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Grim Page 33

by M. K. Eidem

  “Bertos and Risa?” He demands.

  “He was securing them when we left.”

  “I need to return to the Assembly. Lisa…” He looks to her uncertainly.

  “I’ll stay with Kim. We all will Wray. They’ll be protected.” He nods his thanks and turns to leave when Lisa’s next words stop him.

  “Alger, you and five Guard will accompany the Emperor back to the Assembly.” She orders.

  “Majesty…” Alger looks at her shocked.

  “The Emperor will not be unprotected Alger, not with the threat Vernon has uncovered against his family. Once he is with his Guard, King Grim will decide if you are to return.”

  “Yes majesty.” Alger bows, then looks to the Emperor and sees the tiny smirk on his face, for not only is Lisa ordering the King’s Captain but the Emperor himself and they are both are allowing it. Nodding to Lisa, Wray leaves, surrounded by six Guards. Lisa turns to Agee.

  “I’m going to go check on Kim. Could you see if a meal could be brought? I’m sure everyone is hungry. Rebecca will tell you what Kim should have.”

  Kim is staring down in awe at the sleeping bundle in her arms when Lisa enters. “Hey.” Lisa whispers sitting on the edge of the bed. “How are you doing?” The absolute love in the eyes that meet hers makes her smile.

  “She is so beautiful.” Lifting a tiny hand Kim kisses tiny fingers.

  “She is and worth all pain it took to get her here.”

  “What pain?” Kim asks with a smirk and Lisa smiles understanding.

  “Have you named her yet?” Lisa asks reaching out. Gently touching the amazingly long, dark hair the baby had been born with, if she’s not mistaken it has hints of red already.

  “Destiny.” Kim whispers.

  “Destiny…A beautiful and fitting name.”

  “I thought so and Wray agreed once I explained what it meant.”

  “Like that man would refuse you anything.” Kim gives her a knowing smile.

  “Or Grim you.”

  “True.” Lisa nods. “The girls would like to see her, as would everyone else but I thought maybe you’d like to clean up first. Maybe eat and rest a little.”

  “I would but…” She looks down at Destiny.

  “I’ll have Rebecca come in.” Lisa tells her moving to the door.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Wray pauses as he enters the Assembly. Grim’s done well securing it. He never doubted he would, for his brother has never once let him down. He's always been there when Wray needed him, even when he was unable to do the same for him. Wray suddenly understands what Veron had been saying about honorable warriors doing the dishonorable for their brother. For he would for his, for there is no better male in all the universes then Grim. He silently thanks the Goddess for the blessings she has given him.

  Grim is the first to notice Wray’s arrival, frowning when he sees Alger and half his Guard behind him. The look Alger gives him tells him all is well. Slowly the rest of the Assembly notices the Emperor’s return, quieting to hear what he has to say. Moving forward slowly Wray gathers his thoughts, finding he's viewing the Assembly with new eyes.

  The males in this room represent the best and the worst of the Empire. Males that are honorable and worthy, willing to stand for what they believe is right, he looks to House Rigel, Lord Oryon, his males, female and warriors. Males that threaten all they hold dear, House Bertos, and those that supported him like Lord Reeve.

  “Sire…the Empress?” Lord Oryon stands, knowing his Isis is concerned.

  “Thank you for your concern Lord Oryon, you also Lady Isis.” Wray gives them both a nod of gratitude. “The Empress and our daughter, Princess Destiny, are resting comfortable under the care of Healer Hadar and Healer Rebecca.” Voices start to raise…another female they whisper.

  “Healer Rebecca?” Lord Oryon questions.

  “Yes. One of the females we allowed to be taken from Earth was a Healer there, a Healer for their females. She assisted in the presentation of my daughter, even demanded that I stay and assist.” Wray understands the shock runs through the Assembly.

