This Life II

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This Life II Page 23

by Dee, Cara

  I brought out my phone and used the flashlight to peer inside the little vehicle. And I could kiss Eric’s damn feet. His engineering background shone brightly. There was a chip of some sort, and somehow, he’d make the wheels move forward for as long as the battery lasted.

  Liam joined me by my side and checked out the car too. “This is bloody brilliant, mate.”

  “Finn did most of the work.” Eric shrugged. “Building is easy. Connecting it with software takes more time.” So that’s what Finnegan had done.

  I glanced at my husband in awe and, admittedly, with a bit of teasing. “My badass mobster man is a nerd.”

  He let out a loud laugh. “Just when I think I’m gonna shit myself from nerves, you go ahead and act all…you.”

  I grinned up at him and kissed his chin. I knew he was nervous about me doing this, but he was hiding it well.

  “So.” Liam got us back on track. “How much time do we have?”

  Eric turned to his laptop and switched screens to one that showed an active countdown. “Clock started ticking as soon as I applied the glue,” he said. “We have thirty-five hours and twelve minutes before it dissolves and the device drops from the fender.”

  I swallowed and nodded, the reality of things hitting me. We had to make this work, and we only had one chance.

  “No risk of the suction cup preventing it from falling to the ground?” I wondered.

  Eric shook his head. “It won’t hold the weight of the car on its own—not for very long, anyway.”

  Okay, then. Nerves tightened my gut as Colm and Conn trailed in, dressed in suits and expressions that told us they were ready. Jesus Christ, this was happening. I was in the middle of it now. I was involved.

  “Let’s test the communication before you guys roll out,” Finnegan decided. At the same time, Liam inserted his earpiece into his ear, making sure it wasn’t visible on the outside. “Conn and Colm will be nearby at all times, and I will be twenty minutes away if anyone needs backup.”

  “Where are you gonna be?” I frowned. We were half an hour outside the city center, and that was not taking traffic into account.

  “Here.” He took a seat at the desk and opened another laptop. “That’s why I had the boys rent us motorcycles. It’s the only way to get in and out of the city without getting stuck along the way.”

  Conn waggled his eyebrows. “I’ll be drivin’ one of them.”

  And Colm would be our driver. Got it.

  Deep breaths.


  Emilia O’Shea

  Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths!

  The event was all glitz and glamour. That much became clear as soon as we ended up in the line of limos waiting to reach the entrance.

  “You got this, darlin’.” Liam patted my thigh. “You’re a stunner, and all eyes will be on ye.”

  I wasn’t sure I’d take that as comfort.

  “Keep it clean, cousin,” Finnegan warned through our earpieces.

  I chuckled. “You do know we’re supposed to give Gio the impression that the SoM management is shaky, right?”

  Aside from planting the camera on the Essence, we wanted to create confusion for Gio. It would, according to the guys, make him relax. Or at least make him believe he still had the upper hand. And the unofficial boss’s wife tagging along with John’s eldest son to a fancy event on New Year’s Eve was a great way to do that.

  “Funny, I don’t recall a wedding,” Liam said.

  I shot him a look. Why was he goading Finnegan?

  Liam grinned.

  “I liked you better when you were in the can,” Finnegan stated.

  I sighed and shook my head to clear it. I had a part to play, and we were almost at the entrance. Six limos and town cars ahead of us, guests were arriving onto a black carpet lined with security guards. The big showroom was a modern edifice of glass, spotlights, and silvery metal, where rounded edges and curves met straight lines and clean angles. Between the metal beams that hugged the glass, I could see people moving in small groups inside what looked like a lobby. Waiters and waitresses were serving champagne and finger foods on fancy trays.

  “I got eyes on Gio,” Liam announced quietly. “He just arrived with two men.”

  I followed his gaze to the black carpet and zeroed in on the man in the middle. They had their backs to us for the most part, but I glimpsed the middle man’s profile as he shook hands with someone.

  I’d studied the pictures of him, and he reminded me of John, only Gio looked more sinister.

