Dragon Oracle Urban Fantasy Boxed Set (Dragon Oracle Complete Series: Books 1 - 9)

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Dragon Oracle Urban Fantasy Boxed Set (Dragon Oracle Complete Series: Books 1 - 9) Page 64

by Jada Fisher

  I faintly heard laughter, and then the door being slammed, and then I was alone in the darkness.

  I laid there, panting slightly. Everything hurt so much, and I was just so tired. I was certain that I was going to be covered with bruises in the next couple of days—not that I could even begin to see them forming in this pitch black.

  With the last of my strength, I managed to push myself onto my side. It wasn’t much more comfortable, but at least it didn’t carry the risk of me accidentally drowning in the puddle I was laying in. Although I was terrified, down to my very core, another part of me knew that I needed to conserve as much energy as possible if I wanted to survive. So, I closed my eyes—not that it made much difference in the dark—and let myself drift into a fitful sleep.

  I couldn’t have been out long. A half-hour, maybe more, before I heard the door open and several sets of footsteps come in. I had hoped that maybe I had a bit more time to rest, but I knew my welcome wasn’t exactly going to be warm.

  “Search her,” came a terse order from a voice I didn’t recognize.

  I was hauled up to my feet again, and then hands were on me. They weren’t particularly rough or mean, but it was certainly invasive as they glided over my still-soaking pajamas, making sure I didn’t have anything on me. It reminded me of security at the airport—not that I’d ever experienced that in person. Only seen it movies. But it was crisp, professional, and over quickly.

  “She’s clean,” one of the grunts said, and the hands moved away from me.

  “Good. You, girl,” the terse speaker said. “Follow.”

  I thought about fighting them, about making them work for it, but there were four of them and only one of me, so they were going to succeed in getting me wherever they wanted me to go. I needed to save my energy for whatever was waiting for me at my destination.

  So I stumbled along behind them, unsurprised when my cold, wet feet hit even colder stone in the hallway.

  What I was surprised by was the modern lights illuminating the passageway. It was like being in an old, ancient castle that had recent electrical innovations, and it was throwing my head through a loop.

  A loop which only intensified as we reached what looked like a freight elevator. Sure enough, the leader of our little group pressed the button and the doors slid open, revealing what was indeed a sort of wide and deep service lift.

  I was shoved forward and I stumbled, catching my shoulder against the wall, then the rest of them entered after me. The doors slid shut, reminding me eerily of the sealing of a tomb, and then we were going up with only a mildly concerning groan from the machinery.

  For some reason, a bunch of dragons in an elevator amused me to no end. It wasn’t really that funny, and yet I found myself holding giggles inside of my throat. Maybe it was just the exhaustion and adrenaline bleed-off setting in.

  I somehow managed to keep the mirth inside of me until we finished the very long ascent and the doors slid open again.

  I wasn’t sure what I expected, but it wasn’t to step into a posh mansion that looked fresh off of some very rich realtor’s docket. I blinked, taking in my surroundings, but everywhere I looked were fresh and crisp décor details like I was watching some TV show that highlighted the houses of famous celebrities.

  “Huh,” I managed shakily before my arm was gripped and I was hauled forward once again.

  We walked along for what seemed like way too long, turning down one hallway and then another, and then another. The farther we went from the elevator, the more elaborate and spacious the place became. I never thought that I would consider anything about Bronn’s castle demure, but it was certainly beginning to look that way compared to the ostentatious pomp surrounding me.

  Finally, the tour ended as a heavy door opened in front of me and I was roughly pushed forward once more. This time, I tripped over my cold, sore feet and the edge of a carpet, crashing to the ground.

  I only barely managed to twist so I hit my shoulder instead of my face, but I felt the rugburn set in as I slid across the floor.

  Well…at least it was dry.

  I came to a halt and just laid there a moment, waiting for whatever was going to happen next.

  “Really, boys? Is that how we treat our guests?”

