Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 9

by L M Lacee

  “Did you need something?”

  Ciana smiled a truly lovely smile, taking her face from pretty to beautiful.

  “Just wanted to say coffee is made and breakfast. If you want any and Uncle Rene’ brought you your things.”

  She indicated his suitcases and boxes piled in the room. His eyes widened, he had slept through the delivery of all of that. He asked his dragon. You heard nothing?

  His dragon turned his back on him and curled up. Don’t drink hundred year old Dragon ale from Scotland and think I will hear people walking into our room!

  Then he tucked his head under his wing and made snoring noises. Ciana jumped from the bed. “Well, I will see you when you get up?”

  Andre` called to her as she opened his door. “I will be with you in a few minutes. I need to shower first, and I would love breakfast.”

  She smiled again and said. “That will be great. I think Elara is missing you and Andre`?”

  “Yes Ciana.”

  “We really need to talk.”

  “That we do. We really do!” He agreed, with another quick smile she left. He quickly left the bed and found his bathroom. A hot shower later, dressed in clean clothes. Andre` felt ten times better. Dragon healing meant no hangover.

  He made his way to the dining room and found not only Ciana and Elara but his nephew Storm and his shadow. A small blonde haired female who looked quite ill and looked very much like her sister Harper. “Charlie my dear hello.”

  He hugged Storm and gave Charlie a gentle hug, she mumbled. “Hello.”

  He took Elara from Ciana and cuddled her close as he said to Ciana. “So you have met your cousin Storm?” Who smiled his slow smile and answered for her.

  “We have, she is delightful Uncle, as is Elara.”

  “Good when did you return?” He asked as he sat down.

  “Last night you do not remember?”

  “No nephew. I seem to have a memory lapse. Your shadow does not look good Storm.” As his dragon hummed to Elara. Charlie looked a little worse for wear. He cocked a brow at Storm who said. “Hangover.”

  “I see.” Andre` said with sympathy in his voice.

  Charlie sipped her coffee as she eyed the male who looked bright and alert as though he was not rolling drunk last night. “Damn dragon healing, not fair.”

  She looked at Storm. “This is your fault. You let me drink that fire water. What kind of Shadow are you?”

  Storm sighed. “The kind who hates being hissed at.”

  “Who hissed at you, was it Harper?” She demanded to know outraged someone, namely her sister would do so to her shadow.

  “You did beloved! You hissed loudly when I tried to take your drink away. It was scary. You are quite scary beloved.”

  He looked at her pathetically. Ciana tried not to laugh at the giant of a man looking sad, it just didn’t work.

  Charlie eyed him. “Yeah well if I did. I am sorry. Why didn’t you get Harper to stop me?”

  “She hisses too my love, and she had knives.”

  “Oh yeah forgot about her damn knives.”

  She didn’t sound convinced, though. Blossom came into the room smiled at Andre`. “My Lord.” She said as a way of greeting. Then she went to Charlie saying. “Tut…Tut, poor Lady Charlie.”

  Charlie said pathetically. “I know. I am in pain Blossom!” Who then ran her fingers over Charlie’s forehead, and she immediately brightened. “Blossom thank you, what did you do?”

  “Faerie healing of course, Lady Charlie are you not up to that in your lessons yet?” Charlie feeling very much alive answered. “No not yet, thank you again Blossom.” Who smiled again then asked! “Lady Ciana should I serve breakfast now?”

  Ciana looked at Andre. “That would be fine. Blossom.” He answered for her.

  Andre said to Ciana. “Has anyone filled you in on what happened after you crashed last night?”

  “Blossom did and then Storm when they got here.”

  Storm told them both. “We are expecting Reighn and Sage plus Mama and Papa soon. They had a meeting with the Faerie Queen and King.”

  Charlie grinned and said. “Also Harper and Ace will be here as well. Ciana, Harper is my sister and half faerie as well. Ace is Ash’s brother if you remember him and Olinda from yesterday they have the Sun dragons who will also be here. Keeper who is also Reighn’s brother will be here, basically everyone will be here.”

