that she had held such an awesome secret from me.

  Smiling mischievously, Eden responded. “Why would I share that secret? I love to interfere with people’s conversations, like right now,” she finished, pointing back to the boys.

  I rolled my eyes at her, making a mental note to ask her more about this super strength later.

  I waited a few minutes before my patience ran out. “What are they saying?” I asked again.

  Slowly turning her head to me, Eden had a look of concern in her eyes. “They are talking about sneaking out again. They are heading back to town to feed again,” she said, clearly disgusted with what she had just learned.

  “We have to tell someone,” I demanded.

  Shaking her head, no, Eden just looked at me. “If we say something now, they can just deny it. We need to wait until we can catch them.”

  Outraged, I threw my arms up in anger. “Are you serious? Innocent people are going to be hurt. We have to do something,” I cried.

  “We will, but we have to wait for the right time. Let’s go find Donovan and let him know what we heard,” Eden finished.

  I guess we were going to be skipping our afternoon classes.


  Running down the long hall toward the boys side of the school, Eden and I were anxious to tell Donovan the news. As we reached his door, Donovan was just leaving his room. He held his backpack on one shoulder and was glancing down at his phone. Eden had texted him and told him that we had something to share with him. He didn’t seem concerned.

  “Hey, we need to talk to you,” Eden said, rushing on her brother. She shoved him back inside his room and then slammed the door closed, only allowing me a second to slip inside before I was smashed.

  “What are you doing?” Donovan yelled out.

  “Marcus and Alex are feeding on humans,” Eden shouted at him.

  I stood by the door, unsure of what I should say and when.

  Donovan’s eyes glanced between us before he threw his backpack onto the ground, shaking the floor beneath me like an earthquake.

  “I knew it!” he excLained.

  “Yes, it is true. We saw them again talking about going out. They didn’t say when they would be going back, but I assume it will be soon,” Eden added.

  I was still shaken up by the information and Donovan’s reaction.

  “What do we do?” I finally asked, finding my voice again.

  Donovan looked at me and for once, I saw something other than frustration when our eyes met. He seemed softer. More empathetic.

  Walking over to me, Donovan stopped just mere inches from my body. A shiver ran down my spine from his closeness. I could feel his icy cold breaths against my lips and something inside of me kept me frozen in place.

  “None of us are going to say a word,” Donovan said, his eyes remaining locked on me.

  “Are you crazy?” I asked, peeking a glance over at Eden. From the way her mouth dropped open, I could tell she was just as flabbergasted as I was.

  “Donovan, what is your plan?” Eden asked.

  I knew she wanted to wait to say anything; but since we ran to find Donovan, I thought she might mean to wait and get him involved. Now, I wasn’t sure what they had in mind.

  “We wait. Marcus and Alex ar
e young Vampires. They were turned only a few years ago by a rogue Vampire. That’s why they are here. When Vampires are created against their will and are still so young in the change, it can be very dangerous to humans and to other Vampires. Dad takes in a few who were turned against their will each year. We train them to become hunters of animals, not humans. They learn to find resources and skills that will establish them in the human world. For those who are unable to similate into human society, they are given jobs at Academies like here, The House of Shadows. It’s not something he likes to publicize, but typically they are given mentors. From my understanding, Zane is their mentor,” he stated.

  I nodded my head. That made since why they were always with Zane. Maybe, that was also why he was being so secretive when it came to them. A flutter of happiness resided in me as I realized Zane’s secrets weren’t all that bad. Of course, he wouldn’t be able to disclose information about the boys to me. I had been wrong to think Zane might be involved in something wrong. A smile crept over my lips just thinking about it.

  “Why do you look so happy?” Eden asked, noticing my change in demeanor.

  Turning, I faced her this time. “Now I know why Zane has been acting so weird. If he is Marcus and Alex’s mentor, he would have to spend time with them and be secretive about it,” I rushed out, my smile never wavering.

