by David Isaacs
Australia 222
Brian Deer investigation 209–210, 212, 214, 222
falsified data 211–212
financial conflicts 210–211
General Medical Council investigation 210–213
immunisation rates after 23, 215–216, 219, 233, 253, 274
retraction of study 212–214
scientific rigour 207–209, 211
statistics 221, 222
United States 222
MMRV vaccine 150
Montagu, Edward Wortley (jnr) 37
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 36–38, 57
Montagu, Mary Wortley (jnr) 37–38
Montagu, Sir Edward Wortley 36
Monty Python 281
Moorhead, Alan 31–32
Morse, Wayne 202
dengue fever 276
malaria 14, 196, 276, 283–284
yellow fever 195–197
MS see multiple sclerosis
mud and tetanus 125, 174
Mukhali, John 275
Mukhali, Tabitha 275
Mukherjee, Siddhartha 98
multi-dose vaccine vials 191–192
multiple sclerosis 235–236
multi-resistant tuberculosis 108–109
mumps 144–146
meningitis 145
parotitis 145
vaccine see MMR vaccine, MMRV vaccine
Murch, Simon 212, 214
Muslims and immunisation 94–95
Mycobacterium bovis see bovine tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis see tuberculosis
myocarditis 175
myths, influenza 176
nails and tetanus 125
nanopatch vaccines 292
nasal vaccines 290–291
influenza 183, 290–291
Nash, Ogden 290
Nathanson, Neal 201–202
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 260
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (US) see March of Dimes
National Immunization Day (India) 92
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (US) 259
Native Americans see also colonisation and disease
Hib 130
pneumococcus 326
rotavirus 139
smallpox 30–31, 45
native populations and disease see colonisation and disease
Nazi Party 123
medical ethics 242, 245
NDIS see National Disability Insurance Scheme
Neisseria meningitides see meningococcus
Nelmes, Sarah 42
neonatal tetanus 24, 125, 172–174, 268 see also tetanus
statistics 174
Netherlands, the
BCG vaccine 190
foreign aid 276
neuralgia 181
neurofibrillary tangles 287
New Deal (US) 71
newborns see also pregnancy and immunisation
BCG vaccine 108, 189, 291
hepatitis B 158,236
HIV 284
micro-organisms 12–13
rubella 167, 168, 177 see also congenital rubella syndrome
pertussis 127, 167, 177–178
tetanus see neonatal tetanus
tuberculosis 189
Newcastle disease 290
Newgate Prison 38
Nicholas Nickleby 98
Nicklaus, Jack 76
Nicolaier, Arthur 123
Nicolay, John 6
childhood immunisation 279
DTP vaccine 279
Boko Haram 92, 95
polio immunisation 91–92, 95
ring immunisation 53
Nightingale, Florence 83
Nixon, Richard 202
No Jab No Pay 255
No Jab No Play 255
Nobel Prize
Billingham, Rupert 156
Blumberg, Baruch 156
Burnet, Sir Macfarlane 19, 156
Enders, John 203
Gregg, Sir Norman 171
Kitasato Shibasaburō 115
Marshall, Barry 164
Medawar, Sir Peter 156
Sabin, Albert 89–90
Salk, Jonas 89–90
von Behring, Emil 115, 187–188
Wakefield, Andrew 206
Warren, Robin 164
zur Hausen, Harald 160
Nocard, Edmond 124
no-fault compensation 259–260
noma 143
non-maleficence principle 246
Norway, foreign aid 276
no-suck disease see neonatal tetanus
Nuremberg Trials 242
nurses, compulsory immunisation 257–258
nutrition and disease 18–19, 23, 27, 117–118, 226, 264
oath, doctors’ see Hippocratic Oath
O’Carolan, Turlough 29
‘Ode to a Nightingale’ 99, 205
Offit, Paul 77, 200, 220–221, 224
oil-in-water emulsions 194
old man’s friend see pneumonia
old people see elderly people
Oliver Twist 48
oophoritis 145
opisthotonus 122
opium 99
‘opportunity cost’ 218
Oprah (TV show) 220–221
OPV see oral polio vaccine
oral polio vaccine (OPV) 96, 119, 120, 178, 259, 288
compensation for injuries 259
Cutter Incident 198–199, 202–203
definition 326
developing countries 89, 217–218
development 86–90
oral rehydration solution (ORS) 267
oral vaccines 288–289 see also edible vaccines
Helicobacter pylori 288–289
polio see oral polio vaccine (OPV)
rotavirus 288
orchitis 144, 145
Orlow, Dr 146
oropharyngeal cancer 162, 257
ORS see oral rehydration solution
Orwell, George 199
Osler, Sir William 134, 184
osteomyelitis 129
ovarian swelling 145
Paganini, Niccolò 100
PAHO see Pan American Health Organization
childhood immunisation 279
polio immunisation 94–95
Taliban, the 94–95
tuberculosis 109
bulbar 78
cerebral see cerebral palsy
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
polio eradication 93
smallpox eradication 51
Panama Canal 195–197
