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Mask Page 9

by Jan Irving

  If this was a fairy tale, it was a dark one. Like Obsidian said, the castle was surrounded by sharp, bloody thorns. But I need to climb his walls. I need to be with him. In this fairy tale, the prince needs the pauper artist to come to his rescue….

  “ An Alpha werewolf. You dont believe they exist?” Finn smiled at Nicks blank expression. “I was seventeen and I met him one night in the woods near my home.”

  Nick put aside the paint and sat on the long table. He stared at Finn, who had amusement twinkling in his eyes, as if enjoying Nicks reaction. “Werewolves are real?” Nick raised a brow.

  “Ummmm. And other things. Dark, sexy monsters are all around us. And… darker things. Things you dont want to ever meet.” “I cant….” Nick gave a soft laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. “Finn, shit! That sounds like….” “ A fairy tale?” Finn cocked his head. “But isnt that what youve been painting this morning? Telemachus House as the castle of the mysterious and tormented prince and only you can heal him with your kiss?”

  “ Dont!” Hurt, Nick dropped his brush and his fists balled. “I didnt expect you to piss on my feelings! I thought you were my friend. Sort of,” he was forced to qualify since Finn was an ambiguous companion.

  “ Im not dismissing how you feel. Im just asking you to open yourself to the possibility that there are things out there that are real, not fantasy. And anyway, about the master of our crumbling mansion—what does your gut tell you?” Finns tone was serious, cool as running water. “After living under Kains roof? All his secrets. All his fears. Dont you get hes a dangerous man?”

  “ Kain can be dangerous, yes,” Nick whispered. “A little shady when it comes to getting something….” He flushed at Finns ironic look. “Okay, someone he wants. But he tries. He tries to talk to me and he doesnt want me hurt.”

  “What does he want from you then?” Finn raised his brows, prodding. “ To enthrall me,” Nick answered, very simply. “Or, to make me fall in love with him—but I dont think he sees it in those terms. Right now, hes using sex to entice me. And a roof over my head. And a job. Not inconsiderable ammunition.”

  Finn reached out and played with a strand of Nick s hair. “You cant really blame him for being drawn to you. Youve got the personality of a sea urchin. And, just look at you, kitten.”

  Nick grimaced, since he wasnt exactly in love with his appearance. “Blond.” “ If you ever did go to the clubs, youd pick up more men than Kain did in his heyday. Because he was beautiful and intimidating, but you care about people.”

  “ Chum in the water.” Nick lifted a shoulder, indifferent. “But thats not me.” In a certain mood, maybe, but hed been so preoccupied with his passion for his art, and before that, with being Miguels longtime boyfriend, wanting to believe theyd work it out.

  “ I dont know if it would be a good idea now, you clubbing. Kains possessive side could come out. Hes very protective of you. Willing to do anything to keep you, possibly.”

  “Do you think…? Mark?” Nick swallowed. “No, he told me he was sorry Mark was dead last night and I could hear the regret in his tone.” Finn just shook his head.“I hope not, Nick, but Kain…. He might not even remember hurting someone.”

  “His memory lapses. He mentioned them before, said you helped him with them.”

  “Yes.” Finn held his gaze soberly.

  Nick frowned. “And just now, when you talked about his appearance, you said he was beautiful.”

  “Mmmmmm.” Nick glared. “I will know him, Finn! But back to what you told me at the beginning of our conversation. Are you saying Kain is some kind of supernatural creature? A… loup garou?”

  “ Hes something elemental, like a werewolf, yes. Why do you think this house otherwise? Its earthy, isolated. I told you I knew someone once….”

  “So youre saying hes one of these shape changers?” Nick rubbed his forehead, trying to work it out. “ A werewolf? I dont know for sure,” Finn said. “Hes not exactly forthcoming. But I know Luke suffered from memory lapses and some of his kind were capable of terrible violence toward humans.”

  “Why did Kain hire you? Because you had experience with the supernatural?” “ When I first hit town, Kain and I almost had an interesting evening.” Finns lips curved and a wistful light came into his eyes.“Not his usual.”

  Nick looked away.

  Smugly, Finn said,“So hes not the only possessive one.” “Hes not mine. And I know he must have had… many lovers.” “Is that what your body tells you, that youre just one of many?”

