Iron Will: Lords of Carnage: Ironwood MC

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Iron Will: Lords of Carnage: Ironwood MC Page 15

by Loveling, Daphne

  “You serious?”

  Laney pulls in a deep breath and sighs it out.

  “No,” she admits. “So why are you here?”

  “Second date.”

  “Second —!” Laney’s eyes get even wider. Then, she bursts out laughing so hard I think she might pee herself.

  “What?” I deadpan. “The first date wasn’t good?”

  “Oh, my God,” she gasps, reaching up to wipe at her eyes with her free wrist. “Rourke, I have to hand it to you, I literally never know what is going to come out of your mouth.”

  “That’s good, right?” I say, a corner of my mouth lifting.

  She smirks back, pretending to be exasperated. “Well, it’s interesting, I’ll give you that.”

  “So, you up for a ride?” I ask, sliding my eyes over her. “I see you’re wearing pants today.”

  She raises her free hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know. It’s been a long day. I guess so. Are you taking me back to Shooter’s?”

  “Nope. Somewhere else. Thought you might like to pay Bethany and Paisley a visit.”

  Laney’s got about an hour left to work, so I hang out in the front atrium for a while, then go outside for a smoke. She comes out right on schedule, pulling her hair into a ponytail as she walks toward me.

  “Are you going to bring me back here to the hospital to get my car later?” she asks, accepting the helmet I offer her.

  “Will it be okay here overnight, just in case?”

  She cocks her head and gives me a knowing smirk. “What are you suggesting?”

  I grab her and pull her close. “I’m suggesting I want a replay of last night,” I growl against her ear. “That okay with you?”

  Her answer comes out breathy. “I suppose I wouldn’t mind that,” she teases.

  This time, when she gets on the back of my bike, she settles right in. Instead of going rigid with fear, Laney nestles against my back and wraps her arms around my torso. After what happened between us last night, the contact of her body against mine makes me hard as hell, and I struggle to keep my focus on the road.

  When I pull us up to the clubhouse compound a few minutes later, I feel her body shift as she looks around, taking it all in. It’s just after six, and our legit business, Ironwood Car and Truck Repair, is just closing up for the day. In the back lot, a couple of the brothers are taking advantage of the warm evening to break out the grill. The smell of cooking meat wafts our way.

  “I thought you said you wanted a replay of last night,” Laney says through her helmet once I’ve killed the engine.

  “Like I said, I thought you might like to see Bethany and Paisley first,” I answer. “This is our clubhouse.”

  “Are they here?” she asks as she climbs off, surprised.

  I nod. “Yoda brought them here to stay for a bit after Paisley got discharged. Thought they might do better right at first somewhere with people around.”

  Laney frowns. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…” she looks at the row of bikes, and nods toward the clubhouse with a frown. “Is this the kind of place a little kid should be?”

  “You mean compared to a shitty motel room with memories of her mom’s asshole boyfriend?” I smirk. “Come on. Let’s go inside, and you can judge for yourself.”

  I lead her to the front door. Laney steps through, hesitating, like she’s not quite sure what to expect. Tonight the clubhouse is less rowdy than usual, since some of the old ladies and their kids are here for the barbecue. I let Laney look around the big main room, watching her as she takes in the bar, the pool tables in the center of the room, and the big pit toward the back with low, comfortable sofas. Paisley and Bethany are over there. They’re with Bailey, Gage’s old lady, and Bailey’s little girl, Addi. Paisley and Addi are sitting on the large shag rug between the couches, playing some board game or other I don’t recognize.

  Bethany looks up and waves when she sees us, and I lead Laney over.

  “Paisley, look who’s here!” Bethany says to her daughter.

  “Laney!” Paisley cries, flinging herself to her feet. She races over. Laney bends down and gives her a hug.

  “How are you doing?” Laney asks.“I like your shirt!” Paisley’s wearing a blue T-shirt with a unicorn on it. Her hair’s pulled up in a matching blue scrunchie thing.

  “Addi gave it to me!” she says, turning to Bailey’s daughter. Paisley looks proud as hell. I can’t tell if it’s because of the fancy shirt, or because she’s got a new friend. Probably it’s both, the poor kid.

