Corviticus University

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Corviticus University Page 9

by J. E. Cluney

  Ally’s shoulders slumped in defeat as she thrust the book at him before crossing her arms and pouting like a little child.

  “What page?” Skip asked as he opened up the book.

  “I’m not saying,” Ally muttered as she turned away.

  Skip sighed as he flicked through the book, before clicking his tongue when he finally found the section.

  “Some stuff here about wielding mischief magic to create distractions or even offensively, the ability to animate almost anything, huh, I didn’t realize you could animate anything. Does that include buildings?” Skip mused. “Why’s that so bad, I don’t see why— oh,” his face lit up as he grinned at me.

  “Damn, you nearly got yourself into a pickle there Ollie,” he sniggered.

  “What, why?” I frowned, snatching the book off him.

  I chewed my lip as I read the paragraph, and then read it again to make sure I’d gotten it right.

  “Is it true?” I practically whispered, and Ally just scowled at me.

  “Is it?” Skip asked with a smile as he spun the globe on the desk.

  “Yes,” she mumbled as she looked away, her arms crossed over her chest protectively.

  Holy hell.

  I had not known such a thing.

  “You used to be a playboy, you should’ve known this, surely you’ve been with a pixie,” I muttered at Skip, who burst into laughter. I felt more embarrassed for Ally. I felt bad for pushing now, it was a personal thing to discover.

  “Look, it’s not that big of a deal,” Ally groaned as Skip pulled himself up to sit on the desk.

  “Your orgasms are sparkly and taste like honey,” I said, miraculously keeping my face straight. Now that was certainly news to me.

  “And if it gets on something, it infects it with mischief magic,” Skip snorted as he slapped his thighs. “That is pure fucking gold right there!” he laughed.

  “I’m going to my room,” Ally declared as she spun away from us.

  “Aw, c’mon Bee Sting, we’re only messing with ya, how about we tell you some of our weird sex things?” Skip called out just as she reached the doorway. She froze, turning back slowly with a bewildered look.

  “Do I want to know?” she asked with an arched eyebrow.

  “Different supes have different… specialties,” Skip said carefully.

  Ally glanced at me for confirmation, and I sighed and nodded, still coming to terms with this new revelation about her.

  I was still pondering about the whole infected with mischief magic. Could it affect a penis? What happened when she cleaned herself down there afterwards?

  God, I wanted so badly to ask, but I was afraid I’d only embarrass her more and end up forcing her into her room to avoid us.

  “All right, tell me,” Ally stuck up her nose as she marched over to plant herself before us. She was adorable in her little blue dress, pretending she was annoyed at us but really she was intrigued by what our weird sex stories were.

  “Well, fun fact, the whole down under thing came from kangaroos, because their dick is under their testicles,” Skip started with.

  I couldn’t contain the laughter that bubbled up my throat. What an opening.

  Ally looked horrified as her eyes dropped to his nether region in shock.

  “I said kangaroos, not kangaroo shifters,” Skip waved his hand in front of his crotch to draw her attention away.

  “Well, that’s not a weird sex thing then, just a weird fact,” Ally puffed up in defense, her cheeks reddening as she cracked a smile.

  “But, due to female kangaroos having not one but three vaginas, their shifter counterparts have maintained the unique ability to have an embryo in reserve while they’re carrying one baby to term. So right after birthing, they can have another baby growing immediately,” Skip stated.

  “What?” Ally just gave him a dumbfounded look.

  “It’s called embryonic diapause, and it also means that no kangaroo shifter can have twins, they only birth one child at a time,” Skip looked mighty pleased with himself as he crossed his arms and leaned back.

  “Okay,” Ally muttered, shaking her head as she processed this.

  “Kangaroos also have two pronged dicks,” he added. “Which does carry over to the shifter side to extent. When aroused, a small second head forms and it rubs the g-spot, it’s why the ladies love us,” Skip shrugged as Ally’s mouth dropped open.

  I just rolled my eyes, it was not the first time I’d heard this.

  Wait for it, there was more.