  “Report as much as you can from the lobby,” Eric said. “We don’t have enough screens to follow the feed there. Showroom doors open in ten. Everything’s a go.”

  I blew out a breath and rolled my shoulders.

  “Ye ready?” Liam asked me.

  I nodded. “I was born for this.” If I said it over and over, maybe it would become true.

  Liam chuckled. “That’s me girl.”

  “No, that’s my girl,” Finnegan snapped.

  For chrissakes. “I’m my own girl, you Irish shitheads.”

  “Oh!” Finnegan exclaimed.

  “That’s cold,” Liam muttered.

  “I’m glad you’re all focused,” Eric commented.

  We were out of time, thank God. Colm pulled up in front of the entrance, and someone outside stepped forward.

  “I’ll be two minutes away,” Colm said.

  Liam inclined his head, and a man opened the door for him.

  My nerves threatened to spill over the second Liam was out of the car, but I managed to shove it all aside and accept his extended hand. I could do this, I could do this, I could do this. I didn’t worry about grace. It wasn’t my job anyway. If anything, I was going to be an embarrassment for Liam.

  He steadied me with a light grip on my elbow, and his eyes asked if everything was okay.

  I nodded with a dip of my chin and ignored the bustle around us. Holy shit, the guys hadn’t been kidding about security. Guards stood everywhere, and unlike the ones we wore, their earpieces stood out like a sore thumb. One made out of Bluetooth.

  Not wanting to let myself spiral or become overwhelmed, I took a deep breath and concentrated on the first task at hand. Get through security at the entrance and show someone the toy car.

  Liam offered his arm, and I plastered a smile on my face.

  “I’m gonna rock this, goddammit,” I said.

  Liam sent me a quick wink, and Finnegan did his best to sound confident when he replied, “We know you will.”

  Guests and guards were crowded at the door, each one waiting to pass through the metal detectors. Gio and his little entourage were already inside. I couldn’t see them at the coat check either. When Liam and I were next in line, he offered to take my coat. A French man was talking about something, and he was standing next to a sign showing measurements for purses. I already knew this. My clutch was well within the range of what was allowed.

  I zeroed in on the two men and one woman taking care of guests. The men appeared closed off, all business, and bordering on brusque, especially the tall, slender guy. The woman had the same air to her, but she wore a polite smile that warmed her up significantly. But then the second man, a big, muscular dude, checked out my boobs, so there we go.

  I gave him my brightest smile and stepped forward. “Hi! It’s a gorgeous night, isn’t it? I’m super excited about the event. I don’t know which one of you checks the list. Liam, you’ll handle that, won’t you? Oh, I’m so sorry. Do you speak English? I am such a ditz for assuming.” While I spoke, I snapped my fingers for Liam to hand over my coat to the guy whose expression had turned into one of confusion. “Thank you, sugar.” I patted Liam’s arm, then opened my clutch and brought out the toy car.

  “I speak English, miss,” the guy replied with a thick accent. “Merci—I just need to look into your—”

  “My purse, of course.” I handed it over as well as held up the toy car. Behind me, Liam gave our names to the other g
uy. “Isn’t it precious? My big brother got it at the show in Geneva several years ago. He’s a big fan of cars. Me, on the other hand?” I pretended to whisper a secret behind my hand. “Completely clueless. But I hope to make his day and have this little thing signed by the architect of the, uh—oh, what was it called—honey?” I turned to Liam, who was just staring at me. “What was the name of that sporty little beauty? I mean, this one. They’re the same!” I laughed at my own silliness and drew a stiff smile from the security guy.

  “Essence,” Liam supplied.

  “Thank you! Of course, of course. Essence.” I nodded and nodded and nodded. “The engineer who designed the Essence—I was told he’d be here tonight? I do hope he’ll sign this for me. My brother would be thrilled.”

  The security guy offered another smile, less stiff this time, yet it was clear he was feeling done with me. He handed me my clutch and gestured toward the coat check.

  Liam was cleared a beat later, and then a collective breath of relief was exhaled into our earpieces.

  I clung to this piece of victory and tucked the car back into my clutch.

