Her Savage Mates

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Her Savage Mates Page 1

by Jayne Ripley

  Table of Contents

  Acclaim for Jayne Ripley

  Look for these titles from Jayne Ripley

  Copyright Warning

  ~ Dedication ~



















  ~ About the Author ~

  Also by Jayne Ripley

  More Romance from Etopia Press

  Excerpt from Their Accidental Bride by Aria Bell

  Acclaim for Jayne Ripley

  For Captain’s Captive

  "[A] thrilling, erotic sci-fi story that pulled readers in from page one. I loved the tension Ms. Ripley created between Arlen and Rhihann. If you're looking for a sci-fi adventure with a lot of love, look no further!"

  —Spanking Authors Romance Review

  For The Firefighter’s Mate

  "The Firefighter's Mate was a good read for me. The story was sexy, suspenseful and entertaining from beginning to end. The characters in this book were vivid, intriguing and life-like. The writing and development were excellent."

  —Long and Short Reviews

  Look for these titles from Jayne Ripley

  Now Available

  Claimed by the Alien Warrior

  Her Savage Mates

  The Alien Catch Series

  Captain’s Captive (Book One)

  Tevra Enslaved (Book Two)

  The Werewolves of Cadillac Falls Series

  The Firefighter’s Mate (Book One)

  Her Savage Mates

  MFM Menage SF Romance

  Jayne Ripley

  Copyright Warning

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/).

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Etopia Press

  1643 Warwick Ave., #124

  Warwick, RI 02889


  Her Savage Mates

  Copyright © 2019 by Jayne Ripley

  ISBN: 978-1-949719-24-6

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: June 2019

  ~ Dedication ~

  Special thanks to Theresa M.


  Jennifer Smith

  Los Angeles

  Jennifer had no idea what she was doing on this dark, winding road in the hills of Los Angeles. She was trying to get to a party at one of these million-dollar mansions. But now she was seriously questioning whether that had ever been a good idea.

  She was absolutely lost.

  Her good friend Melissa had insisted that Jennifer come along to the party. Melissa’s voice still echoed in Jennifer’s mind from their earlier phone call.

  “Girl, you need to get out of that house,” Melissa had told her with her usual friendly bluntness.

  “I have clients waiting for their projects. I can’t—”

  “You can and you will! Put on a little black dress. I know you have one. If you don’t, I’m going to impound your official girl-card.”

  “These deadlines—”

  Melissa went on as if I hadn’t spoken. “Show some cleavage. Don’t wear a bra. For God’s sake, take a shower!”

  Jennifer burst out laughing. “You take that back, skank! I’ll have you know that I showered today. Just because I work at home, doesn’t mean I’m a complete slob.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever, sweetie,” Melissa replied breezily. “Do you want me to come over and do your makeup? I want you looking your best.”

  Her friend’s offer touched her. Melissa was a little wild, but she had a huge heart. “No, I can still put on lipstick and eye-shadow, thanks.”

  “Okaaaay. Just make sure it’s sexy lipstick. I want you getting laid tonight. That’s my only mission. Seriously, you have so many more brain cells than me. It’s long past time for some of those brain cells to get fucked out by a penis!”

  “That sounds really, um…sexy,” she said with a giggle. Melissa really was something else. Energetic, exasperating, and right. It had been over a year since Jennifer had gotten good and laid if you didn’t count her poor vibrator. That trusty vibrator had been seeing a lot of action these days as she watched superhero movies and fantasized about a certain hot-as-hell god of thunder…

  Jennifer sighed, putting the conversation and thoughts of vibrators out of her mind. She had given in and agreed to come to this party because she really was feeling stir-crazy building websites for client after client. Not to mention that she truly did want to meet an interesting guy. Before she’d started working for herself, she had worked with a bunch of tech guys. Unfortunately, none of the men she’d worked with had been the least bit alpha. None of them had even been gentlemen when you came right down to it.

  People liked to say that women didn’t know what they wanted. Jennifer didn’t have that problem. She wanted it all. That might be greedy, but she wasn’t going to stop reaching for the stars.

  She wanted a man who would rock her world. She wanted a man who could make her feel like one-hundred percent woman, who would own her and yet cherish her. Command her and worship her and make her feel amazing in so many ways…

  Yeah, and she wanted world peace and a miracle diet where she could eat chocolate, ice cream, and potato chips and have the body of a supermodel.

  Not going to happen.