  I felt a gentle hand on my arm and was pulled up but only to my knees, which definitely protested at the position. I found myself just a few feet away from none other than the prince, who was sitting there with a book in his hands like we were just having a standard, casual conversation.

  I tore my eyes from him to look around. I definitely was in some sort of study, albeit one that was nearly the size of my entire old apartment. There was a large desk next to the prince, a table to play chess, and nearly a dozen bookcases. It reminded me of the library at Bronn’s castle, but with current lighting and a very expensive laptop open on the desk.

  Huh, so for being so anti-human, the dragons sure did like human technology.

  “Hey now, eyes on me. You might make a man feel unimpressive if you’re more interested in the décor.”

  My eyes slid back to the man, and I felt hatred roll through me. He looked so suave in his seat, comfortable and at ease, but that just made me want to kick the legs off the furniture and beat him with them.

  Huh. The dark dragons definitely brought out the hands-on violence with me.

  “So, I know you weren’t exactly brought here of your own volition, but there’s no reason that we can’t be friends. I can be a very benevolent ruler, despite what you might have heard. You could be an invaluable asset, if you want to be, and I would be more than happy to reward that.”

  Ugh. Did this guy really think that he was going to be able to bribe me? What about that made sense? “Rewards?” I echoed instead, trying to appear both dumb and shocked. I was hoping the natural arrogance of he and his kind would make them underestimate me. Think I was stupid and vapid.

  “You’ve had a rough life, haven’t you, Seer? I’ve heard stories. Your house being burned down, bouncing from foster home to foster home. Struggling just to survive.

  “It doesn’t have to be like that here. You want lobster and steak every night? I can get that for you. The finest clothes. The softest beds. I can even bring your sister here. She probably deserves some niceties too, doesn’t she? And all you have to do is tell me when little visions pop into your head.”

  It took a lot of willpower not to pull my lips back from his teeth and snarl at him. I knew that he was the one who forced Sokhanya to find out about my sister and I. I knew it was him who had slipped messages to Estelle.

  But I couldn’t betray any of that yet. If he knew that I knew that he had an oracle, I would lose my edge. I basically wanted him to think I was as unknowledgeable about everything until he revealed his hand. It would lead into him underestimating me further, which was my biggest weapon.

  “Just like that?” I murmured.

  “Just like that. I assure you, I’m not some monster. I’m simply a ruler looking out for my people.”

  I licked my lips, feeling like a choice was coming up. I could go along with his offer for a bit, maybe get some falsely nice treatment, but if I did that, then I wouldn’t be taken to whatever hole I had seen Sokhanya in.

  No, I needed the full welcome wagon. The nasty, evil treatment that I was sure was in store for anyone who dared say ‘no’ to the prince and his kind.

  “I… So… If I wanted a gold-encrusted baton, you would get that for me?”

  He chuckled lightly. “A curious thing to ask, but in the grand scheme of things, that would be quite easy for me.”

  “Good, because I’d like to shove it right up your a—” A fist slammed into the back of my head and I lost my balance, toppling forward onto my face. That smarted, but as I rose, I felt a boot on the back of my head right over where it was smarting, pressing me into the carpet.

  It was a nice carpet, that was for sure. Plush and thick and soft. But it was less lovely when my face was being ground
into it.

  “Now that wasn’t very polite of you. And after I’ve been so gracious.”

  “Gracious,” I spat with plenty of venom. “You kidnapped me from my bed in the middle of the night. You tried to trade for my sister and my lives like we’re slaves! I’m not an idiot, you know. Did you really think I would buy into your sweet, aw-shucks act?”

  The foot pressed down harder, and I couldn’t help the groan that escaped. He applied more pressure, and then more, until it felt like my head might pop like a balloon.

  But after a few more beats, he removed his foot and I drew in a ragged breath. My head rushed, and I wasn’t sure if the dizziness that swamped me was a pleasant rush or a painful one.

  “Get her up.”

