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Mask Page 11

by Jan Irving

  “Yes, Kain.” Nick wobbled a little, careful with the pebbles on his bare knees. Seeing his awkwardness, Kain s lips quirked and he drawled, “You never hear about pebbles when you read hot stories on the Net about submission. Ill make sure the next time you kneel for me, its on a more comfortable floor.”

  “Thank you, Kain.” Kain s leather boot appeared. Nick held his breath, aware of how vulnerable he was in this position, kneeling, his legs spread and open, his balls and cock prominently displayed.

  Kain nudged Nick s erection with a very carefully measured out touch. The suede was both rough and soft as it stroked Nick. His lips parted and he looked up at Kain, silently pleading.

  “Not yet, kitten. Now kiss it. Kiss my boot and thank me for marking you.” Nick pressed his lips against Kain s boot, but he didnt say exactly his scripted words. Instead he went with his heart. “I love you,” he whispered, “Kain.”

  Kain s breath hitched, and then he was leaning against his car, his gloved hand tangled in Nicks hair, and it was entirely natural that Nick put his eager mouth on Kains penis, licking away the traces of come, pleasuring Kain, while Kain widened his legs and enjoyed his attentions.

  NICK ran a finger around the rim of his tea martini, taking in the Moroccan decor and ambience of Manticore. He and Kain were seated in rattan planter s chairs with a low painted table shared between them. Lanterns made of hide and colored in jewel tones of peridot, garnet, crimson, and topaz hung at varying lengths throughout the semicircular club. The space had a sense of intimacy and yet also a quality of voyeurism since it was easy to spy on the activities at other tables where some sat… and some knelt, as Nick had for Kain.

  Seeing other men and women choosing to do that brought that moment back, and Nick felt his chest tighten as he remembered what hed offered Kain, both with his vulnerable body and with his words.

  Had he actually said them? He hadnt even known himself until they rose from inside him and spilled from his lips like a gift. But he didnt regret it. Kain had to know why he had stayed, why he believed in him, why he wanted to surrender completely. He nodded to his dominant lover, who was slouched deep in his chair, so the light couldnt quite reach his face. “Its, uh, quiet here tonight. What did you order? I can smell spices but….”

  Kain shook his head, looking moody and closed off. “You wouldnt like the taste.” Nick shifted restlessly and the moisture still damp between his thighs made him flush. Kain hadnt permitted him to dry himself, just ordered him to put his pants back on. His lower body also throbbed where Kain had taken him so he could feel an afterimage of the experience, almost feel Kain still inside, hard, commanding, pleasuring himself while he deliberately restrained Nick.

  “ Kain!” A slender man with flowing black hair with a dramatic white streak stood next to their table, holding Kains gaze. “Who is this exquisite boy? I could smell him from across the room. Delicious!”

  Kains gloved hand tightened on the arm of his chair. “He is mine,” he warned, very softly. Nick stared into Mediterranean blue eyes which were looking at him with the appreciation that an art patron might have for a painting. He went with a hunch. “Do you work some of the floor shows here?”

  The man s lips quirked. He had creases by his eyes, giving away that he was slightly older than Kain. “Im Siren. Youve heard of me?” He reached out and sifted Nicks hair through his fingers, making Nick gasp at his daring. “Moonbeam finally visits our world of fire and darkness.”

  “ How do you know that name?!” Freaked, Nick glanced over at Kain but couldnt make out his expression, only that his hand was still clenched over his chair arm, as if Kain were restraining himself.

  “ I met your Miguel one night,” Siren admitted casually. “He shared some of your correspondence with Kain. It rather disheartened him, and I could see why—you and Kain obviously had something hot going!”

  “ Oh.” Nick flushed at hearing his former boyfriends name mentioned. Then his eyes narrowed.“Something strange happened to him the night he came here. He doesnt remember, but its possible someone set him up.”

  Siren s brows rose. “Oh, dear me. Well, Kain probably told you this club is a little… unusual. Its best to come here with a protector and I did try to warn your friend to take it easy.”

  “Uh-huh. How did you meet Kain?”

  Siren gave Kain a peaceful look and Kains mouth tightened. “I visited his home.”

