Down Time

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Down Time Page 3

by Holly Ardent

  “Now Rita, you've got him good and hard. Take your dildo off, mount him, and take all of him inside of you.”

  Rita did as she was instructed with no hesitation, my smaller erection due to multiple ejaculations today making it easy for me to slide right into her. Even so her pussy was still tight enough that my cock felt as though it were crammed into her. It just went in easily between the amount of lubrication she'd generated and my smaller size.

  I decided to say something since I didn't know how long I'd last. Sometimes if I've cum multiple times in a day it'll take an hour or more to cum again, other times it might be ten minutes tops. So I wanted to hedge my bets.

  “Rita, close your eyes, sit up straight on my cock, and focus on the pleasure and nothing else. Molly, you can keep giving suggestions if you like, but you're going to help out here also. Come on over, suck on her breasts and nipples. Use your hand on her clit to help her orgasm more quickly.”

  Both women complied and, within a few seconds, I closed my eyes as well. If I didn't close my eyes, watching Molly suck on Rita's breasts and fondle her clit was going to push me over the edge too quickly. I began to thrust gently with my cock, maybe an inch or two up and down at most. Between that and Molly's attention, Rita began to orgasm quickly. When she was in the throes of orgasm I opened my eyes again to watch Molly work on Rita as I fucked her.

  My senses were close to overloading; the wonderful sight of Molly working on Rita, the combined scent from them that insinuated itself into my nostrils, the physical feel of Rita's, oh so tight, cunt wrapped around my cock, and the sound of her moans and squeals as she orgasmed all combined until it was nearly overwhelming.

  The only sense not engaged was my taste so, being one for hedonistic overload whenever possible, I drew Molly's nearest breast to my mouth and sucked her nipple in. With all five senses fully engaged it was less than thirty seconds before I was filling Rita with a small load of cum.

  I don't know about Rita and Molly, but I was totally exhausted. Rita slid off of me after a few minutes when my cock had softened enough to fall out of her. Molly leaned in to clean my cock with her mouth and that was the last thing I remembered. In the midst of her cleaning I fell deeply asleep.

  * * *

  When I woke in the morning, Molly and Rita were both already out of bed. I was sore as hell, in lots of different places, from all the sex the day before. I was also starving, hungry enough to eat a horse. When I got to the kitchen I found out that I was the last one up, other than Sandra, and that my breakfast was being kept warm for me. They'd let me sleep in, so maybe Molly really did believe me when I'd told her the two of them had worn me out a couple of nights back.

  I filled a bowl of oatmeal from the pan on the stove and also noticed that there was enough left for seconds. I grabbed part of a loaf of bread, some honey, butter, and an apple. A large glass of water finished off the first serving of my meal. After I finished everything I'd taken I went back for a second bowl of oatmeal and some more water. For some reason I was feeling incredibly dehydrated.

  After finishing breakfast I went outside and found Molly and Rita working on a raised bed garden plot we had in our Zone one (Zone one being a term in permaculture for the area closest to the house that you see all the time. Plants that need the most maintenance go there so you see them frequently and they get the extra care they need). They were pulling out plants that died in a recent light frost and adding the remains to the compost pile.

  It was the right time of year to harvest the rose hips and that was my plan for the day. We'd seen just enough frost so far that the hips had turned red. The leaves on the rose bushes would start turning colors soon, which would make it harder to find the hips themselves on the plants.

  I asked Rita and Molly if they wanted to help and they said yes, they'd join me when they were done pulling dead plants. I went inside and grabbed several containers to put the hips in. When I got back out I helped finish clearing out the dead plants in the raised beds. Then we turned some worm castings and compost into the soil in the areas the plants had come from.

  As an aside: Compost and other soil additives were used a lot before the Crash, but they were normally purchased from stores. That was no longer an option now. We'd started a compost pile and a worm farm back when you could still purchase things easily, anticipating a need for these soil additives when they weren't commercially available anymore.

  Mulch was another item needed for a highly productive garden in our area, but that was easily obtained from the bark that fell off our firewood and the leaves from our deciduous trees that dropped each fall.

  Worm castings were our favorite additive. They're a very rich soil additive so you didn't need to use a lot of them except when preparing a new spot for planting. Compost was also good, but it had become impossible to make enough of it for our needs. Between the castings and the compost we were fairly well off. We had enough additives to support all the areas we normally planted. Using the deciduous leaves for mulch helped as well since they tended to decay quickly.

  Other additives that you need less of could also be created at home, but it was a bit more difficult. Bone meal for phosphates, and for use to negate some of the acidity inherent in growing things in what was essentially a massive pine forest, was made from drying and crushing bones that we took from our own meat.

  Nitrogen for healthy plants (both through assisting in chlorophyll production and encouraging lush growth) was obtained by growing a number of nitrogen fixing plants in the middle of everything else, as well as adding fresh glass clippings and manure to the soil. Clover was the easiest of the nitrogen fixers to grow and we had it in massive quantities, peas and beans worked well also and had the bonus of providing food.

