THE RUSSIAN THUG: Abducted by the Bratva ~Krasnov Brothers Book 1~

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THE RUSSIAN THUG: Abducted by the Bratva ~Krasnov Brothers Book 1~ Page 12

by Warren, Rie

  “Wild. Untamed.”

  The elevator doors dinged open, and I carried her into the apartment with our mouths sliding back together.

  In the living room, I skimmed her down my body, reluctantly parting from her lips.

  “Stay,” I ordered, stepping away from her.

  And for once she obeyed with no backtalk.

  After carefully disarming, I locked my weapons and her phone in the safe. I hit a button on the fob I always carried with me, turning off all the security cameras in the apartment.

  Then we clashed together again.

  A grunt tore up from my chest, and my tongue lunged back into her warm willing mouth.

  I only released her lips to yank the tank top over her head.

  She ripped at my clothing just as greedily. It felt like she wanted to get at my body as much as I ached to have her naked against me.

  I shed my shirt, her hands wandering all over my chest.

  Sweeping her into my arms, I stalked to my bedroom and kicked the door shut.

  As soon as I set her on her feet, she tackled her sneakers and socks while I toed off mine too.

  The items we threw off landed in all direction, and I stood in just my jeans with my cock about to rip through them, Joanna completely nude.

  Her sleek body met my much larger frame, and I grunted when her nipples brushed against my torso.

  She nipped at my throat, dragging ragged nails down my back.

  My cock surged to full hardness, and my palms filled with her bouncy ass.

  Jo needed a strong hand, and I was just the man to tame her.

  I pushed her back enough to fully see her, fully naked.

  That bright tuft of hair above her pussy made my mouth water, and I lifted my palms to cup her tits.

  Jo’s head notched back and, with the pads of my thumbs, I caressed the bright areolae tipping her breasts.

  “Do I need to tie you up again?” I asked in a rough tone.

  “No.” She shook her head, that magnificent red hair flying around us.

  “Hmmm.” I considered her, drawing all my fingertips across her nipples and making her hiss. “Kneel.”

  She obeyed again without an ounce of hesitation.

  Good girl.

  Retrieving a tie from the rack in my closet, I moved back to her.

  She remained in her docile posture although her slim eyebrows quirked a little.

  Circling around her, I bent over. My breath at her hair made the wavy tendrils flutter, and she drew in a quick breath.

  I tugged her hands behind her back and quickly wrapped her wrists in my tie, using an intricate knot to bind them in place.

  “You know I can get out of this right?”

  I should’ve known she’d have something to say.

  Soon she wouldn’t be able to talk at all.

  Roaming back to stand in front of her, I opened my jeans. “And I already told you I don’t trust you not to bite.”

  “Hate to break it to you, Kirill, but I can still bite you this way.”

  So she could. But I was willing to risk it just to get her lips wrapped around my dick.

  Shoving my jeans to mid-thigh, I watched her eyes widen when my achingly hard cock slapped up to my abs.

  She stopped talking then.

  She focused on the fist I wrapped around my fat length, and a whimper even gurgled from her throat.

  Veins stood out, pulsing with blood, and precum dripped from the engorged head.

  I rubbed a hand across my cockhead to smear the slick liquid around, and she leaned closer.

  She parted her lips.

  “Oh, you want this now, do you?” My dick stood upright, and I gave a long slow stroke from root to the flared glans.

  She closed her lips, but labored breath whistled from her nose.

  I didn’t expect her to break easily even though I bet she was dripping wet.

  The tie holding her hands together forced her body into a sexy arch. Her swollen nipples peaked proudly on her tits, a rouge red color.

  I rubbed the length of my hard meat against one of her soft cheeks.

  Her eyelids fluttered.

  She goddamn moaned.

  With a hand in her hair to angle her neck back, I guided the glistening tip of my cock across her mouth.

  She shuddered.

  Pulling away, I fisted another long slow stroke that made heat race like fire beneath my skin. “Tell me, Joanna.”

