Bride of the Emperor (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 4)

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Bride of the Emperor (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 4) Page 8

by Hayley Faiman

  “How do we stop this from happening?” I demand.

  The pontifex maximus inhales a deep breath, then releases it as he lifts his gaze to meet mine. “You must fall in love with her and you must create a child with that love.”

  “I do not love,” I announce. “And she will never love me. So, preparing for war, famine, fire, and disease is our only hope?”

  The pontifex maximus shakes his head. “You are fated, Emperor. The gods would not match you with someone that you could not love and they would not keep you from finding that for yourself. You must open yourself up for love.”

  The fact that he is telling me that I must feel, that I must fall in love with Drucilla angers me. Who is he to say such things? Who is he to demand that this happen? Who is he to know anything on the subject?

  “What happens when she bears a child that is not created in love?” I ask.

  The pontifex maximus shakes his head once. “The gods did not enlighten anyone on that, however, I could imagine that nothing good would come of it. I feel as though it is best you try, Emperor. Try with all that you have.”

  “Can you give me magic to speak her language?”

  The pontifex maximus lifts his gaze to mine and he shakes his head once. “I do not have such powers.”

  “But someone does?” I ask.

  He shifts his gaze from me to the window, then back to meet mine again. “There are stronger venefica, but they live alone, sequestered together on an island.”

  “What island?” I growl.

  He clears his throat, looking down at his feet, then lifts his gaze back up to meet mine. Nodding his head, he finds my gaze with his own. “Curia.”

  “My father emptied that island. He cut off trade and supplies years ago.”

  “He also forced the most powerful venefica there when they tried to go against him.”

  Brutus growls, then he takes a step forward. “He banished the women there who fought against him? The women?”

  “Yes,” the pontifex maximus says with a nod. “It is exactly what he did.”

  Jerking my chin up to Brutus, I grin up at him. “Would you like to make a trip?”

  “I would indeed,” he spits.

  Chapter Ten


  The pontifex maximus tugs me behind him, and I think that he’s going to take us to a dark and dingy dungeon or something, but he doesn’t. Instead, he tosses Laurentia and me straight into Tiberius’ room, the room that I’ve been staying in the last few days. I hear the door lock, but I’m oddly okay with that. I’m comfortable here, I’m okay here. At least that’s what I tell myself over and over.

  “What is going on?” I whisper as I look up to Laurentia.

  Her back is plastered against the door, and her eyes are wide as she stares at me in what I can only describe as—fear. “You command the wolves,” she breathes.

  “I don’t understand that at all,” I state.

  She lifts her hand and points her finger to the window behind me. “I can hear them,” she hisses. “They symbolize war, they are only led by the god of war. No human can tame them, no man can call to them, not like with other animals.”

  “What are you telling me?” I demand, my heart beginning to race.

  “You are war. You will cause war. There is no other conclusion to this. Send them home, do not allow them to harm the good people of Savona. Banish them to their caves.”

  Shaking my head, I lift my gaze to meet hers. “I would not, even if I knew how,” I whisper.

  “Why?” she practically cries.

  Lifting my chin, I decide that this is bullshit. But if this is what these people believe, then they will just have to understand that this is the prophecy and I don’t control shit, it controls me.

  “Because the prophecy was not something created or controlled by me. I am not here of my own free will. I can’t control any of this.”

  “Fate,” she whispers. “Fate cannot be controlled, but we can always control ourselves.”

  I snort, shaking my head. “We can’t. I cannot control myself, nothing about me is controllable right now,” I snap.

  Her eyes widen, then I watch the exact moment she realizes that she has said something to me that is out of line for her station. She instantly shrinks.

  “I am so sorry. I should not have spoken. It was not acceptable.”

  Taking a step toward her, I’m careful not to get too close. She is scared of me, and apparently, I’m completely terrifying and need to be locked away, so I get it. But I can’t allow her to think that she cannot speak to me. I don’t believe in that slave shit, so that’s not going to be acceptable here.

  “You do not have to hide yourself from me, Laurentia. You are my only friend. You are my equal.”

  “No, I am not,” she whispers. “I could never be.”

  Taking another step toward her, I reach out and take her hand in mine. She allows it, but only barely, and she’s trembling the entire time.

  “You are, in here. I am Drucilla and you are Laurentia. Nothing else matters. We’re friends.”

  “You really must be from another world,” she murmurs. “One that I wish I could be part of.”

  “We have our own issues,” I say with a smile. “But I would love for you to have your freedoms and there you would.”

  There is a sound outside, more howling, but it’s growing louder. Turning around, I rush toward the window and I gasp at the sight below. Instead of just a few wolves circling and howling, there are at least a hundred, if not more.

  “You are their queen,” Laurentia informs me.

  “I can’t be. I am a woman, and not even from this freaking place,” I exhale.

  Laurentia reaches for my hand and takes it in hers, squeezing it gently. “You command the wolves and the Emperor commands the bears. You are truly his destined empress.”

