
Home > Other > Takedown > Page 18
Takedown Page 18

by Heather Atkinson

Faith’s protests died as she kissed him back, arms locking around his neck. He pushed her up against the wall, tearing down her jeans while she unfastened his.

  “Vance,” she cried when he entered her.

  “You take your pain out on me,” he panted as they moved together. “Not the others, okay?”

  “If Kev ever challenges me again like he did today then he’ll get more of the same,” she retorted. “They’re not kids anymore.” She gasped when he drove into her even deeper, yanking his t-shirt off over his head and clinging onto him.

  He grunted when she sank her teeth into his shoulder.

  “We have to stick together,” he told her. “We can’t be fighting each other. It will tear us apart.”

  “Give Kev the lecture, not me. He’s the one who started it.”

  Faith threw back her head, crying out as he kissed her breasts, drawing Vance down into his own orgasm.

  “Mmm, that’s better,” she purred, flopping forward onto him, a contented smile on her lips.

  “Feeling calmer now?” he panted, cradling her in his arms.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  He kissed her and gently put her down. Vance was pleased the playfulness had returned to her eyes.

  “It’s a shame you can’t cheer Kev up the same way,” she grinned.

  “That wasn’t like you earlier,” he said, fastening his jeans.

  “I know but after everything we’ve been through we’re all bound to change. Kev too.”

  “I suppose.”

  They looked at each other when there was a knock at the front door. A brown A4 envelope was slipped through the letterbox.

  “Stay here,” he told Faith.

  She watched as he walked over to the door and studied the envelope before picking it up. After deciding there wasn’t anything harmful inside, he tore it open and produced a handful of photos.

  “Oh God,” he said.

  “What is it?” replied Faith.

  He held them out to her and Faith snatched them off him. She was appalled to see images of herself and Vance together in a compromising position.

  “What the hell?” she exclaimed. Her first thought was that these were copies of the photos Lenny Paisley had of them together, until she realised the backdrop was different. Rather than a warehouse wall, Vance had her pressed up against a tree. “These were taken the other day,” she breathed. “When we went to our special glade.”

  “We were being followed and we didn’t even realise.” He spotted something written on the back of one of the photos and pulled it out of her hand. “It says dirty incestuous bastards. Your secret’s going to come out.” His gaze darkened. “This is down to Adam.”

  “It does look like his writing.” Her eyes widened. “Matthew was going to speak to him.”

  “Then we need to get to him before he does.”


  After frantically pulling on their coats and shoes, Faith and Vance ran out of the building and jumped into the latter’s car.

  “Do you know where Adam lives?” Vance asked her.

  “No but I know he works at a garage on Rawcliffe Street.”

  “Then let’s go there.”

  They arrived at the garage in a state of high agitation but Adam’s boss said it was his day off. When they said they had something they needed to tell him urgently and asked where they could find him, the man became suspicious and refused to tell them anything else.

  “Shit,” yelled Faith when they were back in the car.

  “Maybe we should just let him out us?” said Vance.

  “Are you mad?”

  “We’d finally be free to be ourselves.”

  “Do you really want the family to find out by seeing those photos? And we’d lose the respect of everyone in the town. Imagine what that would mean for business. You were just talking about us needing to stick together. This would tear us apart while we’re vulnerable and we’d never get the product back.”

  “You’re right,” he sighed. “It’s not the right time but where can he be?”

  “He told me he spends a lot of time at the gym.”

  “Which one?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s all we’ve got. We have to try.”

  “I’ll look up the local gyms,” she said, taking out her phone.

  “Forget the one on Vicarage Lane. I go there, so I know he doesn’t go to that one.”

  “Oh good. That rounds it down to fifteen.”

  “Christ,” he sighed, dragging his hands down his face.

  “There might be another way. He’s good friends with the barman in one of the hotels on the promenade. He’ll give us his phone number.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Because he regularly buys product off us. If he doesn’t give us the information we want then I’ll ensure his God-fearing mother finds out about his habit.”

  “It’s worth a try.”

  Faith breathed a sigh of relief when she walked into the tacky outdated hotel and spotted Adam’s friend working behind the bar. There was only one table occupied by two people enjoying coffee. Faith stalked up to the bar alone. She’d left Vance in the car.

  “Hello Ian.”

  He went rigid at the sound of her voice and slowly turned to face her, a bottle of white wine in one hand. “Faith,” he smiled, voice trembling with nerves. “Are you here for a drink?”

  “No. I’m here for information.”

  “Oh yes? How can I help?”

  “I want Adam Parker’s address and phone number.”


  “None of your fucking business,” she said, careful to keep her voice low.

  “All right but it didn’t come from me.”

  “Of course not.”

  He put down the bottle, picked up a pad and pen and scribbled down the number. He tore the slip of paper off the pad and held it out to her. “Here you go,” he said, attempting a breezy smile and failing, relieved when she snatched it from him and left.

  Faith Chambers scared the crap out of him and lately she’d been getting even scarier.

  “I’ve got it,” Faith told Vance as she got back in the car. “Adam’s phone number and address.”

  “Let’s try his home first. Does he live alone?”

