Rogue Games

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Rogue Games Page 20

by Angie A Huxley

  “The name’s Alejander,” Alejander said, because he needed a name to stop thinking about the gamer as ‘wolfperson’.

  “Boson.” Boson huffed a laugh. “I get how difficult it can be to tell us all apart.”

  “I was trying not to be rude,” Alejander said, with a wry smile.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Boson told him seriously. “So, stable for two?”

  “Please,” Alejander said, dismounting. He handed the reins over and then dug around in his satchel for coin. “I was wondering if you had any saddlebags you wouldn’t mind parting with?”

  Boson shifted the reins into his other hand and nodded. “Yeah. We get them left here more often than you realize. For a couple of gold, you can have ‘em.”

  It was more than Alejander really wanted to pay. Still, he needed the extra carrying space and he had plenty of coin enough to spare some. With a decisive nod, Boson led the way into the stable.

  “When you leave, I’ll have ‘em tacked up on her, if that works for ya?”

  Alejander nodded absently, taking out enough coin for the stabling and the saddlebags. Boson took it with a grateful nod and then nodded in the direction of one of the crooked buildings opposite the stables.

  You have relinquished: 3 gold, 2 silver

  Total Currency: 140 copper, 78 silver, 111 gold, 14 electrum

  “That there’s what passes for a trading post here. The auction lot is small, but it’ll help your mare.” Boson looked pointedly at the WaterRepellant sheet and the obvious bulges hiding the things Alejander had acquired.

  Refusing to be ashamed of what he was doing, Alejander gave Boson a bright smile and tugged the sheet from Greta’s back. “I’ll do that.”

  Using what he had available to him was a skill he didn’t intend to change. Hera kept pace with him as he left the stable. Boson was nice enough and cared about the animals they were looking after.

  Though the building looked crooked and run down on the outside, like much of the rest of the town, inside the trading post was modern and minimal. It was crowded with people, some shouting, others talking amongst themselves and trading goods, and yet more were clambering and jogging up the spiral staircase in the center of the room. It wasn’t as grand and intricate as the stairs in the KLISTER TRADING POST but still a good size.

  Alejander managed to thread his way through the crowd, helped somewhat by Hera’s continued presence at his side, and he took advantage of it as he tried to find an auctioneer or vendor who would be able to help him with the few things he was willing to sell.

  Thankfully, one of the auctioneers was free, just about to step behind the podium, so Alejander slid up to the lizard person, who nodded sharply at him.

  “Auctioneer Linden,” the lizard said, and the voice was high enough that Alejander figured it was a female. The long hair and skirts could be as much of a giveaway as anything else. Clasping her hands in front of her, Linden sighed. “What have you got for me?”

  Alejander took the hide and the tusks from the sheet and handed them over. Linden’s brow furrowed, at least Alejander thought that was what was happening, and ran her fingers over them. It seemed to take an age for Linden to look over the items, but eventually they were set back down on the podium and she gave Alejander a careful look.

  “Landshark hides are quite uncommon and you could probably pick up good coin for it. The tusks not so much. They’re brittle and not great for crafting, so you’re better off selling them to a vendor who’ll cook with them.”

  “Thanks,” Alejander said, taking the tusks back. “I’d like to leave the hide with you then.”

  “If you let me have your bank credit for a second, any money derived from the sale will automatically get put there… minus the fee, of course.”

  Alejander handed over the bank credit and thought of the other things he still had in there, namely the lockboxes and their contents. Shaking his head, he decided against saying anything about them. He was only one level away from the Urbane Bank and he wasn’t about to blow it by getting scared and selling everything in one go.

  Linden handed back his bank credit and nodded. “All set. You should get a notification when it lands.”

  There were a couple of vendors in the bank, mostly selling bags and weapons, so Alejander slipped back out of the trading post, heading for the market stalls littered around the main road. It was easy enough to spot the ones selling food stuffs – with most of the smells wafting over the crowd and making Alejander’s mouth water. He hadn’t eaten yet and his stomach was keen on reminding him of that fact.

