Siren's Calling

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Siren's Calling Page 20

by Alyssa Breck

  “I have a proposition for you, Alayah,” the Dark Emperor began. “I am a king. You are my heir. Give me the stone and return to my kingdom. There, you will live like a princess and marry Xavier.”

  “I still don’t understand what Xavier has to do with all of this,” Alayah said as she looked at Silver. “Plus, who said that I loved Xavier?”

  The Dark Emperor looked at Silver. “Do you love him instead? Do you want me to kill Xavier and allow you to marry Silver Wind, even if our kingdoms aren’t on good terms?”

  Gulping, Alayah looked at Silver. “He would stop loving me if I’d agreed to a deal as cowardly as the one you are proposing. The Legacy Stone is necessary to save our world. You don’t want to save it, you just want to use it for your own dark purposes.”

  “And we don’t have the Legacy Stone,” Silver added as he looked at the Emperor and closed his hands into fists.

  Alayah felt the power emanating from him. He was willing to fight.

  “Bring them inside,” the Dark Emperor shouted.

  Alayah followed the commotion and saw Xavier and Kiera being escorted by armed men. Xavier had his hand behind his back while Kiera had a dagger against her neck.

  Seconds later, they were next to the emperor who seemed rather pleased with himself.

  “I have a new deal for you,” the emperor spoke.

  “Alayah, do what they say,” Kiera begged, her eyes filled with fear.

  “Quiet!” the emperor ordered, projecting his voice.

  Alayah locked eyes with Xavier and wondered how he could be that calm amidst all of what was going on. Maybe he had a plan.

  “As I was saying,” the emperor proceeded, rubbing his forehead with two fingers. “Help me find the Legacy Stone, and I’ll let both mages live. Refuse, and I’ll take pleasure in killing them in front of you.”

  “You don’t have a scratch!” Silver yelled. It took Alayah a moment to realize that Silver was talking to Xavier. “You swore that you weren’t doing the Emperor’s bidding. I treated you like a brother for these past weeks. How could you betray us?”

  “What do you mean?” Alayah looked from Xavier to Silver.

  “Look at him. His hands aren’t tied. Even if they were, he could still use his magic to fight or warn us about the emperor’s arrival. He’s a traitor. Was it even true that Alayah had been promised to you in marriage since she was born?”

  “What do you all know that I don’t?” Alayah shouted.

  Xavier stepped forward and released his hands from behind his back. The guard didn’t make any movement to hurt him or tell him to stop. Her father remained still as if he wanted to see what was going to happen.

  “It’s true. I work for your father. I was sent to help you in this quest and keep you safe, not just because your father ordered but because you’re my fiancée. We are promised to be married, and I have no intention of letting you die.”

  “He likes you.” The emperor sneered. “I told him to get rid of you, but he convinced me that you could be useful.”

  Alayah squeezed the Trident in her hand as her head spun out of control.

  “Traitor,” Silver yelled as he sped forward and aimed his anger at Xavier.

  The emperor waved his hand, and Silver’s body was projected against the glass wall. The impact echoed inside the chamber, but Alayah had already summoned her new-found fire powers and was aiming the trident at her father.

  “Don’t touch him!” she shouted, projecting the flame with all her will.

  The emperor raised his hand, and an invisible shield protected him from the fire. His guards groaned and moved forward to attack.

  “Stop!” the emperor ordered. “This is between my daughter and I.”

  Retreating, the warriors stood guard.

  Alayah stepped back and gritted her teeth to check on Silver. Amunet was beside him, and he seemed to be alive and recovering his senses.

  “Stop with this nonsense, daughter. I’m clearly stronger than you. I have Silver’s men tied up, and your sirens will die if you don’t surrender.”

  “Alayah, do what he says. Find the Legacy Stone, and we can be together,” Xavier requested.

  “Why would I believe anything you say?”

  “I might be a traitor, but I haven’t lied about my feelings for you.”

  “What feelings? Are you mad?”

  “I love you. I know you feel something for me, too.”

