Cities of the Forgotten

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Cities of the Forgotten Page 2

by Rayne W Grath

  She turned around and walked across the room to the door opposite from them. She held her thumb up to a scanner close to the door handle, when it beeped the door clicked open and she pushed her way into the hallway.

  “The third level is circular with the bedrooms on the outside rings of the floor and as we work our way toward the center, we’ll come to the gathering room, known as the commons where you’ll find a fully stocked and loaded kitchen, a recreational room and the central elevator system that leads to the other floors below us. There is no cable, but we have all the new movies and some awesome vibrating recliners,” Anna droned on like a tour guide.

  “Wait. You said fully stocked kitchen. Do I have to share with another cook? We get highly territorial, you know, and it can be quite messy,” Doris asked, stopping in her tracks while she waited for Anna to answer her question.

  “Cook? Like a chef? That’s funny. No, that would require the government forking out money for one and that hasn’t happened yet. No, we cook for ourselves, if you can call it that, and since we are all on different schedules it all kind of works out,” Anna said in response.

  “I’m a chef and if no one has a claim on the kitchen, I’ll head there now and familiarize myself with my new home. Meal times are important and if my calculations are correct, Dr. Landon will crash if he is not fed shortly. Point me in the right direction, dearie,” Doris said with authority.

  “Follow the hallway and anytime it opens to the right, head in that direction. Don’t you want to see your room first?” Anna asked, as she stared after Doris quizzically.

  “I’ll find it later. Need to see what we have to work with and prep for meals. How many people would you say I need to be prepared to feed?” Doris threw out over her shoulder.

  “There are twenty on this floor, around two hundred throughout the whole facility, but no one expects you to cook for them,” Anna called out, after Doris disappeared down the hallway.

  “They will after they taste her cooking. She could cook for the gods,” replied Taylor, rubbing his belly goofily.

  “Well then how about I show the rest of you your rooms and then we’ll meet in the kitchen for whatever Doris whips up for us. Your stuff should be waiting for you if you want to change, but Ailla will be expecting us in the next half hour, so don’t take too long” Anna rattled on as she led them down a monotonous white hallway illuminated with high intensity lighting.

  “Once Ailla adds you guys into the computer system, we’ll finish the rest of the tour. Director Sorr will have instructed Ailla of your access level so don’t complain to me or be surprised if you are limited to floors three and ten,” babbled Anna, while they traversed the circular hallway that was only broken up by doors every fifteen feet. They had passed ten doors before she stopped and gestured to the room. “All the rooms are the same on this floor; so don’t balk at the lack of space. Now for the rules. Rule number one: the outer ring is designated for males and the second ring is for females. No sleep-overs, but I don’t think anyone listens to that rule, if you know what I mean,” Anna finished with a wink.

  Aarik opened the door and found his backpack sprawled on the single framed mattress. Beside the bed was a small metal table, a matching metal dresser and an attached bathroom. He cringed when he looked inside the bathroom and saw the shower head height, mumbling under his breath he asked what he had done to deserve a life of uncomfortable showers.

  “I heard that! While I commented that everyone has the same size room, I do realize it will be a completely different challenge for you, with your size and all, and for that I empathize with your plight, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is what it is,” replied Anna jokingly from the corridor before she continued down the hallway and said, “Taylor, you’ll be right next door. Let me know if you have any needs, whatsoever. I’ll show Kiya to her room and meet you two in the commons in, say, ten minutes?”

  Aarik stuck his head out into the hallway to answer their vibrant tour guide when it became obvious she wasn’t waiting for an answer as she was already rounding the corner with Kiya following close behind. Taylor, who had yet to enter his room, stood staring after Anna with puppy dog eyes. Aarik pulled his door shut and walked up behind him. Slapping his head from behind, he said, “Got your work cut out for you in that one, mate.”

  “No pain, no gain is what I like to say. I don’t need to change. Do you?” Taylor asked, still staring down the hallway where Anna disappeared.

  “Nope. Would rather see where Kiya will be sleeping. Shall we?” replied Aarik honestly.