  Just as I am about to tell her no, to deny her words, the door flies open. Well, as much as a heavy as shit old door can fly. Spinning around, I’m surprised to see Tiberius, Marcellus, and another man that was in the office, but looks a hell of a lot like them waltz through the door.

  “Tiberius would like me to translate,” Marcellus announces.

  The other man watches me, and I hold up my hand, as if I’m in elementary school all over again. “Can I ask a question?”

  Marcellus’ brows rise and he jerks his chin toward me. It’s in this moment that men are kind of the same, no matter what world we’re in. They aren’t much for talking, it seems. They are more action guys, and it shouldn’t surprise me, but Marcellus has been all about the communication the last few days.

  “Who is the new guy?”

  Marcellus smirks, then turns to the new guy and Tiberius before speaking to them. Both of them chuckle. “This is our cousin, Brutus. You know his sister, Cassia.”

  “Wow,” I breathe. “Cassia is so tiny,” I whisper.

  Brutus isn’t fat, but Brutus is sturdy and all muscle, he’s also a few inches taller than even Tiberius which I would guess puts him at about six-foot-three. He’s a big guy and Cassia is super petite.

  They all laugh at my words, then Marcellus clears his throat. “The wedding will take place tonight,” he announces.

  “Excuse me?” I exhale.

  Tiberius begins to speak and Marcellus translates. “We must not waste a moment. It seems you are much stronger than anyone could have imagined. We do not want to anger the gods.”

  “Anger the gods, or are you scared of me?”

  There is a moment of silence after Marcellus translates. Shifting my gaze from the floor, I slowly lift it to meet Tiberius’ intense one. He arches a brow and grunts his next words.

  “A woman does not frighten me, no matter how much power she holds. It is not possible. The woman you are could never frighten me.”

  “Then why the rush?”

  “The wolves are here to protect you. Your fears have called them here.”

  “And marrying you will make those fe
ars vanish?”

  His lips curve up into a sexy grin and I hate that I find it so damn sexy. I feel like the past two days have been on hyperspeed. We went from not even knowing one another’s names, I went from a whole other world, to now getting married.



  No wonder I’m scared, not only that, he freaking keeps locking me up in this room like a prisoner. Plus, there’s the little fact that only about two people speak my language.

  “It will calm everyone,” Marcellus says.

  I want to laugh, I really do. I also want to cry. So, instead of doing the latter, I just stare at him in complete disbelief that this is my life.

  “I want my sisters,” I whisper. “I want my sisters right now.”

  There is a moment of silence after Marcellus translates and I continue to look Tiberius in his eyes. I see it, even if he doesn’t realize that he’s giving it to me, I see it. It flashes. He knows something and he’s not telling me. He knows something about my sisters.

  “Where are my sisters?” I demand a bit forcefully.

  “We are to be married,” Tiberius states. Then he looks to Laurentia. “Prepare her.”

  Without another word, he whirls around in his glorious man-skirt, something that I notice that Brutus is wearing as well and they walk away, together. I hear the damn lock slip into place as soon as the door closes and I curse that lock. I curse it with everything that I have. Nothing magical happens though and I stomp my foot in annoyance.

  Walking over to the window, I look down at the wolves again and idiotically lift my hand, giving them my best princess wave. “Go on and go home, faithful animals,” I call out.

  I feel ridiculous, but I don’t know how else to get rid of them. I have a feeling that the gods gave me this gift for some kind of reason, but I have no clue why or who did all of this. I don’t even know if I truly believe any of it, all I know is that everyone here believes it, so I’m going with it.

  Hopefully, I’ll be able to get the hell out of here soon. Because I have no reason to stay. Screw this shit completely. I am out of here as soon as possible. Pinching my eyes closed, I try to wish myself back home. Back to Florida. Back to my meaningless relationships.


  Brutus and Marcellus both grunt when I don’t speak immediately. I am okay with that since I have one focus and one focus only. To find the pontifex maximus again and inform him of the immediate nuptials.

  “Tiberius?” Brutus calls out.

  Stopping, I turn my head and look over my shoulder at him. He is watching me, though I don’t understand the look on his face. It almost looks akin to worry. Brutus has never looked at me in such a way before.

  “Brutus?” I reply, turning completely around when he doesn’t continue.

  There is a long pause of silence before he finally begins to speak. He clears his throat, then I hear his words, and they surprise me.

  “She is your match, Tiberius. Did you not see the way she looked at you?”

  “It matters not.”

  “It does, cousin. Treat her kindly. If the pontifex maximus is right, you must find love with her.”

  Shaking my head, I curl my lip. “Love?” I ask. “What is this? I know nothing of it.”

  Brutus snorts. “You should. You have family here that loves you greatly and you love us.”

  “That is not the same and you know this.”

  “Is it not?” he asks, arching a brow.

  Taking a step back, I cross my arms over my chest and watch him for a moment. He is serious. He thinks that this love he speaks of with Drucilla is the same I feel for my own flesh and blood, for my family, for my brothers in battle, it is not and it cannot be.

  “You will realize, Tiberius. You will realize that when you do allow yourself to be loved and you return that, that it can be the most beautiful thing on this earth. It can be spectacular. I just hope that it is not too late for our world, for our people.”

