Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 17

by L M Lacee


  A t ten past two that afternoon Reighn entered his office to find Ciana sitting patiently waiting for him. “I am sorry I am late. I know you have the afternoon tea to get too.”

  “It is no problem I have time, apparently we are to go any time after two thirty so heaps of time.”

  “What can I do for you Ciana?”

  “Jacks told me of a job you may have going. I came to offer my services.”

  “I see and do you have references?”

  “Yes, as well as I wrote everything, Jacks told me the job entailed as far as duties went in case she forgot something.”

  She handed him a folder as he sat and said, “Jacks seldom forgets anything if she gave you a run down on what the job was for she would be correct.”

  “Well, she had help Sage, and Lars also spoke to me.”

  He smiled. “Were they trying to convince you to take it or trying to stop you taking it?”

  She grinned back. “Maybe a bit of both!” He flipped open the folder as Ciana looked around at the paintings in the room he started reading, ten minutes later he closed the folder. “You are over qualified!”

  Ciana shrugged she knew she was but she really thought she would like to mediate disputes it sounded exciting and entertaining to find the root of a problem to help people come to an understanding. This job was tailor made for her.

  “In saying that I feel you would be the perfect person and not just because no one else wants to do it.” He smiled as her eyes sparkled with delight. Reighn nodded as though he came to a decision. “I think you would be fair and just, so let’s give it a trail run. What do you say?”

  “Yes and thank you.”

  “So today is Thursday, let's say your first day is two weeks from Monday that will give you time to adjust and get some back ground on the people of Dragon’s Gap and how we have handled disputes in the past. Over the next two weeks, you, June along with Lars and myself will get with Conor and Claire and we will work out a system and go over some past cases and a few of the pending ones that will give you and us an idea on how you wish to present you court and make no mistake Ciana it will be a court. Stanvis and Keeper will help you with the law and from what I read you are a quick study you three should get on well. How does that sound?”

  “Great whom am I ultimately answerable too?”

  “Myself and Lars as my Prime. I warn you Ciana it will not be an easy road you will have to have guards to start with until as such time as the petitioners become receptive to you being a female ruling over them.”

  “But I am dragon so only I being female will cause problems and truthfully that is nothing I am not use to. We will manage, mind you I am supposed to be mated to Thorn so that will also be interesting and maybe we can use elves as guards along with dragons.”

  “That may work, we can ask Thorn, keep in mind they are archaic in their thinking and traditions. You know this right?” He was worried he was telling her something she may not know.

  “Oh yes, Phoebe told me but things change all the time and if he wants me he will have to change or go without a radiance!” She said dryly. Reighn grinned. “Why do I feel he will change?”

  “Because you are a very smart male.”

  He grinned as he stood along with Ciana. “That I am. Cousin you are adorable.”

  Ciana stilled as he walked to her. “Oh, I forgot that… oh yes cousin, see that is so very cool. I have never had so much family it is nice knowing I am not alone.” She looked up into his black eyes and whispered. “Do you think she is alright out there by herself Reighn?”

  He hugged her knowing she spoke of her missing sister. “I pray she is!”

  Ciana sighed. “Me too!”

  He kissed her forehead “Go to tea and then go give your intended hell.”

  She smiled. “Sounds like a plan, thank you. You won’t regret this.”

  “I hope you will not.” Reighn said as she waved goodbye.

  Ciana did not see Thorn all afternoon not that she had much time to see him, what with job interviews and then the afternoon tea party which she thoroughly enjoyed, she made friends with Tayla and Krista. Grace’s son’s mates they were kindness themselves. Olinda was delightful and full of information about raising twin Goddess touched hatchlings, which consisted of. “They are like all other babies so just love them.”

  The tea went on until five o’clock when it broke up as nannies called for mothers. Ciana raced back upstairs to her apartment and her girls just as Andre` arrived home, they said goodbye to Blossom and together made dinner each sharing their day and the revelations it had brought. They discussed the training fights, and he told her who Patrycc was to Verity and what a Redeemer was.