  Donovan let out an exasperated sigh and I couldn’t help but to glare at him. “What now?” I asked, annoyed by how he acted to my comment about Zane.

  “Are you that blind? Can’t you see that whatever Marcus and Alex are up to, Zane is involved, too?” Donovan asked, red flashing in his eyes.

  “Why can’t you see the good in Zane? If he is helping them, I doubt he knows that they are feeding off humans. Zane might not be someone you like, but he is not dangerous and wouldn’t risk his role here at the House of Shadows,” I barked.

  I was tired of Donovan always hating on Zane. Why couldn’t he and Eden see the good in Zane like I did?

  “I refuse to sit back and watch as you risk your life because you can’t see what a nightmare Zane is. But, it’s your life. Just don’t come crying to me when you find out the truth,” Donovan spat out.

  Taking a step back, I felt like he had just assaulted me. “Fine by me. I don’t need you,” I excLained, locking eyes with Donovan so he could see that I meant what I was saying.

  “Both of you need to stop,” Eden chastised. “Donovan, we need to come up with a plan to find a way and catch Marcus and Alex. We have to take evidence to dad,” Eden continued.

  “We will, but not now. Let me figure this out,” Donovan said.

  Before Eden or I could say anything else, he moved like a flash and was gone from the room.

  Turning back to Eden, I caught her staring at me with a strange gaze. “What?” I asked.

  Shaking her head, Eden paused a moment before talking. “I hope you are right about Zane. Because if you aren’t, I’m not sure if we can protect you,” she said, before she, too, left like a flash of lightning.

  Standing alone in Donovan’s room, I spotted Jordan out in the hall. I wished more than anything that I could be alone right now. After Donovan’s outburst and Eden’s warning, I wasn’t sure what to do anymore.

  Chapter 20

  In the next few weeks, everything changed.

  First, I was never without at least two guards at all times. They were even sleeping in my room now. Talk about weird. Eden despised the idea, but after everything that had happened, I wasn’t given a choice in the matter.

  Second, Donovan avoided me like the plague. I hadn’t seen him since the night Eden and I told him about Marcus and Alex.

  And, speaking of those two jerks, they had been laying low, too. I had only seen them a handful of times, but they seemed to be staying out of trouble. I wasn’t sure if anyone else had seen them or not, but something was definitely up with them.

  Finally, Zane and I had become closer than ever. He never let me out of his sight; and as the night of the Fall dance grew closer, we spent more time working on schoolwork together and planning our night together.

  Now that the night of the dance was upon us, I was growing more nervous and anxious than ever before. I wasn’t sure what had me so out of my element, but I couldn’t seem to calm my growing nerves. A foreboding feeling of dread had shrouded over me like darkness and I couldn’t get it go away. Even Zane and the sweet affection he provided wasn’t enough to chase away the demons residing in my head and heart.

  I stared at myself in the full-length mirror, revealing the girl in front of me. I didn’t recognize the freshly made face with light makeup and intense red lips. With my hair swept over my shoulders, I stared at the gold dress that was cinched at my waist but began to flow like a mermaids tail at the bottom. It was gorgeous and magical and I was beyond in love with the look.

  A footstep behind me caused me to look past myself and find Donovan staring back at me in the reflection. I gasped, shocked to see him after so much time had passed. I wasn’t sure why he was here right now, but something told me he had a strong purpose.

  “You look stunning,” Donovan said, his eyes radiating with a glow that lit up the room.

  “Thanks,” I said, feeling embarrassed. “Where have you been?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

  Donovan took a step toward me and I felt my breath hitch. He had a hunger in his eyes I had never seen before. “I had to take a break,” he said, looking down at his feet for a moment.

  “From me?” I asked, already knowing the answer.


  My heart sank at his words and I willed myself not to cry in front of him. He didn’t deserve my tears. He had taken off after yelling at me and now he wanted to walk in here right before the dance? No way!

