Corviticus University

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Corviticus University Page 2

by J. E. Cluney

  Damn, I seriously needed to get a vibrator. Especially with how Marcus’s looks melted me. Too bad his personality worked against him.

  No. Housemates were off limits. I’d already told myself that when applying. No need to make things awkward.

  The mirrored cabinet over the sink had toothbrushes, and I set mine on the bottom shelf near the painkillers. It also housed an assortment of other things to be expected, burn and bite creams, earbuds, cotton balls, antiseptic creams, the works.

  I slipped my toiletries bag with my other few items, like my hairbrush, deodorant, hair ties, lipstick, and eyeliner, under the sink and out of the way.

  I turned back to find the cat sitting beside the bath, watching me as I explored the bathroom. The bathtub was a clawfoot porcelain tub, and it wasn’t a pathetically tiny thing like the one I’d grown up with. I could actually soak properly in it. The shower was quite fancy and gorgeous, not some puny thing like my last one. I wondered how good the pressure was too? If it was halfway decent, then I’d be in heaven.

  I strode over and closed the door, clicking the lock on before tugging my shirt off.

  I tossed it on the floor, deciding that something else I had to get was my own hamper or something so I could wash my clothes. I didn’t need my housemates finding a pile of clothes on the floor in here. I’d just keep them in my room for now.

  My eyes dropped to the cat, who was staring at me wide-eyed. Weird little fur ball.

  I shifted awkwardly under its gaze and even wrapped my arms around myself. It looked genuinely stunned, and it was weirding me out.

  “Look away, weirdo,” I muttered as I collected a cream towel from the cupboard. Surprisingly, the cat averted his eyes, and I couldn’t help but smile at it. Guess he was a smart little guy, or maybe he’d spotted something I couldn’t see.

  I stripped down and climbed into the shower, pulling the cream curtain across.

  I took my time showering, lathering up my body and enjoying the fragrance of the vanilla soap. I guess that was where Marcus got his sweet scent from.

  I didn’t bother with my hair, instead having tied it up with the flimsy hair tie from around my wrist.

  When I finished, I stuck my head out from behind the curtain and scolded myself. I’d forgotten to flick the overhead fan on. Damn.

  I spied the cat lying bread loaf style with his legs folded under him over by the door.

  He opened his eyes to peer at me, and I chided him as I climbed out of the shower. It was rather adorable how he actually looked away, turning his whole head as I reached for my towel on the edge of the sink and began drying myself.

  I hummed as I dried off, looking forward to having something to eat and settling down for the night. I did wonder if the other boys would be back tonight, as I would’ve liked to make their acquaintance.

  I pulled on my pajamas, wishing I had some pajama shorts considering how warm it was tonight. At least my room had an overhead fan.

  It was mid-February, and summer was a hot bitch.

  I flicked on the overhead fan before gathering up my dirty clothes and heading out into the hall. I made a mental note to switch it off on the way back up after dinner.

  Marcus was just exiting his room when he turned to spy me.

  His icy gaze dropped to the cat as it slinked out after me. Marcus’s face took on an amused expression.

  “Did he go in the bathroom with you?” he queried with a half-smile playing at his lips.

  “Yes, why?” I asked as I arched an eyebrow at him.

  “No reason,” he shrugged, his eyes glittering in amusement as he continued towards me.

  “But, just some advice, I wouldn’t do that again,” he smirked as he moved past me, forcing me to lean into the wall to allow him through the narrow hall.

  I scowled after him as he tromped down the stairs and shook my head. I turned and headed back to my room, wondering why the cat bothered him so much.

  Weird guy.

  Too bad he had the face of a bloody God. Hell, I bet his body was just as divine.

  And mine was more than willing to remind me of just how it made me feel if I thought about it too much.

  I tossed my dirty clothes into the corner, covering them with my gym bag before heading downstairs.