  So Melissa had given her the address to a ritzy neighborhood out in the swanky L.A. hills where the rich people frolicked. Jennifer had glitzed and glamored herself up. She’d even headed in for an emergency session with her hairdresser.

  She’d been excited when she’d first climbed into her Honda to drive here. But now, forty minutes later and lost on a twisting road, she was having serious second thoughts. The road was dark and steep, filled with trees and huge mansions but not the mansion she was looking for. The breathtaking view of the valley lights made her feel small and alone out here. It was very dark without street lights. If there was a moon, it was hidden by the same cloud cover that hid what few stars you could see with all the city lights.

  Now she was looking for a place to pull over and call Melissa. Her GPS had directed her to an overlook slash turnout that was supposedly the location, but there was no house nearby. She’d cruised farther up the street until she was driving past scrub brush, rocks, and ravines.

  She pulled over at the next turnout, surrounded by steep cliff sides and rock. Her tires crunched on gravel and sand. For a second, she rested h
er forehead on her steering wheel with her eyes closed.

  What the hell was she doing? There had to be an easier way to meet men. Why did things have to be so difficult? She needed to tally one up in her life’s win column, but with each passing minute, she became more certain this night was turning into a big fat L.

  Suddenly, she felt claustrophobic in her small sedan. She opened the door and stepped out with her phone, desperate for some fresh air.

  The night was warm, dry, but the Santa Ana winds blew her hair around her. Jennifer took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she yelled out a loud curse. Some frightened animal, maybe a raccoon or a tree rat. Hopefully not a coyote or bobcat.

  She waited with one hand on the car door, ready to jump back inside.

  But the hillsides, rocks, and dry brush around her stayed silent.

  She looked down at her smartphone. The darn phone seemed to make fun of her, taunting her with those incorrect GPS directions. Why did life have to be so frustrating sometimes? It’s not like she had a physical map she could look at. Did they even make those anymore? Didn’t matter. Her point was, GPS should make finding this party a breeze. But here she was, lost and late. All the best guys would be taken by the time she finally got there.

  Determined not to let her frustration and negativity get her down, she opened her contacts list and called Melissa.

  Melissa answered on the second ring. “Girl! Where are you? This party is off the chain.”

  Jennifer could hear the pounding beat of dance music in the background. “I can’t find the house. The address you gave me is wrong. If I keep going this way, I’ll end up coyote food.”

  “What? I’m sorry, sweetie. Let me get the address and text it to you. I should’ve just picked you up. Wait a sec. Let me get somewhere quieter so I can hear myself think.”

  Jennifer waited patiently. It really would’ve been easier for Melissa to pick her up. That did have a downside, though. Jennifer would’ve been stuck at the party, waiting on Melissa, who might be either drunk or getting busy. Jennifer didn’t like being a burden.

  Besides, someone should be having fun tonight.

  She was still waiting, staring out at the cloudy night sky over the city. In the distance, lightning flashed in one of the clouds. Great. She hoped it didn’t rain tonight. She didn’t remember anything about a thunderstorm…

  No thunder followed the lightning flash. A second later, another burst of light lit up the dark clouds, this time closer to the hills. Closer to her.

  She frowned, staring at the sky. Was that lightning? What else could it be? It was so bright. But she didn’t see any lightning bolt shooting toward the ground. The light stayed inside the clouds as if hiding, illuminating it from within.

  Another burst of light flashed in the clouds almost over her head. She flinched, her eyes wide. Her heart began to beat faster. Her mouth tasted like she’d been sucking on pennies. She took a step toward her car. But the light vanished again.

  “Melissa!” she whispered into the phone. “Are you there? You gotta look out the window! There are these crazy lights—”

  “What?” Melissa replied. “I didn’t get that. Your call is dropping out—”

  Her phone went silent. She looked at the screen glowing in the darkness. It read “disconnected.”

  Great. That was just wonderful. Melissa hadn’t even had a chance to give her the address again.

  Her thumb hovered over Melissa’s picture, but before she could redial her friend, the brilliant white-blue light appeared again, shining inside the cloud.

  This time, it was directly overhead. This time it didn’t vanish, staying overhead and lighting up the clouds from inside. Her mouth dropped open. She heard herself gasp. She stared wide-eyed at the light show above her, mesmerized by the strangeness of it.

  It couldn’t be lightning. She squinted. A shape was hidden in the clouds. She could just make out the outline…

  Jennifer realized the shape was becoming clearer because it was moving out of the clouds.

