A Reunion

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A Reunion Page 9

by Emily Harvale

  'Amias owns the WWII Museum? I had no idea.'

  'Why would you?' Mary gave Cat a very odd look. 'A lot has happened since you've been away. But as I said, he owns it jointly with William Lester. You must remember William? And his brother, Stephen? Such lovely young men. Stephen lives in Leeds, I believe. William's a solicitor and also the Mayor of Merriment Bay. But the best thing is, he lives next door but one. We could pop to his house and ask him. Or better still, we could invite them round for dinner. His wife Abigail is about your age, Catherine, and his son Lucas is your age, Kyra, as is Marcus. He's Lucas' cousin. Stephen's son. I'm surprised we haven't bumped into any of them over the last few weeks. Although the boys are always in the bay and both William and Abigail work. Yes. That's what we'll do. We'll invite them round and ask William about the records.'

  'We could also invite Amias Wells,' Kyra suggested, looking a little flushed.

  'No!' Cat and Mary said in unison.

  It seemed that was something they both agreed on.

  But then Mary had never liked Amias any more than she had liked Kyle. They were both from 'the wrong side of the river' as far as she was concerned. Although she had neither right nor reason to look down her nose at either of them. As an unmarried mum herself, Mary was in a glass house of her own and should hardly be throwing stones at them, to paraphrase the old adage.

  Amias had told Cat the very first day they met that Mary Devon was a liar, a hypocrite and a bitchy, snooty cow. But he would never elaborate or say why he felt that way about her. And that was weeks before Cat had started dating Kyle and long before Mary had tried to put a spoke in that relationship.

  Cat had once thought that something must have happened to make Amias feel that way. But as he had also taken an instant dislike to her, she reasoned that, with his huge chip on his shoulder, he possibly felt that way about lots of people.

  And yet something was niggling at the back of Cat's mind. It had been doing so since they'd had lunch at Bella Vista on August bank holiday Monday. It was Annie's comment to Mary. What was it she had said? Oh yes. “Now don't you get all high and mighty with me, Mary Devon. Don't forget I know about you and ...” But Mary had cut her short and Annie had stopped mid-sentence. She had been talking about Amias at the time, so it must have had something to do with him. Cat had mentioned Annie's remark later that day but Mary had dismissed it as “more of Annie's nonsense” and quickly changed the subject.

  But was it nonsense?

  Cat shivered as a dim and distant memory took hold.

  Perhaps it wasn't about Amias at all.

  Perhaps it was about his father, Alwick Wells.

  Hadn't someone once told her that Mary Devon and Alwick Wells hadn't always hated one another? That in fact, at one time, they had even been quite close.

  Or was Cat now imagining that?

  Just how close could Mary and Alwick have been?

  And was it before, or after he met and married his now deceased wife, Gina?

  Cat would have to ask Mary about it again.

  But Kyra was arguing, albeit pleasantly. 'Why can't we invite Amias too? What's wrong with him?'

  Mary tutted. 'Shall I make a list?'

  'Well, I like him.'

  'You don't know him.'

  'Yes, I do. He's been giving me windsurfing lessons.'

  'He's been what!' Once again, Cat and Mary spoke in unison.

  Kyra shrugged but she had the decency to look a little contrite. 'I was going to tell you, Mum. But I wanted it to be a surprise.'

  'Oh it's a surprise, all right. How long has this been going on?'

  Kyra sniggered. 'Just a couple of days. And he's teaching me to windsurf, Mum. We're not having sex or anything. Lighten up for heaven's sake. It's all above board. Oh. Forgive the pun.' She sniggered again. 'What's wrong? Why do you look so cross? I'm paying him. That's what he does. He teaches people to windsurf and stuff. And I've met Lucas and Marcus already, Gran. They've both been showing me a thing or two. Well, say something, will you? Don't just glare at me. I didn't realise it was such a big deal.'

  Cat didn't know what to say. Kyra and Amias having sex hadn't even occurred to her. Although she was definitely his type. Young, gorgeous-looking with a great body.

  No, that was unfair. Back then he'd only dated girls his own age. Somehow, she was sure the grown-up Amias wouldn't go for teenage girls.

  But Amias and Kyra had met. That was a big enough shock. And now he was giving Kyra windsurfing lessons? How could this have happened? And without her knowledge? Why had Kyra kept it from her? What had Amias said when she'd told him who she was? Had she told him who she was? So many questions and thoughts and fears careered around in Cat's mind, but her lips wouldn't form any words. Not polite ones, anyway.

  'Well,' Mary said, throwing Cat a look of both astonishment and anxiety rolled into one. 'I really don't know what to say.'

  'You're not the only one,' Cat finally managed. 'I think you have some explaining to do, young lady.'