  “It matters not. She will be my empress before the sun rises on a new day. This prophecy, whatever it is, we will overcome it.”

  “Overcome the gods? That is bold of you, frater,” Marcellus hisses.

  “It may be bold, but it is what will be.”

  Without allowing them to say anything else, I turn and leave them to go in search of the pontifex maximus. My only priority right now is marrying this woman and finding the venefica to try and figure this out, all of it. To save our people, this world, and keep Drucilla here. She is mine, she will not attempt to remove herself from my side.

  Not now. Not ever.

  The pontifex maximus is in my office where I left him, thankfully. “You will perform the marriage ceremony before I leave for Curia.”

  “You’re to leave your bride?” he asks.

  I grunt, wanting nothing more than to throw him against the wall and demand a fight. I am ready for one right now, everything is far too much for me in this moment and I need to relieve some of my inner feelings through fighting, and lying with a woman, one simply will not do, I must do both at this point.

  “She will join me, not that it is your position to question your emperor,” I snap.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’m all dressed in a gorgeous deep blue gown, I mean, it is simply breathtaking when I look down the length of my body.

  The deep brown roping that is twisted and intertwined to accentuate the best parts of me is also just as perfect. My sandals match exactly as well, and I can’t even talk about the slit that is all the way up to my hip on this gown. I feel exactly how I look, like a Grecian goddess.

  “Your hair is finished,” Laurentia whispers just as the door opens.

  I am surprised to see Cassia sweep through the door, dressed similarly to me, except her gown isn’t nearly as luxurious. It is very apparent that I am something really freaking special, as they would say, an empress.

  “Your crown is ready and will be placed on your head by the Emperor,” Cassia announces, though it is Laurentia who translates, thankfully.

  Lifting my face from appraising my gown, I look back at her and smile. “Thank you for waking from your sleep for this. I am sorry that it is being done in the night this way,” I whisper.

  Cassia smiles, then hurries over to me. She takes my hands in hers and smiles in Laurentia’s direction before she begins to speak.

  “There is nowhere I would rather be, and Tiberius knows that I would be extremely angry if he did not have me awoken. I am happy to be present at such an occasion. The people will want to celebrate as well, which will need to wait, but we will all have a grand celebration.”

  I love how optimistic and just plain happy Cassia is. She truly believes that this is some great and wonderful thing. I don’t say anything to her, instead, I give her a smile and squeeze her fingers before I release my hold on her hands.

  Wordlessly, I walk over to the window and notice that all of the wolves are gone, except one. There is one lone wolf, sitting back on its hind legs, his nose tipped up to me and focused directly on me and nowhere else.

  “It is here for your protection. One has been left behind to be your personal guard.”

  “Why?” I breathe.

  There is a moment of silence, then I hear Cassia’s voice right before Laurentia’s. “Because you are their master, you are their empress. You guide and rule them, just as you will aid to guide and rule our people, but the wolves, they are solely yours.”

  “I can’t guide animals,” I whisper.

  Her lips twitch into a smile, then she begins to speak again. “You can, just as Tiberius guides and rules the bears. Though, judging by the way the wolves gathered, I would say that you have more power over the wolves than he does the bears.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but I’m not sure what to say and thankfully I don’t have to think of something because at that moment the door opens. Marcellus stands in front of us, his gaze flicking around at the three of us before it lands on La
urentia and his eyes actually warm. They warm at the sight of her, it’s beautiful.

  “They are ready for you, Drucilla,” he states. “Though, I should not get used to using your given name as you will be the empress in just a few moments.”

  “Why can’t you call me Drucilla?” I ask before I make my way toward him.

  He watches me for a moment, then shakes his head. “You will be the empress,” he repeats.

  “But you call Tiberius, Tiberius, I have heard you.”

  His lips curve up into a grin. “Tiberius is my brother.”

  “And I will be your sister,” I state.

  His eyes widen and they flick from me to Cassia, then back to me. “I suppose you will…”

  “Then you will call me Dru or Drucilla, if you don’t, I’ll order you to.”

  He chuckles, then takes a step toward me and another before he reaches out and wraps his fingers around mine. He squeezes my hand, his gaze never leaving my own.

  “Then I will call you Drucilla as you wish,” he rasps, his smile still very much on his face. “Are you ready?”


  I am not freaking ready, but it doesn’t seem like I have a choice. I am about to marry a man who is clearly not thrilled to gain a wife. He also thinks I have some magic, which to be fair, I can’t really deny the purple light that came out of my hands or the wolves, so he could be right on that.

  But I’m not ready.

  Not at all.

  I don’t know what he expects from me, we can’t communicate with one another. He doesn’t know anything about me, and I know less about him. I don’t even know if I really believe this prophecy thing, but I think that my sisters are here, especially after the reaction that Tiberius had when I mentioned them.

  So, if it means I have to marry him to get to my sisters, to get the hell out of here, then that’s exactly what I’ll do.

  I’ll marry the shit out of him.

  Then I’m out.


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