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Grim Page 24

by M. K. Eidem

  “You need to come with us…if there is some one here that can take over your duties, I won’t leave the warriors without a healer.”

  “There is another who can assume my duties but why do you want me to go? Are you concerned about your offspring? I’ve never treated them.” He reminds her.

  “I know, but Grim has assured me you are a very talented healer, that if you hadn’t been here to treat him he would have died." Tears fill Lisa's eyes. "Thank you Hadar, from the bottom of my heart, for I couldn’t imagine my life without Grim.” Hadar feels himself start to flush at the Queen’s heartfelt gratitude. He never expected it.

  “The King survived because he was meant too.” Hadar mumbles.

  “As you were meant to be there to assist him." Lisa brings herself back under control. "Now Kim needs your assistance.”

  “I don’t understand.” He looks at her confused.

  “Kim is going to need of a Healer she can trust Hadar. Grim trusts you and you’ve shown that I can, I believe Kim will therefore trust you.”

  “But you said yourself I know little about what happens to a female before she presents.”

  “I don’t think that's going to be a problem, I think Kim is closer to presenting than anyone knows.”

  “Why would you think this?” He looks at her, intrigued at the thought.

  “Woman’s intuition, that and the fact that on Earth females usually don’t announce they’ve conceived until they are at least three months along. How long has it been since the announcement?”

  “Five months maybe a little longer.”

  “And how long is the normal pregnancy for a Tornian? On Earth it’s forty weeks.”


  “So a little shorter, so she’s going to be very big and very scared. She’s going to need all the support she can get, from both of us.”

  “Why would you do this?” Hadar can’t keep from asking, no Tornian would, not without being compensated, otherwise they’d just let the female suffer, if one is lost it makes the others more valuable.

  “She’s Grim’s brother’s wife. She’s also a fellow female, caught up in something that she has no control over, we tend to band together in those times.”

  “You…” Hadar finds he’s speechless, this female talks like a warrior, banding together.

  “You don’t know Earth females Hadar, none of you really do, except Grim and Wray and you are all in for a surprise.” Turning, she sits and gestures for him to. “So in three days you will leave with us, the reasoning being that I am a very ‘fragile’ female that needs constant tending.” Hadar snorts his disbelief before he can stop himself then looks aghast.

  “Don’t worry about it Hadar.” Lisa smiles at him. “I’m a big believer in a friends always being able to tell one another the truth. That includes when one is full of shit.” Hadar’s mouth drops open. She thinks they can be friends…

  After several moments, when Hadar says nothing Lisa shifts uncomfortably, maybe she’s made a mistake. “If I’ve misspoken Hadar I apologize. I realize it isn’t normal for Tornian males and females to be just friends but I thought since you saved Grim’s life and will one day be presenting his offspring that we should try.”

  “You would trust me too…”

  “Grim trusts you. That’s a big endorsement for me.” At his confused look, she sighs. “Means a great deal.” He nods. “And I will also need someone. While I’ve had two offspring, I’ve never done it alone, there was always a healer there along with a support staff if anything should go wrong.”

  “Go wrong?”

  “Yes Hadar wrong. Don’t get me started. Thousands of things could go wrong that’s why every baby is a miracle. I want you…” Lisa takes a deep breath and starts again. “I would like you to scan me again, completely, so you can get a base reading…is that the right word?” He nods and she continues. “Base reading to compare future readings too.”

  “You feel something is wrong?” He looks at her concerned.

  “No, but as you said, there has only been one other Tornian/Earth pregnancy and we still don’t know how that is going to turn out.”

  “A complete scan in the medical unit would be best to obtain the knowledge we would need.”

  “Will it hurt the baby?" She asks quietly, fear easily heard in her voice. Hadar finds he doesn’t like it. "We have ultrasounds on Earth. It is a way for a healer to see how a baby is doing without harming it. It’s some sort of sound wave but I don’t know what.”