  J ust after the tea party broke up Thorn, Phoebe and Ark arrived at the apartment of Storm and Charlie.


  Ark banged on the door as Thorn said. “You did not have to attend. We could have found our own way here!”

  “True but then I would have missed seeing my nieces.” He told him in his laid-back drawl he affected when talking to Phoebe’s brothers which he knew confused them, Phoebe hid her smile. The door opened, and they were greeted by Kelsey. “Hello.”

  Ark reached down and swung her up into his arms. “Hello my little kitten. How was your day?” She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed as she told him seriously. “It was fun, did you like beating up the elves? Dada said it was a good time and aunty Harper said she wanted to beat up some elves too.”

  Trying not to laugh at his niece and the affronted face of Thorn. Phoebe was looking down but he could hear a little giggle escape. Ark nodded. “We call it training sweet one.”

  “Uncle Ark?” She said coyly.

  “Yes little kitten.”

  “What is an Elf?” Which made Ark laugh and say. “These nice people are Elves kitten. This is King Thorn of the Moon Elves and this beautiful lady is my shadow Phoebe sister to King Thorn.”

  With wide shiny eyes Kelsey said. “Oh!”

  Ark entered the apartment with Kelsey’s eyes still taking in every detail of the two people who followed them in. “You are very pretty.” She told Thorn and Phoebe. “Are all elves pretty?”

  Thorn took one of her little hands in his and kissed the back of it in a courtly manner. “I thank you for the compliment and yes little one, all moon elves are pretty. But not I fear as beautiful as you will be when you are full grown.”

  Kelsey fluttered her lashes at him and smiled sweetly. Storm and Charlie entered just as he finished speaking making Charlie grin at Kelsey’s attempt at flirting. Storm stomped over and took his daughter from Ark Charlie explained. “She has just started flirting. It is not pleasing her father.”

  Phoebe laughed. “It is a harmless muscle that must be exercised as all young girls do.”

  “No!” Said all three males at once. Much to Charlie and Phoebe’s amusement. Storm grumbled. “It must not be allowed, you will talk to her and explain we will not be pleased.” He told Charlie as he frowned down at his unrepentant daughter who said “Dada!”

  Ark and Thorn agreed. “Make it stop.” Thorn stated to Charlie as Ark said. “She is far too young.”

  Charlie grinned wider. “Seriously as long as it is with males that are family there is no harm.”

  “No male would be fool enough to think it was anything other than a little girl growing a new way to get attention.” Phoebe whispered as Kelsey left the room.

  “Not if they want to live.” Storm stated without expression. Thorn and Ark agreed with a look that said anyone thinking different would have to have a death wish. “Seriously you three, she is little girl barely five.”

  All three of them shuffled their feet as Charlie guided Phoebe to the table in the dining room. “So!” Phoebe said easing on to a chair. “Charlie, you wished to see us why?”

  “Oh yes, we were told Cara is half Elf. We wondered if it was possible for you to t
ell us what clan she comes from.”

  Thorn asked puzzled as he also sat. “Why? Do you wish to return her?”

  “Dear Goddess no, she is ours. We just need to know in case she wants to know in the future.”

  “They will not claim her.” Thorn told the parents who looked concerned.” If that was a worry?”

  Storm said as he sat. “To be honest it was a small one, we discussed but mainly we want to know as she is half Elf and half Unicorn if she will breed true.”

  “Ahh I see.” Thorn grinned as he looked at Phoebe then nodded.” What do you know Archivist? What is the law and from what clan does she descend from?”

  Before Phoebe could answer after looking into the vast store of knowledge. Cara entered the room shyly scooting to her father who picked her up and placed her on his knee. She looked at Ark and smiled as he winked at her then looked at the two new people and frowned she rubbed one of her ears that was slightly pointed then looked at Thorn and Phoebe’s obviously pointed ears. Then to prove how very intelligent she was she looked at her father and scowled saying. “Me unicon dada!”