  “Well, you got your break. But if you will excuse me, I have a date waiting for me,” I said.

  I tried to move past him, but Donovan stopped me, grabbing my arm and causing both of us to shiver from the electric current that coursed through our bodies when we touched.

  Pulling me to his side, Donovan placed a gentle kiss on my lips. Sparks lit inside of me as my hands found his arms. For a brief, blissful moment, I allowed the kiss to take me to another world. A world in which there were no mysteries and fights between my boyfriend and friends. Where I would feel this passion when Zane kissed me.

  Wait, Zane!

  Becoming alert, I grabbed Donovan’s shoulders and shoved him backward and away from me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, feeling angry with both of us. He was wrong to kiss me, knowing I had a boyfriend, but I was also wrong to feel the intense emotions I felt while we kissed.

  Guilt washed through me and I had to get away from Donovan. Grabbing the dress, I held it up as I began to run. I could hear Donovan calling after me, but he let me go anyway. I needed to see Zane, to tell him… I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but I had to say something.

  As I ran, my heart raced faster than my speeding legs. Tears streamed down my face as I wasn’t sure what to do now. I was conflicted, my heart torn in two.

  Voices caused me to stop dead in my tracks. Marcus laughed and Alex said something to him that I couldn’t make out.

  Something deep inside my soul told me to be quiet as a mouse and make sure I wasn’t seen. Staying close to the interior walls, I kept my ears focused and my senses heightened.

  “What did you tell her?” Alex asked.

  “Don’t worry about what I tell her. You just need to follow my orders, or else I will let the Dean know about your little night escapades in town,” a familiar voice growled.

  I couldn’t catch my breath as I allowed the voice to sink in. It was Zane. He knew about what Marcus and Alex were doing to the humans in town.

  Realizing the answers, I needed were just beyond my reach, I sucked in my breath and forced myself to continue listening.

  As I slowly crept around the corner, I held my breath as I spied on the pair. Seeing
Zane lurking in the shadows made my stomach fill with dread. He was wearing a black suit with a gold vest that matched my dress. Even in the darkness, he was breathtaking, but something wasn’t right.

  “Does she know?” Professor Martin asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  I had to really strain to hear what they were saying.

  Shaking his head, Zane allowed a slight laugh to escape his pursed lips. “No, Audrey has no idea.”

  “Good. We just need to keep her safe a little while longer, than we can take her and use her for what we really brought her here for-- her blood,” Professor Martin stated, a devious look penetrating his eyes.

  I had to hold my hand over my mouth from gasping. They were talking about me! Zane and Professor Martin were cohorting together to use me. All this time I had thought Zane truly cared about me. I thought that maybe… just maybe… we could have a real relationship.

  More than that, Donovan had been right; Zane was bad. He was a monster.

  Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I realized what a complete fool I had become. I was truly falling for Zane and, in reality, he felt absolutely nothing in return for me. Anger coursed through me and it was that emotion that kept me listening even longer when I should have been running away for safety.

  “No problem. Audrey is falling for me fast. I just need to keep her thinking that I truly care and then we can take her to the rest of them. Your plan to sneak humans into the school was genius. So, do you think your plan to bring more humans to the House of Shadows will work?” Zane asked, his devilish smile now making me sick.

  It was only moments ago that seeing that smile would send my heart into over-drive. Now, it just fueled my anger.

  “Of course, it will. The Dean still has no idea what I have done. He still believes it was all a system error. Now, though, he is opening up to the idea of allowing humans to come to the House of Shadows. Once we can get them here, we can begin using them. No more animal blood for us. We will finally get a taste of what a Vampire truly deserves—human blood,” Professor Martin stated firmly. “But, you need to get a better handle on your minions,” he seethed. “Marcus and Alex have been sneaking out to the town and they snuck into Audrey’s room. You need to keep a better handle on them,” he finished.


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