Light & Darkness, vol. 11

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Light & Darkness, vol. 11 Page 1

by Robert L. Shelby


  VOL. 11


  By Robert L. Shelby

  Copyright 2013 Robert L. Shelby

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  When it comes - my time of dying

  I don’t want nobody to hold me

  Hold me back, no, let me go on

  go on to all the places beyond

  beyond the streets on which I walk on

  walk on far to where I’ve never been

  Been waiting long, yes, let me go on

  go on to the fields I’ve seen in my dreams

  in my dreams I am flying again

  again I turn into the child I was

  I was waiting for my time of dying

  I don’t want nobody to hold me

  Hold me last, my darling and release me

  release me from the warmth of your arms

  of your arms, so loving and soft

  soft like the earth in which I’ll rest

  I’ll rest easy and I’ll rest free

  free from all the shouting above me

  above me I’ll hear the young men marching

  marching on into war ... and here it comes

  Here it comes - my time of dying

  I don’t want nobody to hold me

  Oh my darling, go and release me

  Oh my darling, I hear them marching

  Oh my darling, go and release me

  Oh my darling, I hear them marching

  Here it is - my time of dying


  At times I feel like the snow

  that falls in time for spring

  I landed softly on the ground

  but happiness I didn’t bring

  And even though I’m new here

  I’ll be gone early tomorrow

  I’m leaving in the morning

  taking with me all the sorrow

  But I don’t want to be just snow on the ground

  said, I don’t want to be just snow on the ground

  I’m not chained to the world

  and I don’t have to pull

  I came down here to Earth

  because heaven is full

  And all the rivers that ran

  now lay silently frozen

  no one around me is happy

  with the life that I’ve chosen

  But I don’t want to be just snow on the ground

  said, I don’t want to be just snow on the ground

  I’ll soon be forgotten

  a snowflake from the sky

  all the people stand laughing

  and I’ll be wondering why

  Of all the smiling faces

  gathered in the crowd

  is there anyone here

  that I’ve ever made proud?

  And I don’t want to be just snow on the ground

  said, I don’t want to be just snow on the ground


  Run with the rebels

  fight for the cause

  fight for your freedom

  and break all their laws

  Eat with the wolves

  howl for the moon

  wait for the morning

  the end will come soon

  Sleep with the devil

  talk to you brother

  take care of this life

  you don’t have another

  Write with the poets

  stay for the songs

  stand up for freedom

  and right all the wrongs

  Ride the big waves

  swim the wild seas

  find all the secrets

  that hide in the breeze

  Build with your own hands

  and learn how to lead

  keep your friends close

  don’t burn what you need

  Love only one girl

  give all you’ve got

  enjoy your freedom

  and never get caught


  I’m driving on the old roads

  through towns that seem forgotten

  I’m driving on the old roads

  full of dents and holes

  weary from the years

  and the traffic it holds

  And in my rearview mirror

  I see the old man watching me

  I pass people and places

  that only live in my memory

  I see houses and faces

  and I read empty pages

  from the story yet to happen

  the boy is yet to be a man

  Tomorrow means nothing at all

  and looking back only shows

  how deep I truly did fall

  turning into the one

  I never wanted to become

  turning since my life began

  Old man, I don’t want to welcome you

  but I can’t keep you far away

  I know one day I’ll meet you

  and hear what you have to say

  And I drive on the old roads

  full of dents and holes

  weary from the years

  and the traffic it holds

  And in my rearview mirror

  I see the old man watching me


  I was born out of pure love

  between a man and a woman

  from the opposite sides

  in the war

  I was four years of age

  when I saw tanks and guns

  parked and ready under bridges

  for the war

  I had family and stories

  from both sides of the fence

  of brother killing brother

  in the war

  Now two decades have gone by

  but the streets are still a mess

  houses burned or full of holes

  from the war

  Now the people have moved on

  but the scars remain forever

  and in memories bullets fly

  still a war

  And until we stand together as one

  until we love more than we hate

  I say - until we love more than we hate

  everywhere is war


  Take me back

  to the days where all that mattered

  was the stitching on your cap

  Take me back

  to the hills where we ran free

  through the forests not yet on the map

  Take me back

  to the old ways of distant past

  when I didn’t feel like crap

  If we could just go back

  if we could just go back

  if we could just go back

  Take me back

  to all the wonders of the world

  when we didn’t need electrical tricks

  Take me back

  to the simple times of life

  when the girls would chase the boys with sticks

  Take me back

  to the bright side of the globe

  when joy was so much more than a quick fix

  If we could just go back

  if we could just go back

  if we could just go back

  And I wonder and I worry

  why we all live in such a hurry

  if we could just go back

  And I wonder and I worry

  how my thoughts are
getting blurry

  if we could just go back

  if we could just go back

  if we could just go back


  I once knew a great guy

  at least I thought he was great

  he came from a broken home

  the folks still lived together

  but everyone was on their own

  his father didn’t beat him

  but the hard mental abuse

  was slowly taking its toll

  The first time I met him

  a young rebel full of heart and soul

  and the last time I’ve seen him

  an old man with a foot in the hole

  I watched him crumble and fall

  in the course of ten short years

  for a long time I tried to help

  but I admit I’ve given up

  Now I don’t know what to do

  ‘cause I’m mad with you (I’m burning up)

  I don’t want drown you or shoot you

  but I’m mad with you (I’m burning up)

