The Dragon's Nanny (Elemental Dragons Book 1)

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The Dragon's Nanny (Elemental Dragons Book 1) Page 7

by Jada Cox

  A few minutes later, it rings again. Again, I ignore it. Three more times, I ignore the unknown caller until they finally leave a message. When I listen to it, my breath starts coming in panicked gasps. The message starts out like the previous calls, with the Darth Vader-breathing. Then there’s crackling. Then a voice.

  “We know where you are, little star. You can’t hide from us.” The message ends with a click.

  Frustrated tears threaten to flow down my cheeks, but I decide to ignore them and keep busy. I make the boys lunch and take it out to them, smiling nervously as they joke around. I take Kalino’s lunch to him but pause at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. I inch around the corner to peek into the room where he’s set up.

  “I know you’re frustrated, Kal, but we don’t have documentation. It’s going to take some time to get to you.”

  I hear Kalino blow out a frustrated breath. “I know, Emiliano. What do you want me to tell the others?”

  “Tell them we’re working on it.”

  “Can you at least tell me where you’re at?”

  “The locals call it Syria. It appears to be some sort of warzone. I told you, though, it’s a different continent than where you are.”

  Kalino blows out another frustrated breath and runs his fingers through his hair. “A warzone … great, our king is in a warzone,” he mumbles.

  “I know it’s not ideal, but at least we’re alive, Kal. You’ve got to look at the bright side every now and then.”

  “Yeah, alright. I’ll let the others know that you’re working on it.”

  “Good. We’ll talk soon.” The lights in the room change as if a screen was just turned off.

  I wait a minute or so before knocking on the door.

  “Hey there, Rosana,” says Kalino, a fake grin plastered on this face.

  “Hey Kal,” I say with a smile. “I brought you lunch.”

  He takes the food and thanks me. I smile and leave, pondering the strange things I heard. King? At least we’re alive? What the hell does that mean?

  I return to the house just as an excited Yelena bounds down the stairs.

  “Milio will be home soon!” she says excitedly.

  I chew on my lip, wondering about the strange things little Yelena says, then push the thoughts out of my mind and feed her lunch.

  We fall into a routine: in the mornings, I make breakfast, Yelena runs downstairs giggling as the table is set, and then the men leave to work on their various duties. Around noon, I feed Yelena, put her down for a nap, and then take plates of food out to the working brothers, occasionally overhearing more strange conversations. I fill my time playing with and taking care of the kittens and Yelena before preparing dinner for seven. Afterward, the men clean up the dishes, and occasionally, Faustino brings home another dessert that all the brothers, strangely, consider exotic delicacies. I’m content, happy even, at times.

  After dinner each night, I sit and talk with the brothers, periodically getting some alone-time with Gino. He sleeps in my room some nights, comforting me when the nightmares get to be too much. Everything feels nearly perfect, and dread curls in the depths of my chest, the certainty that everything is about to change plaguing my blissful ignorance. Days go by, then a week, then two, before I being to relax and allow myself to truly belong with the hoard of brothers. Kalino has made a few trips into town to get more groceries and supplies for the kittens, but we’re running out of food again, and the kittens are old enough to start introducing canned kitten chow.

  I debate asking Gino to accompany me into town. I stare at his broad shoulders as he washes his hands and face in the kitchen sink, chewing on my bottom lip as I consider the options. As much as I’d like to just send Kalino, I need feminine products as well as the groceries and kitten food. For all of their amazing traits, the men seem pretty clueless about women and the needs of kittens in general. I shake my head, dislodging the amusing thought.

  Gino turns around, drying his hands on a dishtowel, and quirks his lips as he watches me.

  “What’s on your mind, Rosana?” he asks, walking toward me and tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. I smile and lean into the gentle caress, enjoying the feel of his work-roughened hands. “I can see your mind working in those lovely eyes.”

  “I was just thinking about how I need to go into town tomorrow. The kittens need some special food, and we’re nearly out of groceries. I should be able to deal with everything at once.”