  “Lords…warriors…Tornians…these females…they are not like ours…at least not like most are. They demand to be allowed to participate in our lives...that we participate in theirs.” Pausing he remembers. “Many years ago, my mother made a comment that I dismissed…until today. She said that it is easier for a male to take a life then for a female to give it. I nodded at her sympathetically, knowing that she was to….female….to understand what it costs a male to take a life.” Wray looks into the eyes of every warrior. “That is leaves a mark on a male’s soul, even if the death is justified.” He sees the warriors nod their agreement. “But today…as I watched my female labor to present my daughter, as she squeezed my hand,” Raising it he looks at it. “When the pain hit her, I thought it would break. She battled longer and harder than any warrior, not to take life but to give it and I began to understand. Then she entrusted me with the most important task of my life, to severe the life cord of our daughter, giving her a life of her own.” Wray looks to Grim knowing that soon he will be doing the same then.

  “I…we…” He corrects himself. “Owe our females an apology, one that we will never be able to make right. Kim tried to make me understand this but it took this…this blessing from the Goddess to make me see. We…” He gestures to the entire Assembly. “Have allowed our fear…fear of extinction…to make our females believe they have no worth to us other than as the breeders Queen Lisa has accused.”

  “Each one of them is a gift and it is her right to stay with a male if she so chooses as Lady Isis has done for so many years. It is a tribute to her male that she wishes to remain with him and we are the unworthy ones to suggest otherwise.” He touches his chest to include himself. “It’s taken today’s events and the actions of twelve females from a distant planet to make me see this. To see why the Goddess continued to withhold her blessings from us but it has also revealed that she has not abandoned us. Eleven females may yet choose a male, if she finds one worthy. King Grim has two young females and another on the way and I have Destiny but I warn you now.” His eyes go hard. "My daughter will never…ever…be subjected to what's happened here today. I demand better than that for my daughter, so I decree from this moment on, that a female may choose any male and it is his, his Houses, and her manno’s responsibility to make sure she is safe, protected, and loved.”

  Absolute silence meets the Emperor’s decree, every Lord looking to the others in shock. What Wray has just decreed will change their worlds. A male no longer has to amass a fortune to obtain a female, he needs only attract one.

  “Majesty.” One of the Lord’s speaks up. “Is she required to stay with him?” All wait holding their breath.

  “That will always be the female’s decision.” Wray looks to his males. “But from what I have learned Earth females are a great deal as ours once were, they chose their male and are very loyal, so heed my words, pursue these females in an honorable fashion for if one chooses you, you will know the blessings of the Goddess.” Wray lets his words sink in then address’ the matter at hand.

  “Imperial Guard, you will escort Lord Bertos and Lady Risa to the Assembly floor so judgment maybe past on them.” His guards immediately move to follow his orders.

  As they do, Bertos and his Guard jump over the railing, followed by Lord Reeve and his Guard, all drawing their swords to advance on the Emperor. Grim immediately releases the Raptor’s war cry, launching himself to the Assembly floor, his only thought to protect his Emperor. House Rigel quickly follows.

  The Imperial Guard quickly surrounds the Emperor who shoves them aside. He will not hide behind others, this is his House, and he has never had more to protect. Drawing his sword, he jumps into the fray.

  Bodies crumb and fall under the on slot of Vasteri rage. No one bests them when they are together. It is why their ancestors were chosen to rule the Empire. As the threat dwindles, the brothers look at each oth
er and that’s when the final strike comes.

  Bertos, who is severely injured, finally realizes he is defeated but his rage won’t accept it, with one final cry defiance he launches his sword at the Emperor’s unprotected back.

  Seeing Bertos' move Ynyr launches himself between Bertos and Wray knocking the sword to the ground before finishing Bertos himself.

  Wray spins at Ynyr cry, watching in stunned disbelief as the young warrior saves his life, before ending Bertos. Grim quickly moves in front of him and Wray can sense his rage that he hadn’t been there to protect him. With Bertos’ death, the remaining warriors are quickly dispatched and silence suddenly reigns.

  Standing in blood, Grim carefully assesses the warriors still standing and finds no remaining threat. More than two dozen warriors and two Lords lay at their feet, including Luuken, who even after his manno’s betrayal, had sided with him. Lord Oryon, his males and Guard check the bodies for life, removing all weapons before treating the injured.