  “I think so, after he split up with his fiancée.”

  “Then let’s get over there.”

  They pulled up outside a rather tatty two up two down terraced house with a strip of neglected garden out front. Vance stormed up to the door and banged his fist on it but no one answered.

  “I don’t think he’s in,” said Faith, peering through the front room window. Although the glass was grimy she could make out dirty crockery lying on the floor as well as heaps of clothes. If this was indeed Adam’s house and Ian hadn’t given her the wrong address – which she didn’t think he would, he was far too much of a wimp – then Adam had taken a serious downhill slide. He had always been rather fastidious about cleanliness and neatness. The Adam she knew wouldn’t live in a mess like that.

  “Shall we try calling him?” said Vance.

  “Looks like we’ve no choice. I’ll call him from the car.”

  They climbed back into the car. Faith took out her phone and stared at it. “What should I say?”

  “Tell the pervert he’s fucking dead,” spat Vance, eyes bright blue.

  “I don’t think that’ll help. I’ll ask him to meet us at the glade.”

  “He won’t meet us somewhere so secluded.”

  “Good point. All right, at the Bluebell Café on the promenade then.”

  Vance nodded, drumming his fingers off the steering wheel as he imagined taking Adam Parker apart.

  “I was expecting you to call,” said Adam’s smug voice on the other end. “I take it you received my package?”

  “I did,” replied Faith. “What are you playing at Adam?”

  “You messed with me, so I’m messing with you.”

�How did I mess with you?”

  “You have for years Faith, picking me up and putting me back down again like I was a toy.”

  “And this is my punishment, is it?”

  “I’m not discussing it over the phone. I take it Vance is with you?”


  “Of course he is. Where one is the other is too.”

  “I think we should talk face to face. We can meet you at the Bluebell Café in fifteen minutes.”

  “Sorry Faith, you don’t get to dictate any longer. I’m at The Red Lion. I’ll wait for you to come.”

  “Why there?”

  “I have my reasons. I’ll see you soon,” he said before hanging up.

  “He’s at The Red Lion,” Faith told Vance.

  “Then let’s get it over with.”

  Dread rose in Faith’s gut. “What if he’s going to show everyone the photos? Or what if he already has?”

  “Then we’ll handle it.” He took her hand. “Don’t worry. Whatever happens we’ll deal with it. Nothing is stronger than us when we’re together.”

  She smiled and gently squeezed his hand. “You’re right. If he is going to unmask us then so be it.” Faith however didn’t feel the confidence of her words. If their secret got out the consequences would be even more devastating than they could imagine.

  They walked into the pub and anxiously looked around, wondering if everyone was going to stand up and start calling them perverts and sickos but no one batted an eyelid. A few of the customers nodded at them in greeting and Lil was behind the bar chatting up some young stud. To their consternation, Adam was nowhere in sight.

  “All right Faith?” smiled Lil as they approached the bar. “What can I get you both?”

  “I’ll have a white wine please,” she replied, feeling she needed some Dutch courage.

  “Orange juice for me please Lil,” said Vance, doing a good job of sounding relaxed. “I’m driving.”

  “Coming right up.”

  “Have you seen Adam?” Faith asked her.

  “He said to tell you he’s in the beer garden. Why he wants to sit out there in this weather I don’t know. He never was quite right.” Lil’s gaze was sharp as she looked at Faith. “I warned you often enough.”

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “I remember.”

  “Is Caleb coming in?” Lil casually asked.

  “No. He’s busy getting Eclectic ready for its opening night.”

  “The lad’s gone far,” she said with a fond smile, making Faith wonder if Lil’s feelings for Caleb ran deeper than just sex. She thought perhaps not when after serving them she returned to chatting up the stud.

  Faith and Vance picked up their drinks and wandered through the back door by the toilets out into the beer garden, although this was an ambitious name for the few cracked paving slabs that played host to three old picnic benches. The parasols that usually adorned them had been taken inside for the winter. Surrounding the so-called garden was a ten foot high wall. There was no greenery in sight, just concrete and bricks.

  Adam sat at the least wonky of the three tables, a pint of lager before him, hands stuffed into his coat pockets, a black beanie hat pulled down over his blond hair. Faith got a lot of pleasure from the fact that he looked cold.

  “Why are you out here freezing to death?” Faith asked him, taking the seat opposite him.

  “I didn’t think you’d want anyone to overhear this conversation.” His pale grey eyes flicked to Vance as he took a seat beside Faith. “You were together when you received the photos, weren’t you?” His eyes narrowed. “Can’t say I’m surprised. Had you just had sex?”

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” thundered Vance, rising to his feet.

  Faith patted his arm. “Sit down Vance. That’s not helping.”

  He slammed himself back onto the bench seat, rocking the table, causing their drinks to slosh onto the wood. Adam merely appeared amused by his rage.

  “I used to be so jealous of how close you were,” continued Adam. “I knew I could never come first with you Faith because of your relationship with Vance but never once did I think you’d got that close. I take it you were sleeping together when we were dating?” he asked her.

  “On and off,” she said.