  “The night of the fire?” “ Yes.” Siren pulled out a blown-glass perfume bottle from a bronze beaded bag. It was pink, shaped with undulating curves, reminiscent of a genie bottle. “For the pulse points.” He nodded to Nick. “I use it on the submissives in my act.”

  “ He doesnt know….” Kain leaned forward and the scars on his face caught the light. He looked like he wanted to say more, but closed his mouth after a glance at Nick.

  “Yet you brought him here.” Siren frowned, studying Kains face. “Kain, if you would only allow me…. The scarring.”

  “Dont ever touch me again!” Kain growled, green eyes dangerous. Siren grimaced. “If you wish to go on punishing yourself….” He placed the perfume bottle on the table and cocked a brow at Nick. “On the house, beauty. Now youll have to excuse me; there is a ceremony about to start below stairs.”

  Nick leaned forward and lifted the wand from the bottle, curious. “Orange blossom,” he said after catching the scent. “Fresh, zesty. Not what I would expect in a place like this.”

  “ You probably assumed hed offer you something smoky and spicy but Siren mixes custom scents for certain patrons. Im not surprised he chose flowering fruit for you, Persephone,” Kain said. His gloved hand extended and hesitated, and then he ran a gentle fingertip over the back of Nicks hand as if in apology for his abruptness.

  Nick felt the familiar tightness under his breastbone.


  Softly, Kain asked,“Do you want to try it?”

  “ I am curious but Im also wary. Is this what happened to Miguel? He was offered scent in a bottle and somehow wound up in a public orgy? I dont want to make a fool of myself.”

  “ Ill keep you safe.” Kain turned Nicks hand so the inside of his wrist was exposed. He waited to read permission in Nicks eyes and when he did, he used the wand to anoint his skin with a single drop.

  Nick stared at his wrist, seeing a drop of color, like crimson pigment that expanded into thinner clouds, diffusing to lime on his skin. “It enhances,” Kain explained. “Touch. Emotions. Siren mixes it for certain submissives.” “ Howd he know I was one?” Nick asked wryly. “Never mind. Im probably putting out a neon vibe right now that Id like to kneel at your feet and rub my face against your hand.”

  Kains eyes widened and he swallowed thickly.“Is that what you want?” “ Youre so easy,” Nick said, teasing. He took a deep breath, trying not to reach for Kain, touch his hair… lick his skin. He was obviously feeling the effects of the special oil. “He works for you?”

  “ He runs the place for me.”

  “And yet you cant seem to stand him?”

  “My… relationship with Siren is complicated.”

  “Um-hmmm.” Nick wanted to push for more but sensed he would get nowhere with Kain. “Everyone is downstairs for this ceremony?” “Yes, but—” Kain hesitated.

  “I want to see.” Nick held Kains eyes in challenge.“You brought me here.”

  “All right.” Kain stood. “But I dont think youre ready. And Nick… about Miguel.”

  “Yes?” Kain took Nick s hand and stroked the lifeline in the center of his palm, paying special attention to the fork that divided it. “Whatever happened to him here, it had to be something he secretly desired if the oil was involved.”

  Nick swallowed. “I know. He… was unable to reach completion sexually for a long time.”

  “So for him, it was a good thing.” Kain pressed cool lips to Nicks hand. “And for me, kitten, since you came to live under my roof.” Nick climbed to his feet, nervous for some reason. This place …. What wa
snt Kain sharing with him? Kains uneasiness made Nick uneasy.

  Shyly, he brushed one of his lover s hands with his own. “Thank you for saying that,” he said. “And dont be so grim. Im sure youre worrying over nothing. How different can this place be?”

  BLOOD struck Nicks face, the motion strange, stretched out, so that the droplets seemed to take an age to reach him. He gasped and a hand covered his shoulder, steadying him on the stairs that led down to a circular stage. The space was cavernous, yet intimate, like a caught breath, like a heart beating….

  Feeling the effects of the special oil, Nick stared at two men lost to themselves in the audience.

  “That man,” Nick rasped, a little dizzy as he stared from heavylidded eyes. “Cutting himself with a razor.”

  Nick watched as the mans companion sucked the beaded drops from the strangers bare chest, the gesture strangely tender. “ Hes feeding his submissive,” Kain said. He tugged Nick forward. Nick opened his mouth to question Kain.