  She panted once. Twice.

  Then rasped out, “Let me suck you.”

  Arousal pounded through me with her capitulation.

  I quickly yanked the belt from my jeans with a lashing leather sound, and her dilated eyes flipped wide.

  Looping the belt around her neck, under her hair, I grasped the ends and pulled her in.

  Her lips formed a wide oval. Her lids drooped over her eyes. Her tongue stretched delicately out.

  My cock looked obscene next to her pretty face, the sight of which nearly made me lose my balance.

  With feet spread wide, I fed my heavy erection between her warm wet lips.

  Sensation jolted from the base of my spine to my balls to my shaft that lurched with her succulent mouth slurping just the first couple of inches.

  Yes. I definitely liked her best naked. On her knees. With my cock filling her mouth.



  KIRILL’S KISSES HAD MADE my knees week.

  His hands upon my body had set a blaze rushing across my skin.

  His command that I use my mouth on him made a wanton craving tingle between my legs.

  I could only manage a few inches. There was just so much of him.

  His big fit body astounded me, and even his cock was jaw-dropping . . . literally.

  Of course that Russian bastard possessed the kind of thick shaft any woman would want to worship even if the guy was a total asshole.

  And the cocky fucker knew it to.

  Within minutes, he had me naked and on my knees with me panting to please him.

  He tasted good, of all things masculine and manly.

  His forearms tensed as he used his leather belt to drive his hot hard shaft in and out of my stretched lips.

  I gurgled and licked and sucked all because I wanted to.

  Swilling my tongue over the heated barrel of flesh, I heard him groan, and my own lust cascaded brighter.

  Even him tying my wrists together behind my back had me flushing hot and whimpering.

  He stepped even closer, the angle of my neck elongating.

  My breasts, my nipples, rubbed deliriously against his strong thighs.

  I looked up at him while he stared down with that dark, nearly jet-black hooded gaze.

  His face contorted in sexual hunger, and he cursed gruffly in Russian.

  Pulling his cock all the way from my mouth, he smeared his thumb across my swollen lips, and I even sucked his finger too.

  His angular face hardened more as I leaned forward to lick his tempting treasure trail that bloomed into a thatch of hair at his groin.

  My cheek caressed the throbbing hot shaft, and I drew my tongue all the way to his base. Bending lower while he gave me more length with the belt, I softly lapped all around his large sac.

  He jerked, and his cock lurched, a tall thick organ jutting rigidly above my face.

  “Yes,” he muttered blackly as his feet stamped wider apart.

  I keened when he pushed my head back, levered his cock down, and pumped into my mouth again.

  My own liquid arousal slipped from my pussy, and I clenched my thighs together.

  I wished my hands were free so I could slip one between my legs or use both to clasp his fine ass to make him lunge faster.

  Kirill drilled my mouth slowly, only dipping deep and driving hard once or twice, making me glug and hold my breath.

  My saliva and his precum bubbled down the girth of his shaft drilling in and out of my mouth, and my eyelids shut as I willed him to use me any way he wan

  His grunts and groans turned me on just as much as everything else, and my sex swelled even more when his length thickened in my mouth.

  He yanked back, slid both our wetness all over his cock, then place the head back between my lips.

  I tasted him before I heard his roar.

  My mouth filling quickly with his seed, I glanced up to see his entire body carved in straining muscles, his throat tensed, his head craned back.

  I swallowed his cum in gulps, the rich flavor rolling over my tongue.

  His thighs flexed, his chest rippled, his teeth pulled off his lips . . . and he bucked into my mouth one more time for one more thorough blast before withdrawing.

  He remained mostly hard, a sheen of perspiration on his skin.

  With deep breaths chugging in and out of his chest, he outlined my well-used mouth with his thumb as if to take a bit of me away with him.

  The buckle on his belt clanked when he let go only to whip the leather strap from my neck to toss it aside.