  She flinched and raised a hand to cover her eyes as blinding white light pierced through the cloud cover. A cry escaped her lips. She was blinking quickly, trying to clear her vision that had been completely dazzled by the intense lights.

  At the same time, she heard a low, powerful hum. Or maybe she couldn’t hear it, but she could feel it.

  All the fine hairs on her arm and at the back of her neck lifted. Goosebumps covered her body. She suddenly felt strangely lighter. As if she was beginning to float.

  The lights were too bright to look at, but she could sense that something huge was overhead. The shining thing was making the hum.

  Without even a clear thought, she turned and lunged toward her car. Her phone was clutched in her hand. She would get into her car where it would be safe. Then she would call someone. Or drive away as fast as she could. Forget the party. Forget getting laid or having a good time. She needed to get the hell out of here.

  Jennifer only made it two steps toward her car when she suddenly froze in place as a brilliant column of light shot down and enveloped her. The light was so powerful it was nearly blinding. She could only dimly make out a dark shape hovering above her, but the brightness had her seeing spots.

  She couldn’t move. She was frozen in place as if paralyzed. She could breathe, she could blink, but she couldn’t get her legs or arms to work. Panic began to flail around in her mind.

  This is crazy, her brain assured her. You’re dreaming. There are no such things as UFOs. You’re at home, sleeping on the couch in a temporary chocolate coma. This isn’t real—

  The phone she’d been holding suddenly slipped out of her fingers. Instead of falling to the ground, it floated upward. Her braid was floating upward as well. She felt weightless, light, as if she were floating in space.

  The strangest thing was, she knew she was terrified. Her thoughts raced through her brain at a million miles an hour. Her heart was pounding. Her breath came in fast gasps. But at the same time, she felt oddly distant from everything happening to her and around her. As if none of this mattered. As if it was happening to someone else.

  Or as if it this was only a dream.

  Even as her feet lifted from the ground and she began to rise into the air, she still felt as though this had to be a dream. She would wake up any second.

  Any second now…

  Melissa’s going to hate me for missing the party, she thought wildly. She managed a laugh that was almost a sob as her body continued to be lifted into the air by some unseen power.

  Somebody around here had to be seeing this. A person driving past. Or someone on a deck somewhere. Somebody had to be calling the cops. Some hero would save her…

  But she continued to float upward into the blinding light.

  No one saved her.

  When she saw the alien spaceship that was drawing her in, reeling her toward its hatch as if she were a fish caught on a line, she tried to scream. But even though she managed to scream, she wasn’t sure anyone heard. To her, the humming had drowned out every other sound.

  The rust-red ship filled her vision. It was all ugly angles, filled with strange shapes and weirdly formed technologies she didn’t understand. The lights were giving her a headache. She felt like she was about to puke.

  The beam of light drew her into some kind of hatch before it shut off. She slammed down on a metal floor. Lying there gasping, she could only summon the strength to keep breathing. Every muscle in her body felt weak and limp. Her terror seemed to be eating her own thoughts alive.

  The room was as ugly as the rest of the ship. Metal. Dirty. A door opened across from her, and a…a lizard walked in.

  A lizard as big as a man. Walking upright. Wearing strange clothing but clothing all the same. It had yellow eyes. Claws. Gray, scaly, slimy skin. It licked its mouth with a revoltingly pink tongue. One of its clawed hands was closed around the handle of some kind of whip. The whip wasn’t leather. It was made of strange energy or
electricity—she didn’t know which. It crackled and snapped when the lizard monster alien moved its hand threateningly.

  She should have stayed home on the couch. She should never have moved to L.A. She should have stayed in Wisconsin where it was cold but safe from man-sized lizards that looked as if they wanted to eat you…

  The lizard alien spat and hissed some odd sounds at her. It was trying to talk with her, but she didn’t think it was saying anything nice.

  Jennifer shook her head, desperately looking for somewhere to escape to. The room was empty of everything but the two of them.

  The lizard monster stepped toward her. She shrank away with a cry of fear. It laughed and snapped the glowing whip at her.

  When the strange energy whip wrapped around her arm, she went rigid as a thundershock of pain ripped through her body. It was like being zapped with a stun gun, only with twice the pain.

  She sucked in a breath to scream. Everything went dark.


  Nahkar Ka-Razal

  Quasarask Space Station

  Nahkar Ka-Razal swaggered his way toward the servant’s door leading from Princess Piedasa’s private bedchambers. On his way, he snatched up his pants and boots but didn’t bother to put them on. He never minded showing off his bronze-colored skin.


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