  A body slammed into him—

  He staggered, breath knocked from his chest, reeling.

  Blurry movement, so fast he only had the impression of Kains hand shoving someone away. A young man hit the curved wall with the dull thump of flesh. Nick stared into the wide cocoa eyes of a boy, panting, nude. His panicked gaze seemed to catch Nicks, pulling him in.

  “ Are you okay?” Nick instinctively reached out to the trembling stranger and their fingertips grazed. At their touch, he experienced something like an electrical charge, raw feeling, gripping him in the throat, making his eyes sting with tears as emotion walloped him.

  Then Kain was there, pulling him back from the powerful exchange. Cooling, protective touch, shutting out the noise. The stranger looked from Nick to Kain and Nick saw awareness dawn in his eyes. “You belong to one of them,” he rasped, almost accusing.

  Two men wearing black leather vests and pants pushed through the crowd and took charge of the young man, guiding him back to a cage in the center of the stage as Nick and Kain watched.

  Nick whispered, still feeling what the stranger had been experiencing.“…Scared!” Kain held him firmly. “Its the drug.”

  “No! I felt him!” Nick struggled, looking up at Kain, pleading, tears running down his cheeks from the moment of unbearable connection. “Please, help him! I know you can! Please, for me, Kain.”

  Kains face was stony. “I know you cant understand this, Nick, but he asked for this.” As Nick watched, trembling in Kain s arms, the young stranger was guided onto a table, two men pressing him down, holding his arms while a third lifted something from a smoldering brazier.

  Nick screamed.

  White pain! Something burning a mark into his skin!

  Nick grabbed his skull.

  The world tilted. Riding Kains shoulder, jolting up the stairs.

  WARM, concerned blue eyes. “Here, have a little more.”

  Nick coughed, throat raw, as he came back to himself. “What is that?”

  “Its just whiskey. You were in a state of shock,” Siren reassured. “Kain thought it would help you.”

  Nick spied a rigid Kain standing close by, face white, fists balled as he stared at Nick in Sirens care.

  The memory of what hed seen, the emotions of the young man, once again swept through Nick. A red ball expanding in his chest— He was on his feet, his hand cracking against Kain s cheek. The scarred side of Kains face turned red from the imprint.

  “Branded. They branded that boy!” Panting, tears cold on his cheeks.

  “Yes,” Kain said, looking removed. He walked away, leaving Nick trembling, arms wrapped tightly around himself.

  “TAKE a look now,” Siren prodded, not unkindly.

  Nick swallowed, hesitant, not wanting any more shocking surprises at Manticore, but Siren had insisted they return to the amphitheater and talk to the young man whose encounter with Nick had been so distressing.

  Now Nick looked into the cage, seeing the boy with cocoa eyes was reclining, looking relaxed as a white-haired, bearded man licked the brand on his chest.

  The boy moaned and pressed the older man closer, as if enjoying his touch, and a wall of desire, like looking through the rising sparks of a bonfire, hit Nick.

  He steadied himself against one curving wall, taking a deep breath and struggling for composure. He was obviously still feeling the effects of Sirens oil. “He wanted what happened?” He looked blankly at Siren, who appeared satisfied with the outcome of the evenings performance.

  “ He signed a contract.” Siren pulled a sheaf of papers from under his gray and blue shot Thai silk jacket. “Theyve been together a long time but the final bond is hard on any human submissive. It has to be, since living with one of us isnt easy.”

  “ Contract.” Nicks fingertips grazed the paper as he scanned it. “Human submissive?” Nick remembered Finn had used that term. He rubbed his forehead, trying to understand. “But he was scared, Siren. I could feel it, almost like it was happening to me!”

  “ Of course Carlos was scared, kitten—may I call you that? I know Finn does.” At Nicks nod of acquiescence, Siren gave a smile calculated to charm and continued.“He was about to become a human slave to a shape-shifter, belong to him in ways that will test him constantly. And branding hurts. But Leo couldnt let him go since hes deeply in love with his boy.”

  “So this ceremony…. Its like a make or break between humans and shape-shifters?” Siren nodded. “Leo was struggling because every full moon, his possessiveness for Carlos was making it hard for him to interact with the other wolves in his pack. They had no choice but to take the next step in their mating.”

