Our Cause (Let the Monsters Live in Fear Book 1)

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Our Cause (Let the Monsters Live in Fear Book 1) Page 18

by Jennifer Jane Jennings

  Avery nodded. “I want that too! If you want me to wear a listening device, I will. Poor Sensei Damon.”

  Kat shook her head. “Just the tracking and emergency earrings please. They will keep you safe.”

  Sheridan looked at Kat. “I don’t like the idea of you putting yourself in danger. Are you just going to put on a uniform? How are you going to do it? The plan needs to work. We need to get it right before we try. We can’t risk you.”

  Avery nodded. “Agreed. We can’t risk you.”

  “We won’t. We need to try to find out who he is and who he’ll attack next. If we can’t, we need to protect everyone. Let’s look at the photos and see if one’s him.”

  Sheridan picked up Avery’s sketch. “His nose was a bit narrower and he needed to pluck between his eyebrows although it was lighter than his actual eyebrows.”

  Avery grabbed the sketch, a pencil and an eraser. She started making the changes.

  “His nostrils seemed flared,” Sheridan said. They kept working together for about half an hour while the others watched in silence. Sheridan turned pale. “That’s him!”

  Tears flooded Avery’s face as she nodded. “Yeah.”

  Eric took the sketch. “Well done. I’ll get a new list. It won’t take long.”

  He came back several minutes later with three licences displayed on his laptop. “These are the closest but aren’t exactly like the sketch. Are any of these him?”

  Both Avery and Sheridan shook their heads.

  Eric smiled. “That just means he doesn’t have a Victorian licence. He may not drive or may be from another state.”

  Eric’s phone beeped with Brent’s message tone. “I’m checking the other states now. Both schools are close to railway stations. Now we have a clear picture, I’ll go through their cameras from the date of the attacks. I’ll get back to you when I’m done.”

  Kat was teaching Avery and Sheridan self-defence when Eric walked in. “He doesn’t have a licence, but he was at both railway stations on the mornings of the attacks.”

  Kat’s green eyes became bright. “Do we know where he lives yet, Dad?”

  Eric shook his head. “No. He doesn’t own any photo ID that’s on the system.”

  “I catch the train to school,” Sheridan said. “It’s a short walk from the station. He attacked me about a block from my school.”

  “I walk past the station every day. It’s only a short walk. He also got me about a block from my school. I usually walk alone,” Avery said.

  Sheridan nodded. “Me too.”

  “We need to warn the schools. Get all the girls to walk in pairs or groups to school.” Kat turned to her dad. “Would he attack a boy if he couldn’t find a girl on her own?”

  “It’s not worth risking. We’ll talk with Gareth and get him to ask the schools to encourage their students to walk in pairs or groups.”

  Avery shook her head. “That’ll only get half of them. We want all if we can. I’ve had a few calls asking if I was the girl who got attacked. I haven’t been at school since it happened, so I think they know. I can ask them at assembly with Constable Payne, and Kat, if you’ll come. You don’t need to tell your story, just be there for me, please?”

  Kat hugged Avery. “Absolutely! That’s so brave of you. I’d love to help.”

  Sheridan looked down and smiled shyly. “Help me too, please, Kat?”

  Kat threw her arms around Sheridan. “We’re going to win this. We’re going to stop that fucking monster from hurting anyone else.” Kat realised what she said and looked at her dad. “Sorry, Dad. Sorry, Sensei Damon.”

  Eric shook his head. “The F-word was called for.”

  Kat’s phone sounded with Damon’s message tone. “Agreed.”


  “Bye, Mum, see you at four. Thanks.” Kat hugged Dominique.

  Dominique waited for Kat to let go before she did. “Enjoy your classes. Lunch with Sasha and your course buddies should be interesting.”

  “Sasha has her good points. It should be fun. Love you.” Kat got out of the car and started walking to her building. Something didn’t feel right. When she got to the part where there was a laneway between two buildings allowing access to the side entrance the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She looked around but couldn’t see anyone. She considered pushing the distress signal but instead said, “Something doesn’t feel right,” as though she was talking to herself. She started walking quickly, then slowed down to her normal pace. If this is an attacker, best he doesn’t know I’m onto him. She made it into the building and saw Evan walking in the other door. They usually arrived around the same time. “Hey, Evan.”