  “Get a Healer here!” Wray orders, moving to Oryon, he grips the older male’s shoulder. “My gratitude Lord Oryon, for coming to our aid so quickly.”

  “You are my Emperor. I would be nowhere else but at your side, sire.”

  “Majesty!” Wray spins at the shout, raising his sword, as does every warrior on the floor. “Lady Risa! She’s gone!” A guard informs him.

  “What do you mean gone! Were you not at the door?”

  “Yes majesty! She did not pass but she is not here!”

  Wray looks to Grim and can tell they are thinking the same thing. The women. “Lord Oryon!”

  “Yes majesty!” Oryon immediately responds.

  “You are in charge of the Assembly until I return. No one leaves!”

  “Yes majesty!”

  “God that shower felt good.” Kim smiles as Lisa hands her a robe.

  “I always wanted one too, to feel clean again after...well everything.” The women share an understanding smile then laugh as they leave the bathroom. Only to freeze when they see the absolute terror on Rebecca face, as she clutches Destiny protectively to her chest.

  “Rebecca…” Lisa takes a questioning step towards her, only to freeze when Risa steps out from behind her, a knife pressed against Rebecca's side.

  “That’s right you bitches, whose laughing now?” Risa’s chuckles, her smile pure evil, boarding on insane. “I want you both to watch, as I killed the Emperor’s newest little breeder.” Raising the knife to strike, Rebecca turns, protecting Destiny taking a knife in the back. Her cry of pain is echoed by Kim.

  Before Risa can strike again, Lisa is on her sending both of them skidding across the floor. Risa is up first, scrambling for the knife that’s been knocked from her hand.

  “You think you’re so special.” Risa spits out, moving the knife from hand to hand, threateningly. “Just because you have female offspring…Grim will be crying over those little breeders too after I finish carved you up.”

  “I told you earlier Risa.” Rising Lisa slowly reaches under her sleeve for the Claw. “Never threaten my children.” Circling, she places herself between Rebecca, Kim, and Risa.

  “Do you really think you can threaten me?" She eyes widen at the weapon that's appeared in Lisa's hand, see knows what that is. "Me! My manno was the Captain of the Emperor’s Elite Guard.”

  “Who would have taught you nothing!” Lisa challenges making sure she's ready for Risa's next strike.

  “Stay where you are bitch." Risa orders, seeing Kim take Destiny from Rebecca's arms. "Or I’ll kill this one and you can be responsible for her death too.”

  “Don’t listen to her Kim.” Lisa orders, blocking Risa's strike she shoves her back. "Get Destiny out of here! Are you really ready to die today Risa?” Lisa continues to taunt. “Grim taught me how to fight.” She sees she understands her. “End this now and I’ll ask them not to kill you.”

  “Kill me? They’ll never kill me!" Risa counters. "I am too valuable! A male needs me to continue his line!” Lisa quickly sidesteps Risa’s lunges. She catches only the long sleeve of her gown.

  “You’re totally insane if you think any male would join with you after today Risa.” Lisa sees Kim rise with Destiny moving quickly to the door.

  “No!” Risa screams, realizing Kim is escaping, whipping around she moves to charge Kim, only to find herself face down on the floor as Lisa tackles her.

  “Go!” Lisa orders as the larger female bucks her off. Rolling to her feet Lisa finds she’s being forced into a corner, something Grim stressed she was never to allow.

  “Now you will die!” Risa spits out and with crazed eyes, she raises her knife high above her head.

  Lisa realizes she has only one option left if she wants to survive. She promised Grim she would do whatever it took to return to his side and she would. He stressed that her smaller size would be her advantage with a larger attacker, for she would be able to duck under their charge, something they wouldn’t expect and she does just that, sinking the Claw deep into Risa’s exposed belly, drawing it across, on her way to the door.

  Grim and Wray race to the Imperial Chamber, bursting in just as Kim flies out of sleeping chamber screaming for help, Destiny clutched protectively to her chest.

  “Risa!” She gasps as Wray’s arms surround her. Grim charges into the chamber lifting his sword, to see Lisa ducking under Risa’s arm.