  The list goes on and on but we'd had our soil tested when we still could so we had a general awareness of what additives were necessary and we'd tracked down ways to make anything we needed back when the Internet was still viable.

  We spent the remainder of the day, until Kate and Becky came home from school, picking rose hips. There were a lot of wild roses on our property that we'd encouraged with additional watering and additives, plus there were quite a few Rosa Rugosa plants that I'd put in specifically for their hips. The hips on the Rosa Rugosa plants were large and plentiful. By the end of the day we'd gotten most of the hips and started preparing them. We sliced them in half and scraped out the seeds before putting them in the dehydrator to finish drying.

  I had a small electric dehydrator, but in addition I'd constructed a large solar dehydrator in anticipation of having large crops come ripe at the same time and needing the extra room. The prepared rose hips were placed in the solar dehydrator and left to dry. We kept several cups of fresh hips out for making rose hip tea, which was a tasty way to get extra vitamin C over the course of the winter.

  Sweetened with honey (which was also a very good source of vitamins and minerals) and with just a hint of Anise Hyssop in it, I could sip rose hip tea for hours. With our own rose hips and honey frequently available at the market we made sure to have a cup of rose hip tea several times a week throughout the winter, as a preventative measure.

  While Rita, Molly, and I prepared rose hips for dehydration I sent Kate and Becky out with smaller baskets to go search the wild roses for hips we missed. It seemed like we could never get all of them in one run so repeated checks were necessary even when we wanted to leave some.

  We always left a few hips for the wildlife. That ensured that more seeds would get spread around the neighborhood which made rose hips more readily available for foraging, so after today we'd leave them alone. In the meanwhile I was trying to stock up enough of them to supply six people, all winter long, with tea, jam, jelly, or syrups made from rose hips. There were lots more culinary uses for rose hips, but those four were the most popular in our household.

  With the work we were doing, the evening passed quickly. Dinner was fresh bread (with rose hips baked in), butter, honey, venison jerky (rehydra
ted then pan fried), and goat cheese with, of course, a couple of pots of rose hip tea to drink. By the time dinner was over, our preparations from the rose hips were cleaned up, and all the prepared rose hips were in the solar dehydrator to continue drying the next day. By this point I was exhausted again.

  We lived well by post-Crash standards, but it involved a lot of hard work. When the work wasn't harvesting or preparing food to store it tended towards manual labor. Working on the land, repairing tools and clothing, or building things we wanted or needed from scratch could take up as much time as we were willing to spend. We had enough silver to purchase items when they were available to buy, but aside from foodstuffs there were rarely many useful general goods available at the market. One of the reasons I always walked around the market to check out the other vendors before opening was to see if anyone had any general goods for sale that we might want.

  I pleaded exhaustion to Molly and Rita and told them (with an inward chuckle) that if they really needed to get off they could always help each other out. They each grimaced at me when I said that, but in general they took it good-naturedly.

  Becky and Kate had the next two days off of school and I was trying to figure out what we needed to do as I drifted off to sleep. With six people to work instead of four, assuming Sandra was willing and able, I decided that we might be able to start on some of the things that normally didn't get taken care of until winter started to ease. A few things had to wait because they weren't normally a problem until after winter, but others could be taken care of now before the weather got bad.

  We only had one day to work out of these coming two because the second day was the monthly swap meet at the market. Once a month Allan opened the market just for families with children. The children brought toys, books, games, or whatnot that they wanted to trade for other toys, books, games, or whatnot.

  It wasn't quite as altruistic as it sounds. Allan didn't charge people to get in, but he did run a table that essentially amounted to a concession stand with food and drink available. If you've ever taken a child anywhere, you know what kind of business he did on swap meet days. He used the items he took as a percentage on regular market days, and a few items from other sources, to feed both himself and his staff and then whatever was left he used to stock the concession table at the swap meets.

  Overall Allan did pretty well that way, but he also had a few other 'money' makers. The government gave him a percentage for being a distribution center for their allotments (the dole) and people used him as a general hookup man as well. If you needed someone with a particular skill, you could let him know and he'd try to track them down for you. If you needed a specific item he'd try to find it for you, and so on and so forth. All for a modest fee, of course.

  I was the first one awake the next morning and tried to slide out of bed from between my two women without wakening either one of them. While I wasn't sore any more, I really wanted to stoke the fire and get some food into me before anything else.

  I started breakfast for everyone and, by the time it was ready, Molly and Rita were awake and out of the bedroom. I promised them that I'd lavish some attention on both of them at some point in the day and then asked Rita to set the table and Molly to wake the children.

  While we ate breakfast I laid out the tasks I wanted taken care of for the day. The children were assigned some lawn work on two of the neighboring houses. Although Rita had thought that there were few unoccupied houses in the area that wasn't quite true. In our neighborhood perhaps one in three of the houses were actually unoccupied. The rest of the community had agreed to take at least enough care of the unoccupied homes so that they didn't look unoccupied in order to discourage squatters.

