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Mask Page 18

by Jan Irving

  “Fuck!” Icy November air. “What the…?”

  It had to be a window, or— He strode down the hallway, silk snapping against his skin, echoing his irritation. What the fuck was up with Finn? First giving Kain something to knock him out and now the house was freezing?

  At the top of the stairs, he paused, transfixed, heart thudding. In the entranceway, fog rolled into the house like invited spirits. The front door stood open.

  A SHADOW extended slowly over the flagstones in the entranceway. The silhouette of a figure, robe rippling in the late-autumn breeze, and a hand, fingers like the long branches of a tree, pointing up the stairs.

  Toward Nick.

  Colder now than he had been from just the late-fall draft, Nick took a step back. And the floorboard creaked under his bare feet.

  Shit! Be quiet. So quiet.

  He knew whatever was out there, absolutely, was what had met up with Mark that fateful night.

  And it was coming for him. It only made sense. The unlocked door, Kain drugged out of his mind, helpless.

  So what? The next morning hed wake up and think hed… hurt Nick? Killed him?

  Oh, fuck, that would not be just Nicks end, but Kains as well. No way could Kain live with that!

  And maybe… someone knew that? In a silvered mirror with a peeling frame the color of forest lichen, Nick caught the reflection of his own terrified eyes. A swaying jasmine vine, shriveled from autumn nights, undulating from the ceiling behind him, wrapped sinuously around the broken crystal cascade of a dome chandelier.

  Weirdly, his surroundings called to mind the wreck of the Titanic. A ship of ruin, like this house.

  Definitely going to talk to Kain about modern renovations if I make it through the night. He caught the slight sound of a footfall.

  Inside. Inside the house now.

  He covered his mouth, heart banging in his ears.

  Quiet. God, be quiet!

  He fell back against the hallway wall, out of direct sight to anyone—anything—climbing the stairs. Closing his eyes and trying to think what to do. He couldnt stay here and he couldnt leave Kain alone in his bed, helpless, drugged. And Kain was in no shape to save him.

  So it looked like it was up to Nick to save Kain. Up to Nick to figure out how to outsmart the thing stalking them. He retraced his steps carefully but quickly back to the bedroom, his pale toes curling into chilly hardwood, trying to keep from making a sound while his pulse raced, as if urging him onto a run.

  When he got to his room, he breathed thanks that Kain had left the lock intact, even though it had once been a bone of contention between them. Now that lock might buy Nick some time.

  He closed the door behind him, easing it, and then pushing the bolt home. He couldn t help make a slight noise and as if he was somehow connected to his stalker, he felt its interest turn in the direction of his bedroom.

  It knows where I am. It knows I’m awake. Lips parted, sweat coating his forehead, Nick backed away from the door, but before he did, he caught another faint sound—the same creaky floorboard hed stepped on in the hallway groaned.

  KAIN was slumped on Nicks bed, scarred face crushed against his pillow, looking like a beaten little boy, wiped out.

  Seeing him like that, knowing the cost to him if Nick didnt make it…. That won ’t happen. I’m not going to let anything happen to him, to us.“Kain, can you hear me?” He breathed in a whisper, shaking his lover. Kain didnt stir.

  Nick swallowed, bracing himself, and then his palm swung. He struck the unblemished side of Kain s face, his palm leaving a red imprint. Belatedly, it occurred to him that hed made a sound his pursuer might clearly pick up on, but they needed to get out of here, both of them, now!

  “Cant leave you, can’t!” Nick lifted a limp arm around his shoulder and hefted Kain upright on the bed. “Kain, please!” Eyelids flickering, Kain moaned softly.

  And the doorknob to Nicks bedroom twisted once, decisively, the tumblers making a loud, distinct sound. “ Oh, God, oh fuck!” Whatever it was on the other side of that door, Nick knew he did not want to see it. He squeezed his eyes shut, panting, “Kain, please. I cant leave you here and if I stay—” Something’s going to hurt me and if I’m hurt you’ll—

  He didnt like to think about it, but a cold lump lodged in his chest. As if sensing Nicks need, Kain licked his lips and lurched forward; his ankles twisted and he nearly hit the floor.


  “What?” Nick looked over his shoulder toward the door, eyes wide. The doorknob rattled again… then kept rattling.