  “If Silver and my warriors die because of your betrayal, I’ll hate you forever,” Alayah warned him.

  “The only reason they are still alive is because I know that you wouldn’t forgive me. You treasure their lives more than you treasure your own. That is also one of the many reasons why I love you. Your father will let Silver and the sirens go if you agree to join him and claim your rightful place as the Princess of the Risen Ashes Kingdom. As my wife.”

  Tears threatened to rush to her eyes. She couldn’t demonstrate weakness, even if her heart was breaking with Xavier’s betrayal. It felt worse because she heard him say the words that she had been trying not to hear. She knew that she felt the same for him which made her look like a fool.

  “Alayah, even if you don’t love me as much as I love you, choose life.”

  “There won’t be any life left in the world if we don’t use the Legacy Stone to save it. Can’t you see that?”

  His eyes refracted how sorry he felt, and she hated him for that. He was being a coward. He was putting his life above the lives of the people suffering. She thought that he was different—kind.

  Stepping closer, Xavier touched her arm. “Alayah … please.”

  She jerked her arm away from him. “Don’t you dare touch me, you traitor. When this is over, I’ll have your head for this.”

  “I told you that she was too noble to accept your proposal, Xavier. This was a waste of my precious time,” the Dark Emperor spoke.

  Xavier glared at him. “And I told you that I needed more time and that we should let them find the Legacy Stone before invading.”

  “I’m tired of waiting,” the Dark Emperor said. “And I’m the one calling the shots here. Never forget that,” he warned with a menacing glare.

  “Don’t I mean anything to you, Alay?” Xavier asked, softening his gaze on hers.

  She gulped. “I thought you were different. How can I feel anything for you if you didn’t show me who you truly were?”

  “Enough of this useless conversation,” the emperor barked and edged closer to Alayah. “If you want to live, you need to accept my terms. I’ll give you your mages’ lives in exchange for the Legacy Stone.”

  “Xavier isn’t mine.”

  “His heart is yours. The fool loves you. He serves me no purpose if you die and his heart is broken.” Waving his finger in the air, two guards stepped forward and grabbed Xavier’s arms.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Xavier gasped, looking at the emperor.

  “I can’t have my best warrior feeling compassion. Even if the woman he loves is my daughter.”

  “Alayah, choose life,” Xavier shouted as the guards dragged him back.

  The Dark Emperor turned to look at his daughter. “Now. Where were we? Oh, yes, I need the Legacy Stone.”

  “Not going to happen,” Silver said, walking to Alayah with a pained expression. Amunet followed closely behind with her hands behind her back.

  The Emperor looked at Silver. “The pretty girl wasn’t part of your team, was she? Maybe she’s the one who knows what’s happening inside this pyramid that no one knew existed?”

  Amunet looked at him. “There’s still time to change your ways. Help your daughter save the world, and we’ll cure you of your disease.”

  The emperor chuckled. “You amuse me, girl. Maybe I’ll make you my slave once I’m done destroying your temple.”

  “He won’t be moved by your words, goddess,” Silver muttered, holding his chest as if it was still painful to breathe. “We need to fight. If you have any power, now is the t
ime to use it.”

  “I’ll protect my people,” Amunet assured him as she looked back at the glass wall.

  “Enough, Alayah, you’ll agree to my terms or die!” the emperor threatened.

  “No deal,” Alayah shouted back at him.

  The army moved to attack, but the Emperor’s hand motioned them to stop.

  “I can handle her. I’ll teach her a lesson and show her what happens when someone doesn’t obey the Dark Emperor even without using magic.”

  Alayah faced him. “Do your worst, old man.”

  Without a reply, the Dark Emperor lunged at Alayah and stabbed at her chest with a glowing dagger.

  Alayah’s trident blocked the blade and sparks flew from the metal against metal friction.

  Even as she fought, a real ache was growing in her heart at Xavier’s betrayal.

  How could he?

  She pushed it from her mind for the moment. Emotions got people killed, and she’d be damned if she was going to die because of him.

  Her father’s breathing was shallow, and she understood that she had a chance of beating him if he continued to fight like that.

