When a Rogue Falls

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When a Rogue Falls Page 106

by Caroline Linden

  The devil if she would cave to his will. She flicked the corner of one letter. Why hadn’t she burned them yet?

  “It has been a sennight since the auction. Do try to let your anger go. It was only a horse, and you have so many already. Fine bloodhorses capable of running with the best.” Brooke gazed out of the office window watching the gaming floor. “Let us enjoy some cards.”

  Narissa took a deep swallow of scotch, it had been her papa’s favorite, an inclination they shared, for it was always her first choice as well. “Losing the horse is the least of what angers me. He can have the damn thing with my blessing. It is his audacity that I cannot abide.”

  Brooke turned to Narissa. “He is rather tenacious.”

  “He’s a pompous ass not fit to lick my slippers.” Narissa set her empty tumbler aside.

  Brooke laughed as she turned back to face Narissa. “My, he has gotten under your skin.”

  “No matter, I will have my revenge when Merlin beats Banshee or Highflier, or whatever bloody horse he decides to run at Epsom.”

  “You most certainly will,” Brooke agreed.

  “Now, let us join a game.” Narissa stood and strolled to the office door. She glanced at Brooke as she pulled the door open. Why the devil was she just standing there when it had been her who wanted to play? “Come along. This was your idea.”

  Brooke smirked. “I was imagining the look on His Grace’s face when you steal another victory from him.” Brooke mimicked what she imagined the duke would look like, her jaw slack and eyes wide. Both women burst into a fit of laughter before stepping into the gaming hell.

  Sobering, Narissa nodded toward a vingt-et-un table where Lady Diana and Lady Katherine were hard at play. Though she did not share the same close regard with them as she did with Brooke, she still considered both ladies among her friends. They, too, were long-time club members and she would be interested to know what they thought of Fortuna’s newest member, Hannah, as well as, what they might know about her bothersome brother. Narissa nodded in their direction. “Let us join them.”

  “I do so enjoy that game.” Brooke grinned before turning toward the green baize table.

  “Good evening, ladies,” Narissa said as she took the vacant seat between Diana and Katherine. A server approached, and Narissa took a drink from the tumbler of scotch that had been handed to her. She set it aside with a nod, then smiled at the other women. “Deal us in on the next hand.”

  Diana nodded before she looked back at her cards, then tapped the table with her glove covered finger. “I’ll take one more.” She peeked at the fresh card and frowned before laying it down. Two sixes and a ten, twenty-two.

  “I won again.” Katherine scooped the pile of coins from the table, her gold and diamond earbobs sparkling with the movement.

  “Don’t get overconfident, your luck can change at any time.” Diana notched her chin.

  “Perhaps, but I am not worried.” Katherine picked up her new cards, flashing a wide grin as she did so.

  Brooke followed suit, examining her hand. “What do you think of our new member, Hannah?”

  Narissa glanced from her cards, a ten and a queen, to Brooke and back. “I was wondering the same thing.”

  “She seems to be a good addition to the club. Holds her liquor well and plays with grace and skill.” Diana indicated that she wished for another card.

  Katherine glanced at the dealer, “I’ll stay.” She glanced at Narissa, then Brooke, before returning her attention to the cards. “I’ve had occasion to associate with Hannah beyond the club walls and agree with Diana. She is a quality lady deserving of entrance here.”

  “I agree with Katherine. In fact, I first meet the lady at a secret fencing match.” Diana toyed with her cards, closing them in her hand then fanning them back out.

  Narissa waved her hand, refusing another card. “Good, I had hoped she would fit in here.”

  “Honestly, I find her charming.” Brooke slid her fresh card across the table. “One need not spend much time with her to determine that she is a perfect hoyden without a care for what others think she ought to be doing.”

  “Indeed, she is one of us.” Narissa turned her attention back to the game. She watched as first Diana, and then Brooke, flipped their cards over, revealing sixteen and nineteen, respectively. Katherine grinned as she revealed two tens. “I have twenty. Can you beat it, Narissa?”

