Rich, Frank
Richards, Paul
Richardson, Tony
Riefenstahl, Leni
Ringling Brothers
Rise of the American Film, The
Riskin, Robert
Ritz Brothers
River, The
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.
Robards,Jason, Jr.
Roberts, Tony
Robinson, Edward G.
Rockwell, Norman,
Rodakievicz, Henwar
Rohmer, Eric
Rolling Stone
Rollins, Jack
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rose, David
Rose, Mickey
Rosen, Chuck
Rosenblum, Davida
Roth, Philip
Rotha, Paul
Rothstein, Max
rough cut: see first cut
Ruth, Babe (George Herman)
Sabatini, Rafael
Sadoul, Georges
Sailor from Gibraltar, The
Saks, Gene
Salt, Waldo
San Francisco
Savitt, Jan
Scheuer, Philip K
Schulman, Arnold
“scratch” score
See also music, and editing
Screen Directors Guild
“Scythian Suite
“Sea Fever,”
“Search, The”
“Seems Like Old Times”
Segal, George
Selznick, David
Sennett, Mack
Separate Peace, A
Seurat, Georges Pierre
Shalit, Gene
ShanghaI Express
Shaw, Artie
Sherwood, Robert
Silone, Ignazio
Silver, Joan
Simon, Neil
Simon, Paul
Sixth (Pathetique) Symphony
Slow Dancing in the Big City
slow motion
smooth cut
Snow Wh,te and the Seven Dwarfs
Sokolow, Ethel
Somethingfor Everyone
Song if Ceylon
Sorrow and the Pity, The
sound editor
sound film
Sound if Music, The
Soviet Union
Special Day, A
special effects
See alsoopticals
Spielberg, Steven
Spkndor in the Grass
Sporting Club, The
Sfmngtime for Hitkr: A Gay Romp with
Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden
Stalin, Joseph
Standard Oil of New Jersey
“Stars and Stripes Forever
Steenbeck editing machine
Steiger, Rod
Steinberg, Saul
Steinkamp, Frederic
Stern, Bert
Sternberg, Josef von
Stevenson, Adlai E.
stock footage
stock music
Strand, Paul
Stravinsky, Igor
Stroheim, Erich von
Sugarland Express, The
Sullivan, Ed
Sussan, Herb
Susskind, David
Swedes in America
Swimmer, The
synchronizers, synchronization
Take the Money and Run
Target for Tonight
Taste of Honey, A
Tchaikovsky, P. I.
Teaching Film Custodians
Technique of Film Editing, The
Ten Days That Shook the World
Tennessee Valley Authority
Thalberg, Irving
That's Entertainment
Thing, The
This Property Is Condemned
This Sporting Life
Thomson, Virgil
Thousand Clowns
Three Stooges, the,
Thurber, James
Tisse, Edouard
Tolstoy, Count Leo
Tom Jones
“Tomorrow Belongs to Me
Too Much Johnson
Toscanini, Arturo
Toscanini: The Hymn of the Nations
Tourneur, Maurice
Town, The
TransAtlantic Tunnel
Trip to the Moon, A
Triumph of the Will
Tropic of Cancer
Trotsky, Leon
Truffaut, François
Trumbo, Dalton
Tucker, Forrest
Tuesday in November, A
Turin, Victor
Turner, Glenn
Twelve Angry Men
20th Century-Fox
“ 2000-Year-Old Man,”
Two Tickets to Paris
United Artists
United Artists Television
United Nations
United Service Organizations (USO)
Up the Down Staircase
Valentino, Rudolph
Vallee, Rudy
Valley of the Tennessee, The
van Dongen, Helen
Van Dyke, Dick
Van Dyke, Willard
vaudeville numbers (The Night They
Verdi, Giuseppe
Vertov, Dziga
Victory in the West
Wagner, Ftichard
Walken, Christopher
Walker, Don
Wallant"Edward Lewis
War and Peace
Waterston, Sam
Watt, Harry
Webb, Chick (William)
Webster, Nick
wedding scene (Goodbye Columbus)
Welles, Orson
Wenning, Kathy
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
What's Ntr.v Pussycat?
What's Up Tiger Lily?
White, Merrill
Why We Fight
Wilder, Billy
Wilder, Gene
Williams, Elmo
Wilson, Woodrow
Window Cleaner, The
Wisdom, Norman
Wise, Robert
Wiseman, Joseph
Witness for the Prosecution
Wizard of Oz, The
women, and editing
Wood, Sam
Wray, Fay
Wright, Basil
Wyler, William
“Yankee Doodle Dandy,”
“Yes, Sir, That's My Baby,”
Yorkin, Bud
“You Are There,”
You Can't Take It with You
Young Lions, The
“Your Show of Shows,”
Zinnemann, Fred
When The Shooting Stops Page 35