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Takedown Page 22

by Heather Atkinson

  “You’ve done so well,” said Faith, patting his shoulder. “This is brilliant.”

  Kevin beamed with pride.

  “Right,” she continued. “Let’s get the product out of that bloody coffin and into its new home.”

  It took them fifteen minutes to unload the coffin and stash all the product in the vault before Kevin closed the hatch and locked it. On their way to the porn shop, they’d stopped at Rose’s house, so Jason could nip in and pick up the device he’d bought just to double-check there weren’t any more tracking devices in the coffin, which there hadn’t been. They hadn’t wanted to risk the security of their new premises.

  “It looks like we lost five grand’s worth,” said Faith. “I’m sure the Maguires will be able to live with that.”

  “They’ll just be happy we got it back,” said Vance.

  “What should we do with the coffin?” said Jason.

  “I know someone at the tip who can get rid of it,” replied Caleb.

  “We should keep it,” said Kevin. “It might come in useful.”

  “Oh there’s a cheerful thought,” said a sarcastic Jason.

  “We could use it to torture people – lock them in it and tell them we’re going to bury them alive.”

  “Bloody hell Kev, that’s dark.”

  “We wouldn’t really do it but the threat would be enough to freak anyone out, no matter how tough they were.”

  “Jason’s right,” said Faith. “That is dark but it’s also a good idea.”

  “Seriously?” said Vance, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes. Psychological warfare. Like it Kev,” she winked at him.

  “Where the hell are we going to keep a coffin?” said Caleb. “We can’t exactly leave it in the office at the club.”

  “Take it to the lock-up. Kev’s right, it’ll have people talking in no time.”

  “Well, okay but it is a bit creepy. It’s been in a crypt.”

  “It hasn’t had any bodies in it. Not yet anyway,” she said before striding for the stairs.

  Vance watched her go with concern. There was that darkness inside her rearing its head again. Killing in the army and killing Lenny hadn’t put it there. Marlow had when he’d almost murdered her. Sometimes it felt like the little bastard was still interfering in their lives.

  Faith returned upstairs and wandered around the shop with an amused smile. She looked up at a full-length PVC catsuit hanging from the ceiling.

  “You’d look great in that,” Vance whispered in her ear.

  “No thanks,” she replied. “You’d have to cut me out of it.”

  “I wouldn’t have a problem with that,” he said, running his hand across her backside. “Don’t worry, they’re still in the cellar,” he added when she anxiously looked around for their brothers.

  “When we were kids I never dreamed our future would be like this,” said Faith, frowning at a particularly frightening dildo on a shelf, so big it cast a disturbing shadow on the floor.

  “Me neither but at least it’s never boring.”

  “What are you doing?” she said when he pocketed a pair of edible panties.

  “Planning for when we’re alone again in the flat.”

  “In that case,” she smiled, sliding a pair of handcuffs into her jacket pocket.

  “Naughty,” he winked.

  After the brothers had loaded the coffin back into the people carrier, Vance drove them to the lock-up so they could finally dump the macabre object.

  “What do we do now?” said Kevin once they were back in the car. “The firefighters are going to be really pissed off and they will retaliate.”

  “The fire inspection at Eclectic is tomorrow morning,” said Caleb.

  “We’ll all be there,” said Faith. “Only Kev and Jason will be at Pulse. Hear me out,” she added when Kevin turned puce with anger. “I don’t want Ben to be a distraction while his friends attack Pulse.”

  “Oh,” he said, simmering down. “I see. That’s a good idea.”

  “But this lot are smart,” she added. “They might hit us in a way we won’t expect, so we have to be prepared. I don’t think they’ll just give up because we took the product back and they know we know who they are. This isn’t over.”

  The Chambers siblings returned to Eclectic to see how the work was progressing. Thanks to the extra cash Faith had paid the company who were doing the renovations, they were ahead of schedule and the work would be completed in time for the opening night. They double-checked everything to make sure no sabotage had been done in their absence but Abi and Michael had done a good job of ensuring all was as it should be and they were delighted to hear that they’d recovered the product. Faith called Jules from the office in the club to give her the good news, who told her she’d had no doubts she would get it back. Jules chuckled over the story of how they’d retrieved it.

  “I have to hand it to your family,” said Jules, a grin in her voice. “You really are innovative. Not many people would think of using a bench as a slide for a coffin.”

  “That was Vance’s idea,” she smiled.

  “Hot and intelligent. A rare combination, outside of my own family anyway. Well done Faith, you should all be proud of yourselves, you pulled off quite the coup. Just don’t go telling anyone the product was in a crypt, it’s not a good advert.”

  “I can promise that information will stay with us. We don’t want to think about it again, it wasn’t pleasant.”

  “I can only imagine. Raven finally got back to me about who bought the flash devices. It was someone called Flo Fairweather from your neck of the woods.”

  “What?” exclaimed Faith.

  “Judging by the way my eardrum’s vibrating, I’m guessing you know her?”

  “Yes I do. She’s a frail old woman who likes wearing flowery dresses. She’s also Blackpool’s local arm’s dealer.”