  “Okay sounds busy.” She looked at Andre`. “So Andre` you are my father?”

  “I am dear one.”

  “What do you wish me to call you?”

  He smiled at her. “What do you want to call me?” Ciana sighed and closed her eyes. “I never had a father or mother growing up for now if you do not mind may I just go on calling you Andre`?”

  He lent nearer and kissed her cheek. “I do not mind in the least. This is going to take time for us both to adjust to. If I or we, your family had known of you we would have come for you sweet girl never think differently.”

  She placed her small hand on his smooth cheek. “I do know that, in fact in all this crazy situation. That I do not doubt Andre` as scared as I am about what I am and what is to come. I know you and everyone else here, are here for Elara and me.

  “I have to tell you Ciana I am finding it difficult to be so kind about all this and I am still very annoyed with the Goddess.” He told her.

  “Yeah, that all seems bad, what I want to know is why?”

  Charlie snorted. “Goddesses only tell you what they want to tell you. Ask Olinda they did something similar to her.”

  “I agree they did. However, they did not keep her parents from her, did they?” Andre` muttered.

  Charlie shifted uncomfortably on her seat. “Well no that they did not do.”

  “Maybe they felt it was necessary.” Ciana rolled her eyes, “Only I cannot see what would necessitate them withholding me from you. Another question is how did you end up with my mother?”

  “I cannot understand that as well.”

  Ciana pulled her phone from her pocket and showed him a picture of her mother. He shook his head as he looked at her. “This is not a female I ever laid with. My dear girl, I never impregnated this female. My Dragon and I remember every female we have ever laid with and she was not one of those.”

  He looked at her wide eyed stare and said quietly. “Believe it or not there are not that many females who find me charming enough to bed.”

  Ciana blushed. “Well okay more than I needed to know.”

  He laughed as did Charlie and Storm. “So if she was not my birth mother. Was I adopted?”

  Andre` took a seat and passed Charlie the baby girl who had dropped off to sleep. “Ciana, my daughter.” He said with a small smile. “You also have a sister who is apparently your twin and is making her way to Dragon’s Gap.”

  Ciana looked stunned and eased her head onto his shoulder. “Are you sure?”

  He sighed. “Oh yes most definitely. While I slept a golden dragon appeared and showed me a vision. She was of course the Sun Goddess. She told me also I should tell you now as we are disclosing information. Your sister, my daughter does not know about you or me she has been on her own and the Goddess forgot all about her. They say she is very angry and is blocking them. Personally I think they have not really looked for her.”

  “Because she is not the one with the moon baby?” Ciana made it a statement rather than a question although Andre` answered it as though she did. “Yes and I do not know her name. Neither of them told me.”

  Storm mused. “You have to wonder if they know.”

  Charlie growled. “Surely they must, they know she is coming.” Charlie looked at Storm in confusion, he nodded. “That is true.”

  Andre` pulled on his bottom lip. “I also would like to know how they know, the Goddess was adamant they could not find her.”

  Ciana drummed her fingers on the table. “They must know something. How do we get them here to ask?”

  All three looked
at her at the anger that was just barely showing in her violet eyes, those same eyes that were now sparking with temper.

  “No one commands Goddesses.” Storm told her. Andre` kept quiet, he knew he could make them appear but really did not want to play that card right now. Instinctively knowing he would be only able to summon them once and he felt his missing daughter had the right to see the Goddesses.

  “Huh! Well, I think it is about time someone did!” Ciana snarled.

  “Elementals could.” Charlie grinned as she said that. Storm sighed. “No! Now Uncle what else did the Goddess say?

  “She also showed me Elara has a twin sister out there somewhere.” At Ciana’s gasp he said quickly. “The Goddess has sent someone after her. Now I asked to go and retrieve my daughter but am barred from doing so. Storm can we look for Ciana’s sister?”