  Storm looked down into her dear face and smiled. “Yes my sweet girl but…”

  Cara shouted. “No! Me unicon sista Olinda unicon dada!”

  Then she wiggled down and ran from the room obviously upset. “Oh dear!” Charlie bit her bottom lip as she said. “I did not see that happening. I thought she would not mind.”

  “As I did not.” Storm said he stood to go after her when they heard the apartment door open and muffled voices, then they heard loud crying from Cara who it seemed was moving closer. All the adults stood as Olinda walked in with a very upset Cara in her arms. “What has happened that makes Cara says she is not unicorn?” She sat as Cara started to quieten.

  Storm told her. “It is not what we said, Thorn and Phoebe have come to find out if is possible to tell what clan her birth mother came from?”

  “I see.” She looked at Cara. “Because your ears and eyes are the same as pretty Phoebe’s and King Thorn’s, you think you are not unicorn?”

  Cara sobbed and nodded her head up and down.

  “Sweet girl it does not work like that you are always Unicorn just like me, I look like your mama right?” Cara looked at Olinda then Charlie and nodded again. “See and I am still Unicorn, okay, just like Cara.”

  “Me Unicorn Olinda?”

  “Yes always.”

  “Me have pink hair?”

  “Umm!” Olinda looked at Charlie. “Help!” Which only earned her a snicker of amusement from the adults there. Thorn said softly as he took Cara from Olinda. “Baby Cara do you know what I am?” Cara looked into his smiling soft eyes and touched his ear. “Me have ears like you.”

  “Yes, do you know why?”

  “Me unicon.” She scowled at him which made him smile. “Yes, you are and when you grow older you will become unicorn like your friends.”

  Cara smiled. “Wif pretty horn?” He nuzzled her nose and nodded. “Yes with a pretty horn and ears just like mine and Phoebe's.”

  Cara looked at Thorn then her mother and father and said. “Me have pink hair?”

  Thorn laughed. “I am sorry little one that I cannot give you.”

  “Oh…” She kissed his chin “Kay.” She wiggled to be released Thorn lowered her to the floor where she raced around to her mother. “Me unicorn wif horn mama.”

  “Yes my darling girl you will be the prettiest unicorn.” She laughed and ran from the room yelling for Kelsey. They all looked at Thorn as he said. “As king of the Elves I can, and have allowed the Unicorn part of her to be dominant. She will and may keep that which denotes her as part Elf but she will not have any more than what you see now. She will be gifted by both sides of her nature towards beauty.” With a nod to Olinda, he asked. “How could she not be beautiful?”

  Olinda smiled as she blushed slightly. “I thank you.”

  “Now how did you know she was in distress?” Thorn asked.

  “We are connected as sisters I feel when she is more than upset of course I block her connection to me for now.”

  “Ahh I see.”

  “How can you gift her not to be Elven?” Storm asked as he crossed his arms not sure if he was happy with his Cara being tampered with.

  “It is gift I as King of the moon Elves have. Being Goddess touched I can suppress that side of her until she wishes it returned or not.”

  “It obviously does not hurt her?” Charlie stated, and Thorn was left in no doubt what would happen if he said it would hurt her. “No my Lady she will never know only by the structure of her face and body. But I am sure you will tell her anyway, and we are here for her if needed.” He shrugged. “It makes no difference she will grow as normal for a unicorn.”

  “So you think she will shift?” Olinda asked wondering if he agreed with her suspicion that Cara would shift. “Oh yes definitely.”

  Storm asked. “Can you tell what clan her birth mother came from?”

  Phoebe smiled. “I can every clan that was or is still alive and together I record. From her bone structure I would say her mother came from the Seaswell clan, a very small exclusive community. They do not as a rule leave their shores. He must have been very persuasive for Cara’s mother to leave her clan.”

