If I Did It Prove It

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If I Did It Prove It Page 5

by Valarie Deshazier

  I guess I fell asleep, because the next thing I knew there was a knock on the door, and it was one o’clock in the morning. When I reached the door, I looked out of the peephole and saw that it was Jasmine. I smiled to myself before opening the door.

  “Yes, can I help you?” I asked.

  “You can tell me what you did to Lisa,” she replied as she stormed into my house.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about what you did to Lisa. I don’t know what you did, but whatever it is has caused her not to be able to talk or move her hands or anything. She’s paralyzed from head to toe. So, what the fuck did you do to her?” she ranted.

  I took my time and closed my door and walked into my living room. Jasmine was right behind me. I sat down on the couch and crossed my arms and legs before I said anything.

  “I didn’t do anything to Lisa and why would you think that I did something. It could have been anyone of the wifies of them men that she be dealing with,” I stated.

  “You was the last one with her. We saw you leaving, and you know we saw you because you looked dead at us.”

  I looked at her and thought about taking her out and make it look like self-defense. I chose not to because I wanted to apply some major pain to her, and I didn’t have the time to do it.

  “Look I don’t know what you are talking about, but it’s one o’clock in the morning and I need to get some sleep. I have shit to do tomorrow,” I stated as I stood up and pointed to the door.

  “You are not going to get away with this. I promise you,” she uttered as she walked towards the door.

  “Well sometimes things has a funny way of coming back on you. Maybe she’s getting what is owed to her.”

  Jasmine turned around and looked at me like she wanted to say something but wasn’t sure just what to say. I pointed to the door like leave now. She opened the door and as she was walking out I said something to the effect of, be careful you don’t want to be next. She turned around so fast and looked at me and I just smiled and closed my door.

  I went back to bed and slept like a baby. I woke up refreshed and ready to take on the world. I got up and handled my hygiene and then got dressed. I had a few errands that I needed to make before I went to the center. However, that didn’t happen because right as I was walking out of my door a detective was standing there.

  “Yes, can I help you?” I asked calmly.

  “Are you Ms. Lane?”

  “Who wants to know?”

  “I’m Detective Kane.”


  “Yes, and I need to talk with you about a Lisa Hill.”

  “Okay, what about her?”

  “So, you know her?”

  “I wouldn’t say I know her, but I know of her. Once again what about her?” I repeated myself and crossed my arms.

  “When was the last time you saw Ms. Hill?”

  “Is she missing or something? Just get to the point to why you are here. I have things to do.” I spat.

  I wasn’t about to play twenty questions with him. I knew the game and how they did things, but it wasn’t going to be done on me. One thing for sure the police don’t ask question that they don’t already know the answer to. They just want to see if you are going to lie.

  “No, she’s not missing, but from my understanding you were the last person to see her in good health.”

  “Are you accusing me of anything?”

  “No, but I would like to sit down and talk with you about what took place the last time that you saw Ms. Hill.”

  “Well, it won’t be today because I have things to do.”

  “So, when will you be able to come down to the station and talk to me?”

  “I don’t know. Leave your card in the mailbox and I will give you a call later, but right now I’m late,” I stated as I closed and locked my door.

  As I was walking to my car I could feel him watching me. I waited until I got to my car and opened the driver door before I looked at him. Yep, he was just standing there patting his little note pad on his thigh. I smiled and told him to have a great day before I got in my car and drove off.

  Something told me to go to the center first and I’m glad that I did. When I got there, the police was questioning my employees about me. I didn’t care because they only knew what I wanted them to know and see. All they told the police was that I was a sweet person that love helping kids. There was nothing bad that they could tell them. I went into my office and closed the door and smiled as they waisted their time.

  Chapter Eleven

  I knew that I couldn’t do anything to Nikki and Jasmine because the police were watching me. So, I waited on them, but I didn’t stop making sure that my center got most of my attention.

  I would visit my auntie and mother more, which was a good thing. It was hard at first, but it got better. There was one place that I hadn’t gone yet, and I felt that it was time that I made my presence there. Even though in the back of my mind I knew I shouldn’t. I knew going in broad daylight wouldn’t be a good idea, so I waited until nightfall.

  So, it was about ten thirty at night when I drove out to my cousin’s grave. I hadn’t been there since her funeral. It was time that I went and paid my respects. Plus, I wanted to say a few words to her alone.

  I pulled up and just sat in my car for a few minutes. I wanted to get out but at the same time I didn’t. My plan was to only come after I took care of them bitches that caused her death. However, there was something pulling me to get out of the car to just go sit by her grave.

  I finally exit my car and walked slowly over to Shannon’s grave. The closer I got the more my emotions was taking over. I stood there for a second without saying a word with tears rolling down my face. I kneeled down and touched her headstone and called out her name softly. Doing that only caused me to flop down on the ground. It was like I couldn’t stop crying. I didn’t realize just how much I had missed my cousin. I finally got myself together so I could say what I had come to say.