  “Male kangaroos also grow substantially larger than their female counterparts, especially the red kangaroos, which is my shifter form, and that carries over in... other ways,” he winked, and Ally practically choked as her face turned beet red.

  Yep, I’d seen that one coming a mile away, Skip always loved to brag.

  “Don’t worry, wait until you hear Ollie’s secret weapon, you’ll be wishing you never opened that book,” Skip chuckled.

  Ally turned to me, a hesitant look on her face.

  “Depending on what my most recent shift was, I take on the characteristics of that shifter,” I sighed, glaring at Skip.

  “And due to being a true shifter, he can legit grow his dick,” Skip tossed out there.

  Ally just looked between us like she was caught naked in front of the whole school. Poor thing, she looked so caught and lost. It was adorable.

  “Since he turns into a cat only for now, his dick has barbs,” Skip cocked his head.

  “All right, I’m done, I can’t deal with this,” Ally threw her hands up in defeat as she squeezed her eyes shut.

  “It’s okay, Lucas and Marcus have normal penises,” Skip grinned.

  “And you know that how?” Ally shook her head in disbelief. “Wait, I don’t want to know.”

  She sighed, her shoulders slumping as she collected up a few books.

  “Aw, don’t go honey-buns, I thought you were going to watch us play the PlayStation?” Skip pouted, and I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he threw in honey-buns.

  “Maybe later,” Ally shot him a displeased look with the new nickname as she hurried out of the library.

  “Sparkly orgasms, I’ll never get over that one,” Skip snickered.

  “Do you think the mischief magic does anything to the penis?” I asked in a hushed tone.

  “Dunno, guess you might find out if you keep up that little act,” Skip smiled as he slid off the table.

  “What? No, I would never,” I growled.

  “She’s pretty hot,” he shrugged. “If you won’t, I might.”

  “Don’t, she’s not just another one for you to mess around with,” I warned.

  “Well, that’s up to her, but I’ll hold off, there’s no rush, besides, I wouldn’t want to scare off our new house mate too soon,” he said. “Makes you wonder though, when she cleans up down there, what happens? Does the mischief magic affect everything it touches?” he said as he rubbed the back of his head.

  “I have no idea,” I said honestly.

  But man, was I damn curious.


  I groaned as I sunk onto the end of my bed with my stack of books.

  I’d learned so much… more… about my two companions in the last twenty minutes than I was comfortable knowing so soon. To be honest, they knew something about me too.

  I had known about my mischief magic down there, that was the whole reason I made sure to wear my pendant nearly all the time when with a partner. If things got heated, the pendant went back on.

  Let’s just say a flying, honking, pink vibrator is not something you want to have to deal with, especially when it’s covered in sparkly fluids.

  I’d had to beat it to death with a book. Thankfully, it had been my first ever toy, and cheap. My next one was a little more, so the pendant stayed on, and we had no more freaky occurrences when I finished.

  I was just lucky my housemate hadn’t been home. Doubt I could’ve explained that one. Although, I was in a warde
d area at the time, so it would’ve been warped in her eyes. I did sometimes wonder what she would’ve seen instead.

  I made sure to be careful with my next one, although it had died a few months back now. Guess I may have been using it a little too much between tinder dates.

  I glanced down at my tattered black handbag that I’d discarded beside the bed. I reached down, rummaging through it until my fingers curled on the chain. I pulled out the small green agate stone pendant, pursing my lips at the heart-shaped piece.

  I could feel the magic in it. Even after running away and getting a witch to break the spell on the clasp, I’d worn it always while out and about, almost constantly, as I didn’t trust my own magic. But being able to remove it meant I’d learned a little about it in my own spare time.

  And this honey tasting orgasms? Well, let’s just say my two partners hadn’t been too keen on giving me that finish. I’d used a toy mostly, too bad they kept dying on me. I’d made sure to wear my pendant when I did use it though, I didn’t want any unexpected surprises like the first time I’d done it without my pendant.

  I wasn’t even sure my orgasms would taste like honey anyway with my pendant on, considering they weren‘t sparkly when I wore it.