  Visiting a couple of stalls, none of whom wanted the tusks, Alejander purchased some fruit, some meats that looked more appetizing than the wolf meat had, and selected some bread and long-lasting cheese from another vendor at the end of the street. The market seemed to spill into a huge square near the rear gates to the town.

  There was one woman, a human who looked older than Matthew, whose eyes lit up when she saw the tusks. Alejander handed them over without preamble, grateful for the coin she pressed into his palm.

  You have received: 2 gold, 4 silver

  Total Currency: 140 copper, 82 silver, 113 gold, 14 electrum

  Alejander didn’t know if that was a good price, though if it meant not having to carry them around, he was willing to part with them. The square was where the stalls for the dungeon travelers seemed to be. Aside from the weapons and armor, there were apothecary stalls, others with general items, and more with profession-based wares. There was a small market stall selling cloaks and clothing, so Alejander paused to pick up another thicker cloak, and a spare pair of clothing that he could fit in the saddlebags.

  Stocking up on potions would definitely have him burning through a lot of coin, but it would be worth it when he came out the other end with another level and the chance to earn some real money. The two vendors he bought from were both human, seemingly the predominant race in VARDIGA TOWN, though neither seemed particularly enthused to sell to him. Everything about the town had a laidback, almost bored feeling to it. Alejander didn’t care to stay here longer than he had to, though spending the night in an actual bed would be nice.

  You have relinquished: 30 gold, 10 silver

  Total Currency: 140 copper, 68 silver, 81 gold, 14 electrum

  You have acquired: 10 Healing Potions

  Replenishment: 20HP or 20 stamina

  Quality: Great

  You have acquired: 1 UpSwift Potion

  Bonus: +20 to Deftness

  Usage: 1 day

  Quality: Great

  You have acquired: Poison

  Bonus: +10 to weapons

  Usage: 10

  Quality: Great

  Satisfied that he had enough food and potions to get through, Alejander led Hera back to the main road, where a couple of inns protruded from amongst the other stores. One looked cleaner than the other but was too busy for Alejander’s taste, so he slipped through the door of the less savory-looking inn and grabbed a room for the night. He was tired and though he didn’t need to replenish his HP or stamina, he was happy enough to sleep the rest of the day – and night – away, Hera stretched out on the floor next to the bed.


  Matthew didn’t see the point of getting out of bed; rolling over, headset on the pillow next to him, he ignored his rumbling stomach and fell back to sleep.

  He regretted it the next morning, of course, body and stomach protesting at being neglected for so long. A quick shower and eating what was left of his food, Matthew sat at the table, staring out of the window at the city around him. He was determined to see this through; one flat out session would have him at level 10, but his whole life thus far had narrowed down to accessing the bank that would give him real life funds. Beyond that, Matthew had no idea what he was going to do with himself.

  Staying at the hotel would be fine in the short term, but with access to more money, he would want something a little mor
e decent. There was also the loneliness that Matthew hadn’t been counting on; having friends in the game, however tenuous his links to them, only served to remind Matthew of what he was lacking in the real world.

  Still, a virtual friend could be just as important as a real one, something Matthew had learned early in his career. Snorting to himself, thinking about thieving as a career and not a mistake that had indirectly landed him in prison, he needed to stop being maudlin and set his plan into motion. Not wanting to give himself the opportunity to fall asleep in bed after the next session, Matthew set himself up at the table. It wasn’t comfortable, would no doubt end up with Matthew in pain, but he would come awake with a future ahead of him, so he was content with dealing with pain.


  Alejander snapped awake suddenly.

  Hera was still on the floor beside the bed, content with cleaning herself, and Alejander didn’t know what had woken him from such a deep sleep. His belongings were still on the bed beside him, so he put it down to a dream and ran his hands over his hair, making a face at how horrible it felt. Having access to a bath was definitely a plus, and as he headed for the separate room, charging Hera with looking after his stuff, he stretched out the kinks in his body, thrumming with anticipation for the dungeon that lay ahead of him.