  “My body.” Nick gave a rueful laugh. “Primal. I try to cool my body with my art. Its a safe outlet for expression.” Finn nodded. “It was that way for me and my Alpha, Luke. From the first night I met him, he was all I could think about. I dreamt about him, was sure sometimes he was even in the same room with me when I slept, watching me. Sometimes even now… I feel like hes around.”

  In a hushed voice, Nick asked,“Did he watch you when you slept?”

  “Yes,” Finn said, holding Nicks gaze. “ You called him an „Alpha?” Nick asked, shoving a paintbrush behind one ear as he both listened to Finn and tried to keep the color moving on his canvas until he could figure out what he wanted to explore.

  “ I was his human submissive,” Finn confided. “I helped him control his… violent impulses. Some gifted humans live among us and having a mundane companion grounds them.”

  Nicks eyes widened. “Is that what Kain wants with me?” “ Yes, I think that instinctively he recognized you, what you could become for him, but hes newly made; he doesnt understand what hes asking, the danger hes putting you in.”

  “ Danger.” Nick wrapped his arms around himself. “But the sex?” “Its like hes in your blood.” Finn closed his eyes and his head fell back. “You want him too much; no matter what hes done, you feel like you could almost forgive him anything, but you have to stay strong, for him, for yourself.” Finns bright eyes opened again and he stared into Nicks. “Just how long do you think hes going to be able to hold off claiming you? If you were wise, youd leave this house.”

  Nick gave his friend a cranky look, tired of him hinting that Nick should leave, but understanding that it probably came from a good place. “I guess Im not wise.”

  “DETECTIVE.” Nick nodded when Manners invaded the atrium, her

  sharp gaze taking in the art leaning against metal and glass walls. “ Mr. Anders.” She was staring at the canvas Nick had done of Kain. Sensual lips wet with blood, tormented green eyes. “It turns you on that hes a killer?”

  “Have you proof?” Nick swallowed, his heart thumping in his throat.

  “Not yet, but I will. Its not like hes making it hard. Telling me he gets headaches, he cant remember…! Pathetic.”

  “I dont think he wants to hurt anyone.”

  “He seems pretty protective of you.” She raised a brow. “He didnt deny he wasnt happy that Mark apparently made overtures to you.” Nick managed to keep his face serene. Kain, what are you doing? “Oh?”

  “He told me to leave you alone, that you were innocent, untouched by this.”

  “Hes….” Nick shrugged. “Just being nice.”

  “Uh-huh.” Manners folded her arms, giving Nick a level look. “You ever visit his club, Manticore?” “ No, Im a poor student and I was never into the club scene.” Nick shrugged, feeling her glance slicing into him as if to spill his secrets—or more likely, any of Kains he might be privy to.

  Manners nodded. “For folks who like rougher play or just dinner and dancing, but the crowdis rumored to be somewhat… eclectic. Kain was a regular there until recently. Their floor show is stuff like submissives being flogged. You into that shit?”

  Nick flushed. “Thats hardly relevant. Kain told me he likes to watch, but that doesnt mean he hurt anyone.” “ The little blond hustlers were regulars at his club. Didnt mind if someone roughed them up a little, by all accounts. Probably got off on it.” Manners leaned close and whispered in Nicks ear, “They had bite marks on their ne
cks and between their legs.”

  Nick shook his head, refusing to drop his gaze from Manners . “I dont believe hes a bad person. Hes merely isolated and lonely. And liking to watch sexual acts, that seems more like someone afraid to get close, dont you think?”

  IN HIS bedroom, Nick lingered, restless. So much for the wonderful night with Kain. His feelings of connection, of something deeper, had evaporated like a hazy fall mist in the harsh light of day.

  He considered his laptop, waiting, and then glanced at his open suitcase. He could return to town, move back in with Marilyn, who would offer chocolate tea and sympathy.

  Life would be simple again. Back in his rut.

  And something told him, since Kain had been quiet all day, as if leaving him a choice, that this time he would let Nick go. But was it what Nick wanted?

  Moonbeam: When you were with your hired dates? Obsidian: ...

  Moonbeam: Did you...? Kain, were you intimate with them? Obsidian: “Intimate,” no. I fucked them and I bled them. Moonbeam: Bled!

  Obsidian: Some people are into cutting themselves and having someone suck the blood. Moonbeam: ...

  Obsidian: You asked.