  Nick saw Carlos was smiling now as the older man, Leo, pulled away. He could make out that the brand on Carloss chest represented the head of a wolf, the skin pink but, unbelievably, almost healed! Had Leo done that somehow for his young lover, taken away his discomfort so quickly?

  Nick s hand fell, papers fluttering. “There is so much I dont know. I feel like the new kid at school. I dont know where recess is held, Im wearing the wrong clothes, Ill never blend in and maybe—” He closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to say it.

  “What?” Siren asked, very gently. “ Maybe it wont work between Kain and me because I cant become a part of his world.” The thought spilled out raw, acid burning, and it didnt make Nick feel any better to share his fears. Siren couldnt answer him on that score, only Kain. He sighed.“So why didnt Kain stop it when I asked?”

  Sirens face was very serious. “Kitten, you must be feeling like youve stepped totally into the unknown. I know it must be… terrifying.” “ If I understand whats going on, I can filter and deal with it. Its being in limbo, interpreting shadows that makes me crazy,” Nick admitted before continuing in an aching whisper.“I need to know who Kain is. Its all Ive wanted all along.”

  “ Okay, information I can give you.” Siren reached out and stroked Nicks shoulder. “To put it simply, Club Manticore is a venue for a mix of creatures that dont always get along. If Kain had interfered in the final bonding of Carlos and Leo, it could have been war, and even an outsider like our employer knew that.”

  “Kains an outsider too?” Nick blinked, taken aback at this new insight.

  Siren nodded. “So maybe it doesnt matter to him how much you blend into our world, but only that you accept him, hmmm?” Nick dropped his head, considering, afraid to hope again and stretch out on a brittle branch that might suddenly crack under his weight.

  Siren continued, as if sensing Nick was looking to see Kain in the events that had unfolded that night.“Leo is an important man to the shifters. He needs to be in control of himself and having a much younger, very hot, and somewhat slutty man as his chosen companion has been hard on him. I think he would have tried to kill anyone who got between him and Carlos.”

  Below where Siren and Nick were standing, Leo had lifted Carlos into his arms. The young man curled his arms around Leo, head buried against the older mans neck. They left the cage, followed
by the other men, who were obviously bodyguards of some kind.

  “Leo is a loup garou?” Nick guessed. Siren nodded, blue eyes respectful as he nodded to Leo. “Yes, the most powerful pack leader in this city. Carlos is an artist like you, but he works with found art. He lives the sweet life since Leo is in real estate and has done very well for himself and he likes to pamper his boy.”

  “ A werewolf in real estate?” Nick shook his head. “Fuck.” He ran his hands over his arms, suddenly chilled. “And Carlos really agreed to the branding?”

  “ Yes, but it took some time before Kain would agree to host it here. He wanted to be sure it was what Carlos truly wanted.” Siren ran a finger over his full lips. “Have you ever seen horses mate? Its raw, even violent sometimes, but they do it and the outcome is beautiful foals. Its like that sometimes between demons and humans, but here at the club, we try to offer the human submissive some protection.”

  “Oh.” Nicks lips quirked, though he still felt like broken glass inside. “And is the human always the submissive one?”

  “Nope,” Siren said.

  He couldnt take it all in. But had he been wrong? Had he gotten everything so very wrong? Kain!

  Hed left the club, scarred cheek blooming red from Nicks slap. Branded ugly.

  Nicks breath caught as he saw the events of the evening in another light.

  “Why wont he let you heal him?” he asked Siren now. “You said…. It seemed you might know how to do that.” Siren folded his arms, one brow lowering as he seemed to consider Nicks question. “Youll have to ask him that.” He studied Nick, examining him with clear appreciation. “None of us can touch you, you do know that?”

  Nick blinked. “Uh, no.”

  “Do you have any idea what would happen to you, coming to a place like this, if you werent so obviously wearing Kains scent?” Nick ran a hand through his hair, flushing with embarrassment as he remembered just how Kain had marked him. Broaching, penetrating… leaving his scent. “I figured it was some kind of claim.”

  “ It was keeping you safe.” Mischief gleamed in Sirens eyes. He leaned close and suggested, “But that doesnt stop you from taking one of us. What do you say? I love cool blonds. Id love to wear your scratches, even let you bite me.”


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