  Now that he was level 9, he would have to try not to get too complacent. Hera was getting stronger, he had potions and abilities that he could utilize, and more than just being a means to an end – which it still was – Alejander couldn’t deny that most of the excitement was from the thought of being able to do a dungeon without having to transport out like he had the last time.

  Though he didn’t have a strategy he could swear by, he had enough of one that he wasn’t too worried.

  A bath and a warm meal later, he returned to his room, where Hera was tucking into some of the meat, blood around her mouth, and though anger flared in his chest, Alejander had been the one to leave it lying around, so he couldn’t get too mad. It would mean having to purchase more, and he told Hera so in a stern tone, snatching up the rest of his stuff. Hera’s bodyline and tail were making the motions of showing her contrite demeanor, but she was still licking her jaws and looking too satisfied for Alejander to believe it.

  The market was already up and alive with people when Alejander made his way back to the food stalls. The meat wouldn’t have done anything to improve Hera’s HP and stamina, so it was a total waste. There was plenty of coin in his purse and in the long run, it would teach him to make sure everything was out of reach when Hera was in the room.

  It didn’t take long to grab some food and then head back over to the stable, where Boson waved a hand in his direction before disappearing into the depths of the stable. Alejander gave Hera another unimpressed look, which she promptly ignored, and then raised his eyebrows appreciatively at the saddlebags currently tacked up to Greta.

  “Those look amazing,” he said, taking the proffered reins. He gave Greta the customary good morning pat and she nosed at his neck. His cloak still felt a little stiff, but he supposed that would fix itself in time, and from the way Greta was mouthing at the fabric, it would be worn in thanks to his companions.

  “No problem,” Boson said, a little abruptly. “Take care and I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  It was said in the manner of someone who didn’t believe they ever would, and to be fair to Boson, Alejander didn’t think it was possible to remember everyone that came through the town. The saddlebags were still mostly empty, even with everything Alejander had collected over time. Attaching the shelter stakes to the saddlebags instead of Greta’s girth, he was satisfied with the distribution and mounted Greta carefully, giving her time to adjust.

  “Come on,” Alejander said, patting Greta’s neck and then gesturing for Hera to follow. “Let’s go get the rest of that experience.”

  Difficult as it was to navigate through the town on horseback, Alejander made it well enough, Hera’s growls giving them an easier time of it. The town guards gave him directions towards the nearest dungeon. The path away from the town was surrounded on both sides by thinly spread trees. It split in two, a huge rocky outcropping jutting from the middle of the fork. The guards had told him to take the right, so Alejander guided Greta that way as he scanned the trees carefully.

  He was grateful for his attention when he caught a glimpse of silver amongst the trees and recognized the glint of a weapon. He immediately adjusted Greta’s course and got his fingers on his dagger. A knife came flying out of the forest and Alejander dodged his head, feeling the whistle of the air next to his face. He immediately let the dagger fly, hearing the satisfied thump and grunt of it finding purchase. Hera was off, snarling as she leaped into the forest, giving Alejander time to jump down from Greta, slap her rump to get her off the path.

  Alejander freed his remaining dagger from its sheath, using his weapon of preference over the bow and arrow. As he slipped into the trees, Alejander could see a blur of grey – Hera – and a mess of green fabric that he assumed was whoever had attacked them. Hera dodged away from the attacker, and the fact that Alejander hadn’t received a notification about it yet meant it was another player character as opposed to something he could gain experience from.

  Enough that he would get cash from it, as long as he could get the upper hand. He didn’t think he was going to lose but it would help to have it in the back of his head anyway. He didn’t want to get cocky.

  With Hera distracting the player, Alejander crouched low amongst the trees, glad for the new cloak helping him to blend into the foliage. He lunged for the player, hooking an arm around the neck and pulling him back, the dagger plunging into the character’s chest alongside the other, once, then twice.

  The player struggled, jammed something hard into Alejander’s thigh and the pain shot through his leg.