  “Our medical unit has such a device. It shows what is going on inside the body, without causing harm.”

  Lisa looks at him, looking for advice. “Do you think it will harm the baby?” Lisa sees he’s seriously thinking about her question.

  “It has been used for years on our males and caused no reproductive problems. I see no reason why it should with a female.” He thinks a little more. “No, it will cause no harm, the wave isn’t high enough.” His eyes widen. “But it might tell us what the offspring is going to be.”

  “You mean male or female.”


  “So soon?” She is shocked. “We can tell that on Earth too, sometimes, if the baby cooperates.”

  “Cooperates? What do you mean?” Lisa smiles at him.

  “Well you have to see if there a little.” She makes a motion with her little finger that seems to be universally understood by males causing Hadar to blush. She will never get over how easy it is to fluster these big males with sex talk. “And if the baby’s legs are crossed…”

  “I see…” Hadar coughs. “Can you tell me…” He hesitates.

  “What Hadar? What do you want to know?” Lisa looks at him curiously.

  “They say…they say on Earth there are many females.” He looks at her hopefully. “What is the ratio? For Tornians it is now one female for every two hundred males.”

  “One to two hundred?” Lisa feels herself pale. She knew the males greatly outnumbered females but two hundred to one!

  “Yes. What is it on Earth?”

  “As far as I know it’s pretty much equal. If there are more males born it’s not that many.”

  “A female for every male?” Hadar can’t keep the shock or envy out of his voice.

  “Yes, not so much in one family but over all its pretty even.”

  “Males and females interact.”

  “Of course, there were several men…males, back on Earth that I considered good friends and there was never anything sexual about it. We just liked each other, had things in common, talked.”


  “Truth Hadar and if you’ve ever studied your history you’d know it used to be that way here too.”

  “That was in ancient times.” Hadar says dismissively.

  “Perhaps, but it could happen again, history has a way of repeating itself.” She lets him think about that for a minute. “So what do you think? Should we go get this scan done or what?”

  Grim watches Lisa closely throughout last meal. She looks fine but she requested to see Hadar today, had gone into the medical unit. What is wrong? He looks to the girls, knowing he can’t say anything in front of them, it will frighten them.

  “Alright girls, showers and then bed.” Lisa announces.

  “Awww…but we’ve hardly seen Grim mommy!” Miki complains.

  “You do what your mother says Miki Renee and I’ll tell you another story about the Great Raptor once you’re in bed.”

  “Truth?” Miki asks her eyes full of excitement.

  “Truth little one, now scoot.” Grim enjoying the new Earth word he has learned. Together both girls hurry out of the room.

  “Do you really have another story to tell them?” Lisa gives him a loving look as she picks up the dishes.

  “Thousands.” He tells her, hooking an arm around her waist, he pulls her into his lap.

  “Grim!” She laughs, trying not to spill the plates in his lap.

  “Why were you with Hadar toda
y?” Grim asks with worried eyes. “What is wrong?” Turning, Lisa carefully puts the dishes down before facing him.

  “There is nothing wrong Grim.” She lets him see the truth in her eyes. “I wanted to talk to him about coming with us to Tornian.”

  “Come with us? Why?” He demands. Why does she think she’ll need a healer?

  “After you and I talked about how you actually found Earth I realized Kim is as much a victim in all this as the rest of us.”


  “Victim, it’s like what Korin is because of Bertos, someone who has no control over what’s happening to them.”

  “Is that how you see yourself my Lisa?” Grim’s heart hurts at the thought.

  “I would, if I didn’t have you. I’m sure Kim feels the same, but the other women, Grim, they are victims because there is no one looking out for them, protecting them, not really…” She puts gently fingers across his lips. “Not the way you look out for me and the girls and that has to be so terrifying. If all I had to rely on was what Bertos programmed into that educator I’d be scared out of my mind right now.”

  “Why do you see Empress Kim this way?” He asks.