  I kneeled back on my bottom, staring in an agitated state of my own as he peeled his jeans the rest of the way off.

  Drawing me up to my feet, he slanted a possessive kiss across my lips with my body planted against his.

  I met him just as strongly, only wishing I could clutch his big broad shoulders. I boldly tasted his lips with my tongue before slipping inside to get as much of him as I could.

  All-consuming arousal stole my breath as much as his smoldering kiss.

  When he arched me back, I was powerless to stop him.

  I didn’t want to stop him.

  With my hands banded together at the base of my spine, it was only his arm planted around my waist that kept me on my feet.

  His obsidian eyes flashed once before his mouth descended.

  He nipped at my neck, my collarbone, and coasted his hot tongue down the swell of one breast.

  I let my head drop all the way back when he enveloped as much of the mound as he could within his mouth.

  Heat flashed, and I moaned, driving up onto my toes so he could have more of me.

  The hunger he lit inside became a bonfire of need.

  “Kirill,” I gasped out.

  He bit lightly at my nipple, and sensation pinged to my belly and lower.

  Licking a path to my other breast, he quickly pursed his lips over the tightest, pinkest, highest point.

  I thought I’d scream with need for him, hunger for him, this unquenched ache for him.

  His unyielding cock branded my belly, and I wanted nothing more than to be impaled on him, to feel each divine inch delving deep, deep inside of me.

  Then he spun me in a dizzying rush.

  His strident breaths matched mine.

  His fingers made quick work of the tie around my wrists, and I was free.

  But never with Kirill.

  He marched me forward, a towering hot presence behind me. Only when my knees hit the bed did he pivot me again.

  Before I could finally reach him, finally touch him, he pushed down on my shoulders.

  I sank to the edge of the mattress and came face to face with his resurgent arousal.

  That time, Kirill kneeled.

  Sliding his palms from my calves to my thighs, he opened my legs.

  His gaze swerved to my gleaming pink center.

  His cheeks hollowed, and my pulse soared to all points of my body.

  “I’ve been waiting to do this,” he murmured in a deep throaty tone.

  “I’m not a virgin but—”

  He actually growled at my declaration.

  Why is that so hot?

  His breath collided with my sex.


  “No one’s ever done this to me before,” I breathed the words out unevenly.

  The rough stubble on his cheeks and chin sparked new shivers, and my body melted in a wicked sensation as his mouth lowered.

  But not enough to lick me, touch me, taste me.

  “No one’s ever eaten this beautiful pussy before? Then it’ll be my pleasure.” His guttural voice raised chills on my skin.

  I screamed out when Kirill slipped his hands farther up my thighs, clasped me open, and drew his tongue all the way up my swollen center.

  “Ohhhh.” My moan keened low and smoky.

  Oh fecking god.

  He lapped at me with a wide tongue, exploring each needy part of me. His gruff praise and thickly intoned Russian against my drenched pussy made my belly tighten and my nipples tingle.

  Once he pursed his lips around my clit, using his pointed tongue to lightly trace up under the hood of flesh.

  Heat burst out across my flesh.

  My toes curled. My soles arched.

  I stuttered moans that skittered across the air.

  He drilled the tip of his tongue ever so lightly into my entrance, sparking off whole new sensations, and I bit my lip. I rocked up into his hands. Into his mouth. Against his lips.

  One of his fingers slickened with my juice pressed all the way inside of my convulsing pussy.

  Then two.

  His tongue dribbled across the bud of my clit again.

  Oh those thick fingers.

  I fisted the bedding, hips bucking uncontrollably.

  “Kirill,” I bleated, pleading.

  I threaded my fingers through his hair, my head dropping down, fascinated by the sight of him.

  Hugely muscled shoulders bunched and knotted, keeping my thighs spread as wide as possible. A large grim tattooed backpiece flexed with every one of his devouring motions. The back of his head dipped and swayed while his tongue did crazy wicked things to me.

  I was there.

  I was right there.

  The flickering fireball of need tightening before unleashing!

