I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3 Page 8

by Tina J

  “What y’all doing here?” Armonie was standing at the desk with the manager.

  “You nosy.” Christian said.

  “Ugh yea. I’ll be right back.” She told the chick and walked up to us.

  “Monie, I thought you were coming in for papers. What you doing?” We all turned and saw VJ coming in our direction.

  “I am but they came and...”

  “And if both of them are here with no women, I think you know what it is. Let’s go.” He put his hand on the small of her back and started leading her away.

  “VJ, I am a grown woman and...

  “And if you don’t come on and let them handle business, guess who not sleeping with your spoiled ass tonight?” She looked at him, then us, then back to him.

  “Ughhhh. Whatever.” She stormed off and went back to the lady.

  “That’s what yo ass gets. Bye cuz.” She told me to fuck off and I saw VJ waiting for her by the desk.

  “He really does love her.” Christian said and pressed the elevator button.

  “I’d hope so. They married with a son and another on the way.” We stepped on and pressed the B button for basement.

  “I’m happy she got away from Freddy. Matter of fact, where his sister?” He asked and the bitch went into hiding. I’m not as concerned with her at this moment because VJ isn’t gonna allow anyone to get her.

  “I have people searching for her now.” He shook his head

  “A’ight bro. This is it. It’s now or never.” He ran his hand down his face. I had no doubt it would be hard for him but he knew like I did, it had to be done. I opened the door and he shook his head.

  “Pastor Burns.” Yup the pastor was in here with his wife talking to Brayden and Colby Jr.

  “It’s about time.” He said and Christian looked at me.

  “Oh, you thought we wouldn’t have a say in this woman dying?” He pointed to Elaina.


  “I am the pastor, but I haven’t always been.” He winked.

  “I think it’s only fair we observe or partake in her demise. After all, she did try and murder my daughter. What you think Serena?”

  “I told Haven to kill her the same day he mentioned finding her.” She shrugged and I laughed.

  “Why does she have that on her?” He pointed to the black elastic holding her eyelids up and the tongs I used to keep someone’s mouth open. I walked over to Elaina’s mother who lost her bowels five times already.

  “Well. I thought it would be a great idea for Elaina to witness her mother take her last breath. We didn’t want her to close them.” I nodded to Brayden who already had his gloves on. He pulled the goggles down and started the chainsaw. This time Elaina’s mom passed out. Elaina shook her head over and over.

  “I told you various times to respect royalty and you couldn’t listen. Then, you went to the feds to get me locked up. Oh, Christian I forgot to mention she’s the reason the cops began investigating me.”


  “Yea. Evidently, your ex-wife went to them months before the divorce claiming I’m a murderer and she was scared for her life. They tried building a case and even had statements from Elaina. I couldn’t believe after all the chances I gave her to stay alive, she went behind my back.” I shook my head.

  “Yooooo! That’s crazy.” Colby said about Brayden cutting Elaina’s mom leg off.

  “Why Elaina?”

  “Sorry bro but she screams too much. I’m not taking it off.” Colby said about the duct tape he just put on her mouth.

  “I’m doing the head.” Colby shouted and put gloves and goggles on. Now it was Elaina’s turn to lose her bowels.

  BANG! BANG! I rolled my eyes because it only meant Armonie was at the door.

  “What?” I opened it.

  “I have a right to see.” She folded her arms.

  “Where’s your husband?” I looked around because it’s no way in hell, he knows she’s down here.

  “He went to the room for something. Hurry up.” She pushed me out the way and soon as she took a few steps, her body was being lifted right out.

  “Armonie, I have a major problem with this.” VJ had her against the wall outside the door.

  “How did you know where I was?”

  “Not the point. Why are you down here?” He towered over her waiting for an answer.

  “I wanted to see...”

  “Why? Huh? You don’t need to see everything Armonie.” He spoke firmly to her without yelling.

  “I know but...”