  He nods in response. “Perhaps we can make a day of it?” he asks. “Yelena has been asking me to get out of the house. We could head out mid-afternoon and get lunch at Carol’s Place and maybe some ice cream before running the errands?”

  I smile at his thoughtfulness. “That would be lovely. Would it be just the three of us or everyone?”

  “Just us. Kal has an appointment tomorrow a couple of towns away. Something about transference paperwork, whatever that means.” Gino makes a face before continuing, “Adelmo and Vittorio wanted to spend the day exploring the forest and swimming in the lake, and Faust has work.”

  I nod, excited and a little nervous to spend some time with just Gino and Yelena. My breath quickens as he leans into me, sending shivers down my neck as he whispers into my ear, “I’ll get you mostly to myself.” I feel his lips curve into a smile against my neck as he kisses me. Chills race up and down my body as I reach out and place my hands on his chest, nuzzling his neck. Just then, the front door slams closed, and Kalino and Faustino enter the house, laughing boisterously. Gino groans, and we step back from each other, busying ourselves with serving the rest of dinner. One of the kittens comes bounding into the room, chasing after Faustino, who scoops the furry creature up and coos at him.

  “Escaped your box again, little Rascal?” he laughs, tickling the kitten’s soft little belly. The kitten tries to grab his fingers as Gino and I laugh at the scene.

  “It would be your kitten who is the troublemaker, Faust,” I say, smirking at him.

  “I just know how to see greatness!” he proclaims before setting the kitten down. “Perhaps we should just let them roam. It’s not like they can get up the stairs yet.”

  I stare at him, quirking an eyebrow. He grimaces and rubs the back of his neck, scooping up the little tiger-striped kitten. “You’re right. If he can climb the box, he can climb the stairs. I’ll wait to release the furry friends until they’re a little older.”

  I nod in satisfaction as Kalino guffaws at our exchange. “Hush, Kalino,” I say, shoving a plate into his empty hands and pointing to the table. “Your Scar is just as much trouble! His little needles for teeth have ruined three bottle tops already!”

  He laughs hard as he helps set the table while Gino shakes his head at our banter. Adelmo and Vittorio enter the kitchen and wash their hands and faces before each grabbing a plate and utensils and settling at the table.

  Gino’s hands circle around my waist, his chin resting on my head as Faustino returns to wash his hands and take his plate from my outstretched hands. He grins at us mischievously, and I whack him in the back with the rolled-up dishtowel as he exits the kitchen, howling with laughter. I feel the rumble of a laugh against my back as Gino kisses my head gently, and I sigh in contentment, squeezing his hand and dislodging myself from his embrace to pick up the remaining two plates and take them to the table.

  “I should wake Yelena. She’s usually down by now,” says Gino.

  I nod in response. “We spent some time swimming in the lake today, so I’m sure she’s pretty exhausted,” I say, smiling fondly at the memory of the adorable child swimming like a fish. Gino smiles back at me as he heads upstairs. I set my and Yelena’s plate on the table and take my seat, waiting for Gino and Yelena before starting to eat. The other brothers and I chit chat while we wait, discussing Faustino’s work and the progress of repairs on the house. Vittorio informs me that the main house is nearly complete, with only the internal flooring in certain rooms needing work. I’m just expressing my amazement at the progre
ss the men have made in such a short period of time when Gino glides down the stairs with a yawning Yelena in his arms rubbing her little eyes.

  Chapter 12 - Gino

  I lean back from the table, admiring Rosana’s flushed cheeks and upturned lips as she laughs and jokes with my brothers. Watching the ease with which she has integrated with us makes a content feeling spread in my chest. Rosana returns my stare briefly before turning back to Kalino, who I had previously tuned out.

  “… you’ll really like them,” I hear Kalino say.

  “If he’s anything like the rest of you, then I’m sure I will,” replies Rosana with a laugh, setting down her fork on her now empty plate.

  “What was this called, Rosana?” asks Adelmo, smiling gently.

  “Did you like it?”