  “Great job, Emilia,” Eric said. “Finn agrees. He’s just a nervous wreck and can’t speak at the moment. Looks like he’s praying.”

  “I’m not fucking praying,” Finnegan bitched. “I did that already.”

  I indulged in a grin and linked my arm with Liam’s.

  We handed over our coats at a counter next and received slips to keep for later.

  Guests were no longer converging out here; the showroom had opened its doors, and I prepared myself for the next role to play. Less politeness from me. Much less. I was gonna be a spoiled brat—well, after a slight transition.

  “Chin up, darlin’,” Liam reminded under his breath. “We own the world.”

  Right. Perhaps not the world, but we definitely entered the showroom as if we owned the cars in there. After watching too many chick flicks with Nessa that took place in some American high school, I summoned the attitude of every bombshell antagonist I could recall.

  We paused in the wide doorway, and I cocked my hip and put a hand there as I surveyed the massive room.

  Approximately two hundred guests had been invited, and most of them had arrived by now. Nine luxury cars were on display, and I noticed that one of the two in the middle had a shiny cover over it. The guys had speculated there might be an unveiling.

  The brightest of spotlights aimed at the cars made them look all…sparkly. At the same time, chandeliers and candelabras decorated the ceiling and the aisles to give the guests that intimate, cozy New Year’s atmosphere.

  “Status on Gio?” Liam asked.

  Eric answered. “Across the room at his display.”

  “We want Gio to spot youse first,” Finnegan said. “Circle the room and enjoy the exhibit. Give him a chance to observe you for a while. We wanna capture his reaction.”

  Liam and I did as told, and I took the opportunity to ease into my love for champagne.

  “Boys and their toys.” I quirked a smirk at Liam, who was captivated by some red sports car.

  He chuckled and straightened, after reading the sign with…I assumed specs? “This is more than a toy. It’s a work of art that goes from zero to sixty in three-point-eight seconds.” He turned to the woman standing next to the car on the foot-high platform and said something in fluent French.

  I snagged another champagne flute from a passing waiter.

  “Liam, take my glass,” I demanded. He was the one who’d guzzled it discreetly on our way over.

  “Your husband was full of shite when he told me ye have manners.” He walked over and took the empty glass from me, and I shrugged and took more time than necessary to take a small sip.

  We played our parts well at car number one, two, three, and four. When Liam got into a car and chatted to one of the security guards about whatever, I “accidentally” dropped my pill bottle on the floor. It was enough for several guests to watch me throw back a pill with a swig of champagne.

  They’d witnessed me taking my prenatal vitamin…

  “Why are you staring?” I asked irritably.

  Liam slid out of the car and was by my side in a flash. With a tight-looking grip on my arm, he pretended to berate me as he brought me away from the crowd—

  “You have Gio’s attention,” Eric said quickly.


  I wrenched my arm free and glared up at Liam. “The reason I came with you was because I thought you’d be more fun than my husband. But if you’re just as uptight, why am I here?”

  “Hey.” Finnegan became defensive. “Easy on the insults, princess.”

  Mental note: roll your eyes at him later.

  “What he meant to say was,” Eric said pointedly, “keep it up. Gio’s way out of earshot, but his plus-one is getting closer. We’re pretty sure it’s his personal guard at this point.”

  Liam took my glass away from me, so I marched toward the nearest waiter in Gio’s direction and grabbed a new flute. And now that I knew I had the audience we’d been waiting for, I went all in and drained almost an entire glass before Liam had caught up with me.

  I rubbed the fizzles from my nose and made a face.

  “Are you done?” Liam snapped. “I told you not to make a goddamn scene.”

  “Don’t speak to me like that,” I snapped back. “I get enough of your—” I waved a hand and looked at him like he was trash “—your, whatever, your controlling behavior at home.”

  “That’s good. Time to tone it down for now,” Finnegan said. “Event guards watching you too. Don’t get thrown out.”

  “Can you behave?” Liam stepped closer and gripped my arm again.

  I smashed my lips together and hugged myself, quick to lower my gaze.

