Witch's Sorrow: A Witch Detective Urban Fantasy (Alice Skye Series Book 1)

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Witch's Sorrow: A Witch Detective Urban Fantasy (Alice Skye Series Book 1) Page 13

by Taylor Aston White

  “Turn the volume up,” she asked, watching the screen.

  Dread turned it off instead. “Alice, you must never tell anyone about this. It could put you in danger.”

  “Why did you never tell me?” she quietly asked. He knew she wanted to know everything about that night, wanted to understand why.

  “And what would you have done with the knowledge?”

  Her mouth opened to reply, but nothing came out. She didn’t know what she would have done.

  “I have brought you up the only way I knew how…”

  “Knock, knock.” A man wearing a white coat walked in, interrupting their conversation.

  “Alice, I would like you to meet Dr Richards. He will be your physician.” Dread lifted his palm, shaking hands with the doctor.

  “Please. Call me Dave,” the doctor replied smoothly, a friendly smile on his face.

  “It’s nice to meet you Dr Dave, but why do I need a doctor?” She looked between the two men.

  “It’s just a precaution,” the doctor smiled, making Alice stare at the several rings pierced into his lip.

  “Do you not set off every metal detector you go through?” she asked as she assessed the rest of his piercings. Along with the lip rings, he had a ring through his nose, like a bull. He also had a bar through his left eyebrow while his right eyebrow had a tattoo of an eagle soaring above it. The small artwork impressively detailed.

  “Sometimes.” A close-lipped smile. “I have even more piercings below the coat.”

  Alice blushed as she fought not to look down, interested to see if she could see anything through the fabric of his clothing. “That’s nice,” she said, concentrating very hard on his face. “So why do I need a doctor again?”

  “Like Dr Richards said it’s just a precaution,” Dread answered. “You shouldn’t have been able to absorb that fire, but you did. You also collapsed afterwards.”

  “I’ll be based at The Tower, I just want you to visit me once a week to check your vitals.” He grabbed her chart, reading the paper clipped to the front. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel fine.”

  “Any aches or pains? Headache?”

  “No.” Surprisingly.

  “How often have you been having power flares?” He caught her eye, watching her reactions.

  She bit her lip, thinking about her answer. “Not often. I just lose some control, it takes more effort than normal to calm down.”

  “Is it when you get angry?”

  Alice hesitated. “Sometimes.”

  “Ok,” he said carefully as he flared his chi.

  Feeling the electric across her aura she flared her own back, shocked at how desensitised it had become.

  “My chi…” she cried.

  “Will return to normal in a few hours, I think you just over stimulated yourself. Magic is like a muscle, it needs to be trained otherwise it will become exhausted, especially with how much you made it stretch today. I wouldn’t panic, it feels normal, but I wouldn’t go around absorbing any amount of fire for a while,” he chuckled to himself.

  She couldn’t argue. “Sound advice.”

  “I’m just going to assess your development over the next few months. We need to find out why you fainted.” He took out what she thought was a pen from his coat pocket, clicking it to reveal a small light. He shone it into her eyes a few times, checking her pupils intently. “You also started bleeding from your ears and nose. You don’t need a doctor to tell you that’s bad.” He clicked off the light. “Physically you’re healthy, the only damage you seem to have sustained were a couple grazes when you collapsed.”

  “Hey, did anybody call for a ride?” a familiar voice called.

  “SAM!” Alice ran into his arms, thankful to see him. Sam didn’t do hospitals.

  “Oh, hey baby girl, you giving the docs a run for their money?” he chuckled, hugging her close. “You okay?” he whispered against her hair.

  “She’s fine.” Dr Dave replied, overhearing. “She just needs to rest for a few days.”

  “Of course she’s fine.” He stepped back, checking her from head to toe.

  “Alice you have already been discharged,” Dr Dave said. “But please come see me next week.”