  “Very much. I would enjoy having this meal again,” he says.

  “This was filet mignon with rice pilaf and tomato-garlic asparagus. It’s one of my favorites,” she says, smiling brilliantly at him. “I saw you carry in a box from the bakery, Faust. Did you bring us a treat?” she asks, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

  Faustino laughs before crossing to the kitchen and returning with a cake topped with miniature candles, shaped in the numbers 2 and 5. I look around in confusion when tears start falling down Rosana’s face, and Yelena hops up happily.

  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Momma Rosie!” shouts Yelena giddily. I stare between the two in amazement. I look up, my gaze meeting Faustino’s who winks.

  “H-how did you know?” asks Rosana, her hand covering her mouth.

  “Yelena told me a few days ago,” says Kalino. “Faust put in an order at the bakery.”

  “I believe hu—I mean American traditions dictate that you blow out the candles and make a wish,” says Faustino, grimacing at his fumble. We’ve allowed Rosana to assume that our differences are because we hail from a different country on Earth rather than a different planet altogether.

  Rosana nods her head vigorously, and Faustino places the cake before her. She laughs and blows a huge breath out, extinguishing the candles.

  “I can’t remember the last time I celebrated my birthday,” she whispers, more tears dripping down her face.

  “You should be celebrated every day,” I say and wipe the tears from her face. She laughs merrily and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Thank you all,” she says as Kalino hands her a knife and sets several small plates beside her. She smiles down at the cake, positioning the knife to cut into the ‘O’ of Rosana. I read the ‘Happy Birthday Rosana’ sprawled across the cake in elegant writing, and I shake my head, shocked that I was unaware of her exact birthdate. She had confided that it was near the end of this month, but I hadn’t figured out that today was the day. I mentally kick myself for not prodding more. Yelena looks at me and giggles, winking at my frustration. I smile, certain that she intentionally told her uncles rather than myself. I reach into my pocket, fiddling with the little box I had planned to give Rosana tomorrow, smiling in delight at her enthusiasm.

  Rosana cuts a large piece for herself before passing the cake to Kalino to finish cutting. We all laugh at her moans of delight as she begins savoring the sweet treat.

  Once everyone finishes their cake and my brothers clear the table, we all head outside to watch the sunset beyond our lake, Rosana nestled in my arms as the chill of the night starts to roll in. Yelena yawns from beside Kalino, laying her tiny head on his leg with a smile. Rosana watches Yelena fondly, and I stroke her hair, reveling in her presence.

  “I think it’s time for me to take Yelena up to bed,” says Kalino while lifting her slight weight into his arms. Rosana moves to get up, but Kalino shakes his head. “No, I can handle it tonight. It’s your birthday, Rose, take a day off.”

  She smiles up at him and snuggles deeper into my arms, and I give Kalino a grateful look. Faustino and Vittorio follow after Kalino, slowly making their way towards the house.

  “We’re lucky to have found this place,” says Adelmo as he stands and looks down at the gorgeous woman in my arms, “just as we’re lucky to have found you, Rosana.” She grins up at him, and he quirks a lip and claps me on the shoulder. You picked well, brother, he whispers into my mind. I nod at him as he walks away toward the house.

  “It’s so beautiful,” says Rosana, admiring the twinkling stars above.

  I rest my chin on her shoulder and kiss her cheek. “Yes, you are,” I whisper into her ear, enjoying the shivers that run up and down her delicious body.

  She turns her head and looks into my eyes as if she’s searching for something. She nods, satisfied with whatever she found.

  I smile at her and pull the tiny box from my pocket. “I’ve heard that it’s a tradition to provide the birthday celebrant with gifts,” I say.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything, Gino,” she says, her eyes widening a fraction as she sees the box.

  I open the box and hold it out to her. She swallows, and her eyes sparkle as she admires the Dragon Tear pendant before her. She reaches out a tentative hand to gently stroke the glittering jewel.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she says in awe. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  I nod, smiling. “You wouldn’t have. It’s called a Dragon Tear. I’d imagine there are only about six or seven of them throughout the planet, and five are located within this estate.”