  “Oh dear. It looks like the old biddy needs sorting out.”

  “She might be old but she’s still capable of causing carnage, especially with the arsenal she’s got. There’s nothing she doesn’t know about weaponry. Oh crap,” she sighed.

  “What is it?”

  “You remember I told you about Harry Paisley, Lenny’s brother?”


  “I think she’s got it into her head that one of my brothers killed him. She knows it wasn’t me because I was in intensive care when he went missing. This could be revenge.”

  “Why would she give a shit about that wanker?”

  “Because he was the adopted son of her best friend. Apparently this friend of hers had a miserable life and Harry was the only good thing in it. She hated Lenny because he was a sod to his mother but she loved Harry. Flo doesn’t believe he fled because there was a warrant out for his arrest.”

  “How much does she know about our operation?”

  “Nothing. I only get weaponry off her. I tell her nothing but she might be in touch with a group of handy firefighters.”

  “Could well be babes.”

  “I’ll get right on it. By the way, the fire officer doing the inspection on Eclectic is Ben Cooper.”

  “Bloody hell,” she chuckled. “It doesn’t rain, it sodding pours, doesn’t it? You’ve certainly got your hands full.”

  Faith was hoping she’d say she’d come and help them but no such offer was forthcoming. “There’s nothing new there,” she sighed.

  “You don’t get into this game for the peaceful life. That was something I learnt years ago. There’s always someone wanting to take what you have.”

  “I’m certainly learning that.”

  Faith hung up and jumped when arms snaked around her waist and lips kissed her neck.

  “Vance,” she breathed. She went rigid when she realised the person holding her didn’t feel right.

  “Try again,” whispered a voice in her ear.

  With a gasp she tore herself from those arms and whipped round.

  “Adam,” she exclaimed. “What the hell are
you doing here?”

  He didn’t look to be in great shape. He had an enormous bruise in the centre of his forehead from where Vance had smashed his head against the table at the pub, plus he had another bruise to the side of his face that she guessed he’d sustained when he’d been locked in the boot during a car chase and he seemed to be favouring his left leg.

  “I’ve come to pass on a message,” he said.

  “A letter would have sufficed,” she said coldly.

  “You have more enemies than you think. If you want to protect your family then you need to pack up and fuck off.”

  “You think it’s so easy?” Her eyes narrowed. “You’ve no idea what you’re taking on. If you attack us you’ll be crushed and I don’t mean by me and my brothers.”

  “No, you’re referring to the Maguires but we’re doing them a favour by showing them that you’re not up to the job.”

  “And you think they’ll just hire you instead?” She chuckled and shook her head. “People have tried to do the same to them so many times and they’ve always failed. If you interfere they’ll kill you.”

  “Then where are they Faith? No doubt you’ve already told them about everything that’s been going on but they haven’t charged up here to the rescue. They’re biding their time, waiting to see what will happen.”

  “You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about,” she retorted, although his words did echo thoughts she hadn’t wanted to acknowledge to herself. The Maguires could easily crush this issue and everything would go back to normal but they’d chosen not to do that. Naturally they wanted to see if she and her family could sort it out for themselves but what if they failed?

  “You’ve got the rest of the day to think it over,” continued Adam. “You can give Ben your decision when he comes to do the fire inspection tomorrow.”

  “I thought he’d wuss out of that.”

  “Then you don’t know Ben. Vance might just have a rival for the title of scariest bastard in town.” Adam’s gaze softened. “I hope you make the right decision Faith. I would hate it if anything happened to you. Even though you’re fucking your own brother…”

  “He’s not my brother.”

  Adam ignored the comment. “I still don’t want you to get hurt. Go back to Scotland and take your brothers with you.”

  “Piss off.”

  “As you wish,” he said, walking to the door.

  “Wait,” she called after him.

  He turned to face her and she found the hope in his eyes pathetic. Did he seriously think she was going to suggest they get back together?

  “What did you mean when you said we have more enemies than we think?” she said.

  “I meant exactly what I said. Make the right decision Faith, for your own sake.”

  “How did you meet Ben and his friends?”

  “They approached me. They did a lot of digging into your life Faith. They know everything about you and they thought I’d want to help them after how you treated me.”

  Her gaze turned to ice. “Get out of here before I break your fucking neck.”

  Adam just shook his head and quietly slipped out the door. Faith followed to see how he’d got in and was infuriated to see one of the workmen had propped open the fire door at the end of the corridor so he could have a cigarette.

  “Oy you,” she yelled at the man. “What the hell do you think you’re doing leaving that open?”

  The man jumped, threw his cigarette out the door and hastily pulled it shut.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” she snarled at him. “Someone just walked in off the street because of you.”

  “Sorry, it won’t happen again.”

  “For your sake it better hadn’t,” she spat before heading back into the club to relate to her siblings what had happened.


  Faith, Vance and Caleb were sat at the bar in Eclectic, casually sipping coffee when Ben Cooper strode in. As he wasn’t here to tackle a blaze, Ben wore black trousers and a black shirt with the fire rescue services badge on the arm. In one hand he carried a black folder marked with the same logo. It was the first time they’d seen him up close and they all stared at him with interest. He was tall, the same height as Vance, who was the tallest of all the brothers. His light brown hair was thick and wavy. Ben’s eyes were light grey and sparkled with intelligence as he assessed the three Chambers siblings, who got to their feet to greet him.