  The muggy heat was beyond ridiculous, and I wiped at the sweat forming on the back of my neck already. The shower was almost pointless really. Tonight was a hot one, and I couldn’t wait for it to cool down. although, being on the mountain range now, I doubted I was going to like autumn and winter any better. Spring was pretty much the only season I liked.

  Australian heat was a joke sometimes. But with this rising heat, I suspected we had a storm due in the next day or so.

  I descended the staircase as my mind wandered to food and what the small town may offer. Surely it had a grocery store or something, right?

  The University was only a stone’s throw away from the house, a five-minute walk down the street and onto the campus at the far end.

  This home was nestled on half an acre, apparently it was once part of a larger area of land and used for farming, but Lucas’s father had sold off the surrounding lands years ago when developers wanted to put in some estates to provide additional accommodation for the students attending Corviticus. Many were owned by families in the area or by the University itself, and they rented them out as share houses.

  Lucas was very forthcoming and open in his emails, nothing like the brooding male who had welcomed me.

  I found my way to the kitchen, passing through the living area where Marcus sat on the red lounge with his laptop propped on his lap with headphones on. He glanced at me as I passed in front of him, but he didn’t say a word as he focused on his screen. What a tool.

  Fingers crossed that the other guys were friendlier.

  I checked the fridge out, there were a few things in there, including a few tins of cat food and some old pizza with ‘Skip’ sprawled on the box. Fruits, veggies, leftovers, the standard things expected.

  I found the shredded cheese, making sure it was there before hunting down some pasta in the kitchen cupboards. The kitchen was quite spacious with white marble topped benches and had an adjoining dining area. There was a center island that I navigated around as I searched the kitchen. The bow tie pasta was in the main pantry style cupboard next to the two-door fridge-freezer, while the pot was in the cupboard under the island bench. During my search, I made mental notes of where the plates, bowls, mugs and glasses were located.

  I’d considered asking Marcus for guidance, but would rather go in blind than see his displeased scowl again.

  I filled the pot with water and dumped it on the stove, setting the heat to high while I opened the pasta bag. I’d buy some more when I went into town next. I’d used nearly all of my savings for the bond and first two weeks of rent, and what I did have left was for groceries and to save for a laptop.

  I jumped as something brushed my calf, and I smiled down at the cat weaving through my legs.

  He was probably hungry.

  “Do you want me to feed the cat?” I called out.

  “He’s been fed!” Marcus called back, his smooth voice laced with mild annoyance.

  Seriously? Way to welcome a new housemate. I guess he was part of the reason the room hadn’t been snatched up already.

  “Sorry little guy,” I murmured as I leaned down and scratched the cat’s chin. He purred before walking off, his little fluffy tail flicking in the air.

  I got back to my pasta, watching it boil as I drummed my fingers on the bench.

  A glance at the clock on the microwave informed me it was already 8pm. God, you wouldn’t have thought so considering the sun had only set just over an hour ago.

  Guess that was long summer days for you. It still caught me off-guard sometimes, as I’d grown up having dinner almost exactly at 6.30pm every day.

  I had a few days to settle in before I started at uni. From what Lucas had said, everyone in this hous
e was either currently studying or about to start.

  I wanted to ask Marcus some questions, to find out about the others, what they were studying, that kind of thing.

  If I was going to be living with them, I wanted to get to know them. It would make life easier all around. Not to mention I was secretly hoping they were all divine Gods like Marcus. Preferably with friendlier attitudes.

  I was going to study veterinary science in hopes of becoming a vet. It was a long degree, but worth it. And thanks to what I was, I had abilities that could help.

  I zoned back in as the water boiled, and I stirred the pasta as I wondered about Marcus. What was he? And why was he such an arrogant prick?

  I finished cooking my pasta and found a strainer in one of the cupboards. I emptied the hot water into the sink and dumped the pasta into a bowl. A sprinkling of shredded cheese, and I was on my way.

  I contemplated going to investigate the library, but decided against it.