  “You fight better than I expected,” he spoke, catching his breath.

  “And you are sick and no match for me. Why do you want the stone?”

  “You’re right. Using magic has taken a toll on me. I need the stone to heal. I should thank you for showing me the way.”

  “You’ll die before I let you use the stone for your own purposes,” Alayah said, attacking him and being pushed back.

  “You’re too young to understand. When you reach my age, you’ll do anything to remain young and alive.” Waving his hand, he sent Alayah back.

  “You said you weren’t going to use magic.”

  “I lied.” He chuckled. “I’ll end this quick.”

  Before he could move his hand, a glowing white rope grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm back.

  “Silver.” He had saved her.

  The Dark Emperor turned around and used the dagger to cut the magical rope. “Stay out of this.”

  Grabbing the cut edge of the rope, a glowing light formed under the emperor’s hand and sparks of electricity sped along the rope.

  “Silver!” Alayah shouted as he moved his hands down and threw the rope on the floor.

  She barely had time to catch her breath when the emperor attacked her again.

  Deflecting his new blow, Alayah swirled with the impact and came face to face with Kiera. The siren must have been released from her captor and came to Alay’s aid.

  Kiera’s face was a welcome reprieve, and Alayah exhaled in relief. But Kiera didn’t return her warm expression. Instead, the siren pulled a knife from her waistband and attacked Alayah. The razor-sharp blade sliced into Alayah’s upper arm, and she screamed. Not so much from the pain but from the second betrayal in a matter of minutes.

  Who else was out to destroy her? Could she even trust Silver now?

  The Dark Emperor grabbed Alayah by the back of her hair and yanked her body off balance. The trident bounced from her hand and clattered to the stone flooring.

  Kiera attacked a second time and knocked Alayah to the ground. The siren double-fisted the knife and raised it above her head. Kiera looked to the Dark Emperor, and he nodded.

  Alayah thought that’d be the end of her. She had failed. The world was doomed.

  Her eyes widened in shock when Xavier materialized behind Kiera and grabbed her head. With a quick twist and sickening crunch, he snapped the traitor’s neck and her body crumbled to the ground.

  Wasting no time, Xavier twisted his hand and sent a shockwave against the emperor that flew a few inches back as he raised his hands to defend himself.

  Grabbing Alayah’s arm, he brought her back to her feet. “You might hate me, but I tried to keep you alive long enough, so you could succeed in your quest. I love you...”

  His words were interrupted by the emperor’s growl. Looking up, Xavier raised his hand and endured the pressure that came their way.

  Through gritted teeth, due to the force he was enduring, Xavier continued to speak, “I love you. I had to work for him, but I chose you. Don’t you see that?”

  “Alayah!” Silver’s scream reached her ears. “Alayah, you need to fight back.” He appeared next to her, and his hand pushed against Xavier’s as both of them held on to the magical shield.

  Alayah looked back. The Dark Emperor was glowing with dark magical power. She had never seen so much power being drawn by a person. Silver and Xavier were joining forces, but they weren’t going to be enough to defeat her father.

  “I’m going to kill you all,” the Dark Emperor threatened as his mouth twisted in demonic anger.

  “Stop!” Amunet shouted as the pyramid’s walls began to shake. “You are going to destroy everything.”

  It was then that Alayah realized that Amunet had created a magical shield that was preventing the emperor’s men from attacking her and her mages.

  “You should run,” Alayah told her. “Use the portal to go to the safety of your world.

  “My duty is to protect the stone from falling into the hands of the wrong person. I know that I’m too weak to face your father but maybe you can. Maybe you can with the help of your mages.”

  “What are you going to do?” Alayah asked.

  “I need to use my power to stop the walls from crumbling and crushing us. I’m preventing his men from attacking. Use this chance to kill him. Even if he’s your father.”

  As the goddess predicted, the emperor’s anger shattered the glass wall protecting the dark soldiers from the scientists who were stepping in and out of the portal.