  Bailey stands up. “Hi, Laney. I’m Bailey. And that little rascal sitting next to Paisley is Addi.”

  “Hi,” Addi grins, looking up from the game.

  “We brought some of Addi’s clothes that didn’t fit her anymore,” Bailey continues. “We thought Paisley could use them, and it turns out she’s the perfect size for them.”

  “That’s very nice of you,” Laney smiles.

  “Bailey is with one of the other Lords,” I tell Laney. “Gage. He’s outside manning the grill.”

  “Gage and Dante are making hot dogs and hamburgers,” Addi tells us. “And steak for the grown-ups.”

  Laney nods her head. “That sounds really good.” She turns to me. “Are we staying for dinner?”

  “If you’re good with that.”

  “I am.” Her eyes sparkle.

  “Good deal. Come on over to the bar. I’ll grab us something to drink.”

  Laney follows me, nodding back toward the other women. “I guess I’ll just take a Coke for now,” she says.

  One of the prospects is behind the counter, and I order a Coke for Laney and a bottle of beer for me. As he’s leaning down to grab our drinks, Bear comes ambling over.

  “Well, well, well,” he rumbles at Laney. “Thought I’d managed to leave that damn hospital behind.” He nods toward the prospect and asks for a shot of whiskey.

  For a second I think Laney’s going to get offended or upset, but she just laughs. “Don’t worry, Bear, I’m off the clock. I’m not here to spy on you or make sure you’re taking your meds.”

  “Thank Christ for that,” he mutters.

  “Although, I’m not sure you’re supposed to be drinking while you’re still on your painkillers,” she teases.

  “This is a painkiller,” he points out, lifting the shot glass. “Better’n those damn pills.”

  Laney holds up her hands. “You’re an adult. You do what you need to do.”

  “Damn straight.” Bear looks at me. “At least she knows what’s what.”

  “That she does.”

  Bear raises his shot glass at us and wanders off. Laney watches him go.

  “This is… weird,” she murmurs.

  “What is?”

  “I guess I thought your clubhouse would be like this scary, dangerous place.” She shakes her head and laughs softly. “Except for the tattoos and the leather, it’s all pretty… normal.”

  I chuckle. “Well, it’s not always this tame. But yeah, some of the brothers have families, of course, so their old ladies and kids come around, too. And Paisley… well, for obvious reasons, she’s kind of become our mascot for now. Yoda asked our prez, Axel, if he could bring her and Bethany here to make sure they’re okay. Just until we know what’s happening with Mickey.”

  “Oh, gosh. Any news on that front?”

  “I talked to my cop friend. He says Mickey’s gonna have a bail hearing tomorrow.”

  Laney’s brow creases with worry. “Do you think he’ll get out?”

  “Could be, but I doubt it.” I take a long pull of my beer, leaning against the bar. “Bethany told Yoda she ain’t gonna post bail for him. Not that she has the money, anyway. So, it depends on whether he can get some other sucker to spring him out.”

  Laney blows out a breath. “I hope not.”

  “Don’t worry,” I reassure her. “Paisley and Bethany are under the club’
s protection now.” I grab my beer and stand. “Look, I’m gonna go outside and make sure Gage and Dante don’t burn the meat. Those fuckers don’t know shit about grilling. Will you be okay here for a few minutes?”

  “Sure.” She gives me an easy smile. “I’ll go talk to Bethany and Bailey. I wanted to ask Bethany some things anyway.”

  “Okay,” I nod. I pull her in for a kiss that leaves her a little breathless and flushed when I’m done with her. “You make yourself at home. Anyone gives you any trouble, you tell them you’re with me. I’ll be back in a little bit.”



  “Paisley looks more relaxed than I’ve ever seen her,” I say to Bethany.

  I watch Rourke’s back as he limps away from me, shaking my head. How is that man even standing after getting shot? Much less acting like nothing even happened. I know he said it was just a flesh wound, but still.

  What have I gotten myself into with him?

  Bethany lets out a happy sigh. “I know,” she agrees. “It’s so nice to see her just happy and carefree for a change. Addi is being so nice to her!”