  “Good, we’ll use that excuse instead of mine,” Taylor said and looked at Aarik sheepishly before they took off after the girls with renewed speed.

  “Your secret is safe with me, my friend. Speaking of secrets, what’s your take on our location?” Aarik said cryptically, keeping in mind Anna had said the only place not watched was the bathroom. He didn’t want to throw Jones under the bus, but he was dying to know what Taylor thought of the government’s deceit.

  “It all felt very spy-like. Blindfolding was a new experience; can’t say I liked it. Maybe if I was the giver and not the receiver it would be different, but alas that’s a topic for another day and another audience. It almost felt electrified there at the end. Why do you think that is?” Taylor replied with a smile as he rambled on.

  “No idea why, my guess would be we passed a physical veil of energy, and with anything being possible these days I wouldn’t count that out,” Aarik added with a wink, in case Sorr was listening. “It feels like we have been walking forever. Did you see an exit to the right?”

  “No. Did we pass it?” Taylor said, flipping around to see the path behind them before adding, “Everything blends in together, when it’s white on white on white. If we run our hands along the wall, the opening will have to reveal itself sometime.”

  “Great idea! I knew I kept you around for a reason,” joked Aarik as he picked up his pace and dragged his hand along the wall.

  “I knew you only liked me for my intellectual intelligence,” teased Taylor.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, you forgot to add humor as well. If I couldn’t laugh at and with you our friendship would be dead,” replied Aarik with a chuckle. “Look, we didn’t miss the opening!”

  “Good thing too, because I didn’t bring any breadcrumbs to mark our trail,” quipped Taylor. “Which way now?”

  “I think she said always go to the right. That will be our best bet. Come on, I think I smell the kitchen,” Aarik said with a smile, taking a big whiff of air.

  “What about finding the girls? Thought you said you wanted to see where she slept?” asked Taylor in confusion.

  “Not to boast or anything, but I’m sure she’ll show me later and besides food is calling my name now,” responded Aarik, as he picked up the pace with his hand trailing the wall again.

  “Oh that was a boast alright. I thought you were going to help me, heading to the kitchen is not helping me,” whined Taylor from behind.

  “Hey, I didn’t get to finish my breakfast earlier and whatever Doris is cooking smells divine. We both know I will be no help to anyone without food,” implored Aarik with his eyes.

  “Fine, but only if you promise to put in a good word for me later. Preferably when I’m not around this time, please,” pleaded Taylor.

  “Scouts honor,” Aarik said with a salute.

  “Nice try, but I know you weren’t a scout, Aarik,” warned Taylor.

  “You got me. Fine I promise to put in a good word for you when you’re not around,” Aarik said with a Cheshire grin when he saw Anna up ahead, turning to the right.

  “Put in a good word to who?” asked Anna, from within the commons. She turned around to look at Aarik and Taylor as they entered the room behind her with a question on her face.

  Aarik nearly choked on his own saliva at the look on Taylor’s face and quickly bailed him out before the guy decided to reconsider their friendship, “A friend of mine, working in Antarctic

  “Antarctica? Huh. I always wanted to work in the field, but I think I would rather stay here then be stationed in a place so cold. A man would have to use ball warmers to ensure the swimmers survived down there, if you know what I mean. What does your friend do?” asked Anna, as she sauntered over to the couch and sat on the arm giving him her full attention. She crossed her arms and waited like she was seriously curious about their conversation.

  Aarik looked from Anna to the kitchen and was about to answer when Kiya sprinted into the room and skidded to a stop in front of the island near Doris. “Whatcha cookin?” she asked in a silly voice.

  “Baby back ribs, Carolina style. Should be done in fifteen minutes. Never tried one of these Instant Pots, but it says you can cook ribs in sixteen minutes. I’ve been dying to get my hands on one to try it out. Guess what they say is true, everything does happen for a reason. I never would have bought one for myself, but now that it’s here I don’t mind trying it out,” Doris replied as she moved the utensils to another drawer.

  “Bonus, indeed. They smell wonderful, can’t wait to be your guinea pig. How long will the rest of the tour take, Anna? Is it ok if I call you Anna? Or do you prefer Dr. Rais?” asked Kiya, as she swiveled around from the island to look at Anna.