  Kirill stopped.

  He stopped!

  He pulled his fingers from me with a wet slurp of sound.

  He took one last lick over my slit before peering up at me.

  His wolfish grin.

  His glinting jet eyes.

  His mouth that was wet from me.

  My entire body shook, on the edge, and I pressed out toward him.

  He held me down with strong hands curved around my hips.

  I bit my lip, on the verge of crying out instead of cresting that plateau he’d so nearly promised me.

  “Now tell me you’ve wanted this from the first minute I brought you up to this bedroom yesterday.”

  “Not the first minute, and you didn’t even think I was a woman!”

  Budded nipples, wet pussy . . . I couldn’t defy him much longer.

  He slipped one fingertip up my slit then pulled back again.

  I trembled, and my eyes rolled back when he leaned up to suck a nipple into his mouth for a breathtaking moment.

  God, his fingers were so close.

  “Tell me what you need. Tell me what you wanted last night when you were writhing wet and hot on my lap after your spanking.”

  Shudders doubled all over my body. “I need to come. I need you to make me—”

  I didn’t even finish speaking.

  His mouth was on me.

  His fingers in me.

  I held on desperately then I just let go.

  My scream saturated the air, and my climax flooded his mouth.

  He held me to him, hands cupped around my ass—licking, lapping, thrusting . . . god.

  He brought me to a stunning crest with his lips and tongue and fingers and—oh god yes—he ate me like he couldn’t get enough of my taste.

  I didn’t know how long my orgasm went on before I collapsed back.

  My body still twitched.

  Kirill rose from between my legs.

  I registered him only because his big gorgeous cock rode slickly along my slit as he roamed over me.

  My fingers clenched again.

  He gently repositioned me on the bed, arranging my lazy limbs half over him, me half on top of him.

  His arms ran around my back and ben
eath my hair, long caresses sweeping from my shoulders to my bottom.

  I couldn’t ignore the hard hot length against my upper leg though, but he made no move to do anything more than hold me.

  Draped across my abductor, the incongruity of the situation should’ve boggled my mind, but for once I didn’t fight it.

  I didn’t fight him.

  I couldn’t. Every ounce of me loosened in pure boneless relaxation.

  Until he uttered, “You deserved that for playing nice today.”

  I lifted up onto my elbows right in the center of his mighty chest. “But I didn’t play nice, Kirill. I kicked your butt at b-ball.”

  My snarky comment held little malice at this stage of the game.

  All he did was belly laugh and pull me back down so my head nestled on his shoulder.

  His chuckle died out beneath my ear, and I braved another peek at him.

  He lay against a stack of pillows with his eyes closed, a panther at rest.

  “I wanna go to the meeting with my brothers tonight,” I said hesitantly.

  He shot up, jostling me off him. “Is that why you sucked my cock like that?”

  “I sucked your cock because I wanted to, Kirill.” I ran a hand along his arm. “If I’d wanted to play you, it wouldn’t be like this. Not my style. I’m not as subtle as that, and I think you know it.”

  His expression softened just slightly, and he sat back. “I’m not returning you to them.”


  “That’s not part of the deal. In fact, there is no deal yet. I still don’t know what they want.”

  “I could help you. They’re a bunch of hotheads just like me. I wouldn’t do anything to endanger you or Arkady or Maksim, I swear.”

  A puzzled frown sent lines across his forehead. “I find that hard to believe.”

  I sat beside him, lifting the blanket to cover my breasts.

  Because I couldn’t look at him, and I didn’t want him to look at me when I admitted the next part.

  “No man has ever given me the pleasure you just did.”

  He angled slowly toward me.

  I still wouldn’t look.

  I swallowed the pebble in my throat. “And anyway. Yury took you in, he basically adopted you into the family. You—like him—haven’t exactly been unkind . . .”

  Kirill barked a harsh laugh.

  “What if I’m just like you,” I whispered. “What if I was lost and, in taking me, you found me?”


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