  Moonbeam: Do you ever think of doing that with me? Obsidian: Yes. I try not to.

  Moonbeam: What would you do to me?

  Obsidian: Handcuff you in semi darkness so you couldn’t look at me. Put my fingers inside you, stretching, and then my cock. I like the thought of you helpless, your blond hair shimmering in the light from the hallway while I fuck you.

  Maybe you’d even have some paint on your pale arms or the side of your neck. Sometimes you don’t notice it and I find that absent habit increasingly sexy.

  Moonbeam: And would you bite me? Obsidian: Christ, yes, I would bite you! I would spread open your legs and put my mouth to your inner thigh. While you watched me, trembling, hard, I’d sink my teeth in you and you’d come.

  Nick made a soft sound, sitting away from his laptop and running his damp palms over his jeans. He noticed a bit of blue on the back of one hand and remembered how Kain said he liked that, how Nick wore his art on his body.

  He was hard and perspiration darkened his hairline. His lips parted. On the edge.

  But he also remembered Detective Manners warning: The victims had bite marks on their necks and between their legs. NICK couldnt bring himself to pack, and, hours later, a shadow leaned against his open bedroom door. Nick sensed Kain from where he was sitting on the window seat, knees pressed against his chest.

  “Hey,” Nick said. “ Hey.” Kain moved deeper into the room, face tilted away from Nicks gaze, before he sat behind him, tentatively pulling him closer so Nick was resting against Kains chest.

  “You havent left,” Kain noted softly, a thread of pain, of almosthope in his voice. “I waited all day. I was sure youd leave.” “ I dont know why,” Nick said moodily. “Maybe it was what you said about how I forget to wash all the paint off my hands and body.” He looked at the splotch of blue on the back of his hand. “I felt like you knew me, appreciated me.”

  “I watch you all the time.” Kain s hand covered Nicks, meshing their fingers awkwardly. The larger body looming behind him soothed Nick even as he felt the familiar rise of excitement.

  Then Kain licked his neck.

  Nick shivered and his head fell back in surrender.

  “MANNERS mentioned that club that you visit. The one you own?”

  Nick s eyelashes flickered as Kain gave him another long lick. He inhaled, shivering at the intensity, one hand clenching and unclenching over Kains muscled thigh.

  Kain was playing him slowly. Playing his body like one of Nick s works of art; preparing the canvas, choosing the colors, a masterpiece of drawn-out eroticism.

  “I love what you do to me,” Nick breathed, body on the edge. “ I know, kitten.” Kains fingernail bumped over Nicks erect left nipple. “I remember when Finn called you that, I wasnt sure if I approved but you are my kitten-boy, arent you? Youll lick me one day when I ask. Youre meant to be used, enjoyed… even passed around if I ask it.”

  Nick felt… ohhhhh. Panting, eyelids quivering as Kain whispered to him, luring him into a different world hed never dreamed of. Kains hand moved softly down his body until it rested over Nicks erection where it strained against his clothing. “ But Im not so sure Ill be able to share you after all. Im a little… protective, as I mentioned to Detective Manners. I heard she brought up Manticore.”

  “ Yes, and I want you to take me there, Kain,” Nick asked calmly. “Desperate to shake this mortal coil? You should know from what happened to your friend Miguel that its not a place to go without protection.” Nick only parted his lips as Kain leaned close and licked them, first the bottom one, slow, jungle-green eyes holding Nicks, as if testing him. “All right, Ill take you there, but I want you to stay close.”

  Nick took a deep breath, his heart pounding so hard he wondered if Kain could hear it. Was Finn right? Was Kain some kind of supernatural creature? And yet his own painting of Kain showed a side of him that Nick couldnt reconcile.

  “Thats it? Just… all right?” Nick swallowed, crushed in possessive arms, and quite satisfied that he was. Kain licked under his ear almost affectionately and Nick made a thready sound, fingers digging into Kains knee. “What if I find out that youre a—”

  “Killer?” Kain whispered, eyes refusing to back down. “Maybe I am, Nick. Still think its a good idea to stay under my roof?” But when Nick hesitated, Kain stiffened, pulling away to climb to his feet, retreating from Nick.

  Nick snagged his hand. “ I cant stay away from you,” Nick confessed earnestly. “I know that youre doing all you can to protect me from whatever your secret is.”