  She shakes her head. “Gino, I can’t. I don’t deserve this,” she mumbles.

  “You’re right,” I say, as tears fill her eyes. “You deserve so much more, Rosana. But this is all I have to give besides myself. I hope you’ll take it. I hope you’ll take me.”

  She nods, and the tears brimming her eyes overflow. I smile in relief and remove the pendant from its box to gently place it around her neck. It nestles perfectly in the dimple between her breasts, the brilliant blue shimmering in the light of the moon. She kisses me passionately, then pulls away briefly to look into my eyes. The heated look in her eyes causes me to shiver in anticipation.

  My cock tightens painfully as she leads me into the house and up the stairs to my room. She closes the door behind us and pushes me back on the bed, slowly peeling my clothes from my body. Once she’s removed my clothes, I reach up to remove hers, only to have her push against my hands and back away, smiling seductively.

  “No, let me love you,” she whispers in my ear, nibbling on the lobe. My cock twitches in excitement. She backs away and sways her hips to a silent beat, slowly pulling up the hem of her shirt inch by inch. I groan in agony at the delay and reach down to stroke myself. She grins and pushes my hand away, then tosses her shirt to the floor. She quickly removes her bra and throws it into my face. My shaft twitches again as she saunters closer, running her hands up and down my legs. I groan in tortured delight as she rubs her breasts along my shaft, using her hands to push them together and create more friction. I push my hips up, but she laughs and urges me back down.

  “I’m in control tonight.” She grins up at me and licks the crown of my penis. My head falls back as sensation explodes along my nerve endings. She sucks my testicles into her mouth, one at a time, rubbing her hands along my erect member. I grip the sheets to keep from bucking and can’t help but groan in delicious pleasure and pain.

  “Good boy,” she purrs before taking my length into her mouth. She uses her hand to pump up and down as she moves her head, moaning, the vibration heightening my pleasure. She takes me to the edge, then pulls back. I stare at the goddess before me, who licks her lips as she unbuttons her pants. She slowly lets them slide down her legs as she sways her hips in a seductive, circular motion. She kicks them off, and I groan at the sight of her panty-less form.

  I can’t do anything but admire her beauty as she crawls up my body, slowly positioning her breasts above my face. The sight of my Dragon Tear dangling above me makes my cock twitch and harden further. I take her nipples into my mouth, one at a time, and fondle her breasts. Her head falls back with a moan.

  “You’re so
beautiful, my Rosana,” I growl as I bury my head between her luscious mounds of flesh. She lifts my head in her hands, and our gazes clash. Her lips brush against mine, and I deepen the kiss while she rubs my shaft along her slick opening. We groan in dual torture before she pulls back and positions herself. But before she can lower herself, I grasp her hips and blurt it out. “I love you, Rosana.”

  She smiles down at me, her eyes glistening. “I love you too, Gino.”

  I growl at her response and feel my dragon surface. I can feel my eyes flashing and my fangs lengthening, and to my complete and utter shock, her eyes flash violet, making me release my grip. But then she slams herself down on my shaft, and all thoughts vanish from my mind.

  “Rosana,” I gasp out as she takes me to the hilt.


  She lifts herself up and slams down again, moaning in delight and tilting her head back. I grip her hips again and speed up our pace to set a frantic rhythm.

  “You’re mine,” I growl, my dragon making my voice echo.

  “Yes, yours. All yours,” she says breathlessly, then looks down at me. “And you’re mine.” She bends over and places her lips on my shoulder. I shudder at the feel of her breath on my skin. Our bodies continue to pound together, and I feel my fangs lengthen as we approach ecstasy. I reach up and bite down into her shoulder just as I feel a piercing pain in mine. I explode, soaring higher than I’ve ever gone. As stars race before my eyes, I feel Rosana slump on my chest.

  When my breathing finally returns to normal, I open my eyes to find Rosana staring at me, a wide grin plastered on her face. “That was amazing,” she says.


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