  Shit! Kain, come on, we have to get out of here! “ P-pa—” Kain leaned against the paneled wall, sweat glazing his face, the grooves of his scars standing out in relief. Harsh, like what had made him what he was now, and again Nick thought it all had to be connected somehow. It didnt make sense otherwise. It was almost like someone was haunting Kains life. Shadowing him, wanting to smash the things he cared about.

  His friendship with Ross. The safety of his home. The sanctity of his own mind, so that he doubted himself. And now, the man who loved him, who had faith in him. Nick.

  “Someone hates you. Hates you enough to want to hurt you before he—”

  Kain snatched Nicks arm urgently despite his wobbly legs. “Passage,” he said, very clearly this time. Nick stared at him, blank… but then his eyes widened. “A… secret passage? I know that theres a tunnel under the house where Finn keeps the wines.” Nick ran his hands frantically over oak and walnut marquetry.

  Telemachus House had originally been built by a banker in Victorian times, Nick knew from Kain, and despite its jarring seventies renovation, it retained a lot of its original architectural quirks—including a way to find safety for him and Kain?

  A despairing whisper from behind the door:“Niiiick. Nicky. Nick, let me—” Scratching. Fingernails. Claws?

  Nick shuddered at the voice. It sounded almost affectionate. Kain kept his focus on the wall, leaning against it, running his hands over it, even though his eyes were only half-open, his expression slack and groggy.

  Trying for Nick.

  A panel suddenly yawned open at floor level. Small, something that would be hard for Kain to navigate with his wide shoulders…. “Kain!” Nick tugged his hand. “Come on; we have to get in and go through it!” Kain s green eyes snapped on him. Tight on his face and before he spoke, Nick knew what he would say. “You f-first, Nick. I need you ssafe,” Kain mumbled, pushing Nick roughly toward the passage.

  The scratching at the door had intensified. Clawing. Like an animal lost in the need to get inside the room.

  “Nick,” the thready voice called. “Niiiiicky, I came f-for you.” “No!” Nick flattened himself against the wall, panting. “We dont have time for this! With me, Kain! Thats how it has to be.” Kain wavered on his feet, his face paling as if he was on the verge of passing out. And Nick pushed him so he fell against the passage, shoving him by his bare ass, not caring about the groan of wood as Kain struggled through the gap. Behind them, the doorknob rattled once and then stopped.

  Bang! Bang!

  Wood splintered.

  Nick could make out Kains pale feet. And then a big hand, reaching for him—

  They fell in and the panel slid back into place, leaving him and Kain panting in the darkness. Kain crushed him in his arms for a second. Nick squeezed his eyes shut, face buried against Kains neck. “Oh, shit. Oh, God,” he whispered, trembling.

  “Touch. Nick, t-touch—” Nick frowned, trying to understand, but then Kain shifted forward in the cramped space and he understood. Kain wanted him to keep a hand on him as they navigated in total darkness.

  Nick snagged Kain s foot, following him on hands and knees, gritting his teeth as his left knee pressed down on what felt like broken glass.

  Anything was better than what theyd left behind. “Niiiicky!” The voice came from his abandoned bedroom. SOMETHING caught his robe. A stray nail he couldnt see, probably. He tugged, sweating, heart still pou
nding, still terrified of that thing behind them. He couldnt free his robe, so he let it fall, abandoning it, body instantly pebbling with goose bumps.

  Dark and close. Odd breaths of air and sound traveled the passage, as it stretched past the rooms of Kains house.

  Once Nick thought he heard the sound of breaking glass. Coming from his room? At last Kain paused, chest heaving, dragging Nick so he sat on his lap. Possessive arms wrapped around him. Naked, shivering, Nick wrapped his arms around his warrior fey.

  “K-keep you safe,” Kain muttered against his hair. “N-no matter what.”

  Aching with love, dirty, sore, chilled, Nick clung.

  “I know,” he whispered. “Same goes.” LIGHT through the cracks in the paneling warmed Nicks cheek in bars and he blinked, seeing in the semi-darkness the gleam of Kains feral green eyes, feeling the caress down his back to cup his bare ass. “Fell asleep,” he croaked. “I guess… were safe now?”

  He sat up, running a hand through his hair. His body was aching, scratched, but he was alive and he was with Kain.