  “Perhaps,” She slowly turned her cards, first the queen and then the ten, revealing a perfect score of twenty-one.

  “Ha. I told you not to gloat.” Diana lifted her tumbler, eyes sparkling. “Everyone’s luck takes a hiatus eventually.”

  “Stuff it,” Katherine shot back.

  Diana smirked before taking a copious sip of scotch.

  “I cannot help but wonder what sort of man Hannah’s brother is. Have either of you had the occasion to meet him?” Narissa asked without looking away from her freshly dealt cards. She would hate for them to ascertain exactly how deep her interest in the devilish duke went. Still, she was obsessed and powerless to stop herself from pursuing all there was to know about the man.

  “I have not, though I should like to. I have heard that he is handsome and rich beyond measure.” Diana peeked at her cards. “I thought you meet him at Newmarket?”

  Narissa scowled. “I did, but only spoke with him for a moment.”

  “Mores the pity, he is every bit as handsome as people say. I met him at the Earl and Countess of Harrison’s musical last week. He’d come along to chaperone Hannah, and she introduced us. I found him surprisingly interesting.” Katherine accepted an additional card.

  “I missed the musical in order to stay in bed with a headache. Perhaps I will meet him at tomorrow’s ball.” Diana motioned for more scotch. “Will you be attending, Narissa?”

  Narissa slid her gaze to Brooke. Surely Brooke would have warned her if the duke had accepted an invitation.

  “Indeed, I would not miss a ball hosted by Brooke’s family.” She studied her cards, debating. Having an eight and ten did not allow for much room. If she got anything above a three she would bust. She forwent the risk, waving her hand in refusal, and stayed at eighteen. It was still a good hand.

  Brooke drained her tumbler of scotch before pinning her attention on Narissa. “There is something you may wish to know…about the ball.”

  Narissa caught Brooke’s gaze and she arched an eyebrow. “What is that?”

  Before Brooke could answer a commotion broke out near the entrance. Scuffling and raised voices rang out across the gaming floor.

  Narissa swung around to face the commotion, her breath hitching.

  “You cannot be here.” Josephine’s familiar voice rang out.

  “What the devil is this place?” The duke of Blackmore’s deep voice filled the room.

  Narissa’s body heated, her blood boiling in outrage. What the devil was he doing here? And how had he discovered her secret?

  “Forget what you’ve seen and leave at once,” Josephine ordered, blocking his path.

  “The hell I will.” Blackmore’s words were followed by a thud, as ladies at a nearby table fled the area knocking over a chair in the process.

  Narissa pushed back her chair and stood, forfeiting her hand to march toward the commotion. Fury consumed her when her glare met the Duke of Blackmore’s. One of her men, Ace, had charged ahead and now held him by the lapels, ready to remove him from the club. She should let Ace drag the pompous ass out and toss him in the alley. It would serve the duke well enough.

  “You!” His Grace shot her a seething glare.

  She smirked, enjoying his discomfort. “I could say the same.”

  She glanced at the women standing behind him. Josephine and a red-faced Hannah. He must have followed his sister. Bloody hell. Narissa closed her eyes for a moment. “Let him go, Ace.”

  He did as she bid, releasing the duke and stepping aside. “Do you wish for me to show him out?” Ace asked.

  Much as Nari
ssa would like to have him removed, she could not risk turning him out—not now that he had discovered her gaming hell. Bloody hell, what was she to do? She drew in a deep breath and pinned her gaze on the duke. “No, that won’t be necessary. I will handle him from here.”

  Blackmore had the audacity to flash his perfect white teeth in an amused grin. “I rather like the idea of you taking care of me, Lady Narissa.”

  Ace gave him a slight shake before releasing him. He turned his attention to Narissa. “As you wish.” Then strolled away, but not too far from her.

  Narissa turned to Josephine. “Please see that Hannah receives a drink while the duke and I have a chat in my office.”

  Josephine nodded, then took Hannah’s elbow.

  Hannah glanced up from the floorboards, her gaze finding Narissa’s. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Narissa said, before turning back to the duke. “Follow me.”

