Hack: A LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates Book 1)

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Hack: A LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates Book 1) Page 25

by Paul Bellow

  We rode hard for several hours until the Ruins of Esterhollow appeared. Smoke originating somewhere billowed up into the sky.

  Captain Riggard stopped his horse half a mile away.

  “We’ll confront Snargao about Dawn Acid recipe,” he said. “They’ve probably already found it, but he’ll hand it over.”

  I nodded, keeping my mouth shut.

  He wanted a frontal assault with brute force, but that wasn’t my style.

  Additionally, I didn’t trust Snargao. We were likely riding into a trap, but I kept my mouth shut for the moment. While Captain Riggard and the others rode ahead, I slowed my horse then veered away from the main group.

  None of the others noticed I went off on my own. I picked a good spot to enter the ruins—the thrill of the game kicked into overdrive. I saw quite a few battle-scarred buildings as I approached.

  War drums beat loudly in the distance.

  Goblins gearing up for another war? Or was Snargao more interested in stealing the Cursed Pendant of Visions? Either way, I had my work cut out for me.

  I stopped at the edge of the ruins.

  After dismounting, I tied up my horse.

  The others kept riding, still not noticing I’d broken away.

  As they rode down the main street entering the city, I sneaked down a deserted alley. We needed an ace up our sleeves. Namely, me.

  Two blocks ahead, I saw three goblins in piecemeal armor put together with scraps. Adrenaline and instincts took over as I ran forward.

  One of the goblins noticed me and yelled to his companions. All three raised their swords before running toward me at full speed.

  I stabbed the first one to get close.

  Your stab GRAZES the goblin warrior for 7 damage.

  Your blade is dull.

  Ugh. I forgot to switch out swords.

  This dull piece of crap better not let me down.

  A goblin took a swing at me with a lengthy sword.

  The goblin’s slash BARELY SCRATCHES you for 4 damage.

  You have [54/58] health points.

  I swung again.

  Your slash GRAZES the goblin warrior for 7 damage

  The goblin is dead!

  As the first one fell, the other two attacked me at the same time.

  The goblin warrior’s pierce GRAZES you for 6 damage.

  The goblin warrior’s slash GRAZES you for 5 damage.

  You have [43/58] health points.

  “That all you got?” I shouted then attacked again.

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 9 damage.

  The goblin is dead!

  As his buddy went down, the last goblin turned to run.

  He screamed for help, but the insistent pounding of the drums drowned out his voice. I sprinted after him and finished him with a final, forceful slash.

  Combat is over!

  You get 420xp!

  You have 11,454 xp.

  You need 4,546 xp for level five Rogue

  * * *

  >> Gamemaster Tip: At level five Rogue, you will need to think about class specialization. It’s recommended you start thinking about this now. When you reach level 6 (and through level 15), you will specialize in one of the following…

  * * *

  >> Thief (leather armor) - Whether a cut-purse or a burglar, you’re all about sneaking around and getting what you want.

  >> Bard (no armor) - You are known for entertainment and the magic that comes with music.

  >> Bounty Hunter (any weapons/armor) - Stealthy and deadly, this class is a mix of fighting and thieving.

  >> Assassin (leather armor) - This class is concerned with killing others in one way or another.

  Without a fighter in the party, Bounty Hunter sounds interesting, but I’ve got time to decide. I should solo more often.

  I smiled, hyped up from the fresh adrenaline of three kills. Ready to do more damage on the sly, I snuck deeper into the ruined city.

  The drums increased in tempo and volume as I approached the center square. I stopped at a partially collapsed tower and glanced up.

  Looks sturdy enough to climb. Especially with my ring.

  I sprinted toward the nearest wall of the decrepit tower.

  The magic of the Ring of Spider Climbing saved the day again.

  I reached the top of the tower and tested the roof with my foot.

  Seems solid enough.

  After a deep breath, I crept across to the far side. Looking down on a wide, open clearing, I saw Snargao and a band of goblins. Over on the other side of the tower, I saw Sarah and the others approaching the city square.

  Trouble is coming. Gotta help.

  A dozen or more goblins were creeping up behind our main group. Several of the slimy green creatures held crude bows. The others were armed with axes or swords.

  All of them looked deadly in enough numbers.

  Captain Riggard kept going.

  “Sarah,” I yelled, hoping to get her attention.

  The game gave me another stupid penalty, but I didn’t care.

  I screamed her name again, but the thick bass of the drums blocked out my voice.

  Time to become a hero.

  I climbed down the tower easily.

  Advanced Climbing Skill Used

  +55xp - 10% from OOC penalty

  You get +50 xp

  You have 11,504 xp.

  You need 4,496 xp for level five Rogue.

  That’s not much xp, but I don’t care. I need to get to Sarah before she and the others are ambushed in the back with arrows and killed.

  I wasn’t at full health, but the only thought on my mind was making sure the rest of the party wasn’t killed before they reached the square.