  Kain seemed to be feeling the same relief because he didnt answer Nick, but lifted him higher and covered his lips in a deep kiss. Nick wound his arms around Kain, tight, tighter, thrusting against him helplessly, needing release at Kains hand, at Kains pleasure. Kain, his familiar scent, his protection, his need of Nick. Drowning….

  Abruptly there was only one thing he wanted. He didn t care about their filthy surroundings, any more than he had when Kain dragged him beneath the earth and plowed into him, took him for the first time.

  The terror of the night before fanned his hunger. Wanton. Take me, fuck me. Kain made a rough sound and suddenly Nick was on his back, knees up around Kains hips. Kissing, teeth clicking, Kains finger up him, clenching around it, dry, so it hurt a little, but the fullness.

  He needed to be fucked. Panting, he squirmed, but Kain pressed a firm hand over his belly, holding him in place. His cock reacted to that silent domination, twitching between his spread legs.

  Holding Nick s gaze, Kain rubbed his arm once against a long nail. Blood spattered, hitting Nicks face and chest, and then Kain held the long scratch over his cock, anointing himself. Cutting into his own flesh to protect Nick, to ease Kains entry into his body.

  Eyes stinging at what this gesture said, Nick whispered, stroking Kains arm, “I love you.” Kain spread Nick s legs wide, so each of his feet were splayed on opposite sides of the passage, his ankles high. Nicks lips parted, seeing the hungry way Kain looked at him, as if loving how slutty Nick must look, open and accessible.

  Fingers wet with blood entered him. Two, so Nick hissed, his body arching at the burn. But it felt good, after the terror of the night. Kain prodded him firmly, adding a third finger to fuck Nick while he gasped and his head rocked from side to side. “Please, Kain,” he pleaded.

  “ My slut needs me?” Kains eyes shone gem-green, struck by sunshine through a crack. Beautiful eyes. Eyes Nick wanted to see look at him just like that.

  “Yes,” Nick whispered. “Your slut needs it.” Kain palmed his heavy cock, swollen and sticking out from his body. Nicks dimple contracted as he watched him fit it to his slighter body.

  “ Kain!” He gripped Kains hips in welcome, urging him to take. Mounted at last, Kains eyes holding his as he guided himself, pushed inside. Too thick, broaching gently, back and forth until Nick was slippery with Kains want and the blood Kain had spilled to try to spare Nick discomfort.

  But then Kain couldn t wait any longer.

  Nick cried out at the first firm thrust, body open wide. Kain rocked, hand fisted in Nicks hair. “You slut, you whore.”

  “ Yes!” His legs knitted around Kain. “Your slut,” he whimpered. “If youd ever hired me like the others, Id have come back, let you use me for free.”

  Kain s eyes flared. He bent close to Nick and muttered, “After we figure out what the fuck is going on and take care of it, Im going to use a marker on your ass one night—thats a special paddle with words cut into the leather.”

  “What will it say?” Nick rasped.

  Kain covered him, body, prick, and lips. “Mine,” he muttered before sinking his teeth into Nicks neck.

  Nicks eyes were heavy as his penis jutted out, untouched but so close… head falling back, surrender, ecstasy.

  “THIS is a mistake; Kain didnt kill that boy near campus, Detective!”

  Nick trailed after Detective Manners. “And he didnt cut the head off that… body you found.” “ No mistake, your boyfriends involved somehow. We identified the headless corpse as your friend Mark. I suppose you know nothing about how his body just left the morgue and went out for candy on Halloween?” Manners pressed. Shed been hammering at Nick, but he knew Kain wasnt guilty—not the way she assumed. Mark hadnt been a victim this time, but a predator, and Nick the prey.

  “ Kain was with me.” Hair still wet from the shower, ruffled from Kains touch, the juncture between his neck and shoulder freshly bitten, throbbing. His body also throbbing. Claimed. Claimed again by Kain.

  “ And youd say anything to protect him, wouldnt you? A taxi driver identified him as a passenger leaving the area that night and the apartment of your friend Marilyn Walters is certainly convenient to the university and the nearby green space where the bodies were discovered.”

  Kain appeared then, scarred face turned away from the early winter setting sun.