  “Addi really likes Paisley,” Addi’s mother, Bailey, says. She’s about my height and slightly thinner than I am. Feature-wise, we could almost be sisters. Her dark hair is a shade lighter than mine, her face a little softer. “She took to her right away. I think those two are going to be thick as thieves.”

  “I guess I never really realized it before,” Bethany murmurs. “But I don’t think Paisley has very many friends at school.” She shakes her head. “And, well, with our situation… It’s not like she gets to have a lot of play dates.”

  Bailey gives her a kind look. “I’m a teacher at Ironwood Elementary. Addi’s a year ahead of Paisley. I get the impression from listening to Paisley that she’s had some trouble being bullied?”

  Bethany nods.

  “Well, Addi’s a good friend. Very loyal. She’ll watch out for her. I can check and see if they have the same recess. That would be great, for both of them.”

  “Your daughter seems like such a sweet little girl,” I tell Bailey.

  “Thank you,” she smiles. “I think so.” She nods toward the front door. “And she adores Gage.”

  “Is he her daddy?”

  “No. Addi’s father and I are divorced.” She lowers her voice a notch. “Frankly, Garrett never had much interest in being a father. So it’s great for Addi that Gage is so good with her.”

  We watch in silence on the couch as Paisley and Addi concentrate on their board game. Their young faces are so serious as they play, it’s incredibly sweet. I find myself swallowing around a sudden lump in my throat. It’s true what I said to Bethany: I’ve never seen Paisley so relaxed. Her little forehead is free from creases, smooth and untroubled.

  Bethany starts to speak, almost as though to herself. “I… I just haven’t been able to provide much for her lately, you know? It seems like it takes everything I have in me, just to keep us above water. And now, with these hospital bills…”

  Bethany’s voice wobbles a little, as though she’s trying not to cry. I turn to look at her, and see the worry in her face. Reaching out, I put a hand on top of hers. It’s cold.

  “Bethany,” I say quietly. ““I know you’ve been going through a rough spot. I know you’re worried about money. But I have been able to find you some resources. We can talk about that tomorrow, if you’d like. Can you stop by the hospital sometime? I’ll clear my calendar for whenever you’re free.”

  She blinks back tears and nods. “Yes. I can. I’m going to take Paisley back to school tomorrow afternoon. I thought I should start her out on half-days for a day or two, just to make sure she’s up for it. I can come by the hospital after I drop her off.”

  “Good,” I say, patting her hand. “So, are you going back to the motel tonight?”

  “No-o-o…” Bethany trails off, and her face starts to pink. “We’re staying here for the night. Yoda said he’d give us his apartment to stay in.”

  “His apartment?” I frown.

  Bethany points down a long corridor. “This place is bigger than it looks. There’s a whole other area back there, with a bunch of separate apartments that the men use.”

  “So, uh, Bethany,” Bailey pipes in, a mischievous look on her pretty face. “What is going on with you and Yoda, anyway?”

  The pink of Bethany’s cheeks turns brighter. “Nothing. At least, not exactly. He’s just being nice to me. I mean, he wants something more. And honestly, I think I do, too. But he’s giving me space right now.”

  “So, does that mean things are finished between you and Mickey?” I ask.

  “Yes.” Bethany’s tone turns stronger. “I haven’t told him that yet, exactly. But it’s over. He thought he could come back after he hurt Paisley. And I almost let him.” Her jaw juts out a little as she continues. “But I realized, he’s part of the reason I can’t ever seem to get back on my feet, you know? Like, he hasn’t had a job in forever. And I don’t even know what he does all day. All I know is, he takes my money, and whenever I ask him to go buy groceries or something, he says he will but then he doesn’t.”

  “You deserve better than that,” I murmur.

  “Yeah. And another thing,” she continues, sounding defiant. “I don’t wanna work as a dancer at Jimmy Mazur’s place anymore. It’s where I met Mickey, anyway, and I don’t wanna be part of that. Jimmy wanted me to move into… other stuff.” She trails off for a second, looking embarrassed. But then she speaks up again. “Like, customers aren’t supposed to touch the dancers, right? But Jimmy started saying I could make more money if I let them do stuff sometimes…” Her nostrils flare. “I thought Mickey would kick his ass when I told him that, but you know what? He said he’d be fine with it if I could bring more money in! Can you believe that?”