  As I rounded the last corner, I slowed, looking for my first targets. Two goblin stragglers in the back would be the easiest to take out.

  This is how it’s done.

  I crept forward with my weapon drawn.

  When I reached the first one, I stabbed with all my strength.

  Critical backstab!

  Your sword goes through one goblin completely and kills one more.

  The goblin is dead!

  The goblin is dead!

  Both screamed out in pain as they fell. Eight goblins turned to face me while the other three continued forward toward the others.

  The incessant drumbeat began to wear on my nerves.

  “Bring it on!” I yelled, motioning with my sword.

  Uh oh.

  Three raised their bows and fired arrows.

  The goblin arrow MISSES you.

  The goblin arrow MISSES you.

  The goblin arrow GRAZES you for 6 damage.

  You have been poisoned!

  +1 damage

  (-1hp per hour until poison is removed)

  You have [36/58] health remaining.

  I channeled the anger into my next attack.

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 8 damage.

  The goblin is dead.

  The closest goblin whimpered as I struck it hard.

  Five of the pint-sized terrors remained. I hoped Sarah and the others could take care of the ones still stalking them.

  Why hadn’t they turned around or acknowledged me?

  Three goblins notched fresh arrows.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this...” I muttered.

  Out of nowhere, six bolts of golden energy hit three of the goblins with bows. All of them fell to the ground—heaps of green flesh and blood.

  I attacked again, wasting no time.

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 8 points of damage

  The goblin is dead.

  The goblin slash MISSES you

  Your slash HITS the goblin warrior for 8 damage

  The goblin is dead.

  * * *

  Combat is over!

  You get 1,680 xp divided by two party members.

  You get +840 xp

  You have 12,344 xp

  You need 3,654 xp to levelr />
  * * *

  New Spell Effect: Glorified Cloaks of Bronze

  (+5 Armor Class)

  “Thank you,” I shouted. “But save your mana. This battle isn’t over yet. We’ve got to kill Snargao.”

  “I know,” she yelled. “You do your job, and I’ll do mine.”

  A lightning bolt zoomed down the street and hit Captain Riggard. He stayed on his feet, running toward the clearing.

  Benji, Sarah, and I followed him. The goblin drum circle kept up until Captain Riggard pulled out a wand and pointed it at them.

  We stopped at the edge of the open area as the sound of the drums stopped.

  Nice magic item. I need one of those myself.

  “Let’s hold back and assess the situation better,” I said.

  “Good idea,” Sarah said. “We’ve got the cursed pendant. Now we just need the list of Dawn Acid ingredients.”

  “Things are about to get messy,” Benji said.

  Captain Riggard reached a group of goblins holding drum sticks. He mowed through them like they were nothing. A few hundred feet away, on a wooden stage that had seen better days, Snargao unrolled a scroll and read.

  “I’m going to sneak around and attempt a backstab,” I said. “Can you two handle yourselves?”

  “We’ll be fine,” Sarah said.

  “Don’t worry about us…”

  Benji paused as two earth elementals popped out of the ground.

  “Okay, worry a little bit.”

  Captain Riggard, surrounded by dozens of goblins, was busy—so I charged toward the nearest elemental.

  “Benji, let’s attack,” I shouted as I ran.

  While I hated still acting like a tank, I needed to take out the biggest threat. Captain Riggard kept gleefully slaughtering goblins. For the most powerful PC on the level, he wasn’t very smart.

  I reached the nearest heap of earth the same time as Benji. We both attacked fearlessly. His blunt weapon appeared to do more damage.

  Your slash GRAZES the medium earth elemental for 6 damage.

  The goblins around Captain Riggard fled, freeing him up to help.

  Benji swung again but missed the elemental completely.

  I stabbed, barely causing any damage.

  Your stab GRAZES the medium earth elemental for 5 damage.

  Captain Riggard charged the second earth elemental. It formed a huge arm with a clenched fist and swung, hitting him.

  Ouch. That had to hurt.

  I kept up my assault.

  Your slash GRAZES the medium earth elemental for 4 damage.

  “That all you got?” Captain Riggard asked.

  I glanced over and saw he’d already defeated the other elemental. He ran over and helped by attacking the remaining elemental.Before he arrived, the elemental slammed itself against poor Benji, throwing him to the ground.

  He rolled away quickly.

  “I’m going for Snargao,” Sarah yelled from behind me.

  What is she doing?

  I attacked again.

  Your slash SCRATCHES the medium earth elemental for 3 damage.

  Scratches? Really?

  Captain Riggard laughed as he struck the elemental again.

  Then the mound of animated earth came after me.

  The earth elemental's slam INJURES you for 12 damage.

  You have [15/58] health remaining.

  Benji struggled to his feet, acting dazed and confused.

  “Attack!” I screamed.

  In the distance, I saw Sarah get hit by lightning, and she fell to the ground. The image of her falling would be etched in my mind forever.

  Leaving Benji to his fate, I ran around the elemental and toward her.

  The creature noticed and slammed into me.