  “Of course she will doctor,” Sam tugged her towards the door. “I’ll make sure she goes to every appointment.”

  Chapter 14

  Alice cradled her third glass, Sam topping up her vodka and cranberry mix whenever she was getting low. He had convinced her she needed to come and relax, enjoy a night out at the bar he worked at. So far it was working.

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” he asked, pouring her yet another new glass. Sam looked great in his tight black work t-shirt, his long beautiful hair flowing free around his shoulders. His eyes were serious, mouth tense with concern.

  “Nope.” She sipped the liquid again, sighing at the burning sensation.

  “When I invited you to hang out I didn’t realise you would drink like a fish.” He eyed her almost empty glass once more.

  “You said I should drink and have fun.”

  “Yes, have fun. Baby girl, your face says anything but.” He twirled a finger around a curl of her hair. “You look stunning yet you haven’t even stepped on the dance floor.”

  “I’m taking my time,” she pouted.

  She had enjoyed getting dressed in the dark red satin midi dress she bought years ago but had never worn, matched with the same shade lipstick. She just wasn’t yet ready to immerse herself with the other dancers, pretty dress or not.

  “You’re sulking.” He pulled away her glass, folding his arms across his chest.

  “Am not.” She knew she sounded like a child, but her deliciously fuzzy brain didn’t care. “Why aren’t you doing bartender-y things?”

  “‘Bartender-y’ things? Bloody hell, I think you need to stop drinking.”

  “Just one more?” She smiled cheekily. She wasn’t sulking, she was thinking, two entirely different things.

  He just stared at her.

  “There’s plenty more bartenders.”

  “We shall see,” he sighed, handing her drink back. “What are you going to do about the contract?”

  “I can’t just drop it. I’ve learnt more in the last few days than I have my entire life.”

  “Did you really want to know though?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Like, does it make it any easier? Knowing?” He waved as someone shouted for his attention.

  Alice hesitated. “I don’t know.” She downed the last of her drink. “Sam I don’t know what to do.”

  “You should stay away from anything that involves the D word.”

  That made her chuckle. “We both know I don’t get any.”

  “Aye, very funny. You know what I mean.” He leant forward on his elbow, half climbing onto the shiny black worktop as he whispered above the music. “Daemons.”

  “Yes.” Things really did go bump in the night, she would know. “It’s busy in here.” She changed the subject.

  “Yeah, since the new management it’s been hectic.” He squinted down the bar, someone as called for him once again. “Babe, I have to go serve, you just going to hang here?”

  “For a while longer.” His look of concern didn’t change. “Then I’m going to go dance.”

  “Good, go enjoy yourself.” He kissed her cheek. “Last one.” He stole her cup and replaced it with a tall glass that was orange juice mixed with cranberry. “Sex on the beach.” With a wink he walked towards the throngs of people at the other side of the bar, his sway in full swing.

  Sam had worked in the Blood Bar for a few years, always enjoying the social life that came with being a bartender. He was right with the new management making the place busier, changing the old generic bar into something more stylish and modern. Gone were the cheap seating and sticky floors, replaced with high-end leather stools with chrome detailing and shiny wooden flooring. A stage was newly built from the s
ame dark wood, designed as if it just erupted from the floor.

  Blood Bar was notorious for its blood infused cocktails that brought in mainly Vamp clientele, but never really catered to anyone else. The new menu kept to its original taste from where the bar got its name, plus it included a wider range of beverages tailored to almost every Breed.

  It was definitely a pleasant place to sit and contemplate her interesting life. Well, at least decide what her next step would be. She needed to know more, as if the more she knew the more she could unlock her memories, unlock her nightmares.

  Flaring her chi she gave a satisfied sigh, feeling the usual electric undercurrent from the room. Over the last few hours she had felt her magic restore back to its natural level, like a bottle slowly refilling. Content, she continued to drink her cocktail as she enjoyed the music coming from the beautiful tenor of the singer on the small stage. The band behind filling the room with a steady beat that had most of the bar on their feet dancing.