  If a man can’t make his own decisions

  he ain’t a real man in my book

  saying it’s just the way life turns

  well my friend that ain’t a good look

  Yeah, going with the flow is alright

  but you have to choose your river first

  don’t jump in the one people tell you to

  it might be good for them, but not for you

  And now I’m mad (I’m burning up)

  I said I’m mad (I’m burning up)

  I have to tell you I’m mad (I’m burning up)

  I’m mad with you (I’m burning up)


  I see you walking through the door

  pretty on the outside, but you’re rotten deep within

  I see you staring at the crowd

  waiting for drinks from every guy around

  I see the brightness in your eyes

  from the lights that shine through your empty mind

  I see your perfect long blonde hair

  glued tightly to your thinned out scalp

  I see you walk across the floor

  passing everyone like you are so much more

  like you are so much more

  like you are so much more

  And you see me at the bar

  standing there alone in black and blue

  and you see me look at you

  thinking how I’m thinking you are oh-so-new

  And you decide to walk on by

  secretly wishing I’ll run up from behind

  but nothing happens from my side

  ‘cause I’m just drinking through and through

  And you creep right up to me

  scratching your fake nails all over my lower back

  all over my lower back

  all over my lower back

  Listen babe I’ll tell you straight

  I hope one day you’ll turn into a nicer girl

  ‘cause the years are coming fast

  and all your beauty - you know it cannot last

  So why don’t you walk on by

  and keep walking ‘til you reach your place

  clean the makeup from your face

  and read a book so you might have a thing to say

  Stop acting like a Barbie girl

  if you don’t change you’re gonna end up all alone

  you’re gonna end up all alone

  you’re gonna end up all alone


  Hey you, the one who lives inside me

  lead me on my way

  lead me far away from the place I once called home

  Lead me, oh

  ‘cause I’m howling

  lead me, oh

  I’m howling for freedom

  Hey you, the world is waiting

  open up your door

  open up and wake the heart that slumbers deep within

  Open up, oh

  ‘cause I’m howling

  open up, oh

  I’m howling for freedom

  Hey you, rise from the darkness

  take me to the light

  take me to wherever bright flames burn the longest

  Take me, oh

  ‘cause I’m howling

  take me, oh

  I’m howling for freedom


  A small house of wood

  far away from the noise

  is all I need to rest

  this weary head of mine

  I know that we could

  go through this life

  without feeling so stressed

  and letting our love shine

  In this small house of wood

  far away from the noise

  I’d say we were blessed

  somewhere down the line

  The river runs deep

  but my heart it goes deeper

  and no matter the rain

  this love can’t ever sink

  You soul I would keep

  to walk next to mine

  this love will remain

  until the last time I blink

  And the river runs deep

  but my heart it goes deeper

  so don’t cause me much pain

  I can’t read what you think


  How much light can you take from the Sun

  before it hides in the endless cloud

  How much love can you take from a girl

  before she gets lost in this crazy town

  All that I know

  you got to stop taking

  you got to stop breaking

  How many times can you steal from the poor

  before they come knocking for your head

  In how many ways can you cross your heart

  before you realize that there is no god

  All that I know

  you got to stop taking

  you got to stop breaking

  How long does it take to open your eyes

  and see the beauty of the other side

  How long can the darkness hold your soul

  before you decide to set it free

  All that I know

  you got to stop taking

  you got to stop breaking


  You wake up one morning and open your eyes

  another day in grey, that's no surprise

  and you hear the words you used to say

  I am nothing today, but I’ll be someone tomorrow

  And now the years have passed you by

  you sit alone and wonder why

  you ask around with no response

  the bottle is quiet, never judges you

  she just opens up and flows through you

  and puts ideas in your head

  maybe you’d be better off dead

  And now you walk towards the rails

  with no one around to heal you ails

  only the bottle by your side, speaking softly

  telling you to step right up

  So you stand on the stage for your final act

  you take a bow, the place is packed

  with all the people you once knew

  from all your friends to all your foes

  one last glance and one last kiss

  before you close your eyes ‘til the end of time

  you now have ended the life you never chose


  From the cradle, your first cage

  you escaped at an early age

  started running around

  going for the fire line

  You always felt so alone

  always rolling, rolling stone

  no time for pretty women

  they just curve your spine

  And you may run for long

  and you may stay strong

  but there will come a time

  when your time is done

  If there’s no more
light to burn

  ever so quick you make a turn

  follow up on a new trail

  to wherever it may lead

  Forever on your feet

  you never accept defeat

  driven by fire

  driven by endless greed

  And you may run for long

  and you may stay strong

  but there will come a time

  when your time is done


  I'm drawn in by your cancer now

  a demolition from far within

  trained in self-destruction

  I follow the path right in

  Standing cornered in your head

  whose mind is now playing tricks

  this game I’m always losing at

  around me walls made of bricks

  And I want to escape

  But if you want me to stay

  then lay next to me

  or just call me closer

  Stranded in a cave so dark

  broken down like fallen water

  shattered by the rocks below

  every second getting hotter

  And I want to escape

  But if you want me to stay

  then lay next to me

  or just call me closer

  I want to escape

  so just call me closer



  Aaaaannnnd it’s done! These are the last songs from my series; time to move on.

  I’ve been keeping a list of songs that influenced my songs – some based on instrumentals, others on lyrics, and not long ago I decided to write a short companion to these volumes; a sort of in-depth look behind the scenes where I will tell you where the inspiration came from; which will allow you to say I’ve simply stolen parts of famous songs and incorporated them into my own.


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