  I ran my thumb over my pendant. I’d decided to take it off now that I was in warded area, and I knew that my magic classes at uni would need me to be at my full ability. I didn’t want to live in fear anymore, but maybe I was being too quick to think I could do this. I’d already had two episodes of issues with my mischief magic.


  I looked up to spy Ollie standing at my door awkwardly.

  “Sorry for getting you mixed up in that,” he said with a lopsided smile as he fumbled with his jacket zipper.

  “Not your fault, I kinda walked into it,” I admitted as I stuffed my pendant back into my purse.

  “Skip likes to brag about… well, you know,” Ollie shrugged, his amber eyes frustrated with his housemate.

  “It’s fine, I just, well, I got more information than I bargained for,” I gave a short, sharp laugh.

  “Yeah, that you did,” Ollie nodded, running a hand through his mess of brown hair.

  “What causes your shifts anyway?” I tried to move the subject away from our interesting little conversation.

  “Um, well, if I get stressed, scared, upset,” Ollie shrugged as he stepped into my room. I moved to sit on the edge of the bed and patted beside me, and he happily joined me.

  I couldn’t help that our moment on the desk was still fresh in my mind, and I was wondering if that was indeed his interest I’d felt against my thigh. It had certainly heated me up.

  And to think he could actually grow it at will.

  Stop. I scolded myself.

  “It can also just happen randomly too,” Ollie sighed. “It’s really freakin annoying actually. You know shifters have to be naked to shift, otherwise the clothes get all caught up on you? I got stuck in my jean pant leg once, it was torture. Only Marcus was home too, and he didn’t want to help me for ages,” he pouted as he threw his arms up at the memory.

  “Aw, you poor thing!” I grinned, unable to keep the light, humorous tone out of my voice as I squeezed his shoulder.

  “It sucked. He eventually helped me when I kept crying out. He ripped my jeans apart to get me out, I was too big,” he chuckled. “I try not to wear jeans too often now if I can help it, not until this curse is lifted.”

  “I can understand the precaution,” I chuckled as I leaned against his arm, imaging the sight of him as a fluffy cat stuck in his jeans. Soft giggles tore through me and he chuckled with me.

  “I still can’t believe you don’t know much about your own kind, your own magic and such,” Ollie shook his head once our giggles had died down. “That’s so sad.”

  “Well, never too late to learn,” I shrugged.

  “You’re part werewolf too, but your nose doesn’t work?” Ollie frowned as those amber eyes settled on me. The pupil was narrower than usual, and I wondered if that had anything to do with his cat side.

  “Nope, I can shift into a wolf though, although I’ve rarely done it. It’s not easy to hide, I have to be in a warded zone, otherwise people will freak out. But all the extra senses I’m meant to have, the great hearing and sense of smell, I got nothing. I can just turn into a brown timber wolf if I want to. Which, I also only discovered after getting my pendant off,” I scowled.

  “Wait, so how long have you been able to shift for?” Ollie cocked his head, his smooth, baby face confused.

  “Three years. I only found out that I was part werewolf when a shifter found me at work. He turned into a dingo, and he smelt what I was. He helped me learn a few things about myself, and taught me to shift,” I explained, my mind falling back to the memories.

  “You really have no idea?” the tall guy frowned, his arms crossed as he leaned against the counter. He was devilishly handsome, dark hair, dark eyes, five o’clock shadow. Not to mention that singlet was showing off all those tight muscles.

  “A werewolf?” I snorted, glancing around the cafe to make sure no one had heard us.

  “And fae,” he shrugged. “But I’ve not met many werewolves in my time.”

  “Well, there’s nothing to tell,” I pulled back, cleaning the front desk. It was nearing the end of my shift, and I was quite eager to get home and kick back. Although this shifter, as he’d called himself, was intriguing. And calling me a werewolf? Well, that was new.

  “My father was one,” I murmured. I’d never actually known if I had werewolf in me. My aunt had never told me anything.