  Narissa strolled toward the office without giving His Grace another glance. She had no need to look back, the heavy fall of his boots let her know he followed.

  Chapter 5

  Seth could scarcely believe what he had wandered into—a gaming hell full of women. It was absurd, to say the least. Nearly unbelievable, and yet here he was witnessing it with his own eyes. The fact that Hannah had snuck off again came as no surprise, but what was she doing here? How had she found such a place? He closed his eyes for a second, gathering his wits.

  Seeing Lady Narissa—that had left him momentarily dumbfounded. Why should it surprise him that the vixen was a part of this scandalous place? He could not fathom, for he should expect nothing less given what he knew of her. The woman clearly had no moral compass or sense of propriety, and he’d be damned if it didn’t make her all the more appealing.

  The fact only made him wish to wring her slender neck all the more.

  He followed her past a row of hazard tables and into a spacious room, no doubt her office based on the large mahogany desk at the far end. Before she could do anything, Seth reached behind him and flung the oak door shut. He would have answers. “What the hell is going on here?”

  She stared at him through fiery golden eyes, her shoulders squared, back straight. “I believe you are intelligent enough to answer your own query.”

  He flexed his fingers at his sides. “And you are more scandalous than the ton knows.”

  “You don’t say.” She shot him a smirk then moved to the sideboard where she proceeded to pour two tumblers of scotch. “Might I add that I am rather proud of it?”

  The blasted woman was infuriating. All the same, he could not fight the ghost of a grin pulling at his lips. She was unlike any woman he’d ever met. A dangerous combination of wit and beauty mixed with a devil may care attitude that drove him to madness. It was all he could manage to remain standing in place as he desperately wished to take hold of her and shake her senseless—or capture her full lips beneath his.

  He’d wager she tasted of whisky and honey. He took a step toward her, his trousers straining against the bulge of his manhood. Honor stopped him from continuing down that particular path, and he glanced out at the gaming floor through the large window. Hannah had to remain his focus. He pinned Lady Narissa beneath his gaze once more. “This is a female gaming hell.”

  “Well done, Your Grace. Welcome to Fortuna’s Parlor.” She held a tumbler out, offering it to him. “Now, do have a seat.”

  He scowled, rejecting the drink. It would be a cold day in hell before he sipped liquor with the vixen. “I would prefer to collect my sister and take our leave.”

  Her eyes rounded as she sat the tumbler down. “Then what?”

  He smirked. “I believe you are intelligent enough—”

  She waved a hand through the space separating them. “Let us cease with this game, it has grown tiresome.” Nodding toward a chair, she said, “Do sit and let us speak frankly.” Then she situated herself in the chair opposite the gold brocade armchair she’d offered him.

  He hesitated for a moment before taking the seat she’d indicated. Perhaps there was something to gain here. “I should tell all of society what you have been doing. It would serve you right to be brought to ruination.” He leaned in heart pounding. “However, I may be persuaded to hold my tongue.”

  He studied her as a myriad of emotions flashed through her striking whisky eyes. Anger, frustration, determination. When they softened, he relaxed a measure, certain he had her where he wanted her.

  She notched her chin. “Very well. Name your price.”

  “It is not coin I seek, and you well know it.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What then?”

  The lady may be many untoward things; however, he did not believe her to be addle-brained. He had asked her twice for what he wanted. She well knew the price for his silence. What he could not be certain of was her willingness to accept his terms. “Again, I am quite certain you can figure it out.”

  Lady Narissa placed her elbows on her desk and leaned forward. “You want me to ride for you at Epsom in exchange for your silence.”

  “Bravo, my lady.” Seth smiled with mock sincerity. He was enjoying her discomfort. She well deserved it after the way she had dismissed him at Newmarket then drove up the price on Banshee. Not to mention, allowing Hannah inside of this godforsaken den of impropriety.

  “I will not,” Lady Narissa answered, coolly.

  “Then we have nothing left to say.” He stood and turned toward the door.


  Seth pivoted to face her, one brow arched.