  “No, I can’t,” I say, disgusted. This is gross, even for Mickey.

  “I want away from the whole thing,” Bethany declares. “Yoda says he’ll let us stay at his place for a little bit. Get on my feet. I said no, we can go back to the motel…” Her words slow now, as she grows hesitant. “But, I don’t know how I’m gonna pay for things. I haven’t been able to save up any money because of Mickey. And I haven’t been working as much since Paisley’s been in the hospital…”

  I take a deep breath. “Bethany, we’ll figure this out. For now, just take the time to relax a little bit, be glad your daughter’s out of the hospital, and that you’re both safe. You’ve got people around you now who can help.”

  Bailey, who’s been sipping on a glass of water, announces she’s going to get herself a beer. “Can I get you two anything?”

  I’ve finished with my Coke. “I’ll take another one of these,” I say, lifting my glass. “With some rum in it this time, if they have it.”

  Bethany, after hesitating a second, asks for the same.

  “You sure you can get all three drinks?” I ask Bailey. “I can help you if you’d like.”

  “I’ve got it,” Bailey says, getting up. “No worries.”

  Bethany and I sit in comfortable silence, watching the kids play, until Bailey comes back, juggling three glasses. We take our drinks from her, and she sits back down in her spot. Bailey lifts up her beer. “To new beginnings,” she announces.

  “To new beginnings,” I say, smiling at Bethany.

  “So, Laney,” Bailey continues after she’s taken a sip. The corners of her mouth turn up. “Now that we’ve asked Bethany about her and Yoda… what’s the deal with you and Rourke?”

  “Um…” Now it’s my turn to blush. “I plead the fifth?”

  Bailey bursts out laughing. “Oh, no, you don’t. You don’t know me that well yet, but I am not someone who takes no for an answer.” She points at my rum and Coke, smirking. “What do you think that’s for? I’ll ply you with liquor until you tell me!”

  “It’s only fair, really,” Bethany pipes up with a wink. “After all, you just asked me about Yoda. And I guarantee you,
things with Yoda and me haven’t gone as far as whatever is going on between you and Rourke!”

  The two women stare at me pointedly.

  “You are not both ganging up on me right now,” I protest.

  They look at each other, then back at me. “Yup, I think we are,” Bethany answers proudly.

  “Dammit…” I glance at the little girls, but they’re wrapped up in their game and aren’t listening. “Sorry. Um, there’s nothing going on, really…”

  Bethany snorts. “Yeah, right. I’ve seen the two of you together. And you’re here, aren’t you?” She waves her arms around the clubhouse. “You can’t tell me Rourke brought you here just to check up on Paisley and me.”

  “Well, he kind of did…” I begin, but then I remember the sound of Rourke’s deep voice and the feel of his lips against my skin.

  I want a replay of last night. That okay with you?

  “Oh, come on. That man looks at you like you’re something to eat,” Bailey declares. “Don’t even try to pretend there’s nothing going on.”

  “I mean…” I start to stammer. Bailey hoots.

  “I knew it!” she crows. “Okay, we’ve established that there is in fact something going on with Rourke. So. Spill!”

  “He’s just, um… I mean, we’re just spending some time together.” I lift a shoulder. “I don’t think it means anything…”

  The way Bailey arches her brow at me tells me she’s not having it. “Laney, let me tell you something,” she says. “I haven’t known Rourke all that long. But I have known him long enough to know one thing: if he is spending time with you, it means something. Let me ask you a question.” She leans forward. “How did you get to the clubhouse tonight?”

  I tilt my head. “On Rourke’s bike.”

  “Ha! I knew it!” She does a little fist pump, nearly spilling her beer. “In Rourke’s world, that means you’re practically engaged!”

  I’m spared from having to answer her when the front door to the clubhouse opens up. One of the Lords who was standing near the grill earlier calls out, “Food’s on! Come and get it before it’s gone!”


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