  Now it was Kyra who looked cross. 'Why? I'm eighteen. I'm using my own money. The money Isla left me in her will. I wanted to learn to windsurf. Amias teaches people to do that. I really can't see what the problem is. God, Mum! You're fine with me deferring my place at uni to travel the world. But you're furious with me for walking a mile or so to the bay and paying the local water sports instructor to show me how to windsurf? That's just crazy. Wait? Is this because of what you told me? Because you were once in love with him? Is that why you're so cross?'

  Mary gasped. 'You were in love with Amias Wells? When was this exactly?' She flopped on to the chair beside the trunk. 'Oh dear God. Kyra's not his, is she?'

  'No! Of course she's not. She's Kyle's. You've only got to look at her to see that. And nothing happened between me and Amias. Nothing at all. I can promise you.'

  'Thank God for that!'

  Cat darted looks between Mary and Kyra, uncertain who to deal with first.

  Kyra was right. She hadn't done anything wrong. Apart from, perhaps, keeping it to herself. Although that wasn't wrong either. And if she wanted to learn to windsurf, there was no one on the planet whom Cat would rather have teach her than Amias.

  'You're right, sweetheart. I'm sorry I was cross. I was just surprised, that's all. Amias is the best teacher you could have. And I'd like to hear all about it, if you're happy to tell me.'

  Kyra smiled. 'Of course I am. I was going to tell you anyway. Honestly, I was. But I thought it might be fun to get you to come with me to the bay one day, and I'd get on a windsurfer and ride the waves like a pro. Well, maybe not a pro. But Amias says I'm a natural. Just like my dad.'

  So there it was. He did know Kyra was Kyle's daughter.

  'Then that's what we'll do, sweetheart.'

  Cat took a deep breath and turned to Mary. 'Mum? Is there something I should know? Something about the past? Something concerning Amias? Or more to the point, something concerning Alwick Wells?'

  Mary gasped again; a little more softly this time.

  'No.' She got to her feet and marched towards the door. 'There's nothing. Nothing worth discussing, in any event. The past is the past. Let's leave it where it belongs.'

  'It's not the past if it still affects the present. And, perhaps the future. Mum? I think I need to know. Especially if it has anything to do with me. I don't know who my father was, remember? And I've suddenly got the most awful feeling the reason you've always refused to tell me is because it may have something to do with Alwick Wells. Please tell me I'm wrong.'

  The expression on Mary's face was one of abject horror. As if she had seen the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and they were heading straight for her.

  'Mum?' Cat's voice was a shrill cry.

  Mary shook her head. 'You're wrong. Alwick Wells is not your father, if that's what you're suggesting. That's one thing I can definitely promise you.'

  Cat's sigh of relief was substantial and even Kyra sighed, as if she too, had held her breath.

bsp; 'You don't know how relieved I am to hear you say that, Mum. But don't you think it's about time I did know who he was?'

  Mary gripped the edge of the door as if she were hanging on to it for dear life.

  'I suppose I'll have to tell you one day, Catherine. You're a woman now and you do have a right to know. But that day is not today. I need to go and lie down. I have a dreadful headache.'

  Cat didn't stop her. She wanted to know, but she'd waited all this time, she could wait a little longer. The important thing was that it wasn't Alwick Wells. That thought had almost ripped Cat's heart out. Amias might have been her half-brother. What a twist of Fate that would've been.

  'So do you have any idea who your dad might have been?' Kyra asked as soon as Mary was out of earshot.

  'No, sweetheart. No idea at all. Mum and Granny Viola both told me he was dead, which is what I told you. Mum also said it was a whirlwind romance and he was the biggest mistake of her life and one she was determined to forget. She didn't even have a photo of him. We argued about it a lot. Until the day she told me I should give you up and not make the same mistake she had. So basically, telling me she wished she'd given me up. That went down well with me, as you can imagine. But I've told you all this before.'

  Kyra threw her a comforting smile. 'Several times. It's not something you're ever likely to forget, is it? But perhaps you can forgive her one day. Especially once you find out who your father was. Perhaps she kept it from you for a good reason.'

  Cat smiled back and pulled Kyra into a hug.

  'Then we'll have to wait and see what else she tells me, won't we? I'm sorry I was cross with you.'

  'I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Amias and my lessons. I promise I'll tell you everything from now on.' Kyra eased herself out of the hug. 'But in the meantime, Mum, what are we going to do about this man's photo?' She waved the faded photo from the letters, in the air.

  Cat shook her head. 'You're determined. I'll give you that.'

  'I get that from you.'

  Cat smiled. 'I'm not sure if that's good or bad. But anyway ... as Mum said, we could ask William Lester. Or, as you're now on such good terms with Amias, you could show him the photo and see if he's willing to help.'

  'We could show it to him, together. I'm sure he'd love to see you again after all these years.'