  Amunet moved her hands and disappeared. Before Alayah could blink, the Dark Emperor’s men were being hit by waves of fire and turning into ashes. The scent of burned meat filled the air, and the remaining men unsheathed their weapons and yelled.

  The Dark Emperor focused his attention on Amunet and aimed his free hand at her. “Kill her!”

  “Amunet, be careful,” Alayah shouted as she summoned the trident back to her hand. Twisting the magical shaft between her hands, she summoned a tornado of fire. She aimed her powers at the emperor, and he had to use both hands to protect himself.

  Amunet had been hit on her shoulder but was okay.

  “The soldiers, stop them,” Alayah spoke through gritted teeth, looking at Silver and Xavier.

  Xavier nodded, and Silver withdrew his sword.

  “I’ll kill you once this is over and Alayah is safe,” Silver warned Xavier.

  “You can always try, doesn’t mean you’ll succeed,” Xavier replied, teasing him as always.

  Alayah rolled her eyes, but she had bigger problems. Her father was pissed and wanted to kill her. That was not the family reunion she had dreamed of.

  Smirking, the emperor demanded, “Give up. I’m stronger than you.”

  Alayah’s eyes focused on him. “I’ll never concede to you,” she spat. “You’re evil.”

  “You’ll regret your decision, my child.”

  “I’m not your child. I have no father.”

  “So be it. If you’re dead, you’ll be my child no more.”

  The Dark Emperor extended his hand and shot fire at his daughter. The flames burned the back of her hand, but she refused to let go of the trident. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  In return, she summoned fire to the trident and aimed it at the Dark Lord. The flames caught the bottom of his robe ablaze, and Alayah rushed to him, knocking him backward. They grappled to the ground, and Alayah pointed the trident at the bottom of his chin, but she was too close to throw a lot of fire. The tips of the trident branded his skin, and he shrieked.

  He swung at her face and landed a punch to her cheek. Pain exploded below her eye, and then he bucked Alayah off of him and aimed the dagger at her chest. She rolled and came up in a crouching position with the trident beside her.

  Her face throbbed, nevertheless she didn’t lose
her focus. She sent another lightning bolt of fire at her demonic father.

  He put up his hand and deflected the flames, sending them back to Alayah. She ducked, and the fire blew past her.

  The vein in his neck pulsed and his jaw tightened. “It’s time to die.” He pulled his arm back and threw the dagger at her face.

  Before she could react, Xavier shoved her out of the way and put his hand up. The dagger bounced off his palm and was boomeranged back to the Dark Emperor. The blade buried itself deep into his chest. His eyes widened, and he looked down at the hilt of the dagger sticking out.

  “You’re wrong. It’s not time for her to die. It’s your time, Dark Lord.” Xavier strode over to the emperor as blood dripped from the emperor’s mouth. Xavier pulled the dagger out and jammed it into the side of his enemy’s throat. “Goodbye.”

  The Dark Emperor’s eyes rolled back, and he dropped to the floor.

  Xavier didn’t say a word to Alayah. He walked past her and called to the soldiers of the dark army. “Our master is dead. I’m your master now. You’ll obey me, or you’ll die. It’s time to make a choice.”

  The men stopped and looked at each other.

  Xavier stepped aside and let them look at the emperor’s dead body.

  “Who are you going to serve?” he asked them.

  “Long live our commander, Xavier White,” they shouted in unison as they clapped their boots together with their arms along their bodies.

  Xavier smirked and looked back at Alayah. “Go save the world.”

  “Xavier,” she gasped.

  Silver’s hand dropped on Alayah’s shoulder. “Let him leave. We have a quest to finish, and all he wants is power.”

  Xavier lowered his head at Silver. “Take good care of our girl while I’m away.”

  With a movement of Xavier’s arm, the soldiers lined up behind him and followed him out of the portal.

  Chapter 40

  Alayah was numb. Kiera’s body lay on the floor, her head twisted at an unnatural angle. Xavier was gone. She didn’t know if she should scream or cry. At least, Silver hadn’t betrayed her and was still alive.

  “Marina …” She didn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she ran along the corridors and reached the exit of the pyramid.


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