  “But nothing. I’m not feeling this and if you can’t listen, then married or not we need to take a break.”

  “What? So, if you can’t control me like my ex you don’t wanna be with me? Is that what you’ve become?” She tried to turn this on him.

  “If I can’t control you? Is that why you think I don’t want you down here?” He shook his head.

  “What else is it? I’m not doing what you say so let’s take a break?” He scoffed up a laugh.

  “If you think I wanna control you, then maybe you weren’t ready to be married. I’m out.” He brushed past her, and me, Colby, Brayden and Christian all stared at her.

  “WHAT?” She barked at us.

  “I may not fuck with him Monie but he’s right and you were dead ass wrong.” I left her standing there and asked Christian to stay out there with her. He may want his ex-dead, but he doesn’t wanna see it.

  “I apologize for the interruption, but my cousin has a hard time listening.” Pastor Burns started laughing.

  “Anyway, let’s get this done.” I handed the knife to Stormy’s mother and watched her rip the duct tape off and slice Elaina’s tongue out.

  “That’s for cursing in the church and talking shit to my daughter.” I was about to say something when Mrs. Burns went on a stabbing spree. I mean she was fucking Elaina up. Pastor Burns was shaking his head.

  “I think she dead.” Brayden said and we started laughing.

  “Colby can you cut her head off too?” Mrs. Burns asked. His crazy ass started the Chainsaw back up and Elaina’s head rolled on the ground.

  “Perfect. Now I can sleep knowing she’s gone for good. You ready?” Mrs. Burns unzipped the jumper she had on that had blood splattered all over it and asked where the incinerator was.

  “Let me find out you planned this.” She smiled and walked out.

  “Have this cleaned up in two minutes.” We watched as the bodies, limbs and heads were tossed down the incinerator and the hoses turned on to flush the blood down the drain. Brayden and Colby cleaned themselves up and I did the same. Two minutes went by fast and as usual; it looks as if nothing happened.

  “Thanks Haven. I appreciate it.” Both of her parents hugged me.

  “Of course. I think we all know Stormy is about to be our sister in law.”

  “She better. Especially if they have kids.” Her mom said. She is a piece of work.

  “My moms been praying every night for it to happen.” I wasn’t lying. She wanted Christian and Stormy together too and wanted them to have kids. She may not birth the child physically, but it’s his sperm and her egg so it’s their child. Even if they decide to adopt, that’s still my niece or nephew.

  “Me too. And make sure you bring your baby by to get Christened at church. We don’t need him or her growing up like you.”

  “Hey, I was christened there.”

  “I don’t think I put enough holy water on you.” The pastor said and we all busted out laughing. I left with them and noticed Monie sitting on the couch crying. I blew my breath and took a seat next to her.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “He don’t love me no more.”

  “Why you say that?” I leaned back in the seat.

  “Because he left me and won’t answer his phone.”

  “Armonie y’all married. He ain’t going nowhere and stop being dramatic.”

  “I just don’t want anyone controlling me.” She wiped her eyes.
  “He wasn’t tryna control you. You need to talk to your husband.”

  “Am I doing something wrong?” She looked at me.

  “I can’t answer that but today you had no business coming down there. I’m not sure how he knows about that area, but you don’t need to be privy to everything.” She went to speak, and I held my hand up.

  “It doesn’t matter if it’s your hotel. You know what we do and because you acted like a brat, you made him leave. Take it from me Armonie. You’re gonna push him away.” I stood up.

  “I don’t want to. I just thought…”

  “He’s not Freddy.” She shook her head and asked for a ride home.

  I dropped her off and VJ’s car wasn’t there. I waited for her to go in and pulled off. I knew he had security out the ass, so no one was in there. I pulled up in the driveway of the house Ariel made me move into, took my ass in to shower and passed out next to my girl.


  “Armonie you were wrong.” I told her when I stopped by the house this morning.