  “Have you ever tried shifting?” the man asked as he rested his arms on the counter, watching me as I worked. I was glad no one else had come into the small retail store after him, although I doubted he would’ve continued this conversation.

  “What if someone hears you?” I hissed.

  “They won’t, I’ve got good hearing, I’ll know if anyone can hear us, just talk quietly,” he said softly.

  “To answer your question, no, I haven’t tried shifting,” I sighed. “Today’s the first I even considered having werewolf in me.”

  “It’s in your blood, why didn’t you think you had it?” he frowned.

  “You’re asking a lot of questions for a stranger,” I smirked as I finished wiping down the area.

  “Derek, Derek Manning,” he grinned, revealing a set of perfect, white teeth as he offered his hand.

  “Allison, Allison Smoak,” I said with a roll of my eyes as I shook his outstretched hand.

  “I already knew that,” he chuckled.

  “How?” I frowned. Had he been stalking me?

  He grinned as he pointed at my shirt, and I mentally slapped myself as I glanced down at my name tag. Right.

  “Well, when do you get off, Allison?” he asked as he straightened.

  “In twenty minutes. Why?” I cocked my head at this interesting man.

  “Because, I’d like to learn more about you. And maybe teach you about yourself,” he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  “Really? Just some random girl you just met?” I scoffed.

  “Why not? You’re intriguing,” he breathed.

  “Fine,” I said as I spied another customer heading in. I wanted to appear casual, but to be honest, his interest excited me. A shifter too. I had so many questions for him.

  “So this dingo shifter, why didn’t he tell you more about your kind, about others?” Ollie asked, tugging me from the memory of when I’d met my first ever boyfriend.

  “Turns out he didn’t really care,” I mumbled as I played with the hem of my dress.

  “Oh, well, too bad for him,” Ollie pursed his lips.

  “He ended up being my first boyfriend actually. Didn’t last too long,” I admitted.

  “Oh,” Ollie said as he shifted uneasily. “Why not?”

  “He wanted me more for the bragging rights, a werewolf halfling. At least I learned how to shift th
ough, but when my mischief magic played up once at my place, he got a little weirded out. He didn’t really know many pixies, apparently they’re not common down on the coast,” I murmured. “We broke up after… well, some personal stuff. We were only together two or three months.” I did not want to get into that. That meant opening up a whole other can of worms. And I was not too eager for that. Derek had been anything but the charming man I’d thought he was when I’d opened up to him. He’d changed dramatically once we were together.

  “What an arsehole. Pixies and fae are pretty uncommon, pixies more-so. There’ll be a few at the uni though,” Oliver said, trying to focus my mind away from my ex. “So, no other boyfriend?” Ollie asked offhandedly as he pretended to only be casually interested. I could see right through it, and it brought a delighted smile to my face. He was so bloody adorable.

  “No, After Derek I met Keith, but that didn’t last either. He was human, and I wanted to feel, normal, I guess. Derek had kinda made the whole supernatural world less likable, but it never stopped me from wondering more about it,” I said as I bounced my foot on the floor. “And since I didn’t have a good nose, I couldn’t really find other supes to try to befriend. Not until I caught wind of this university anyway. I called my cousin’s supe school after biting the bullet. I wasn’t sure what to say, ‘oh, I’m a pixie werewolf and I have no idea what my powers are or much of anything to do with our own kind. Is there a forum or weekly meet-up for supes?’ so I asked if there were any supe Universities. They sent me out a whole brochure on Universities in the region, and a special website and code to access the specific supe University guides and towns. Most of the Universities are set up in supe only towns.”

  “Oh, cool,” Ollie nodded, but his mouth was curving upwards slightly at this information. From the looks of it, I wasn’t the only single one here. “It must have been so strange, having to hide what you were and not knowing who was like you. You know, you’ll be able to use your magic to sense others, that’ll be something they’ll teach you at the magical classes. Every supe can sense others like themselves, other supes. No one taught you how, that’s all,” Oliver assured me with a gentle nudge of the elbow. “It’s good you reached out to the supe school, I bet that opened up so much for you.”


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