  “Because of what you’ve told me, she was taken from Earth but not by Tornians.”

  “No she was taken by Ganglians to be sold as a sex slave.”

  “Exactly my point, she was taken to be a slave, only to be rescued by Wray. They fell in love and he made her his Empress but that still doesn’t get her home Grim. It just puts her in another alien place where she knows no one…and now she's pregnant. It can be a scary time for a female, even back on Earth surrounded by people who love and care about you. Kim doesn’t have that.”

  “You were scared when you conceived?” He finds he doesn’t like the thought.

  “Of course, every mother is, well every Earth mother, you worry about what you eat, what you do. You worry that something could happen to harm the baby. Thousands of things could go wrong Grim, that’s why each one is a miracle.”

  “You worried with both girls? Even with your Mark at your side?”

  “Of course.” She reassures him.

  “And your think Wray’s Kim is feeling the same way.”

  “I know she is. That’s why I want to bring Hadar. He told me he’s consulted with Healer Yakar when I arrived, hoping he’d be able to help him in dealing with an Earth female but he was only able to tell him that our nutritional and reproductive system were very similar. Does that sound like a Healer who has examined a female that’s conceived?”

  Grim frowns, realizing it doesn’t. The Imperial healer should have shared all the information he’d been able to gather in assisting another in dealing with a female, especially between brothers.

  “I don’t think Kim trusts him, that’s important for Earth females, we need to be able to trust our doctor…healer. He is going to be there when we are most vulnerable.”

  “And you think she will trust Hadar?” Grim looks at her questioningly. “Why?”

  “Because between the two of us I think we can convince her. He helped save your life Grim. He’s not part of Bertos plans.”

  “And you trust him?” Grim questions.

  “I’m learning too. That’s why I let him give me a full scan in the medical unit. There is no base, no information on Earth females available for a healer and if there are suddenly twelve going to twelve different houses, that information needs to be shared to make sure they are cared for.”

  "Eleven." Grim growls, his Lisa isn't going anywhere.

  "Eleven." She agrees. “Then there is also the fact that if anything should happen, I would trust Hadar with you and the girls and no one else.”

  “Nothing will happen to us my Lisa.” He reassures her.

  “I know but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  "Mommy...we’re done...” Two little voices echo into the chamber, giving Grim a quick kiss she goes to the girls.

  Grim eyes follow Lisa until she's out of sight, Goddess he loves this female. She is his everything and she's worried about him, with all she's been through, all she's survived. Walking over to a cabinet, he opens it, then the secret panel in the back. Reaching inside he removes two wooden boxes, each darkened with age. He's opened them only once before, when he first became King, just to verify they existed then returned them to their dark home. He never believed he would use them, now he thinks it's time they are seen again.

  "Grim...the girls are in bed." Lisa calls from their room, setting the boxes aside he goes to his family.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lisa looks from the open box, to Grim, then back again. He asked her to join him, selected her coverings, and then led her to the warriors practice area. An area empty expect for her, Grim, Alger and Agee. It had made her curious but this...

  "It's a knife." She says looking at him confused.

  "It is called the Raptor's Claw." Grim corrects her.

  "It has a name?" Grim nods, watching as she slowly reaches out to touch it.

  "I am the Raptor, this is my Claw. It is only given to the Raptor's true mate. So she will have his protection when he is not there." Grim watches her with solemn eyes. "It has not been given in over five hundred years."

  Lisa looks up at him with startled eyes that soften as she realizes what he is telling her, what he is offering. Carefully she grips the jeweled hilt of the blade, feeling it instantly warm and watches in amazement as 'claws' appear, enclosing her hand in safety.

  Agee and Alger look on in awe as the Queen pulls the Claw from its home, sunlight glinting off its blade. The Raptor's is a thing of legend.

  "Alright show me what I need to know." For the next several hours Grim, Alger and Agee show her how to handle the claw. Wh1ere to strike to do the most damage if she is attacked. She even manages to surprise them when she does some defensive moves.