  Something brushed across her chi.

  “Maybe you should stop drinking,” a husky voice said next to her.

  Ready to turn around and tell the person where to shove it, she hesitated, blinking stupidly at the tall man leaning against the bar. His chi continued to stroke hers as his steel grey eyes appraised her face. She had never felt anything like it, sparkles teasing across her aura. She couldn’t decide if she liked it or not.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, staring at him as she quickly adjusted her own chi. “I didn’t realise you were my keeper.”

  The man smiled, a slight curve of his lips at her comment. He folded his heavily tattooed arms over his chest, a black shirt showing the bars logo across his left pec.

  He must work here.

  “Maybe you should mind your own business?” She searched desperately along the bar for Sam.

  The man chuckled darkly, unfolding his arms from his chest. “Come on sweetheart, you need to go home.”

  “I’m good here thanks.” She knocked the bar for emphasis. That got her another chuckle. “Go play with those lovely ladies over there…” She pointed in a vague direction behind her. “They seem to want your attention.”

  He followed her finger, frowning when he noticed the group of women staring at him, his eyes narrowing before he looked back at her, his face serious, the flirtatious arrogance gone.

  She slipped off the stool, stumbling on her heels before his arm snapped out, steadying her.

  “Oh, thanks.” His hand didn’t move off hers, his skin radiating heat. She tapped his hand, failing to not stare at his tattoos. “I’m not drunk.” She could even dictate the alphabet backwards. Probably.

  “That’s not what a drunk person would say at all.” He released her arm.

  “Crap.” He had her there. “Well, I’m going to dance.” She turned and stumbled again, barely catching herself on the bar. So she may have had a few more drinks than she initially thought.

  Fighting a blush, she pretended nothing happened and straightened, yanking her skirt back down to an appropriate height. With a nod she walked unsteadily towards the dancing crowd, the musician now singing a heavy ballad.

  Letting the music take over she felt herself start to sway, her arms rising in the air with her eyes closed. The beat changed and she altered her moved to match, her hips curling in tempo with the rhythm. She allowed the music to calm her inner turmoil.

  Arms wrap around her from behind, a body pasting itself against her back as she danced. His hips moved in rhythm with hers before a hand came round to her stomach, controlling.

  His breath against her ear. “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?” Rex asked.

  She knew who it was almost the instant she felt his presence. Twisting her hips she danced against him, feeling his breath hitch, his palm tightening against her stomach.

  “I’m having fun.” She tried to turn in his grip but he kept her back pressed against his front, his own hips continuing their dance. “Rex, let me turn.”

  He bent her head slightly instead, his nose pressed against the side of her throat before she finally twisted in his arms, enough to see his white shirt, blood dried into the collar.

  “You’re drunk.” His hands travelled down to hold the bottom of her back, pressing gently.

  “I’m an adult.” She continued to dance, allowing the music to move her muscles against him. She thought he would tense up, retreat into his intensity as he had done every time before, but he surprised her, instead matching her rhythm with his own.

  “You don’t think I know that?” he growled. That statement stopped her short, making her gaze up into his eyes. They were electric, clear as anything yet, just as unreadable, as if he didn’t understand himself either.

  “Why are you here?” she asked, not trusting her own eyes. “How did you find me?”

  He pulled her toward him, placing her hands on his shoulders so he could bend down to her ear. “I’m here to ask why my Paladin is here getting drunk.”

  “I am not drunk!” She laughed loud enough to disturb the other dancers. “Am I seriously not allowed to enjoy myself without being judged by people?” She clenched her fists. “Haven’t you heard? I’m off the case.”

  “I know.” His fingers dug into her back, his voice intimate against her skin. “You think I take orders from anyone?”

  She stopped dancing. “What are you saying?”

  “I already said you’re my Paladin.” His eyes traced her lips, their natural blue flashing pale.