  “Shannon I miss you so much. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you. I’m so sorry that I left you here with no one. You are more than my cousin you are my sister. I feel I let you down, but I promise you that I’m going to make them bitches pay for what they did to you. Hell, what they did to us. Two of them are down but just needs to be finished off. The other two, you know the main two is going to get it the worst. I can’t move on them right now, but I’m going to get their ass. I don’t care if it takes everything in me I’m going to do it.”

  I paused for a second before I kept talking.

  “I have a center for kids that’s being bullied, and I named it Live Mind Strong. I call it that in honor of you. I believe if you and I both were mind strong, then we wouldn’t have allowed them to fuck with us mentally. It’s one kid that I’m working with that really gets bullied, but you would never guess whose son it is. It’s Nikki’s son. Can you believe that. Nikki’s son is being bullied and she don’t know what to do about it. The biggest bully in school back then son is getting treated the way she treated other people. Karma is a bitch and is working overtime.” I laughed a little bit after saying that because if Shannon were alive she would say something like, “If I were there I would pay the bully to keep it up. Fuck Nikki and her son.” I was already two steps ahead on that.

  I sat by Shannon’s grave just talking away for about two hours. It felt good to talk to her. Well, I wasn’t talking to her because she didn’t talk back, but you know what I mean. Anyway, when I finally got home all I wanted to do was lay down and get some sleep. Something inside of me told that I just might be having a long day coming soon.

  The next morning, I woke up to a phone call at ten a.m. and this is how it went.

  “Asia woke up from her coma last night. Nikki and Jasmine are going to see her this afternoon when they both get off work. Just thought you would want to know.”

  After that, the call ended. I didn’t know why any
one felt that I needed to know that. But, at the same time I was glad that they did. I eased on out the bed and took a shower and got dressed. I had a few things that I needed to handle, but there was one thing that I had to do first.

  1:00 P.M.

  It wasn’t easy but I got the job done. It felt too good when it was all over. I was headed to the center with a smile on my face. That outside smile was short lived when I got to the center and saw that Detective Kane waiting on me. I started to pull off, but I thought why I would give him the satisfaction of doing that, so I parked and exited my car.

  “How can I help you now Detective Kane?” I asked as I walked up on him.

  “Ms. Lane it’s come to my attention that you know Asia Martin, who just so happens to be friends with Lisa Hill.”

  “Okay and your point of telling me that is what?”

  “You was the last one known to see her as well. Now that could be just a coincidence or not,” he expressed.

  “Coincidence maybe, but once again what does all this have to do with me?”

  “I’m not really sure at this moment, but I do plan on finding out.”

  “Well, when you do please let me know,” I smirked.

  Just as I said that he received a call. He kept looking at me while he was on his call. He wasn’t saying nothing that would give me an idea as to what was being said. I started in motion to walk off, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm. I looked at him like he was crazy which caused him to let me go quickly.

  “It seems that Ms. Martin has died,” he stated as soon as he ended his call.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “I’m sure you are. I don’t know how, but I’m going to find out just how much involved you are in this.”

  “Involved in what? I don’t know anything, so I don’t know why you feel that I have something to do with any of this.”

  “Ms. Lane let’s hope so, because one way or the other I’m going to find out,” he stated.

  “Well, I hope you do, but I have things to do. So, until we meet again,” I uttered as I walked off.

  “Yes we will meet again and soon!” he yelled back.

  I turned around and smiled. I wasn’t worried about anything because he didn’t have anything on me. I wasn’t no fool. Not saying that I’m smarter than the police, but smart enough to think things through before I do anything. Well except for one time, I didn’t think about that at all I just moved on it.

  However, I went on about my day. It turned out to be an exceptionally good day. I was able to really help a few kids in dealing with being bullied. Also, I helped another kid to understand that being a bully is not cool and how it could really affect someone else. As I was walking to my car I noticed that there was a note on my windshield. I picked up the note and looked around to see if I could see anyone. When I opened the note, it read: Lisa is starting to have movement, so whatever it was is wearing off. I tore the note up and got in my car and drove off.

  Chapter Twelve

  For some reason I slept in late. I didn’t plan on it because I knew I needed to handle a loose end. However, at the same time I didn’t feel as if there was a rush to tie things up. I sat up in the bed and turned the television on. My favorite show, “Snapped”, was on. It was like I lit up like it was Christmas. Anyway, I watched for about two hours before I decided to go and get me something to eat. So, I showered and got dressed and left out.

  I went to the diner. I was in the mode for some steak and eggs. I sat down at a table, placed my order, and waited. As I was waiting for my food I hear yelling.

  “Porsha what did you do?” Nikki yelled as she walked towards me.

  I sat there in shock that she would be yelling at me as if she knew me. Well, she did know me but didn’t know me at the same time.

  “First of all, why are you yelling? And second, what are you talking about?” I replied very calmly.

  “I’m talking about Asia and Lisa. What did you do to them?”

  “I didn’t do anything thing to them. Why are you coming at me like this?”