  I’d just bite the bullet and sit in the living area. I really did want to ask Marcus a few things. Like how far away was the town, was it an easy walk, what did the town have to offer?

  Marcus would just have to get used to me, I was paying to live here too.

  I marched out and sat on the duplicate red lounge across from him, shoveling the cheesy goodness into my mouth.

  He barely even glanced up from his laptop to acknowledge my presence.

  What was up his butt? Was I really such an irritation to him? He didn’t even know me. Hell, he made it quite clear he had no interest in getting to know me.

  God, what I wouldn’t do...

  Marcus’s eyes widened as he glanced at me, his eyes falling to my bowl of pasta.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “Pasta and cheese?” I frowned as I looked down at my bowl.

  Well, it was a few seconds ago.

  Now it was a wriggling mass of pasta, the little bow ties fluttering, ensnared in the cheese.

  Goddamn fudgsicle.

  A piece of pasta broke loose, fluttering up into the air as it beat its little wings like a butterfly.

  More and more began to free themselves from the sticky cheese, fluttering into the air as Marcus just stared, dumbfounded.

  “Well, don’t just sit there, help me!” I snapped as I stood up, slapping down the flying bow ties like a madwoman.

  “Why the fuck is the pasta flying?” Marcus gaped as he stood.

  He knocked a pasta piece away as it fluttered too close, a look of sheer confusion etched across his godly face.

  Get it together Ally, now’s not the time to check him out.

  The cat had wandered in at some point, and was batting at them from his position on the floor. His little tail was twitching like mad as he watched the pasta glide through the air.

  I reached for a piece of pasta as it fluttered past, struggling as a string of cheese hung from it, weighing it down.

  I snatched it up and tossed it into my mouth, crushing the little thing and swallowing. Marcus was just giving me a very odd look as I began eating the flying pasta.

  It was the only way.

  Each time I slapped one down, it would glide back up before hitting the floor.

  Time to get serious.

  I jumped and danced around, catching the pasta butterflies and consuming them as I went. All the while Marcus watched, a mix of both confusion and amusement dancing behind his frosty eyes.

  “Are there any more?” I mumbled as I shoved what looked to be the final one into my mouth.

  Marcus took a moment to answer as he just stared at me.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Good,” I breathed as I sat down and stabbed the remaining few pieces in my bowl. They were trapped under too much cheese, but I wasn’t taking any chances as I wolfed them down.

  “You going to tell me what the hell just happened?” Marcus asked as he crossed his arms. The movements made his biceps bulge against his tight shirt, and I wondered just how toned the rest of him was. If he’d just take that shirt off, that would be lovely.

  No. Marcus was a jerk. I’d established that, so no more drooling!

  “Um, well, I’m part pixie,” I sighed, my stomach grumbling unhappily at the way I’d wolfed down my food.

  “Right,” Marcus rolled his eyes. “Mischief magic then. Didn’t you get taught how to control it?” he frowned, the expression only making his icy eyes more prominent. Damn, that face was carved from marble.

  “No, my parents died when I was young,” I sighed as I set my bowl down on the coffee table between us. I averted my eyes from the probing man, taking in the cream walls and the flat-screen TV over on a cabinet before you walked into the kitchen. Not the greatest setup with the lounges in my opinion, it’d make watching TV hard unless you laid out on the lounges.

  “Well, best learn how to get it under control, we don’t need mischief magic in this house,” he sighed as he ran a hand through his dark hair. I wondered just how soft that raven hair was.

  Wait. My eyebrows knitted together at his disregard for what I’d just told him.

  He just looked rather displeased at this new knowledge as he sat back down and reached for his laptop. No 'sorry for your loss’ or whatever like I was accustomed to when I told people of my dead parents.

  “Not too friendly, are you,” I said, not caring about keeping my words to myself or upsetting him. He was quite an arse to be honest.

  “Nope,” was his instant reply as he put his headphones back on.