  Cat raised her brows as a derisive laugh escaped her. 'Oh no. I can assure you, sweetheart, I am the last person Amias Wells would love to see.'

  End of Part One.

  Will the records provide details of the handsome man in the photo?

  Will Cat ever confront Amias about how he knew where she and Kyra lived?

  Will Cat discover who her father was?

  And will Viola wake up from her coma?

  Find out what happens next in:

  Coming Home to Merriment Bay–

  Part Two: Sparks Fly

  Coming soon

  Merriment Bay series

  Coming Home to Merriment Bay

  Part Two: Sparks Fly

  This is a delightfully heartwarming novel told in four parts. This is Part Two.

  Available here

  Coming Home to Merriment Bay

  Part Two: Sparks Fly

  Cat Devon knew she couldn't avoid Amias Wells for long. She also knew sparks would fly the moment they came face to face. They never did get on and nothing has changed in eighteen years – except that Amias is even more annoying. So why does Cat still catch her breath whenever he looks her way?

  The fact he flies a vintage Spitfire for the Merriment Bay WWII Museum doesn't interest Cat, but his knowledge of the former RAF pilots stationed there certainly does. She wants to find out all she can about the man in the photo in Viola's trunk. And what with hospital visits, dealing with her mum, and sorting out problems with Viola's house, Cat could use more than just Kyra's help.

  But Kyra makes it clear she thinks Cat and Amias should spend more time together. Which is ridiculous. Apart from the fact they don't get on, Amias wasn't interested in Cat before the accident that left the ugly scars on her face and body, so he definitely won't be attracted to her now. Besides, Cat's not looking for romance. She's happy with her life just the way it is.

  This is a novel told in four parts.

  This is Part Two.

  The Merriment Bay series and the Wyntersleap series are interconnected with several characters appearing in both. However, each series can be read alone.

  A Note from Emily

  Thank you for reading this book. A little piece of my heart goes into all of my books and when I send them on their way, I really hope they bring a smile to someone's face. If this book made you smile, or gave you a few pleasant hours of relaxation, I'd love it if you would tell your friends.

  I'd be really happy if you have a minute or two to post a review. Just a line will do, and a kind review makes such a difference to my day – to any author's day. Huge thanks to those of you who do so, and for your lovely comments and support on social media. Thank you.

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  I'm working on my next book right now. Let's see where my characters take us this time. Hope to chat with you soon.

  To see details of my other books, please go to the books page on my website, or scan or tap the QR code below to see all my books on Amazon.


  If you want to be one of the first to hear Emily's news, find out about book releases, see covers, and enter free competitions, then sign up to her Readers' Club by going to: www.emilyharvale.com and subscribing to her newsletter via the 'Sign me up' box. If you love Emily's books and want to chat with her and other fans, ask to join the exclusive Emily Harvale's Readers' Club Facebook group.

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  Also by Emily Harvale

  Highland Fling

  Lizzie Marshall's Wedding

  The Golf Widows' Club

  Sailing Solo

  Carole Singer's Christmas

  Christmas Wishes

  A Slippery Slope

  The Perfect Christmas Plan

  Be Mine

  It Takes Two

  Bells and Bows on Mistletoe Row

  The Goldebury Bay series:

  Ninety Days of Summer – book 1

  Ninety Steps to Summerhill – book 2

  Ninety Days to Christmas – book 3

  The Hideaway Down series:

  A Christmas Hideaway – book 1

  Catch A Falling Star – book 2

  Walking on Sunshine – book 3

  Dancing in the Rain – book 4

  Hall's Cross series

  Deck the Halls – book 1

  The Starlight Ball – book 2

  Michaelmas Bay series

  Christmas Secrets in Snowflake Cove – book 1

  Blame it on the Moonlight – book 2

  Lily Pond Lane series

  The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane – four-part serial

  Part One – New beginnings

  Part Two – Summer secrets

art Three – Autumn leaves

  Part Four – Trick or treat

  Christmas on Lily Pond Lane

  Return to Lily Pond Lane

  A Wedding on Lily Pond Lane

  Secret Wishes and Summer Kisses on Lily Pond Lane

  Wyntersleap series

  Christmas at Wynter House


  My grateful thanks go to the following:

  Christina Harkness for her patience and care in editing this book.

  My webmaster, David Cleworth who does so much more than website stuff.

  My cover design team, JR.

  Luke Brabants. Luke is a talented artist and can be found at: www.lukebrabants.com

  My wonderful friends for their friendship and love. You know I love you all.

  All the fabulous members of my Readers' Club. You help and support me in so many ways and I am truly grateful for your ongoing friendship. I wouldn't be where I am today without you.

  My Twitter and Facebook friends, and fans of my Facebook author page. It's great to chat with you. You help to keep me (relatively) sane!

  Thank you for buying this book.




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