  Haven came in late last night and fell straight to sleep. When he woke up and told me what she did I was mad. How can she even assume VJ was tryna control her is beyond me? Then she made it like him and Freddy were the same, which is a smack in the face if you ask me. Now she’s sitting here crying her eyes out because VJ didn’t come home.

  My aunt called me up to ask why he stayed over there. I gave her a short version, but she said, Monie had to grow up and we all know VJ ain’t going nowhere. He’s not but it definitely made her realize who he is.

  “I just wanted to see what they were doing.” She whined.

  “And then what? You would’ve seen it and then possibly had nightmares. You’re pregnant just like me and even though I witnessed them torture Elaina and her mom, I’d never want to see anyone die.” She didn’t say anything. I’ve seen people die at the hospital, but it was nothing like how Haven and them did it.

  “How did VJ know about the room?” I asked because none of us told him. Even if Brayden did, he probably didn’t know where it was.

  “I took him down there before.”


  “I was showing him the place and he knows about the family.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “What did he say?” She rolled her eyes.

  “What did he say Armonie?” I asked again.

  “I should never go down there because it’s not a place for a woman.”

  “Ok. Did you have a problem when he said it?”

  “No but no one was there.”

  “How can you be ok with him telling you he didn’t want you down there and then get mad when he asks you why you were there?” Again, she said nothing.

  “Well, I have to meet my dad at the new building. You wanna come?” I asked to get her out the house.

  “Yea. Let me get Legend ready.” She went upstairs and I sent Haven a message telling him to pick milk up on the way home. I hated going into the 7/11’s for milk and I wasn’t going on the grocery store. I hope Armonie learned her lesson with VJ; otherwise they’ll be arguing all the time.


  “Can I get another shot of Hennessy?” I asked the bartender and turned around to see some chick fucking the pole up. I mean she was doing the damn thing.

  I was at the club because Monie pissed me off yesterday doing that dumb shit. I didn’t go out last night and since Brayden home with his chick, I decided to come out for a drink. It’s been a minute and I deserve one.

  “Here you go.” She passed it to me and I tossed it back.

  “Hey sexy.” I looked to my right and this woman was pretty too.

  “What up?” I requested a beer from the bartender.

  “You not from here?” I lifted my drink and sipped as this chick let her eyes roam my body more than once. I felt like a bitch and a nigga was hitting on me.

  “Why you ask that?”

  “Your accent is different. Very southern like.” She said and followed me to the front. I was feeling tipsy and needed a seat but not at the bar. I wasn’t drunk and knew everything going on but I still wanted to drink in peace.

  “Yo! Are all the VIP’s taken?” The woman searched the paper. For some reason this other chick was still behind me.

  “There’s one left. It’s $1500 and you get two bottles.”

  “$1500. Damn. Alright.” I handed her my card and watched her stare at it.

  “What? My shit work.”

  “It’s not that. Umm, let me take you to VIP and I’ll get your fee from up there.” The woman stood and I followed her up the steps and noticed the chick right behind me. I didn’t say a word.

  “This one is for you.” She pressed a button and the sliding doors opened.

  “I can see why this one is expensive.” There were two televisions on the wall, a loveseat, a mini bar and two buckets of bottles. In any case, this spot is nice as fuck. I noticed the red panic button too.


  “Is she with you?” I turned and the same woman was standing there.

  “Yes. Didn’t you see me walk up here with him?” I shook my head and poured myself a drink.

  “Ok. I’ll be back for your card.” The lady left but the other woman remained.

  “I didn’t think she’d ever leave.” This bitch started taking her clothes off.

  “YO! Tha fuck are you doing?” I felt like pressing the panic button myself. I don’t need my wife’s family coming in here and she naked.

  “I’m married and not interested. Whatever you thought was gonna happen; ain’t.” She walked up on me and tried to grab my dick.

  “I will break your fucking wrist in here if you don’t get dressed and bounced.”

  “You’re hurting me.” Tears were leaving her eyes.