  Storm spread his hands. “We do not know her name or where she is now. We may make a guess of what she looks like using Ciana as a template but can we really be sure of that? We could send hunters out but would that not be strange? Would it not be better for her to find her own way here? Then we can explain the dynamics of her family to her.”

  Andre sighed as he realized what Storm said made sense but his worry for his daughter would not ease. “I was afraid you were going to say that!”

  Ciana worried as well agreed with Storm and Andre`. “I don’t like it but truthfully I cannot see what else to do but wait and hope she gets here safely.”

  To lighten the mood, she grinned and said. “Wow look at me yesterday I had only Elara and now we have a large family and more coming. How much better can my life get.”

  Andre` refrained from telling her about the Elf who was coming to claim her. Maybe somethings were better being experienced just for herself.


  It had been three days since the revelation that Andre` was a father and grandfather. He and Ciana had spent those days together, learning about each other and looking after Elara.

  She told him all about her life with her grandparents and of all the places she had visited with them they discussed Luna’s fascination with the after-life and Ciana’s secret that she had withheld unknowingly from her grandmother. Ciana had shed her tears of grief for the woman she loved and who had loved her.

  Andre` told her about events of importance in his life and about his dear departed Karrie they spoke together of the love he held in his heart for her even though she was not his shadow. He also told her of his exile from Dragon’s Gap and how long he had grieved his dear Karrie’s loss.

  They talked about history that Andre` had witnessed. Ciana had peppered him with questions about his past, the world at that time and what it was like growing up living in changing eras. Verity came in for her share of questions about fashion and decor. They spent hours talking finding they had the same likes and dislikes the same sense of humor.

  What they did not talk about was Ciana’s mother it was as if each of them did not want to break the harmony they were finding as a new family by bringing up a female neither of them remembered. It was almost like if they allowed themselves to talk about her they had to acknowledge the sister that was not there. She was in both their minds Andre` thought of her when he retired for the night and she was the first thing on his mind when he woke in the morning, he was gripped with a fear he did not understand and did not want to name.

  Ciana thought of her constantly wondering what she was like if she looked like her, if she would want to talk to her knowing she was the reason the Goddess had abandoned her. She slept and dream walked constantly trying to find her and woke saddened when she failed.

  Together father and daughter fell more under Elara’s spell and developed a bond that neither of them knew they were looking for but were very glad they found. On the second morning Olinda and Frankie arrived and asked Ciana to help put together a guide book with questions and answers as she was the most recent arrival. She definitely agreed so Andre` took the opportunity to leave and spend some time in his office and meet Finlay who had arrived home the night before. They spent the morning talking and reviewing the information gathered then with their teams setting up avenues of inquiries.

  When he arrived back at the apartment Ciana showed him the outline for the book, it was a good effort he thought and was sure to be helpful for those new to the Gap.

  They spent the remainder of the day shopping for clothes for both Ciana and Elara, ending up sharing dinner with Rene’ and Verity.

  Now, this morning on the fourth day they had word the Elves had found Elara’s sister and all was not well. Andre` made the decision to go and find out what happened. Ciana made the decision not to be left behind. Blossom also decided to go which meant baby Elara would go as well this was not to Andre`s liking.

  After much negotiation with Blossom who reluctantly remained behind. Andre` did not feel bad about having Charlie ask Scarlett to intervene, it was after all his granddaughter they were talking about bringing to an unknown situation, it was hard enough that Ciana was going.

  When had his life become so complicated? He asked his dragon as they stood looking over a town. His dragon did not answer only chortled with glee at having so many people in his life to be worried about.

  With very little debate Reighn had assigned only one unit of shields under Ark’s command to accompany Andre` and Ciana. When Blossom had asked permission to leave to go with Elara and Ciana, and had been denied, Queen Scarlett decided, as she was worried about Ciana whom she had met and liked, that she would send a willing Sparrow. She had previously asked to be allowed to command a unit of faeries to accompany Ark’s units on the mission. Now Andre` had even more people with him on his mission to find out what had befallen a group of Elves.