  "I took classes years ago, Mark insisted on them. I only recently started practicing them again." She looks to Grim and he realizes it was because of Peter.

  “We will practice for one hour each day until you are comfortable with the Claw in your hand.”

  “Alright.” Moving to Grim, she takes the sheath from him. Slipping the blade inside, the protective claws retracts. “That is so cool.” She looks from the Claw, to Grim, smiling. “Thank you.” Reaching up she captures his lips in a long kiss, uncaring who sees.

  “You are dangerous my Lisa.” Grim mummers against her lips, forcing himself not to continue.

  “I think I like to be…with you.” She teases.

  “My Queen.” Montfort calls from across the practice area.

  “Yes Montfort? What is it?” She turns looking at him.

  “Padma is here, majesty.”

  “Oh my coverings!” The males all smile as she’s nearly jumping up and down with excitement. “Are we done here?” She looks back to Grim.

  “For today yes.” A smile breaks across his face. “Go see to your coverings and I’ll see you at last meal.”

  Looking around the hall Lisa has to hide her amusement at the panicked look on the faces of Luanda's males. She convinced Grim that they needed to have last meal in the great hall. He'd argued it would make the males uncomfortable. She'd argued that they'd have to get over it if they wanted to attract an Earth female. So here they are, sitting at a raised table, facing a roomful of males, who are trying to figure out what to do.

  "Sit!" Grim orders giving, Lisa an exasperated look at the crescendo of sound as they all try to sit at once, making Carly and Miki giggle. Servers quickly enter, carrying platters laden with food to the tables, yet no male moves to fill his plate. They all look to Grim for guidance.

  "For the Goddess' sake eat!" He all but roars but instead of them diving into their food as Lisa expects. They one by one, slowly fill their plates, and quietly eat.

  "This can't be how it usually is." Lisa leans over, whispering to Grim.

  "No, it is not, it is usually very loud." Grim raises his voi
ce for all to hear. Lisa looks to the girls who are watching the males with rampant curiosity.

  " need to eat if you want to help later." The prompting is all it takes. It also seems to relax the males, for they start quietly talking amongst themselves. Soon the hall is filled with voices and laughter.

  When the meal ends Grim stands, silence falls as all eyes turn to him. "As you all know tomorrow the Searcher will arrive with an Imperial escort so that I, Queen Lisa and our girls can travel to Tornian for the Joining Ceremony." A discontented rumble starts in the hall quieting only at Grim's fierce frown.

  "This is the order of your Emperor and it will be followed!" He orders. "Once the ceremony is complete, we shall return to Luda." This brings a roar of approval and every male stands, bringing tears to Lisa's eyes at their support.

  "Now," Grim waits until they quiet before continuing. "It is the request of your Queen that the following warriors step forward.” Behind him, he hears Lisa and the girls moving to stand beside him. The hall becomes silent as Lisa hands something to Grim then leans down to whisper in Carly's ear.

  "Warrior Ion." Carly announces proudly.

  Ion, startled, slowly stands and walks towards the Royal family.

  "Warrior Ion, you have been chosen to be a member of the Queen's Elite Guard. An honor you more than earned with the bravery and honor you displayed in defending her and our girls only a short time ago. As such, it is to be your honor to be the first to wear the symbol of the Queen of Luda." Reaching out Grim fastens Gahan's 'court' medallion on his chest, a chest that seems to expand when it is placed.

  "Lean down Ion, you’re too tall." Carly tells him, when he does she places a kiss on his cheek then smiling returns to her mother's side. It takes a moment for Ion to straighten, when he does, he looks into his King's eyes, seeing he understands.

  "Thank you Ion." Lisa says softly, just for him. Ion wants to reply but finds he can't, instead he brings himself to his full height, placing his arm across his chest, touching the newly placed medallion and gives her a deep formal bow.

  "My life for yours." He pledges then steps to the side.


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