  “Good timing as usual, Kat. I’m glad two of us are punctual.”

  Splash walked in behind him. “Hey, I’m always on time, just not usually over early like you, Evan. Hi, Kat. You’ve got a decent drive so you need to allow for traffic. Evan walks here.”

  Evan grinned. “I just can’t get enough of this place.”

  Kat worked with Splash and Georgina, their usual group, in the weight room.

  “These drop sets are killing me. Heavy weights are so not my thing. I feel like my arms are going to fall off,” Splash said, getting off the chest press machine and offering it to Kat.

  Kat didn’t hold back on the weights. If someone didn’t like her, it would be for who she was, not who she pretended to be. Kat managed to lift more than her body weight for three reps at the end of the drop set.

  “Wow, Kat! That was fantastic!” Georgina almost hugged her.

  “I feel like my arms will fall off too. It’s a great feeling. Your turn, George.”

  Georgina did well on her set and was about to do her heaviest with one plate less than Kat. Kat moved the pin to the same weight she had just done. “You’ve got this. Three or four reps.”

  Georgina bit her bottom lip then gave it her all. She almost gave up halfway through her fourth rep.

  “You’ve got this, George! You can do it!” Kat urged.

  “You can do it, Georgina!” Splash cried as Georgina gave it everything she had and managed to push it up to the top.

  The plates slammed down, and Georgina smiled. “I did it!” She sat up and looked at Kat. “I’m taller and a bigger build than you. It’s almost my body weight. I’d say it’s more than yours.”

  Kat smiled cheekily. “You were amazing and stronger than me, for now. I’m going to work my butt off to change that.”

  Georgina beamed and stood up. “Challenge accepted.”

  Kat threw her arms around her. “Bring it on!”

  Trina clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Finish what you’re doing and go to lunch. I’m going to the canteen as usual. You’re all welcome to join me. Meet back here in an hour if you have something else on.”

  Kat looked at her watch. “A friend of mine from the gym, Sasha, goes to uni nearby and is joining us today.”

  Georgina smiled. “Cool. Does she do karate too?”

  “She’s a blue belt looking at red soon. She used to do more aerobics than karate, but karate’s definitely growing on her.”

  Sasha waved and hurried over to Kat and her friends. “Hi, Kat.”

  Kat gave her a quick hug. “Sasha, this is Georgina, Splash, Trina, Evan…” Kat continued to introduce the people in her class but Evan had Sasha’s attention.

  He’s cute. Nowhere near as sexy as Gareth, but handsome and athletic. We’ll see if we get along. “Nice to meet you all. Kat’s told me a lot about her class friends. She enjoys it here. We miss her though. Her classes are awesome.”

  “I’m not an aerobics guy, but I did enjoy the way Kat put martial arts into her class. Kinda like boxercise. I’m Evan. Kat says you’re at uni.”

  Sasha went into the bathroom with Kat after lunch. “He’s cute. Nothing like Gareth, but he is the sexiest man I’ve ever met. Evan’s asked me to join the group for drinks one day. I’ve got uni today and seeing you back at the gym. I might come in for lun
ch again if you don’t mind. Tuesdays are perfect timing as my class starts in twenty minutes. Would you like a lift back to the gym? I finish at four and could be here by a quarter past.”

  “That sounds great. I’ll ask Mum and send you a text.”

  “Fantastic. Most Tuesdays are good, so it’s an open offer. See you soon.” Sasha gave Kat a quick hug and left.

  Kat walked to the front of the building with Georgina. That eerie feeling hit her again but not as bad as when she was alone. She looked but couldn’t see anyone. Maybe I just don’t like the laneway.

  “I’m working till nine tonight. What about you?” Georgina asked.

  “I’m teaching an hour aerobics class, then doing karate. Mum and Dad will join me and we’ll pick up something for tea. Chinese or Subway.”