  With the aid of a portal they arrived on a hill above the small town minutes ago. “Well, that does not look good.” Sparrow said as they all looked down upon the town and watched who they assumed were elves, chained together in a long line being lead from a building onto a bus. Ark in his deep voice said. “I count nineteen. How many were there meant to be?”

  Andre` thought back and murmured. “I think twenty-one. I do not see a female, do any of you?”

  Before anyone could answer a voice cried out. “Thank the Goddess you arrived. I was not sure my message would get to you.” Phoebe stepped out from behind a tree. “My brother is hurt and the others are captured.”

  Quick as warriors were trained to be, they all turned fast making sure Ciana was placed behind them. Guns and arrows were aimed at her. Phoebe came to a stop, her hands raised in surrender. Andre recognized her as the one the Elf in his vision had referred to as the archive.

  Ark demanded. “Who are you?”

  She looked at Ciana and bowed her head in respect, who returned the salute, she was a tall, slim female with long white hair that was braided into a long rope down her back, half her face wore tattoos leading down her neck under her clothes. She was pale like cream, with bright blue eyes they were slightly oval and her ears were indeed, Ciana was amused to see. Pointed! Her voice when she spoke was musical like a song without words. “I am Phoebe sister to Thorn Moonwalker, the King of the moon elves. We quested here to rescue the babe. It did not go so well.”

  Ark asked Andre`. “My Lord is this the one we came to meet.”

  “Yes. The Archive.” Phoebe’s eyes opened wide “You know of me?”

  “Yes, please lower your hands. I had a vision you were there with your brothers and his warriors.”

  “Ahh I see.”

  With a signal from Ark, two shields went to where the male lay unconscious. “I have aided him as best I could.” Phoebe told them as they all followed the males. “I think they used a poison.”

  “It is possible, apparently it has happened before.” Andre told her, then asked. “Do you need assistance?”

  “If you have water, I have not dared to drink the water here.”

  Sparrow handed her a flask of water. “It is clean, it is
from our Grove.”

  “I thank you.” She drank thirstily.

  Andre` said. “Allow me to introduce myself and my companions.” Which he proceeded to do when he came to Ciana. Phoebe’s eyes sparkled with either amusement or wonder Ciana could not decide. To draw her attention from Ciana. Andre` asked. “If I may ask. You have battle ‘magics’ how did this happened?”

  Phoebe’s eyes darkened as she replied. “I am unable to use my ‘magics’. I am unsure why.”

  Andre` nodded as he watched the two shields roll the prone male onto a stretcher, Ark came to Andre` and told him. “They will take him back to Dragon’s Gap, he needs medical and Healer Sharm.”

  Andre` nodded and opened a portal, allowing the two males to carry the stretcher through. A few minutes later the two males returned and Andre` closed the portal. Then they spoke quietly to Ark. He nodded a few times then he came to Andre and said. “Sharm said he had definitely been poisoned. He wants samples if we can get them.”

  Andre` scratched his chin. “Well alright. We need to talk to Lady Phoebe Moonwalker and find out what actually happened.”

  Sparrow had placed sentries around the makeshift camp that Phoebe had made while she waited over night for help to arrive. None of the towns people ventured out of the town thankfully so she and her brother remained well hidden from them.

  Phoebe sat on her bedroll as Ciana and Andre` found places to sit. When Andre` asked again how it was possible, they were captured she tried to explained what happened. “We arrived and scouted the town all was well. We found and identified the infant, she is in the blue house number 36 First Street. The last house on the main street heading west. She is held and cared for by two females. King Thorn decided to take only four warriors with him so as not to scare the females. I was left behind.”

  Sparrow asked. “Does that happen a lot?”

  Phoebe was shaking her head and then reluctantly nodded. “On occasion but in this instance he was correct to do so, my ‘magics’ will not work here. So my King chose to leave me. When our King approached the females to ask about the infant, we could all see everything looked good as they went inside the house with the female. Then after some time they left the house without the infant. All still seemed well. It was only as they went to leave the town that the town guards arrived and captured him and his warriors.”


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