  Adam gritted his teeth and shook his head, his jealousy plain for them to see. “I loved you so much Faith, I worshipped you and all the time you were cheating on me with your own brother.”

  “Not all the time,” she casually replied. “Just some of it.”

  Vance glanced sideways at her but didn’t speak. Her tone seemed designed to wind Adam up and he wondered if she had a plan in mind, she knew how to handle him better than he did.

  “And for your information,” she continued, a smile playing on her lips. “We’d just had sex seconds before that envelope was pushed through the door. Hot, satisfying sex up against the wall.” Her lips curled into a smile. “He made me come so hard, he always does.”

  Adam and Vance stared at her with their mouths hanging open, both equally surprised before Adam leapt up and banged his fists off the table. “You dirty fucking slag.”

  Vance jumped up too. “Don’t you call her that you little bastard. I’ll twist your fucking head off.”

  “I used to be afraid of you Vance when I was younger but not anymore. You can’t hurt me because if you do then everyone will find out what you’re up to.”

  “Go on then,” said Faith.

  Both men turned their attention back to her.

  “I’m not bluffing,” Adam told her.

  “I know you’re not,” she replied. “Go inside and tell everyone what we’ve been up to. To be honest, it’ll be a relief that I can finally be with the man I love.”

  Adam looked like she’d slapped him. “You…you love him?”

  “Yes. I have my whole life.”

  “Did I ever mean anything to you?”

  Her expression softened but only slightly. “Of course you did Adam, you’ve been a big part of my life but not anymore. Vance is my future.”

  “You have no future. He’s your fucking brother.”

  “No he’s not. I’m not biologically related to any of my family.”

  This threw him and he slumped into his seat. Satisfied he was calm, Vance sat back down too.

  “Only three people know what I’m about to tell you,” began Faith. “That I’m adopted.” She couldn’t give him the whole truth. If she did she’d only give him a different hold over her family. Better to let him think the whole thing had been legal.

  Adam laughed. “Bollocks.”

  “No it’s not. I’m really the daughter of an old family friend who had me and couldn’t cope with another child. Rose and Wilf decided to take me in. They never told anyone because they didn’t want me to feel excluded. Not even Caleb and the others know. Only me, Vance and Rose.”

  “I don’t believe it. You’ve come up with this story so you won’t be done for incest. That can land you three years in prison, I looked it up. I’m sure you don’t want to go back to prison Vance,” he told him with a vicious grin. “And I’ve got the proof to have you both locked up.”

  “Sorry, it won’t happen,” said Faith, taking out her phone and tapping at the screen before turning it to face him. “Here’s the DNA test I had done proving me and Vance aren’t related.”

  Adam’s smirk fell when he read it. “It’s fake,” he spat. “You had someone make this up in case you got caught.”

  “Actually it’s true. And here’s the email showing I’m not related to Rose and another about Caleb. I had comparisons done with all my siblings and I’m not related to a single one of them. That’s why I’m the only one in the family with dark eyes. So you see Adam,” she said with a sweet smile, slipping her phone back into her pocket. “Me and Vance aren’t doing anything wrong.”

  The corner of Vance’s mouth lifted at the look on Adam’s face as he realised he’d just lost his advantage.

l still show everyone these photos,” he snapped. “Your family don’t know you’re adopted, so it’ll upset them.”

  Faith shrugged. “Feel free.”

  He shot to his feet. “I’ll show these photos to everyone in the pub right now.”

  “Go for it. We won’t stop you,” she said, taking a sip of wine.

  Adam’s eyes tick-tocked between the two of them. “You’re bluffing.”

  “Try us and see,” smiled Vance. For his part, he hoped Adam showed those photos to the world. Then their secret would be out and they wouldn’t have to hide their relationship anymore.

  “I’m going to do it,” said Adam, stomping towards the door leading back into the pub.

  “Do what you want,” Faith told him before turning to Vance. “What do you fancy for tea tonight, Chinese or Indian?”

  “Chinese,” he replied. “I’m in the mood for noodles.”

  “Sounds good,” she smiled, eyes twinkling. “We’ve got that nice bottle of pinot in the fridge too.”


  “I’m going to do it you know,” Adam called to them from the door.

  They both looked round.

  “Are you still here?” said Vance.

  Adam sighed and stalked back over to them. “You’re calling my bluff but I’m not bluffing.”

  “Yes, we know,” sighed Faith. “I take it this is a pitiful attempt to blackmail us? Out of curiosity, what was your price for your silence?”

  “I…I want you to go back out with me.”

  “And you thought blackmailing me was the best way to go about that?”

  “You don’t know what my life has been like without you,” he exclaimed. “I got engaged to Harriett but all the time I was with her I was thinking about you. When I was with you life was good, I felt good about myself but now it’s all gone to shit.”

  “For God’s sake Adam, you don’t need someone else to make you feel better about yourself. Get out there and find another woman and stop stalking me.”

  “I am not stalking you,” he replied, turning red.

  “We’ve got you on camera – outside my flat, outside Mum’s, basically everywhere I’ve been. You were the one who painted the word murderer on the side of my car in blood, weren’t you?”



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