  “You must be Caleb,” said Ben, extending his hand to him. He smiled and retracted his hand when Caleb just glared at him. “I’m sensing a rather frosty welcome.”

  “Are you surprised?” said Faith, arching an eyebrow. “Your face looks a bit bruised. Sore, is it?” she said, recalling with pleasure the moment she’d smacked him in the face.

  “A little accident at work.”

  “You call ramming people’s cars with a transit van work?”

  “I suppose not,” he smiled. “How about I get the fire inspection out of the way first then we can discuss the real business? You can’t open without your certificate, so it doesn’t look like you have much choice.”

  “I suppose not but just for your information, the only things we keep in this club are to do with the club. Nothing else.”

  He chewed the corner of his mouth and nodded. “I see what you’re saying and understood.”

  “Vance and Caleb will accompany you around the club, just to make sure you don’t touch anything you shouldn’t.”

  Ben glanced around the room, reassured by the presence of all the workmen. “If it makes you feel better.”

  “It does,” she said, folding her arms across her chest.

  Faith remained at the bar, watching while Caleb and Vance flanked Ben as he worked, standing so close he almost fell over them a couple of times. Neither of them spoke while Ben chattered away, pointing out various things and marking them off on the checklist attached to his clipboard. For a while they disappeared upstairs to the first floor where the VIP room, staff room and office were located before they returned, Ben still chattering while the brothers followed him, not responding to any of his comments.

  “Well,” said Ben as the three of them returned to Faith, who was waiting at the bar. “I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve taken satisfactory fire prevention measures and I can now issue you with your fire safety certificate.” He signed the certificate underneath the check list on his clipboard, removed it and held it out to Faith.

  “Give it to Caleb,” she told him. “He’s in charge of this place.”

  “Oh, I do apologise,” he said, handing it to Caleb instead.

  “We thought you wouldn’t give us this to sabotage our new club,” Caleb told him, accepting the certificate from him.

  “Now that wouldn’t be very professional of me, would it?” said Ben rather chirpily.

  “Well,” said Faith while the brothers regarded him as though he were mad. “Shall we discuss the real business?”

  “I think we should,” said Ben.

  “This way,” she replied, leading him to a booth at the back of the club, out of earshot of the workmen.

  Vance nodded for Ben to sit down first and he sat next to him, penning him in while Faith and Caleb sat opposite.

  “So,” opened Ben with a cheerful grin. “Are we going to discuss you giving back what you stole?”

  “What you stole you mean you cheeky bastard,” hissed Caleb.

  “Do you seriously think that’s going to happen?” Faith asked Ben.

  “It better, for your sake.” He said the words in an almost friendly manner but his eyes were hard.

  “You think you can threaten us?” she said, amused.

  “I know I can. I already have done.”

  “If you’re referring to that pathetic attempt with the transit van then you’re really overestimating your abilities. You couldn’t even pull us out of a crashed car.”

  “I’m not referring to that. I’m referring to this,” he said, pulling some photos out
from under the pile of paperwork on his clipboard and tossing them onto the table.

  Faith felt sick as she found herself looking at the same photos Adam had shown her at the pub. She glanced at Vance, who appeared equally shocked.

  “You sick bastard,” exclaimed Caleb, shooting to his feet. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing throwing these nasty photoshopped pieces of crap around?”

  Faith stifled a smile. He didn’t believe what his own eyes were telling him.

  “They’re not photoshopped,” said Ben.

  “Course they are,” he snarled, lip curled with disgust. “Do you seriously think Vance and Faith would do that together?”

  “That’s exactly what they’re doing. They’ve been doing it for years.” He looked to Faith. “You’re quiet all of a sudden. Why don’t you tell him the truth?”

  “He’s right Caleb,” she said. “They’re not photoshopped.”

  Caleb turned ashen and he glanced at Vance, who was giving nothing away, waiting to see where Faith was going with this.

  “At least part of them aren’t photoshopped,” she continued. “That is me but Vance’s head has been pasted onto Adam’s body. Adam set up the camera to take these when we were together without my knowledge. He tried to blackmail me with them, said he’d send them to everyone I knew if I didn’t go out with him again. When I said no he obviously upped his game and photoshopped them to make it look like I’m with Vance. He always was jealous of how close we are and this is his revenge.”

  “It’s true,” said Vance a little tightly. He’d thought that finally the time had come to tell the world about their relationship but he was willing to go along with what Faith wanted. Ben had thrown down those photos to disrupt their family, weaken them to make it easier to take what they had and they couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “Adam’s pulling your leg,” Faith told Ben. “He likes to manipulate people into doing what he wants. I should know, I went out with him long enough.”

  Ben sighed, scooped up the photos and shoved them back under his paperwork.

  “Looks like your attempt to divide and conquer our family has failed,” said Vance. “And while you’re here, let’s sort things out so you never bother us again.”


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