  “Grim!” She runs directly to him, blood dripping from the Claw.

  “Are you injured?” He demands wrapping his free arm around her, he quickly takes in Rebecca’s unmoving body, and Risa's slow collapse onto the floor. “Lisa!” He gives her a hard shake.

  “No…I’m not hurt…Rebecca is." Her eyes fly to the large pool of blood forming on the floor. "She needs Hadar and a repair unit. Risa…” When she would have turned, Grim presses her face into his chest, he will not let her see the deathblow she’s given Risa. Handing his sword to Agee, he gently grips her wrist.

  “Give me the Claw my Lisa.” He sees the confusion in her eyes.


  “The Claw.” He carefully grips the bloody Claw and it releases for the King. Lisa looks at it in shock, seeing the blood.


  “You did what was necessary to survive my Lisa.” Grim informs her firmly, handing the Claw to Alger, who’s also entered to protect his King and Queen. “What no other could have done, not without punishment.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “No male could have ended Risa, my Lisa. It would have meant his death.”

  “Even after everything she done?” She whispers disbelieving.

  “Even after everything." He affirms regretfully. "She is female.”

  “Then I’ll be…” Lisa looks at him suddenly more afraid then when Risa attacked. Will they take her away from her family?

  “You protected yourself when attacked my Lisa, protecting others, you will receive no punishment for your act.”

  “But I killed…” Tears fill her eyes even knowing she’d had no choice still…

  “Because you were given no choice," He gives her a little shake. "The fault is ours for not making sure you were protected.”

  “You couldn’t have known she’d be able to get in here…how was she able too?” She looks at him questioningly.

  “We will find out my Lisa but that is for later. Right now we need to see to you and Rebecca.” Pulling her from the room Hadar rushes in to assist Rebecca.

  “Help me.” Risa cries out plaintively when every male rushes to Rebecca.

  “Leave her.” Wray orders.

  “Sire?” A Guard questions.

  “No male hand injured her, no law has been broken. She will wait while a worthy female is healed.” Wray knows she will never survive that long. “May the Goddess forgive you Risa for I never will.” Turning he leaves her to her fate.

  Grim looks down at his sleeping Lisa, it’s taken nearly a week to sort out the mess caused by Bertos and his suppo
rters. The Houses were in an uproar, two had been decimated, and while more than just House Rigel had come to the Emperor’s aid, several had stood aside waiting the outcome and that infuriated Grim.

  Wray had taken it in stride, having already known that they were weak Houses. Their planets as weren’t rich in resources and therefore their males were unable to acquire the wealth necessary to attract females. Wray's decree that a female may now choose any male regardless of his wealth will change this but it will take time.

  Running a gentle finger along her jaw, he remembers the fear in her eyes as she’d run to him, blood dripping from the Claw. He’d come so close to losing her and their unborn daughter. If he hadn’t accepted her as his Queen, giving her his Claw, she would have been defenseless against Risa. He’d thank the Goddess until the day she took him for keeping her safe.

  The secret passage Risa used to enter the Royal Chamber had been discovered, along with the extensive network of passages, previously unknown. How Risa had discovered them, they would never know, but Wray had entrusted Veron with the task of mapping them.

  While understandably upset with what happened to Rebecca, the females had quickly rallied, helping Lisa with not only their daughters but Kim with Destiny. It was something he should expected, this supporting of one another in a crisis, they'd done it before.

  Rebecca spent nearly six hours in the deep repair unit, a day in recovery and had since rejoined the other females in their assigned rooms in the Imperial Wing, much to the displeasure of Cullen, who had refused to leave her side while in medical.

  Hadar had come directly to them once Rebecca was out of danger, knowing Grim would demand it. He'd done an extensive exam on Lisa finding that neither she nor the baby had been harmed in Risa's attack. Lisa quickly defended Hadar when he expressed his displeasure at not being informed she'd conceived. She explained how she threatened Hadar. That she wanted to tell him so it would be a joyous thing. Then he’d been forced to bring her to Tornian and she hadn’t wanted to make it harder for him to do what they both knew needed to be done.


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