Logan's Love: Dark Side Vampires Vol. 2

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Logan's Love: Dark Side Vampires Vol. 2 Page 9

by B. A. Stretke

  “Something’s going on with Ashton.” He gasped and started running for the door. Lewis was right on his heels. They jumped into Logan’s car and tore out of the back lot of the Dark Side. The panic that had engulfed Ashton was tearing at Logan’s mind.


  Ashton walked into the store feeling on top of the world, and just that fast, things started to go south. Allison walked up to him and told him that Will was furious and out for payback and for him to watch his back.

  “Will Chandler can kiss my ass, and so can you, Allison. I don’t need your tidbits of gossip, so unless it’s business-related, don’t talk to me.” Ashton was through with being the doormat around here and was ready to start his new life, including zero tolerance for bullshit.

  Unfortunately, Allison’s gossip turned out to be spot on, and at just half-past ten, the front of the store erupted in screams and gunfire. Ashton wasn’t sure where to go or what to do. He was in the office reviewing the invoices for the jewelry that had been delivered yesterday. He stood and first called the police and then started a slow walk towards the door just before it burst in and there stood Will looking more crazed than usual.

  He grabbed Ashton by the arm and threw him out of the office and into the anti-way between the back rooms and the outer store’s main floor. Before Ashton get to his feet, Will kicked him in the side, knocking him back onto the floor.

  “Get up, golden boy.” He shouted and put a bullet in the floor near where Ashton lay. Will was carrying a 9mm handgun; thank God it wasn’t one of those rapid-fire things that can shoot a hundred bullets a second.

  A handgun takes some skill, and Ashton was pretty sure Will didn’t have any plus, the ammunition was limited. He had enough to kill quite a few, but it was still limited, and their chances of survival were therefore increased. He’d already wasted two shots; if he started with a full clip, that meant he had four left before he’d have to reload. Ashton was in shock at his own thoughts and estimations going through his head; it was as if he were thinking with Logan’s mind.

  “Get on you fucking feet before I blow your brains out, bitch.” Will went to kick him again, but Ashton managed to dodge and get to his feet. He pushed him out into the main room where Allison, Mike, and Morgan, along with a customer, were held by another man with a similar gun. Ashton recognized him as one of the men from Friday night.

  “You’re robbing the store?” Allison asked and was abruptly backhanded by the man standing there. Mike pulled her towards him and held her as everyone waited to find out their intent.

  “This piece of shit here.” Will slapped the side of Ashton’s head. “He got me fired. Did you suck Ward’s cock and ask for your job back?” He slapped him again. “You got me blackballed all over this city, bitch. I’m on the wrong side of John Dyer, and he has his goons on my ass, and then you get me fired. Mr. Ward believed that bunch of shit you fed him, and he fired me. Can you believe it, he fired me?” Ashton hadn’t said anything to Mr. Ward, but he knew that nothing he said would be believed.

  “I’m going to rob this store obviously,” He chuckled, “And then I’m going to blow your fucking brains all over the back wall, a little gift for Mr. Ward and your friends from the Dark Side. You really must be working that ass of yours overtime to be satisfying so many in our community.” He slapped Ashton again, this time with the gun, and Ashton crumpled to his knees but quickly got back to his feet.

  He needed to be watching and ready because he knew Will would do what he said, and Ashton would just as soon not die today. Will instructed a frightened Allison to fill the bags with the diamonds and gems, no cheap stuff, he said.

  It didn’t seem as if his heart was really into the robbery, which sent a cold chill up Ashton’s spine. The robbery was just a cover, a vehicle to do what he really wanted to do, and that was to kill. He wouldn’t stop with just Ashton; it was clear on his face that he planned to kill them all.

  Sirens were heard, and Will rushed to the front of the store and looked out the window. “Who fucking called the cops.” He yelled, then turned and shot Morgan, the security guard, assuming he’d made the call. That left three bullets or maybe four if the friend had been the one to make the first shot when they entered rather than Will.