  Once more, hands gripped me, and I was yanked back up onto my knees. I swayed a bit, my bearings totally shot, but the prince’s grip on my face held me steady.

  His sharp nails bit into my cheeks, and I could feel the icy-hot burn of them as they pierced my skin. He forced me to look up at his face, and I did my best to give him the most intense glare I could.

  “Your kind always puzzles me. You’re so weak, fragile, and yet you seem to have almost no survival instincts. Tell me, is this obstinance a genetic thing or a side effect of your gifts?”

  “I dunno,” I said, summoning up spit inside of my mouth to launch it at his face despite his tight grip. “Maybe you just bring out the worst in people.”

  I expected another punch to the back of my head for daring to disrespect his royal majesty like that, but instead, he just rattled my head back and forth until I was sure that my eyes were spinning in my skull.

  “I think that we’re starting off on the wrong foot. Let me explain things here.” He moved my damp hair out of my face with his other hand. “You are here to tell us what you see. Point blank. You will show us your visions. There is no option B or a way around it. No loopholes for you to ferret through.

  “However, you do have a choice. You can make this easy on yourself, and we can start over with a sweet apology for your temper, or you can make this difficult for yourself.” His hand left my chin, and I could feel tiny rivulets of blood trickling down my cheek only for his other to fist in my hair and yank it back roughly. “Because I think you’re under the impression that you’ll have a choice in telling us about your visions. That you’ll be able to hold back from us, or just resist having them altogether. And I want you to know, sincerely want you to know, that none of that will happen.”

  For all my bravado, I was pretty terrified. In the back of my mind, I was flashing to memories of the last time I had been prisoner of the anti-humanists. They’d almost burned Mallory alive. And staring into the eyes of my realm’s version of the dark prince, I could see that sadistic glee in his gaze.

  I could have just sat there silently, letting him stare me down, but that part of me that always had to open my mouth just kept barreling forward. “I can’t even control my visions or how they happen. I don’t know how you expect to.”

  “Ah yes, that I do believe. Side effect of too soft a hand since your awakening.” His hand released my hair but not without some force, and I fell backward.

  My hands protested my weight slamming into them, and I let out a strangled yelp. I almost expected them to laugh at me, but there was just silence.

  I tried to push myself up, but once more, the prince’s foot planted itself on me, putting pressure on my sternum until I was pressed right into the floor.

  “You see, oracles are fragile, simple things. So much of your brain and energy is tied up in interpreting all the magic that you’re sensitive to, so there’s not enough left to know what’s best for you. But you don’t have to worry. Over the years, we’ve perfected a way of helping you find what you need when we need it.”

  My gaze roved all over his face, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth. “You’re bluffing,” I said, not breaking eye contact.

  The smile on his face was serene. “I never bluff, because I never have to. But I’m more than happy to give you a demonstration. Mind you, it will work better as you’re trained more, but I’m sure we could get something useful out of someone as undisciplined as you.”

  He looked to the men who had dragged me in, and I could feel them tense. “You, hold her down. You, the poker from the fire.”

  His foot went lower, pressing into my belly instead, and one of the guards knelt to press my shoulders into the ground. I was effectively pinned, only able to watch as another one of the guards disappeared before showing back up with a glistening, jewel-encrusted fire poker.

  It was a fire poker. It didn’t need freaking diamonds and rubies on it, yet that was exactly what I was looking at.

  I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was relieved it wasn’t red-hot from the fire. Just cool and unused, glistening in the light of the study. The guard handed it to the prince, who tapped the end of it in one of his palms.

  “I want you to tell me which of the families overseas are going to help your pathetic little princeling in the gap we’ve given him.”

  “Oh sure, let me just whip that right out of my butt, why don’t I.”

  “Shh, let’s not rush this process.”

  His fingers wrapped around the end of the poker and I saw it begin to glow, then flames licked up from it. When he finally pulled his palm away, it was burning a brilliant, violent red.

  “Which of the families overseas are going to help your false prince?”