  “You were right about me not being from here because where I’m from, I don’t play this shit.” I pushed her so hard, she almost fell over the banister outside the VIP.

  “What the...” She came towards me in a fighting stance and outta nowhere, my wife grabbed the back of her hair and dragged her down the steps. Who told her where I was? I sat my ass right on the couch, put my feet up and finished drinking.

  A few minutes later Monie strolled in, pressed the sliding door and made the curtains closed.

  “At least give me competition.” She said and took a seat on the small table in front of me.

  “I told you before Monie; no one will ever compare to you. You’re one of a kind baby.” She blushed.

  “I think my husband is one of a kind and I should’ve listened when he spoke to me.” She opened her legs and revealed her naked pussy in that short skirt.

  “Keep going.” Her index finger was in her mouth as she slid her foot on my dick.

  “I know you’re not him or trying to control me. I’m sorry.” I sipped my drink.

  “How sorry?”

  “Let me show you.” Monie stood and removed all her clothes. She turned around and stood there. I sat up, put my drink down and slid my finger across the tattoo above her ass, where people consider it to be the tramp stamp spot.

  “How the fuck did they give you a tattoo and you pregnant?” She smirked. Her stomach wasn’t showing so I guess its how she got away with it.

  “I didn’t tell them and it’s the only way I could make it up to you.”

  “Monie.” I loved how she wanted to make it up to me, but this is too much.

  “Don’t be mad. I’ll go to the doctors tomorrow and make sure everything’s ok.”

  “Hell yea you are. Why didn’t you put VJ?” The shit was nice as hell.

  “Because it’s not your real name and your ex had VJ on her.” I started laughing,

  “Do you like it?” She turned to look at me over her shoulder.

  “I love it. Bend over.” I let my hand guide her body down, spread her legs and licked my lips at how pretty her pussy was. Her juices were leaking out and I couldn’t wait to taste her.

  “Sssss.” Her hands
were on the table as I dove right in. In the process of me eating her pussy, I unbuttoned my jeans, stopped, pulled her down on top of me and watched with my hands behind my head as she rode me.

  “Fuck me harder Monie?” She stopped, turned around, mounted herself, grabbed the back of the loveseat and had my ass moaning like a bitch.

  “I’m sorry baby. It won’t happen again. Come home.” She stuck her tongue in my mouth and continued riding me. I flipped her over and literally fucked the shit outta her. By the time we were finished it was after one thirty.

  BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! We heard someone about to knock the glass down.

  “Hurry up and get dressed.” I told Monie who appeared to be as confused as me. The person banged on it again.

  “Stand over there.” I had her move behind me in case some shit kicked off. She was already on the phone calling her brother.

  “WHAT?” I shouted when the sliding door and curtains opened.

  “Aww shit.” Haven said. I noticed the same bitch Monie beat up standing next to him.

  “Aww shit what?”

  “You made me crawl outta my girl pussy to come here for my cousins’ husband?” Haven stared at the woman.

  “Haven he almost broke my wrist and the chick he was with dragged me down the steps. This is supposed to be a safe working environment.” The chick said.

  “What’s the problem?” Monie walked around me.

  “Evidently, your husband almost broke her wrist and you drug her down the steps. Why didn’t you tell me y’all would be here?” He asked Monie.

  “It was spur of the moment and the shit with her, happened two hours ago. Why is she just now telling you?” Monie questioned with her arms folded.

  “Mannnn, I don’t fucking know.” Haven looked aggravated at the woman.

  “Look, she approached me at the bar asking if I’m from outta town, then followed me to get a VIP area. She took it upon herself to strip and try to feel my dick. You damn right I was about to break her wrist. I told you I was married and not interested. You tried me and got what you got.” I said and turned to grab my things to go.

  “Now Tamara, you may not know he’s my husband but as an employee, you know better than to be persistent to a customer if he tells you no. Am I right Haven?”


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