  Kain gave a stiff nod, but his lips quirked. “Im not sure how much longer I can leave you alone, safely tucked in your bed, Nick.” “So kiss me.”

  Kain looked surprised at the simple request. He had to know… to feel how aroused Nick was, and yet all Nick asked for was a kiss. Maybe because a kiss could be a thing of real intimacy, unlike watching, unlike fantasizing on the keyboard? Seeing he d have to make the first move, Nick stood, going to him, studying the grooves of melted flesh on one side of Kains face in contrast to the almost unearthly beauty of the other.

  Kain had slowly let his guard down this evening so Nick had at last seen his face, but Nick knew better than to remark on the scars. His would-be boyfriend was impossibly touchy and needed careful handling.

  “You know, suck face.” Nick raised his brows, striving to keep the moment light. Come on, just a little closer….

  “I dont kiss.” Kain dropped his head, as if by reflex hiding the marks covering one side of his face. “Not since….”

  “But youre such a sensual man.” Nick kissed his chin, coaxing. “You must miss kissing. And Id love to kiss you.”

  Kain growled and tugged Nick closer so that Nicks plump, welcoming lips met his in a kiss that a lover gives just before sex. It wasn t enough. Nick moaned, fingers digging into Kains shoulders restlessly. Kain hefted Nick high, still kissing, tongue caressing Nicks, inside.

  Nick automatically wrapped his legs around Kain s hips, his groin rubbing against Kains body. When he pulled back he was smiling, fevered, cheeks stinging from beard burn.


  And Nick whispered, “Lets kiss until we hurt.”

  FINN leaned against the window in his suite, reaching out to press long fingers against the glass, seeing his own reflection, his own forlorn gaze. If he closed his eyes, he could almost feel the heat between Kain and Nick lighting up the crumbling house.

  Shit! Didnt that bring back memories?

  Luke. Was he still alive? It had been years, aching years apart because Luke insisted Finn grow up, insisted he was too young to take the final, irrevocable step as a human submissive to a werewolf Alpha.

  But despite his reservations, Luke had marked him, though not as deeply as Finn suspected hed bonded himself to Finn. But he wore a little mark just ab
ove his heart. A welt behind his neck. A bite on his thigh. So when Luke was close, Finn opened up, felt their connection sing through the tiny scars.

  Sometimes in the past year, hed sensed Luke, but he knew he had to be imagining it.

  He thought back to that night, the night theyd first met…. A humid night, Finn walking the rutted track that led to his Aunt Marybeth’s house. An owl ghosted across the road and headlights warmed Finn’s back. He shielded his eyes and leaned his too tall eighteen-year-old body near the open window of the truck.

  “ Shouldn’t be walking by these woods alone at night, boy,” Mars Carmichael warned. “Strange goings on in these parts.” Then his eyes widened as he saw who he was talking to. “Shit! Go ahead. Maybe something will eat ya!” He laughed and sped off, gravel and clumps of dried mud striking Finn’s cheap sneakers, which he kept as pristine as possible.

  “He doesn’t like you,” a voice purred from the trees. Finn gasped, not having heard anyone trailing him. These woods … they had a bad reputation, but since Finn had one himself—and he had yet to earn it, darn it!—he was kind of fond of them.

  And any place wild had always attracted Finn, made him feel at home. He loved the earth crumbling like devil’s food mix in his hands, warm and connected….

  “ Guess he thinks I’ll get eaten by the Big Bad Wolf,” Finn mocked, but somewhat breathlessly, as a tall man wearing a black wife-beater and jeans was suddenly standing directly in front of him.

  “ Not a good night for you to take a stroll, cher,” the man said, nodding to indicate the bright harvest moon. His eyes were so dark the pupil and iris were merged, his hair loose bronze ringlets that fell to the center of his chest. A gold loop in one earlobe caught the light and a dragon tattoo snaked across one muscled bicep.

  Finn licked his lips. Cher. The stranger must be Cajun, so calling Finn “darling” didn’t mean anything. “I was preoccupied, sir,” he said, using the manners that his Aunt Marybeth had drilled into him. She may be the town witch, but she went to church every Sunday and she made sure Finn came, even if he was rumored to be strange… a little off. But he was definitely handy to local farmers if their crops wouldn’t yield—he had a way of knowing what might be missing in the soil or what kind of compost tea worked best.


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