  Allison screamed as if that was helpful at all, and Will shot at her, but it didn’t kill her; the bullet hit her in the arm. That made her scream some more. Now he had hopefully two bullets left.

  The police surrounded the store, and Ashton was certain they would not get out of there alive. Will would take them all out before dying; he could see it as clear as day. The guy was nuts, and he was not going to allow himself to be arrested. Ashton’s thoughts turned to Logan and the future he’d hoped to have with the man. It was all going to end today, unfortunately.

  Will’s friend began to get agitated with having the police there and their plan apparently going array. He and Will began to bicker loudly. Then he pushed Will and said he was leaving going to turn himself in, and that’s when Will shot him dead right in front of all of them, and Allison screamed again.


  Logan and Lewis pulled into the back of the jewelry store, and the police were everywhere. Getting inside would not be easy, but vampires had an edge, and that was mind control. They could cloud the perception of the cops at the back door and gain entrance through there.

  He heard the gun go off, and his heart surged into his throat as fear threatened to choke him. He needed to be inside yesterday, and Lewis was right with him on that point. They moved past the officers virtually unseen and carefully entered through the back. They heard the commotion upfront and made their way towards it.

  Ashton was to the left, three others were behind the counter, the security guard and one other man were down, and Will stood by the front doors. He was far enough away that the cops wouldn’t be able to get a shot, unfortunately.

  Time was a premium, and they had none to waste, so Lewis went right with a blur of speed, taking down the three humans behind the counter as Logan went left and dove on top of his beloved. Will started firing first towards the counter and then turned to point his gun at Logan, and when he pulled the trigger, it was empty.

  “That was your last bullet Will. It’s all over now.” Ashton said from under Logan. Logan kept his eyes on Will as he stood up and took several steps towards him. Will reached into his pocket and was frantically trying to reload. His fear filled the room with its acrid scent.

  Logan bent down and took the gun from the dead man's hand, Will’s accomplice, and put two bullets in Will’s chest, killing him instantly. Will hit the floor with a look of profound shock that his plan had backfired so spectacularly.

  Logan wiped the gun and put it back in the dead man’s hand. He then helped Ashton to his feet and wrapped him in a fierce hug. “You okay, baby?” he asked as he ran his eyes over Ashton checking for anything obvious.

  “Yeah, I’m okay, but he shot Morgan. Logan looked over to the man lying by the door and knew he was dead, but he didn’t say it. Ashton was barely holding it together, and he needed to get him out of there. Logan signaled Lewis, and they left out the back breezing by the cops just as they had when they entered. They didn’t stop or speak until they got to the car and were on their way back to the Dark Side.

  “I should have stayed and given a statement to the police.” Ashton murmured. Lewis was driving, and Logan held Ashton close to him in the back seat giving him the strength and stability necessary to get through this.

  “Lewis wiped the minds of the humans; they will not remember that we were there, and that includes you. They will remember and report that Will came in to rob the place, and he and his partner ended up shooting each other. You were never there. You called in sick this morning. How fortunate.” Logan dropped a kiss to Ashton’s forehead.

  Ashton was silent for a few minutes taking in the events and processing the outcome. “Thank you for saving me, and thank you too, Lewis.” He finally spoke. Lewis nodded from the
front seat, and Ashton heaved a sigh and leaned against Logan. “I don’t want to work at Knight’s Jewelry anymore, Logan.”

  “I think you should relax for a while and weigh your options and maybe think about starting your own jewelry business or finishing that gemology degree you were interested in,” Logan suggested casually so pleased that his beloved was okay and willing to put this tragic event behind him. His beloved was never one to wallow in the darkness.

  “I have some money in the bank so I can contribute to the household while I weigh my options,” Ashton interjected.