  You have lost: 20HP

  Alejander shoved the player away and took a defensive stance, eyes narrowed. Now that he was up close, he could see the stocky build of a dwarf, with a thick beard and small eyes. Though he had armor, the daggers had stayed true, deep into the dwarf’s chest. Alejander felt a sense of satisfaction at the surprise on the dwarf’s face and shrugged easily.

  “I’m not so easy to sneak up on,” Alejander said.

  “For a rogue,” the dwarf bit out. “You’re too obvious.”

  Alejander rolled his eyes. “Meet me in a dungeon one day and maybe you’ll change your mind.”

  Alejander wasn’t concerned with the dwarf’s opinion on his stealth. Perhaps he wasn’t the typical rogue people in game were used to, but he was his own brand of rogue, just as he had been his own brand of thief. The dwarf took advantage of the momentary lapse and there was a glint of a knife that Alejander assumed had ended up in his thigh, and the dwarf jerked forward.

  Alejander ducked, twisted out of the way and wrenched something in his lower back from the strange angle. He gritted his teeth, managed to get a shoulder in the right place to shove at the dwarf’s shoulder and throw him off balance. The two of them tumbled to the ground, Hera growling and whining; Alejander could see her feet in his periphery.

  Daggers sticking out of his chest, the dwarf was worse off than Alejander, so he used that to his advantage. From the build and the muscles he could see from under the cloak, Alejander knew he couldn’t keep the dwarf down for long, even with the damage. He stole his daggers back, felt the dwarf’s knee land on his lower back, stealing the breath from Alejander’s chest for a moment.

  You have lost: 10HP, 10 stamina.

  Now that he had more HP to play with, it gave him a little more room to enjoy himself. Though he didn’t take pleasure in fighting anyone, much preferring the treasure finding aspect of this game, he couldn’t fight the surge of satisfaction of finally having enough experience behind him to increase his stats.

  Though the dwarf was struggling, Alejander had the upper hand and took advantage of it, ignoring the kne
e aimed at his lower back and legs. They were glancing blows, not enough to cause much damage in the long run. He curled his hands around his daggers, their weights familiar even with most of the hilt lodged into the dwarf’s armor. Alejander shoved hard against them, driving them the rest of the way into the thick chest, and watching the light fade from the dwarf’s eyes. The body beneath his went lax, limbs spread, and Alejander sat back with a conspiratorial smile that he gave Hera.

  You have defeated Kanin Surefoot, Miner, congratulations!

  You have obtained experience and a store coupon for a low-level defeat.

  You have lost: 10 stamina.

  Current Stamina: 270/300

  Current HP: 145/165

  Hera was staring at him, tongue lolling out, tail thumping on the ground. Alejander ignored her for the moment, grateful for her help, but he wanted to root through the dwarf’s pockets. They were bulky and seemed to be laden down with goods. Given his profession, Alejander guessed that most would be rocks or gems, neither of which he wanted to take the time to take to an auctioneer, however close the town still was.

  Given that Kanin had been a low level, Alejander wasn’t surprised when his loot turned out to suck. Back when he’d been lower, he could imagine someone seeing his items and being annoyed at his lack of anything worth fighting for.

  You have acquired: Pickaxe {Common}

  Damage: 5 {bludgeoning}

  Weapon Durability: 20/20

  Reach: Close

  Quality: Good

  You have acquired: Knife {Common}

  Damage: 3 {piercing}

  Weapon Durability: 20/20

  Reach: Close

  Quality: Poor

  You have acquired: 14 ore pieces

  Quality: Good

  You have acquired: Coin

  Inventory: 30 copper, 45 silver, 27 gold, 2 electrum

  Total Currency: 170 copper, 103 silver, 108 gold, 16 electrum

  It was a poor return for the effort but Alejander patted down the rest of the dwarf and, satisfied, whistled for Hera to follow him from the clearing. Greta was munching on the grass at the side of the road, and Alejander caught her reins easily, leading her further down the path and away from Kanin’s body.


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