pancreatitis 145
definition 326
influenza 10–12, 20, 175, 192
rubella 172
swine flu 326
Pap smears 159–160
Papanicolaou, George 158–159
Papanicolaou, Maria 159
papaya, edible vaccines 289
papillomavirus, human see HPV
Papua New Guinea, immunisation 24
parainfluenza 291
polio 78
phrenic 105
parasites 13, 284
Park, William H 115–116
Parke-Davis 199
Parker, Janet 55–57
parotitis, mumps 145
paroxysm see coughing
passaging 104
passive immunisation 114
Pasteur, Louis 3, 40, 58–70, 84, 113, 120
anthrax 62–64
attenuation 61–62
Australia 63–65
chicken cholera 61–64
falsified data 69–70
fermentation 60
isomerism 60
pasteurisation 60, 103
rabies 58–59, 65–68
silkworms 60
winemaking 59–60
Pasteur, Marie 60, 63, 65
Pasteur Ins
titute 69–70
pasteurisation 60, 103
patch vaccines 292–293
Paterson, Beverley 140
PCV see pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Peloponnesian War 7
Pelosi, Janette 46–47
meningitis 133
syphilis 243
cancer 120, 162, 257
warts 257
peptic ulcer 163–165
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (play) 149
pertussis 1, 125–128, 239, 269
controversy 21–23, 205
developing countries 264, 271, 279
folk remedies 126–127
healthcare workers 257–258
pregnancy 167–168, 177–178
symptoms 125–127
vaccine 128, 177–178, 295 see also DTP vaccine, Tdap-IPV vaccine
pesticides and edible vaccines 289
Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (Australia) 162
pharmaceutical companies
‘altruism’ 273
foetal cell lines 246
legal liability 204–205, 259
profits 201, 209, 227, 234–235, 263, 273
philanthropy and immunisation 269–274, 283
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation see Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance see Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
March of Dimes see March of Dimes
Rotary International 270–271
Philippines, polio 271
Phipps, James 42–44, 57
phrenic paralysis 105
phthisis, the see tuberculosis
physiotherapy, Kenny method 84
Picasso, Pablo 89
piercings and tetanus 125
Pitman-Moore 199
plague, bubonic see bubonic plague
Plague of Athens 7–8, 15
Plague of Galen 26–27
plantar warts 160
plants, vaccines in 289–290
Plasmodium falciparum see malaria
pleurisy 134
pneumococcal see also pneumococcus
conjugate vaccine (PCV) 131, 185
meningitis 13, 120, 131–134, 185
pneumonia 14, 120, 131, 134, 184–186
polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) 185
pneumococcus 13, 133–134, 184, 282 see also pneumococcal
Aboriginal people 134
babies 185
definition 326
elderly people 184–186
statistics 185
vaccine 120, 131, 133–134, 185, 275, 282, 295, 324, 326
pneumonia 13, 120, 133–135, 275, 282–283, 326
babies 134–135
chickenpox 150
elderly people 135, 184–186
Hib 130
influenza 175, 282–283
measles 142–143
pertussis 167–168
pneumococcal 14, 120, 131, 134, 184–186
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 134–135, 291
statistics 134
symptoms 134
tuberculosis 135
vaccine 134
polio 2–3, 19, 24, 71–96, 219, 295
developing countries 271
eradication 2, 90–96, 279, 296
Expanded Programme on Immunization 264
Flugelman, Bert 74–76
jet injectors 291
Kenny, Elizabeth 79–84
origins 101
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR) 71–74
Rotary International 270–271
statistics 2, 88, 90–92, 96, 203, 279
symptoms 77–78
vaccine see Cutter Incident, inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), oral polio vaccine (OPV), Tdap-IPV vaccine
poliomyelitis see polio
PolioPlus 271
polysaccharide vaccines 185
definition 326
Poor Law (UK) 48
Popes, the 63
Popper, Karl 220
population immunity see herd immunity
Porter, Katherine Anne 10
post-herpetic neuralgia 181
post-polio syndrome 78
potatoes, edible vaccines 289
Pott, Sir Percivall 153
Pouilly-le-Fort 62–63
poultry disease, edible vaccine for 290
poverty and immunisation see developing countries and immunisation
PPV see pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV)
Pratchett, Terry 286–287
pregnancy, terminated 245–246
pregnancy and immunisation 167–179
hepatitis B 155–156
influenza 174–177
pertussis 167–168, 177–178
rubella 145–147, 168–172
tetanus 125, 172–174
preservatives in vaccines 192–193, 225
Presley, Elvis 87
prevention vs cure 281, 287
primum non nocere see ‘first do no harm’
privacy see confidentiality
profit and vaccines 201, 209, 227, 234–235, 263, 273
HPV vaccine 234–235