  “You were the last one with them both. I saw you leaving Lisa’s house that day. She was in bad shape and had to be put in the hospital. But now they both are dead.”

  “I so sorry for your loss, but don’t come at me like that. What reason do I have to do anything to either of them? I don’t even know them like that.”

  “Something isn’t right, and for you to be the last one with them both is just not adding up to me,” she expressed as she took a seat.

  “Asia had been drinking that night, so drinking and driving doesn’t go together. As for Lisa, well from what I understand she has been around messing with married men and all. Who’s to say that one of the wives of those men did something,” I indicated very politely.

  “I know and I told Lisa to be careful,” she voiced shaking her head.

  “Yes, because what you just did isn’t going to end well for you the next time. You don’t know me like that,” I informed her as the waitress brought me my food.

  “Just tell me this. What went on between you and Asia and you and Lisa? Why did you meet Asia that night and why were you at Lisa’s?” she quizzed.

  “If it’s meant for you to know you will know, but until then don’t question me about nothing,” I replied as I took a bite of my steak.

  All she could do was look at me. I’m sure she wanted to say something. As I started in on my steak and eggs I gave her a look that let her know that she could leave because I was done talking. She slowly got up and walked away.

  “How’s your son doing?” I yelled out.

  She turned around and looked at me and shook her head. Then turned and left out of the diner. I sat right there and enjoyed my food. I wasn’t going to let anyone ruin my steak.

  After I finished my food I paid the bill I left. I didn’t have a destination, but as I rode around I spotted the perfect place to stop. I pulled up to bar only because I saw John go in. You know Nikki’s husband, John. Yeah, I was about to be messy.

  When I walked in I scanned the bar trying to spot John. Found him off in the corner to himself which was perfect for what I was up to.

  “Well hello Mr. John,” I spoke walking up on him.

  He looked up at me and just smiled.

  “You mind if I sit with you?”

  “No, I don’t mind at all. Please have a seat. What are you drinking?” he asked as he waved the waitress over.

  “Whatever you’re drinking I’m drinking,” I replied as I took a seat in the chair next to me.

  “Let me get another Jakes on the rocks and keep them coming,” John told the waitress.

  “Keep them coming, huh.”

  “Yeah, why not it’s Friday and I’m not trying to go home no time soon.”

  I didn’t reply to that, but I made a mental note of it. I was willing to see just how the night was about to play out. One thing for sure I was ready and down for whatever.

  As the night went on the drinks kept coming and we kept drinking. There was some flirting going on and eyes watching. I didn’t give a fuck and it didn’t seem as if John gave a fuck either. We were genuinely enjoying each other’s company. Turns out John is a good man for the most part. He’s not happy with Nikki, but he made that clear the first time he had a drink with me. However, that night he was really letting me know that he would kill for a chance to have one night with me.

  “How about we get out of here and go somewhere else,” John suggested.

  “Are you sure you ready for that war?”

  “No war just a good time.”

  “Where would we go?”

  “I have somewhere. I just need to know that you are willing.”

  I paused for a second to give it a second thought, but my answer was the same as the first thought.

  “Lead the way Mr. John.”

  Nothing else was said. John paid the tab and we left. I followed him a little way outside of town. We pulled up to this nice little cute house
with a lake in the back. You might ask was I afraid to be alone with him being that he was Nikki’s husband. The answer to that is no, because I’m never completely alone.

  Anyway, we went inside, and it was nice nothing to write Home about. John went to the little bar that was setup in there and poured us a drink. He even turned on some music. We sat down and talked a little. I was able to get all kinds of information about Nikki. As the night went on things started to take place and I didn’t fight it, stop it or whatever. Let’s just say that it will be a night that John will never forget. Hell, I might never forget it myself. I’m getting hot just thinking about it now. Whew chile that man…

  Chapter Thirteen

  I believe it was like every other day for at least two weeks that John and I had been meeting up with each other. Not every time we were together we were sleeping together. We would just sit around and have a few drinks and just talked. Which was good for me because if he knew where Nikki was, so did I. I was learning things about her that I really didn’t care to know, but at the same time he was feeding me a lot of info that I wanted to know. Hell, he was even feeding me information on Jasmine.

  John informed me that he knew about the guy that Nikki had been seeing. He even knew the man’s name. So yeah, I made a mental note of the man’s name. He wasn’t relevant to my plan, but who knew if he would come in handy later. However, one afternoon when I was leaving the center, I spotted Nikki and John together. They were at this little outdoor festival or flea market thing that was going on. I felt it was time that I got a little messy. I needed people around to see Nikki act a fool while I was calm as the wind.

  So, I parked and got myself together before I exited my car. I got out and strolled through looking at everything. It wasn’t nothing really to look at. Some people had booths where they would sell things that they didn’t want anymore. Some people had a booth that did face painting for the kids. There was a dunking booth, some food being sold, and things of that nature. It was kind of interesting. It really became interesting when I saw Nikki, John, Jasmine and Chad.


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