  Liam dipped down to speak in my ear. “Boss, I’m gonna request a sit-down with Gio. Nod, Emilia.”

  I nodded, as if he’d just been whispering some warning to me.

  “Copy that.” Finnegan allowed it. “Could be fun to see what he says—shite. Okay. He’s coming over.”

  Liam and I exchanged a look. I nodded subtly. I’m ready.

  As to pretend he didn’t know we were about to have company, Liam gestured toward another car and ushered me a couple steps before he tilted his head and went rigid.

  I glanced up at him in faked confusion, then followed his gaze to Gio.

  To a woman, to a traditional wife, Gio would be no one. A stranger. I didn’t know who he was.

  “If it isn’t my nephew.” Gio reached us and spoke first. I’d expected more of an accent, which was barely there, and maybe I shouldn’t have. The man had lived in the US long enough.

  “Giovanni.” Liam offered a curt nod.

  “I hope you’re not pretending you didn’t know I’d be here tonight.” Gio slid his superior smirk my way, and it instantly softened. “Beautiful Emilia—words fail me. Do you know who I am?”

  I swallowed hard and hesitated. Glancing up at Liam, I asked, “Is this…?”

  He inclined his head with a grim look on his face.

  I faced Gio again, and I did my best to stand there without fidgeting. I couldn’t inch closer to Liam; it indicated I felt safe with the O’Sheas, and I wanted to plant seeds of doubt. I wanted Gio to think he stood a chance. What was it Finnegan had called me? Right. A card to play. I was a card to Gio, too.

  “We were heartbroken to hear about your nuptials,” Gio told me gently. “I didn’t want that for you.”

  I narrowed my eyes and couldn’t help myself. “My options were limited. I never had a family of my own.”

  He winced and shook his head. “I wish it were that simple, tesorina. I would love to expl—”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Liam said. While he then went into a brief explanation about why we were here, because Gio was a difficult man to track down and yada-yada, I glanced around to find Gio’s guard. I found it weird he wasn’t here.

  I spotted him near the bar, and it mad
e me instantly suspicious to see him on the phone.

  Liam’s lies seemed to stick somewhat. It was known in the underworld that Gio attended this event every year, and Liam requested a sit-down to end our war. To discuss possibilities and terms.

  Gio was naturally skeptical of the last part.

  At this point, I was more concerned about his immediate plans. He could’ve told the guard to call for backup, in which case, we were already out of time.

  “I’m bored,” I said, looking up at Liam. “And you promised me a car,” I added accusingly. Gio found that funny. “Ugh. You two have fun talking mobster crap. I’m gonna go browse.”

  “Emilia,” Liam protested, but I was already moving toward the Essence.

  “She does not fit in well with your family,” I heard Gio muse before I was out of earshot.

  On the way to his concept car, I snatched up another glass of champagne and dug out both the toy car and my pill bottle from my clutch. My nerves had settled, and I reveled in the determination and assertiveness I felt. It was amazing. It was a high.

  Then three things happened at once. As Eric asked me what I was doing, Finnegan cursed and said, “Get them outta London—stat.” And I couldn’t very well ask why, nor could I divulge my plan. I was in the middle of playing dumb and spoiled, telling the guard at the Essence that it was my uncle’s car.

  “If you wanna shoo me off, take it up with Uncle Giovanni,” I said dismissively.

  He looked torn. Torn between the rules of not touching the cars without authorization and defying Giovanni Avellino. Meanwhile, I acted like I didn’t have a care in the world, and I leaned back against the side of the hood of the car.

  I was far from alone where I was. Guests looked on curiously, carefully. They were here to conduct business and swim in luxury, and a lost little drunk girl who was struggling to open her pill bottle was fuel for gossiping rich folk.

  Needing a quick distraction, I dropped my clutch on the ground right before I slipped the toy underneath the fender. “Motherfucker,” I complained and stomped my foot.

  “I think Gio wants to speak to you alone, Emilia,” Eric said. “Liam, pretend you gotta go to the bathroom. Emilia, you get away from the car.”


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