  Guess I couldn’t ask him anything anyway.

  I huffed as I stood up, snatching my bowl up and storming into the kitchen. The cat watched me leave, his little legs working hard to follow after me.

  I hoped to dear God that the other boys had some friendliness. Because I wasn’t sure if I could live with such a rude little shit like Marcus.

  I rinsed my bowl before tossing it in the empty dishwasher and tromping up the stairs. I would gladly hide out in my room until someone else showed up that I could talk to properly.

  I made sure to flick the bathroom fan off on my way past before heading into my room. I’d finish unpacking my bag and suitcase.

  Stupid, sexy man.



  “Excuse me, what’s this?”

  I turned to spy the dark-haired beauty inspecting one of the paintings closely.

  “It’s darkness,” I shrugged. I doubted she’d understand my art. Few people ever did.

  Those bright red lips parted, a stark contrast to her porcelain skin and almost black hair.

  “It’s beautiful,” she smiled, focusing her attention back on the painting. “You can see the break of darkness, the emotion in these flourishes. In darkness and silence there is true beauty.”

  “Thank you,” I frowned. She was seeing more in my piece than I had. I was just flustered one night and had hurled all my annoyance at the canvas in a splash of blacks and greys. To be honest, I wasn’t sure why it had captured her attention. I had many other pieces with far more detail, like the woman standing in the lake or the galaxy piece. Even the mountainous landscape was drawing more eyes.

  “Tell me, what’s your name?” she smiled as she pulled back, those jade eyes capturing my own.

  Allison was an intriguing girl, and I knew she was going to be an interesting housemate from the moment I opened up the door.

  Her scent carried with it the sweet goodness of fae, something us vampires were drawn to.

  But there was something else that lingered in that blood, something darker. And I swore I could smell canine.

  What was she?

  When she gazed at me, her cheeks flushing softly as she took me in, I slammed up my defenses.

  I did not need any more dramas in my life. Living with the other three boys was enough, and this vampire bait was not something I wanted to get involved with. She’d be a magnet for vamps, and I hated mingling with others of my kind. Hell, I hated mingling in general.
r />   I begrudgingly helped her bring her suitcase inside, giving her a quick rundown of where everything was located. I even introduced her to Kit, who was currently stuck in cat form. Again. She’d smell what he was. Or at least, I assumed she would, considering there was something canine in her blood.

  Werewolf, perhaps?

  Not dingo or dog. Something more primal.I was more than happy to leave her to her own devices once I showed her to her room, and I returned to my laptop in the living area to continue playing Grand Theft Auto.

  The night turned to a surprisingly interesting one when I discovered she’d taken Kit into the bathroom. That little shit. She obviously hadn’t sensed what he was, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell her now. I’d just enjoy the amusement it gave me.

  I discovered just what kind of fae she was to my annoyance in the living room, when her mischief magic ran havoc.

  Those flying little pasta pieces had been rather infuriating, although entertaining a little. A pixie. Just what we needed.

  What was Lucas thinking, we didn’t even need another housemate. It wasn’t like he needed the extra rent, the rent he got from us was practically his wages. His grandfather had left the house to him, so there was no mortgage, just standard bills to pay, and his grandfather had left him a sizable inheritance too. He was easily set for life.

  Unlike the rest of us.

  Allison opened up about her parents’ death, and for a moment, I shared her pain. She’d had no one to teach her about her powers. At least I’d had mine until I was a teen.

  I wanted to say something comforting as she averted her gaze, but then I remembered just what she was. I was not going to get close to a fae. That would end in disaster.

  I instead told her to get control of her magic, knowing it was brutal and would make her hate me.


  I didn’t need the dramas of a fae girl.

  Even if she drew me like a moth to a flame.


  “Tell me, little one, how does it feel, how does it feel for your flesh to burn?”

  I awoke from the nightmares tinged with darkness, fighting to pull me under.


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