  “Sounds great. There’s my mum. I’ll see you in two weeks.” Georgina ran to the dark blue station wagon.

  Kat was just taking out her phone when Sasha pulled up in her red Toyota Yaris. “Jump in.”

  “Thanks, Sasha.”

  The conversation flowed freely making the drive seem shorter. Sasha pulled into the gym’s car park just after Pia.

  Kat looked at him. His brow was furrowed and his eyes were a little red. “I hope he’s okay. Maybe another rough day at work? He gets some really tough cases. I hope another girl hasn’t been cut.”

  “I would’ve thought the attacker’s photo being all over the news would’ve slowed him down, but I’m not a bad guy. Let’s see if Gareth’s okay.”

  Kat looked at Sasha. This is concern, not because he’s sexy. She really is a nice girl.

  Kat and Sasha got out of the Yaris and started walking towards Pia.

  His expression changed the instant he saw them, but this time he wasn’t looking at Kat. “Sasha, you look incredible in jeans and a t-shirt. I still prefer the gym gear, but I’m definitely impressed.”

  Kat looked at his hands, no wedding ring, something was wrong, probably his marriage. “Are you okay, Gareth?”

  “I’m still Pia to you, Kitty Kat. Sasha, blow off your workout and work out with me. Maybe a run first?”

  Sasha blushed and nodded slowly. “I’ll get changed and we can go for a run. Maybe drinks or dinner after that.”

  Gareth stepped in and put one hand around her waist. “Absolutely, baby.” He let go of her waist and stepped back. “Don’t be too long.”

  Sasha almost ran into the change room.

  Kat stopped Gareth before they walked into the gym. “Are you and Vicky okay? Should you be doing this?”

  “No and yes. Sasha and I find each other extremely attractive. I’ll make sure she knows I’m not after marriage. Never again. I won’t hurt her, don’t worry. Being hurt sucks, and not in the fun way.”

  Kat hugged him. “I’m so sorry, Gareth. If you get with Sasha, you’ll never be able to fix things with Vicky.”

  Gareth shook his head. “It’s the only way I can.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I shouldn’t be telling a kid this.”

  “I’ve seen and heard a lot worse. I’m not your typical kid.”

  “Very true. I was close to home at lunchtime and decided to drop in. Vicky was…with another man, so much there was no denying what was happening. It was right there in front of me.”

  “I’m so sorry. What did you do?”

  “Nothing. I wanted to shoot the f… guy’s head off. My gun was in its holster, but I let the F-word drop about a dozen times, threatened to beat the crap out of him and stormed off. I came here straight after work to work out and be with friends, but seeing Sasha…”

  “You thought you’d even the score?”

  “Yeah. Am I bad?”

  Sasha started walking out.

  Kat shook her head. “No. You’re hurting. Give me a couple of minutes and if Sasha’s okay with it, then so am I.”

  Gareth nodded. “That’s fair. I’ll be at the front desk.”

  “What’s going on?” Sasha asked Kat as Gareth walked past her and gave her his sexy half-smile.

  “Gareth found his wife in bed with another man. He finds you extremely attractive and mostly wants to even the score. He’s not after a relationship. I’m not even sure if he’ll try to get back with Vicky after he gets back at her.”

  “Poor Gareth. So basically, he’ll hook up with me or another girl if I say no?”

  Kat nodded. “I’m not sure if it’s a one-off thing or a few times, but certainly not a relationship.”

  Sasha looked Kat in the eyes. “Would you think badly of me if I said yes?”

  Kat shook her head. “You’re a good person. He’s currently left his wife. No one knows if they’ll get back together or not. You’ve always found him,” Kat smiled, “sexy as hell. I’d understand if you took the opportunity. I’d also understand if you said no.”

  Sasha hugged Kat. “Thank you! I think he’s the sexiest man in the world. I won’t make up my mind yet. I’ll go on a run with him and see how we both feel.”

  Kat nodded and smiled. “That’s a good idea.”