  She gasped, finally able to read his emotions.



  The raw openness should shock her, but didn’t.

  “Why don’t you ever smile?” She licked the edge of her suddenly dry lips, his eyes following the action carefully.

  “I smile.”

  “Not at me.”

  “You just don’t see it.” She felt his heat against her as he pushed into her personal space. “I have never quite met a female like you.” His mouth came down to slant across her own, tongue pushing unapologetically between her lips. She felt the roughness of his kiss, the raw emotions leaking as he gave into his wilder nature, breaking free from his constant control. She pulled his head against her, moaning as she lets him devour her lips.

  Her front door was barely closed before Rex was on her, his hands under her dress to lift her up against the hard wall. His freshly shaven skin brushed across her cheek, his tongue licking, teasing along her tongue. She knew in the back of her head it was wrong, but apparently her body didn’t care.

  She clawed at his shirt, buttons popping in every direction as she pulled it apart to stroke her nails across his chest. He growled into her mouth, his hand boldly pressing against her breast before he pinched a nipple through the thin material of her dress. Her brain short-circuited, arousal heating her up from the inside out as liquid heat grew between her legs.

  “Bed?” Rex growled, kissing her again.

  Alice just nodded against his mouth, her lungs fighting for air. Lifting her up he carried her into her bedroom, throwing her on the bed as soon as he entered. She bounced in the middle, her hands scrambling against the duvet for support. Rex looked intently down at her, his face hard to read.

  Nerves burst through her arousal, confusion. “Wait...” She couldn’t finish, her eyes widening when he reached beneath his shirt, pulling it over his head in one sweep. Mouth dry Alice stared at his gorgeous wide chest, over his chiselled abs down the line of thin hair leading into his dress trousers.

  He was on her in the next instant, his mouth on hers as his hands roamed under her dress, his touch an amazing contrast to her sensitive flesh. Lifting her dress he pulled it over her head, wrapping the fabric around her wrists, pinning them above her head.

  “Rex?” she breathed, feeling vulnerable. It was going too fast...

  He kissed down her neck, her wrists still pinned above her head, pushing her breasts together seductively. His tongue licked around her nippl
e, blowing against the wetness. Alice let out a small noise, almost a sob as he bit down on the sensitive nub, tugging it between his teeth. She pushed at his wrist, writhing underneath him.


  The dress burst into flames, the threads burning into smithereens within seconds.

  “Shit.” He released her.

  She hooked her leg around, pushing against his shoulder as he stared confused at the remains of the fabric. The sudden distraction gave her a sudden advantage, flipping them so she was straddling him, his erection continuing to strain. He just sat back up, biting down on the neglected nipple.

  “Oh,” she sighed, her voice low, husky with arousal.

  With a snarl he twisted them, gaining dominance once again. Undulating on the bed she rubbed her thighs together in anticipation, excitement running over her. She had never felt like this, never wanted something so much.

  A quick flick of a claw and he cut the edges of her underwear, tearing it clean from her hips in one clean motion.

  “That was my favourite pair,” Alice moaned up to him, his face expressionless, his eyes too intense as he gripped her, pulling her down the bed.

  “No talking.” He released her for a second, removing his trousers in a quick movement before his hot body was once again over her. Reaching down, he slipped one finger inside her, teasing the moisture, checking her readiness. He brushed the pad of his thumb against the small bundle of nerves that begged for his attention.

  “Yes,” she almost begged. Lifting her knee he placed it over his shoulder, opening her to him. She felt the head nudge at her opening, just teasing the entrance. “REX!” she shouted, his cock impaling her seconds later.

  Growling low in his throat he started to thrust, powerful movements that pushed her up the sheets. Gripping his arms she held herself in place, her nerve endings screaming at the onslaught. Suddenly pulling out he pushed her hip, tossing her onto her stomach. Lifting her back up on to her knees he thrust into her once more.


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