  “Keep your money, honey. I’ve got enough to support us both through the next century. What’s mine is your baby.” Logan pulled him up close for another possessive kiss.

  “I love you, Logan. It’s been a wild ride, but I am so glad you came into my life. I am so glad that you’re mine.”

  “I love you too, Ashton, forever.” He punctuated that statement with a kiss, a deep and ravenous kiss that held the promise of so much more when they got home.


  Ashton couldn’t believe how much his life had changed in the last month. He was no longer under the thumb of his parents, he didn’t work in a toxic environment anymore with coworkers who wanted to kill him, and he was currently sitting in the dining room of John Dyer’s country manor for a celebratory banquet. Sometimes life really needed to be seen to be believed.

  He squeezed the hand of his beloved, the man that changed everything. The man that finally opened his eyes and made him see the world, Logan Brown. The bartender at the Dark Side was so much more than that. He was a soldier, a vampire, a loyal friend, and the most amazing lover Ashton had ever known.

  Logan turned to beam at him with that smile that never ceased to lighten his heart and make him yearn that they were alone. He didn’t need to worry anymore. He had everything he’d ever wanted. He had Logan’s love.

  “To new beginnings,” John said, raising his glass and taking his beloved’s hand.

  “To new beginnings!” They all said in response.

  Ashton knew how true that was.


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. Please rate and review!

  -B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and Amazon.com.

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyline, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website: www.bastretke.com

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Bay Harbor Wolves:


  Vampires of Blood and Bones

  Blood and Bones

  Stone and Steel

  Die Pretty

  Ezra’s Awakening

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Meant To Be

  Bad Reputation

  Blond and Broken

  Master DuCane

  Love Is Danger

  Surrender To Me

  Eyes of Darkness

  The Vampire and the Witch

  The Vampire Next Door

  Never Let Me Go

  Dragon’s Blood M.C.:

  Apex: The Dragon’s Mate

  The Dragon’s Heart

  Loving The Hellhound


  The Bad Boy

  The Call of the Dragon

  Finding Forever

  The Dragon Twins

  King of the Dragons

  Rafe: The Dragon Knight

  Suffer The Knight

  Crimson Vampire Coven:

  ● Crimson Love

  ● Trusting Fate

  ● For Now and Forever

  ● My Vampire Lover

  ● The Vampire Code

  ● The Crimson Sorcerer

  ● The Crimson Omega

  ● The Crimson Alpha

  ● The Crimson Beta

  ● The Dragon King

  ● The Demon Lord

  ● The Dragon Knight – The Crimson War

  ● The Crimson Redemption

  ● Crimson Christmas

  ● Come Back To Me

  ● Love and Magic

  ● The Crimson Victory

  Pack Rules – Rue Pack Wolves:

  ● Mine

  ● Alpha Mate

  ● The Enforcer’s Mate

  ● Forever Mine – The Beta’s Mate

  ● Lost and Found

  ● The Omega’s Mate

  ● The Doctor’s Mate

  ● Finding Home

  ● Owen’s Mate

  ● Saving Jeremiah

  ● Jackson’s Journey

  ● Jesse’s Love

  ● The Master’s Beloved

  ● The Vampire’s Chosen

  The Wolves of Belle Fourche:

  ● The Wolves of Belle Fourche – The Alpha’s Claim

  ● Surprised by Forever

  ● Healing Scars

  Lonepine Wolf Shifters:

  ● Lonepine Wolf Shifters

  ● Reluctant Mate

  ● Jamie’s Mate

  Superiorland Wolf Pack:

  ● The Werewolf’s Mate

  The Dark Side:

  ● The Dark Side - Vampire Romance

  Sparrow Ridge Wolf Pack:

  Omega Mine

  The Omega’s Love

  Other Stories:

  ● Risk and Reward: A Gay Love Story

  ● Bound By the Gods

  ● Signed and Sealed

  ● The Art of the Deal

  ● Save Me - A Supernatural Romance




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