  The medium earth elemental’s slam INJURES you for 12 damage.

  You have [15/58] health remaining.

  “Ouch,” I muttered as I used the momentum to keep running.

  Snargao saw me and pointed a wand.

  At the last minute, I dodged to the left.

  The bolt of energy came close but missed.

  “I remember you.” Snargao pointed in my direction. “There’s no time for this now, but I will return.”

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Captain Riggard shouted.

  He ran over and barreled into the hobgoblin wizard.

  Both tumbled to the ground. I bent down to check Sarah’s pulse.

  She was barely alive.

  “Benji!” I yelled. “We need healing.”

  I craned my neck to look for him. He was finishing off the other earth elemental with his mace.

  We need to let him join us.

  “Over here!” I yelled. “Healing.”

  “Get back in the battle,” Captain Riggard screamed as he wrestled on the ground with Snargao. “Forget about the elf mage. We don’t need her.”

  Benji rushed over to Sarah. As he bent down to help her, I stood then ran to help Captain Riggard.

  He and Snargao were both standing.

  “Die, foul beast!”

  Captain Riggard stuck his sword into Snargao’s pot belly.

  “Not before you,” Snargao muttered then raised the wand.

  Bursts of energy shot out the tip, causing Captain Riggard to shake. Spasms overtook his body as he fell to the ground.

  I ran around the hobgoblin, hoping for an opportunity.

  When it opened, I ran forward without hesitation. Snargao cried out in pain as I plunged my blade into the back of his neck.


  You have killed Snargao the Impatient!

  You get 3,200 xp divided by two party members.

  You get 1,600 xp

  You have 13,944 xp

  You need 2,156 xp for level five rogue

  I turned to see Captain Riggard still shaking on the ground.

  “MetaToG forever...” he said with his last breath.

  I glanced around the battlefield.

  “Everyone okay?” I asked.

  “I’m fine,” Sarah said. “Barely.”

  Benji paced back and forth in front of her.

  I walked over. “What’s wrong? Can you heal me?”

  “My healing days are over,” Benji said.

  He turned and stared at us while wringing his hands together.

  Sarah stood and glanced at me before looking back at Benji.

  “I’ve got a confession,” he said. “I’m not really a priest.”

  “We were just about to let you in the party,” I said.

  “There’s more,” he said. “But I can’t talk about it right now.”

  “You can’t talk about it, or you won’t?” I asked.

  Sarah stepped between the two of us with her arms stretched out.

  “Cut it out,” she said. “We don’t need to fight each other.”

  “Let me join your party,” Benji said. “Please?”

  “No,” I said stubbornly. “Not after you lied to us.”

  Benji sighed and shook his head.

  “I’m leaving then,” he said. “You guys can adventure on your own. I’ve been nothing but nice to both of you. Goodbye and good luck.”

  He turned and stepped away.

  “No, wait,” Sarah said. “We’ll let you in.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Just teasing.”

  I wanted to see if he was a trapped PC or not.

  As soon as we clicked the right buttons on the game interface, a notification window popped up with bright orange letters.

  [PC] Benji Bigelow (Human Rogue) has joined your party.

  “I can finally talk about the game,” he said. “Screw the damn OOC penalty and everything else about this game.”

  He lifted an arm and shook a fist at the sky.

  “Wow,” Sarah said. “We were wondering, but…”

  “I know, I know,” Benji said. “I’ve got a bit of a reputation.”

  “How did you get in here?” Sarah asked.

  Benji smiled.

p; “That, my friends, is a long story.” He glanced around at all the destruction. “But I think we have some time if you want to hear it.”

  I looked at Sarah then back to our former priest, eager for him to tell us every detail of his likely exciting story.


  How Long Were You an NPC?


  As I stared at our former priest, an idea hit me.

  If characters become NPCs after death...

  “Josh? Is that you?” I asked.

  Benji tilted his head to the left.

  “Sorry,” he said. “My name is Bernard. I take it Josh is your missing friend? He might be trapped as an NPC by now.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “How did you get in the game?”

  “I signed up for a beta test,” Bernard said. “What about you two?”

  “Eric brought us into the game,” I said, not mentioning his father.

  Bernard nodded thoughtfully.

  “I’ve been trapped as an NPC for a while,” he said. “That’s why I pretended to be a priest.”

  He smiled sheepishly.

  “What do you mean?” Eric asked.

  “You guys rolled into town needing a healer in your party, not a rogue,” Bernard said. “So, I bought these clothes, a mace, and a wand of curing magic to get you to let me in.”

  “The wand just now ran out?” Eric asked.

  Bernard nodded.

  “Something happened, and I got stuck as an NPC,” he said. “With no new players were coming into the first level, I never had a chance.”

  “How long were you an NPC?” I asked, unsure if I wanted to hear his honest answer.

  “About twenty years now,” Bernard said. “I’ve lost track, to be honest. Time in here is so...strange.”

  My eyes shot open even wider.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I asked. “That’s a long time.”


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