  “Anna is fine. I only insist people call me Dr. Rais when they’re assholes. The tour timeline is completely dependent on how hands-on you want to be and how many questions you ask. I’ve had it take anywhere from an hour to eight. This facility is fifteen levels deep and even though no one is allowed past level ten besides upper management there is still a lot to explore. Each floor is dedicated to multiple projects or artifacts and is controlled by Ailla and the access levels you are granted. The transportation pod and craft you guys discovered is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow and will be rebuilt on the tenth floor, which I imagine is where you will spend the majority of your time while you are with us,” answered Anna, as she eyed Aarik with her arms still crossed.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” asked Aarik hesitantly.

  “You didn’t answer my question. I think it’s rude to ignore a direct question,” Anna responded with a smile.

  “What was the question again?” Aarik countered, feinting ignorance he added, “Sorry a little tired and out of it today.”

  “I must have missed the question, but you’ll have to forgive him for being rude. He’s not himself without food and his brain cells don’t seem to fire on all cylinders when he is depleted. What was the question, Taylor?” Kiya asked from across the room, before she hopped off the barstool and plopped down next to Anna on the couch.

  “I believe she wanted to know what Aarik’s friend in Antarctica did for a living?” offered Taylor quietly, averting his eyes to the ceiling as he turned bright red.

  “Oh, that’s right. Sorry. She’s a meteorologist with PAE out of New Zealand,” Aarik quipped with a smile, thinking his answer would get him off the hook with their guide, but when he noticed both girls giving him the evil eye the smile melted from his face. He opened his mouth to explain himself and was saved by Doris as she announced their snack was ready.



  Kiya stewed over Aarik’s words as she nibbled on the mouthwatering ribs, listening to Doris in the background as she rambled on about the all the meals she had planned with the Instant Pot. She didn’t want to be the jealous other woman, but the moment Aarik’s face lit up with happiness after mentioning the meteorology chick, a part of Kiya wanted to rip the woman apart to the atomic level. The scary part, to Kiya, was that the thought didn’t bring abhorrence. Instead it brought her happiness and wasn’t anything she thought she would be capable of. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and looked up to find everyone looking at her.

  “Sorry, was off in my own world. What did I miss?” Kiya admitted honestly and waited for everyone to answer and stop looking at her so intensely.

  “You started cackling like an evil witch with a crazed look on your face. Wanna fill us in on the joke?” Anna asked with curiosity.

  Kiya appalled she said anything out loud, scrambled to come up with something on the spot for her momentary insanity. Even though she was a firm believer in honesty was the best policy, she decided owning up to part of it would have to do for the moment, “Ha Ha! No joke here, I was just thinking about the past week and how much my life has changed. I guess it’s safe to say that I am close to losing it, huh?”

  “Nonsense. I’ve seen worse,” replied Anna with a quirk, before she started clearing plates from the bar.

  “What are you doing?” demanded Doris.

  “Helping you clean up so we can start our tour?” Anna replied cautiously.

  “I have one job, dear, and would rather stay here if you don’t mind,” Doris replied, as she pried the plates from her hands gently and took them to the sink.

  “Whatever floats your boat, Doris; I meant no disrespect,” responded Anna cheerily, before she clapped her hands and said with glee, “Alright let the games begin. Are you guys ready?”

  Kiya, thankful to no longer be the center of attention, followed quietly behind Taylor. She snickered to herself at his obvious look of infatuation when he gravitated toward Anna like a planet in orbit around the sun, watching her hips sway side to side as she walked toward the elevator bay in heels. Kiya looked around the white-themed room, with breaks of chrome and dark leather, and shivered. The drab interior could use a remodel and only made Kiya dread living underground even more. Anna approached the two steel elevators located in the center of the large gathering room and spoke to Ailla, “Ready when you are, Ailla.”

  “Perfect timing, Anna! I’m fully charged and in my office,” Ailla responded, from the speaker above their heads, as the doors to elevator three opened with a ding.