  Olinda sighed. “I am betting he was.” She looked at Charlie “We go with the she loved him story?”

  “Yes.” Charlie then told Thorn and Phoebe the story they had originated for Cara when she asked about her parents.”

  Thorn nodded. “That sounds like a plan. I would say she was in love, her father or should I say both of your father probably not as much.”

  “If at all!” Phoebe murmured in disgust. Olinda and Charlie both grimaced that was what they thought as well. Storm rumbled out. “I am happy, we are all happy that question has been answered. We hope you both will be willing to talk to Cara as she grows. Maybe in the future she will wish for the Elven side of her to have more importance.”

  Thorn smiled but showed the doubt he felt in his words as he agreed. “Maybe, we will be here to answer any questions she has.”

  Charlie asked worriedly. “Although you are sure, her mother’s clan will not find their way here to ask for her?”

  Thorn shook his head. “No, they will not once she leaves their world she left their thoughts. There is no one to look for her or Cara as she does not exist for them.”

  “Well, that seems harsh.” Olinda stated as Charlie eyes wide agreed.

  “It is their peoples way,” Phoebe said, “I also agree that it seems harsh, but that is why clans like them are dying out they cannot sustain what they are trying to do by closing their people away from the whole it never works”

  Ark shook his head. “No, it never does. Well if there is nothing more, we must get to our meal.”

  Thorn stared at the wall for a minute then said. “I am a dream walker I can find out for you if you like?”

  Charlie looked at Storm who frowned and pulled on his bottom lip. “Maybe we could ask that of you at a later date when Cara has questions?”

  Thorn smiled. “Agreed.” Thinking privately he would walk the dreamscape to make sure his little Unicorn was safe. “Well if there is nothing else?” Ark asked the couple.

  “No…no thank you so much for coming.” Charlie said as they all rose. Olinda shook both Phoebe and Thorn’s hands. “Thank you on behalf of my sister and us the adults in her life, we will sleep easier now or at least I will.” Charlie and Storm seconded that.


  V erity and Rene` dined with Patrycc at Reighn and Sage’s place which was as usual amusing and enlightening. Patrycc was enchanted with Molly and Ava and together with Rene` he spent time with both girls and fell in love with Molly’s cub. Molly shifted frequently which amused and endeared her to him. Sage introduced him to the girl’s nanny and he was very relieved to pass the inspection he had an idea he would not be allowed anywhere near the girls if he had not.

; He fell into the rhythm of the family and home life quicker than he had thought he would, it was as though the castle had a new life. The ancients hummed below his feet and the stones told the story of the new people to have arrived and come to live within its walls.

  As they sat on the balcony overlooking the meadows below, he voiced his thoughts that coming home would be easier than he initially thought. Sage said. “That is because we are easing you into family life. Wait until Sunday family day when we are all here, then see how you feel after that.”

  Which led onto what Sunday family day was and how it came about. Verity sat beside him and in a lull of conversation she asked and dreaded the answer. “So brother how long will you stay with us this time?”

  He looked over at the sweet face of the female he had loved forever and saw the happiness and the deep well of contentment that shone from her. Something he had never seen before. “I am home to stay my dear sister.”

  Tears welled in her eyes at his tone until what he said registered and she yelped. “I am sorry, what?”

  “You heard. I am needed here!”

  “What of the sanctuary?” Rene` asked as he felt Verity’s delight.

  “I can always return if needed but there are enough to oversee the people who need help.”

  “But why now?” Verity asked happiness bubbling up in her chest.

  “Two reasons…He stopped and thought a moment. “No, there is three actually, one, my family is here and growing. I want to meet them all and enjoy the future with them in it.”

  “Two, I felt the call to return and my Lord asked me to come home.”

  “You did?” Verity looked at her son who smiled. “Mama we need him here and you have missed him as we all have.”


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