  “Is there nothing else I can do?”

  If he did not want to win Epsom so badly, he would make an indecent proposal. Surely the fiery hellion would be delightful under the sheets. His gaze lingered on her plump lips for a moment before trailing his gaze down to her rounded breasts. No, he needed her to ride his horse—not him, as delightful as he imagined it would be.

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I will allow you twenty-four hours to ponder your fate. In the meantime, I intend to collect my sister. You will assure me that Hannah’s membership is henceforth revoked?”

  “Doing such may lead to more trouble. Think about it, Your Grace, if Hannah is barred from my establishment, she’s bound to seek entertainment at other venues.” Lady Narissa came to stand before him, she leaned in close. “Less secretive ones.”

  Ignoring the intoxicating scent of her perfume, he replied, “That is not your concern.”

  She notched her chin. “The ton is already gossiping about her. How do you think I learned of her inclinations toward gaming? At least here you know she is safe. The same cannot be said of other establishments that may allow a woman entrance.”

  He hated to cede to this annoying woman, but something told him she cared for Hannah, and he could not argue the validity of her words. In fact, she could well have challenged him by using Hannah against him. Refused his terms out of hand and countered with revealing Hannah’s involvement here. His admiration for the vixen grew. “Very well, she may remain a member, but you are charged with protecting her reputation…both within these walls and outside of them.”

  “As I do all of my members,” Lady Narissa said, with a confident smile.

  “Then it is settled. I will call upon you tomorrow evening to get your final answer.” He leaned in close. “I caution you to think real hard before rejecting my offer as I do not bluff.”

  When he pulled back, he found himself arrested by the passion flaring in her eyes and the slight flush of her cheeks. The desire to kiss her, to hold her in his arms slammed into him afresh.

  “Good day, Your Grace.” Lady Narissa turned her back to him, retrieved her tumbler, then took a long drink.

  Blood warming with indignation at yet another dismissal, Seth turned on his heels and marched from the office. She could pretend indifference all she wanted. The turmoil in her gaze gave away her true feelings. He had her trapped, and they both knew it. More than that, she felt the attract
ion between them.

  Narissa sank into the leather chair behind her desk with a loud sigh. The duke had her by the throat. Fortuna’s was her baby; she’d worked hard to build the club into what it was today. Countless hours of hard work and sweat, sleepless nights, and scarifies went into making Fortuna’s profitable and turning it into the sought after establishment it had become.

  She had a duty to protect her club and its members. She owed it not only to herself, but to Josephine who’d believed in her dream, and all of the ladies who trusted her to keep their secrets. On the other side of her conundrum, winning at Epsom with Merlin was her dream too—the last one she shared with Papa. How could she let him down? Stomp on the last dream they shared together? It would be a terrible disservice to Papa’s memory and her own ambition.

  She retrieved the scotch decanter and a crystal tumbler, then returned to her desk intending to drink copious amounts of scotch. Truly, she had only two choices and neither appealed to her. Topping off her tumbler, she took a gulp. What would Papa have her do?

  With tightness in her chest, she dropped her head into her hands. Lose Fortuna’s, or give up on her and Papa’s derby dream—all of their hard work. Either way, she would lose something dear to her. No matter what she chose to do, she would be selling a part of herself and have to live with the regrets her choice caused.

  The door swung open and Narissa jumped, the scotch in her tumbler splashing over the side. “Bloody hell,” she said, setting the drink aside as she looked to see who had entered her office.

  Josephine and Brooke strolled in, matching looks of concern upon their faces. Brooke closed the door in their wake, while Josephine strolled across the office to sit near the desk.

  “That bad, is it?” Josephine reached for the decanter, then poured herself a drink.

  “The scoundrel demanded I ride for him. If not, he will tell all of England about Fortuna’s.” Narissa drained her tumbler then slid it across her desk for Josephine to refill.

  “Did you agree?” Brooke asked with rounded eyes.

  “No.” Narissa drained her scotch. “He gave me until tomorrow night to change my mind.”


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