  “Nick, stay the fuck out of this!” he rasped, brows lowered. “Cuff him,” Manners ordered. “ No!” Nick reached for Kain, pressing his head against his chest as Kains hands were cuffed behind his back. He squeezed his eyes shut on the prick of tears. “Its just for more questioning, right?”

  “ Take care of yourself,” Kain ordered, sending a stern message with his eyes, reminding Nick of how theyd both been hunted the night before. “For me, Nick.”

  “ Its you Im worried about!”

  “Promise me.”

  “ Come back and make sure I do.” Nick craned up on his toes and kissed Kain, one heated press of lips, and then they were pulling him away.

  No, Kain …. Nick clenched his fists, protectiveness, tenderness, anger flooding him. Someone was setting Kain up. Who was it? Nick was determined to find out and put this behind them.

  “How can you…?” Manners grimaced. Wondering if she meant the scars, or her suspicions about Kain, Nick pitched his voice so Kain could catch his words.“Hes the most beautiful man Ive ever seen, Detective. And he hasnt hurt anyone.”

  AT THE university later, Nick typed in his latest password: great minds have purposes, little minds have absurdities. It struck him as an apt phrase right now. He knew Kain was innocent, but it seemed the more he pushed, the more people wouldnt listen. And Kain himself wasnt much help, still confused and owning guilt Nick didnt think belonged to him.

  Signing on and watching the chat room open, it struck him as full circle, how Kain and he were communicating this way again. He decided he didnt mind if they continued to use this medium.

  Moonbeam: Are you okay? Obsidian: It’s not me I’m worried about. Nick, I was terrified something would happen to you last night and it would have been my fault.

  Moonbeam: Not yours. Finn drugged you. I’m in the art library at the university and I’ll stay at Marilyn’s tonight if you won’t be home. I promise I’ll take care. It’s not like I want to be attacked. All right?

  Obsidian: I suppose I’ll have to trust you to show some sense. Just refrain from playing boy detective. Despite Manners cuffing me I’m officially only here for questioning. My attorney is wrangling with the cops now and I hope to be free to take you home soon.

  Moonbeam: There was no sign of Finn back at the house. Obsidian: I can’t believe he’s a part of this. He has a good heart, Nick. I know you can see that too. Moonbeam: It seemed like Finn wants what is best for both of us. I can’t reconcile what he’s almost certainly doing either.

  About last night, when that...whatever it was went after us, that secret passage
was certainly useful. You’ve made use of it before, haven’t you?

  Obsidian: I told you I liked to watch. It was part of an old servant’s staircase.

  Moonbeam: You used it sometimes to watch those hustlers you hired? Obsidian: Yes.

  Moonbeam: Tell me more…

  Obsidian: I liked to watch them touch themselves, slide a dildo in and fuck themselves on it. Satisfied? I could order them to do what I wanted, but they couldn’t see me. Moonbeam: Did you also use it to watch me?

  Obsidian: Yes.

  Moonbeam: And did you like what you saw?

  Obsidian: I wanted to break through the walls and take you. Nick, are you all right? Manners interrupted before I could examine you. This morning I just had to get in you.

  Moonbeam: I’m...a little tender. Lube would be nice. And a more comfortable place to fuck. In fact, the place needs to be renovated.

  Obsidian: All right.

  Moonbeam: I was just joking. I know you only renovate a home together if you’re… If it’s a serious thing. Obsidian: I said all right.

  Moonbeam: You said more than that.

  Obsidian: I want to do you again. I want to come home, find you in your studio, shove you over the table and come inside your tight little asshole.

  Moonbeam: :Squirming:

  Obsidian: You want that. My dick up you, in you.

  Moonbeam: I’ve been thinking of that special paddle you told me about. The one that says “mine”. Obsidian: I’d love to pinken your ass with it. I’d do it with a mirror above our bed so you could see it as you held perfectly still for me on all fours.

  Moonbeam: Keep it up and I’ll have to put a book over my lap.

  Obsidian: ...

  Moonbeam: Kain? Obsidian: I know I should stay away from you. After last night… I tried, but you are so fucking stubborn, the way you wouldn’t let me go!

  Moonbeam: :rolls eyes: Oh, yeah, just me. Kain, about the boys you hired, was it ever like last night? You fell asleep, lost time, and when you woke up—?


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