prostate cancer 165–166
prostatic acid phosphatase 165
public health bodies, trust in 260–261
Puccini, Giacomo 100
Pugh, Patricia 54
Pulitzer Prize 77
pulmonary disease 282
Purcell, Henry 100
purgatives 126
Pységur, Elisabeth de see de Pységur, Elisabeth
Quadra, Bishop 27
Quadros, Ciro de see de Quadros, Ciro
Queensland University 161, 292
quinoa, edible vaccines 289
rabbits, eradication from NSW 63–64
rabies 2, 65–68, 295
vaccine 245, 252
racism and medicine
Nazi Germany 242, 245
Tuskegee syphilis studies 242–243, 246
Ramon, Gaston 124
Ramses V of Egypt 26
randomised controlled trial (RCT) 106
definition 326
inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) 198, 203
influenza vaccine 175
MMR vaccine 141
rotavirus vaccine 217
tuberculosis 106–107
Raška, Karel 52
RCT see randomised controlled trial
recombining of DNA 161
Reed, Walter 196–197
reflexology 226–227
refrigeration of vaccines 192, 265–267, 293
religion and immunisation
Christianity 48, 143, 173, 230, 238–239
Islam 94–95
Renouf, Sir Clem 270
research, tainted see tainted research
respiratory infections
cause of death 282
nasal vaccines for 290
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 15, 134–135
nasal vaccine 291
pneumonia 134–135, 291
Rhondda Valley smallpox outbreak 54
rice, edible vaccine 289
rights and immunisation
other people’s rights 252–256
personal rights 247–256
Rights of the Child, Declaration of 267
ring vaccination 53
risks of immunisation see safety of vaccines
risus sardonicus 122
road traffic accidents, cause of death 282
Rockefeller, John 272
Rockefeller, Laura 272
Rodd Island (NSW) 64–65
Rome, ancient 26–27
Roosevelt, Eleanor 71, 83
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR) 71–74, 86, 202, 269
Roosevelt, Theodore 196
Ross, Ronald 196
Rosshalde (book) 129
Rossignol, Hippolyte 62
Rotary International 91–92, 270–271
RotaShield vaccine 216
rotavirus 19, 138–139
; gastroenteritis 24, 283
statistics 217
vaccine 19, 120, 216–217, 288, 295, 324
Roth, Philip 77
Roux, Emile 65–69, 113
Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children see Children’s Hospital at Westmead
royal commission
Bundaberg tragedy 191
Kenny method 82
Royal Free Hospital, London 205–207, 211–212, 215
Royal Society (UK) 35, 38, 41 44
Fellow of (FRS) 41
royal touch 102–103
RSV see respiratory syncytial virus
rubella 146–147, 171
congenital 145–147, 168–172, 269
pandemic 172
statistics 147, 171–172
vaccine 62, 120, 146–147, 151, 169, 208, 211, 245–246, 256–257, 295 see also MMR vaccine, MMRV vaccine
Rudolph, Wilma 76
Russell, Rosalind 83
Russia see Soviet Union
Sabin, Albert
Cutter Incident 198, 203
oral polio vaccine (OPV) 85–89
Sacrificial Virgins (film) 231
safety of vaccines 21–24, 110, 187, 191–192, 226, 247, 263
adjuvants see adjuvants
anti-vaccination movement see anti-vaccination movement
BCG vaccine 104
diphtheria vaccine 116
frauds see frauds of immunisation
hepatitis vaccine 135–136, 250
HPV vaccine 228–325
jet injectors 292
MMR vaccine see MMR–autism controversy
monitoring see surveillance of vaccines
polio vaccine 84, 87–89, 218 see also Cutter Incident
pregnancy 168, 177, 179, 183
social trust see social trust
smallpox vaccine 51–53
tragedies see tragedies of immunisation
St Kilda, Outer Hebrides, Scotland
neonatal tetanus 173–174
smallpox 30
St Stephen’s Hospital, New Delhi 92–93
Salk, Donna 89
Salk, Françoise see Gilot, Françoise
Salk, Jonas
Cutter Incident 198, 200–204
inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) 85–89
sanitation and disease 7, 8, 14, 18–19, 49, 77, 106
saponins in vaccines 194
Savage, John 45
scare campaigns 228–235 see also contoversies
scepticism about vaccines 18, 24–25, 96, 117–118, 201, 209, 219, 225–228
anti-vaccination movement see anti-vaccination movement
ethics 238–239
MMR–autism controversy see MMR–autism controversy
smallpox 47–51
schools and immunisation 252–253, 255
Italy 253
Schweitzer, Albert 53
scoliosis 78
Scott, Sir Walter 76
scourge of childhood see diphtheria
screening, cervical cancer see Pap smears
scrofula 102–103
scrotal cancer 153
Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 75
scurvy 106–107
sea cucumbers, adjuvant from 194
septic arthritis 129
septicaemia, meningococcal see meningococcaemia
serum hepatitis 136–138
Sever, John 270
severe acute respiratory syndrome see SARS