  Sasha walked into the gym with Kat. “Ready to go for that run, Gareth?”

  Gareth’s eyes widened and a huge smile came across his face. “F…Hell yes! Let’s go.”

  Sasha turned to Kat then Damon and Connor. “Bye.”

  Gareth grinned. “Oh yeah, bye,” and ran off with Sasha.

  Damon turned to Connor. “Are you okay here while I help Kat set up for her class?”

  Connor smiled. “I’ll be fine.”

  Damon barely said a word until he closed the door of the aerobics room. “Tell me about this morning.”

  “It was just a weird feeling.” Kat thought for a few moments. “No, it wasn’t. I was scared. Even this afternoon when I walked past the laneway with Georgina. I couldn’t see anyone there. It was the same place as this morning. It could be because it’s another way into the college and I’m aware someone may attack me from that direction.”

  Damon’s brow furrowed. “It may be that simple. It may be a threat. Would you like me to walk you to class next time? I can check out any places we’re worried about.”

  Kat shook her head. “I feel safe when I’m with you. I may not feel it then.”

  Damon nodded. “I’d offer to drive you but that may have the same effect. Adam’s in jail. The monsters who attacked you and Courtney aren’t eligible for parole for another ten months, longer for Underhill and the others who were over eighteen. I’m not sure who else would want to attack you.”

  “No one, I hope. I was probably just being wary.”

  “Maybe, but be careful. It’s definitely your instincts kicking in. I’m not sure if they were alerting you to potential danger or if someone was watching you. I’ll drop you off and leave but won’t get onto the freeway until you’re in class. I’ll be able to make it back within five minutes.”

  “Thanks. I like that plan. I’ll feel safe but not too safe.”

  Sasha walked into Kat’s class a little early on Thursday evening.

  Kat smiled and walked over to her. “Hey, stranger. I haven’t seen you since you went for your run. Should I ask?”

  “I’ll keep it PG. It’s been fantastic! Gareth is even sexier than I thought he was. We went to his parents’ holiday house on Phillip Island and came back after lunch today. He’s working tonight. He’s got Sunday off though and asked me back there. I’ve got uni Monday and Tuesday and he’s working those days too. I’d still love to give you a lift home on Tuesdays but as I’m having a fling with Gareth, I’m not interested in anyone else. I’ll stay away from the canteen for now as I had been flirting with Evan, if that’s okay?”

  “Of course it is,” Kat replied and said no more as Chelsea was walking over.

  “Hey. You two have gone quiet. Is there something I’m not supposed to know?” Chelsea asked with a wicked look on her face.

  Sasha giggled. “I’m sleeping with Pia.”

  “Oh, wow. There is something about
him, isn’t there? He’s not good-looking like Sensei Damon or Sensei Connor, but way more appealing in some way,” Chelsea replied.

  Sasha nodded quickly. “Oh yeah. Confidence probably has something to do with it. He’s good, and he knows it.”

  Chelsea giggled, and Kat blushed.

  Kat looked at all the people walking in. “I better get to work. I think there’s a class I’ve got to teach.”

  “Bye, Mum, Bye, Dad.” Kat tried to run outside to meet Damon, but he met her at the door. “Hey, Sensei Damon. You didn’t have to come to my door.”

  Damon smiled. “It was my pleasure, Kat. If you go on a date and the boy doesn’t come to your door, don’t go on another date with him. I know this isn’t a date, but my father raised me to do the right thing and to be a gentleman.”

  “Aren’t they the same?”

  “Mostly. As with our cause, we need to take each case as it comes. How are you feeling about today?” Damon opened the car door for Kat.

  “Thanks.” Kat got into the Territory and did up her seatbelt. She continued after Damon started the car. “I’m nervous I won’t feel the same feeling and will never know what it was.”

  Damon nodded. “That’s probably the best case scenario. If you never feel it again, it may’ve been a warning about the area or a person. We won’t know for sure. The only better option is that you feel it, check out the laneway and we find nothing. That will most likely mean that you sensed the entrance and was worried about something happening like Josh and the knife. That worked out okay. This should too.”


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