  “You have to be kidding me,” I gasped, looking at the crimson tip with wide eyes.

  “I assure you I am not.” He brought the poker down so it was just in front of my face. I could feel the burning fury of it, sizzling the short, fuzzy hairs along my cheek. “Should we start here? Maybe not. You are passable to look at, it would be a shame to ruin that right at the beginning of things. No, I think we’ll let that be for now.”

  The poker continued to move down until it was just at the center of my collarbone. I could feel sweat beading up along my entire body, joining in the dampness left over from the hose. “I hear that you aren’t the biggest fan of fire, Davie.”

  “Gee, I can’t imagine why I have an aversion.”

  There was that smile again, sweet and charming. “Just know that the sooner you give me what I want, the sooner this demonstration ends, and we can move on to being good friends. Understand?”

  I opened my mouth to answer, but then the poker pressed down and my entire world erupted into chaos.

  There was pain, of course, and the snapping and sizzling of something too-hot touching human flesh. It was disgustingly familiar to me, and I felt myself thrown back to that night.

  But there was something else there, something rushing just under my skin. It was energy, sharp and cracking and trying to flee from me like it could put out the heat with sheer force.

  I screamed, my body trying to come off the floor, but I was held fast. It was only after several moments that I was aware of words coming from my lips.

  “Old families. In shadow and light. They unfurl—”

  I bit my tongue, my eyes going even wider as I recognized what was undoubtedly my vision-voice slipping right out of me. I hadn’t even seen anything, and yet my mouth was trying to spill everything all on its own.

  “Come now, don’t hold back. I’d prefer we move onto much nicer things. They unfurl and?”

  He pressed harder, and the heat went deeper into my mind. The world started to shake apart, pain erupting through it and turning everything a blinding white. I could feel the energy churning inside of me, bubbling up and trying to make its way out.

  It was like my shield, but different. It was a sort of…failsafe. Wanting to protect me. It would say whatever it needed to say, give up whatever it needed to give up, if only to stop the burning, cutting pain.

  But I wouldn’t let it. I bit my tongue until I felt the unmistakable taste of copper in my mouth. I pressed my lips together. I cried, tears falling hot and wet
down my cheeks, but I wouldn’t let a single word through.

  Eventually, things started to fall off and I went to a soft, quiet place. Detached from everything else. There was still the pain, still the prince asking me the same question over and over again, but it was far away. Removed. It was only when I was fully safe within that comfort that my jaw loosened enough to speak again.

  “You build your throne on spikes and teeth, but it will be a feather that brings you down.”

  Finally, the burning, torturous poker was pulled away and dropped to the side. “Of course you would give me a warning when I ask for a boon. No matter, I think you understand the gravity of the situation. I hope now that we understand each other, you might be more amenable to these talks in the future.”

  His foot left me and the guard holding me stood, but I could only lay there, panting and miserable. “Survey says probably not.”

  He chuckled, and it was a dark, insidious sound. “Baelfyre did warn me about your sheer stubbornness. I do so look forward to seeing that leave you. Take her to her new quarters.”

  He nodded to the guards and they picked me up, one of them swinging me over his shoulder. I was carried back down the hall, but I was too busy drifting in and out of consciousness. It felt like pain was radiating through my entire brain, leaving room for little else.

  But I did notice that we didn’t take the elevator. Instead, we went down a couple of flights of stairs until we finally reached the door.

  I couldn’t lift my head to see where we were. I just hung there as they opened it and stepped in.

  I was surprised not to be greeted by total darkness, however, and I was set down on a thin cot before the guards turned to leave. Before they shut the door, I heard a familiar voice order them to hold.

  If I’d had the energy in me, I would have groaned. But I didn’t have it in me, so I just laid there, groggy and drifting, until Baelfyre’s face appeared above me.

  “Huh, you’re not looking so good, sweetheart.”

  I blinked at him, unable to call up anything pithy to say. And considering how hard I had bitten my tongue, any words I might have conjured up would have been garbled anyway.


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