  Kiya gasped slightly when a jolt of electricity raced through her body as Aarik touched her lower back, trying to guide her into the bright awaiting elevator. She looked up at him and blushed, not trying to hide the reaction his touch incited innocently within her, before she walked forward with his help; ready for their next journey. He smiled down at her with a twinkle in his eye when the doors closed and the car began its descent.

  “Besides Ailla, the fourth floor houses the thinkers. All the latest and greatest inventions come from this floor based off of the ancient designs from some of the world’s greatest minds. I’ll be sure to point those out when we pass, but most of them are obvious, if you ask me,” said Anna, as Ailla announced the fourth floor and opened the doors.

  “Ailla’s office is the second one on the left. She charges most mornings so she can be found plugged into the system in here, but in the afternoon you can find her on the fifth floor with the robotic unit. She is something of an enigma around here and works with the other robots in the hopes they will learn from her,” Anna informed them as she approached Ailla’s open door with a flourish. “Don’t be shy, she doesn’t bite.”

  Kiya stepped around Taylor and walked in without hesitation and was mildly surprised to find a well-dressed woman sitting behind a desk with a USB power cord attached to her neck. Kiya was positive she would have never known it was a robot if the cord had been out when they walked in. Ailla reached up, disconnected the cord and held out her hand gesturing to the seats in front of her with a grace normally not attributed to a robot.

  “Welcome, everyone. Please come in. This will only take a moment of your time. I know that Anna would like to get back to work, so the sooner we get you in the system the faster everyone around here can return to their purpose,” Ailla said in a kind voice and then added, “Place your hand flat against the monitor in front of you, please.”

  Kiya looked down at the only screen on the desk in front of Ailla and stepped up to be the first person added. She placed her hand against the cool surface and pulled her hand back in surprise when a burst of pain radiated up her arm like lightening before the feeling left just as quick. “What the hell! Tha
t hurt!” cursed Kiya, while she cradled her hand over her chest protectively.

  “You must be sensitive to pain. It normally doesn’t hurt the average human,” replied Ailla dismissively.

  “Are you calling me a baby?” Kiya bit out, trying to remind herself not to be offended by a robot.

  “No. Is there a problem with your hearing? Anna, should I make a note in her chart? I can schedule an appointment with Dr. Masterson,” Ailla said in response, as she looked to Anna for direction.

  “That won’t be necessary Ailla. I believe Kiya was offended by your choice of words,” replied Anna before she turned to Kiya to calm her nerves, “It is perfectly normal to feel a pinch from the scan. The system performs a finger prick for a DNA sample in addition to the fingerprint scan that feels like it goes deeper than the skin.”

  “You should warn a person first! It caught me off guard is all,” Kiya said in defense, looking at Ailla, and then blushed when Aarik leaned down and kissed her boo-boo dramatically.

  “She doesn’t have pain receptors and most of the males won’t admit the pain exists, so she doesn’t have much to go off of. It had been so long since I was added to the system that I forgot about it. It doesn’t last long at least,” Anna added, as both Aarik and Taylor stepped forward to be added to the system.

  “Where is Doris?” Ailla asked, as Kiya and Anna walked out of her office to wait for the boys.

  “She didn’t want to leave the kitchen. In fact, I don’t think she has any intention of leaving, so if you want to add her to the system today, you’ll have to take your mobile scanner with you,” Anna answered with her finger in the air making her statement more prominent.

  “I love food, Ailla. I know that doesn’t mean much to you, but I’m a miserable person to live with, without it. Please warn Doris of the pain or I won’t survive her backlash,” begged Aarik with a desperate plea in his eyes as he left her office.

  “As the saying goes, sometimes it is better to beg for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission. I heard the fear in her tone in the elevator, so I believe I will take my chances. Don’t worry, Dr. Landon, I will make sure she doesn’t take her anger out on you,” replied Ailla, as she joined them in the hallway. She gestured toward the double doors at the end of the hallway and said, “You were given access to floors three through ten. If you try and enter a zone beyond those permissions you will, of course, be denied and the attempt will be forwarded to the director for any disciplinary investigations that might occur. Everything in this facility is top secret and should be kept that way.”


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