  Of the three houses that adjoined our land (one to either side and one behind us that fronted on another street) two of them were empty. I was more than happy to take care of these places for several reasons. The first was that the grass we cut there provided more clippings for us to use in the compost or in sheet mulches, and the second was that we claimed the leaves that fell from their deciduous trees to use in our own area. The additional organic matter really did make a difference.

  We were lucky in that we had been able to track down a push mower before the Crash. The only types of mowers that could be used any more (unless you were really rich and had a connection to get gasoline) were push mowers and electric mowers, and the electrics tended to have more problems. The other remaining options were to use a scythe or a sickle, but if you ever have you know that it isn't worth that kind of effort to cut grass on a lawn.

  So, the kids were sent off with the wheelbarrow, rakes, and the push mower to trim up the lawns, rake up the leaves, and bring the clipped grass and leaves back to our place. It would keep them occupied for most of the day since, without us there to supervise, they tended to horse around more. It would've bothered me if there were other urgent things to be done, but there weren't and it gave them a chance to actually be kids every now and again.

  The adults were going to do some work on permaculture features. Unfortunately our climate was unsuited to the normal waterworks associated with permaculture. We did what we could with what we had though.

  As an aside: Normal permaculture involves creating bodies of water, small ponds, streams, etc... that are used for reclaiming 'gray water' (water that's been used but doesn't have solids or harsh chemicals in it) and to increase humidity, provide water for plants, provide a habitat for fish, frogs, and waterfowl, as well as a few other things.

  Our waterworks consisted of a tiered set of very small ponds that were fed by rainwater we guided off the roof into the top pond of the tier. Without a decent rain, the bottom three ponds in the series of seven were frequently dry so we had things planted around them that didn't need large quantities of water all the time.

  The upper four ponds tended to have some level of water in them almost all year round and so they had some water based plants in them and around their edges. The ponds would all freeze solid throughout winter so we didn't have fish in them (unfortunately), but we did have the occasional geese and ducks landing in them.

  Our gray water system was situated close to the lowest point on our land, so we couldn't do much with that except form a couple of deeper pools at its outlet and plant moisture loving plants in the general area nearby that was kept more humid. These ponds also froze to the bottom at the coldest point of winter.

  The waterworks areas needed cleaning in the fall. Leaves, pine needles, and other debris would fill in the bottoms of the ponds and clog the small streams connecting them. The debris needed to be removed and could be added to the compost pile. The water, at the point in the year when the ponds needed cleaning, was frigid so it was a case of work for fifteen to twenty minutes followed by warming up in the sun for a like amount of time. Since it looked like it would be sunny out, this was going to be our task for the day.

  Molly tossed on her work clothes and found some for Rita as well. Molly's work clothes normally consisted of a skirt that she could hike up to keep it from getting muddy or wet and a ragged t-shirt. The clothes she found for Rita were similar, although it was hard not to notice that the shirt she chose for Rita had lots of holes, some of them directly over the breasts and nipples. It was very hard not to be distracted by the flashes I saw. We split up and started working on the various ponds.

  Around the time I finished cleaning the first pond I heard Molly calling for me. Walking over to the one she was working on, which was encircled by a hedge to form a screen that shut the pond off from outside observation, I found her on all fours with her skirt hiked up to her waist. She had neglected to wear anything under the skirt so she was flashing me as I walked up.

  “I need some help here Tim,” she said, waggling her ass at me.

  “Hmmm, I wonder just what kind of help you're after. Could it be that you want something else clogged while you unclog the pond?”

  “How astute of you, now shut up and fuck me!”

I suppose I could do that.”

  I walked over, unzipped my pants, and pulled out my cock. With a few strokes of my thumb I determined she was wet enough to take me in and I slid gently into her, then established a slow rhythm to start.

  “Take the shirt off, I want to watch your breasts sway while I do you,” I said.

  Molly immediately complied and, even though the sun was warm, her chest was close to the cold water. I saw her nipples crinkle even more than they had been before her shirt was removed.

  As her breasts swayed back and forth with my thrusts I began to thrust more vigorously. I'd had an evil thought and decided to go with it. I began to thrust harder and harder, eventually knocking her off balance. I thrust even harder while she tried to regain her balance and was rewarded by a splash as she fell over and her upper torso and head fell into the chilly water. I quickly grabbed her hair (done up in a braid to keep it out of the way while she worked) and used it to pull her head out of the water so she could breathe.

  I pushed her legs apart and re-entered her, since I'd slid out when she fell, and began pounding her again. I couldn't get quite as deep with her lying flat on her stomach, but I could see the goosebumps covering her upper torso and my vivid imagination supplied the sight of what her nipples must look like right now from the cold.

  “Asshole! Get off of me. I'm freezing!” she cried.

  “No slut, remember you're mine to do with as I please sexually and it pleases me to get your nipples as absolutely hard as I possibly can. I'll flip you over and out of the pool in a couple of minutes so I can enjoy them more thoroughly while they're in that state. In the meanwhile just think, I could've used ice cubes instead.”


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