Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 44

by L M Lacee

  “Should she be in there?” Sage asked Scarlett, hurting for the commander. Scarlett nodded as Rumoh who was commander of Elijah’s guards said. “She wanted to, as is her right.” He along with his second Dumoh, stood behind Elijah and Scarlett their faces inscrutable as only seasoned warriors could be.

  “Still hard on her.” Reighn commented.

  “Yes!” Replied Scarlett.

  Conor looked at Loa and felt his beast stir. His anger was a palpable feeling in the small windowless room and only with great control did he avoid unleashing it on the faerie who sat opposite him. Conor’s voice when it came was laden with his beast in every syllable as he read out the words written in the report. “Your name is Loa Kiltern, not Kartern as you have lead everyone to believe. You had it changed so you could climb the ranks of the High Queens guards and not be associated with your traitorous family or cousin.”

  There was no reaction from Loa. She just shrugged, as much to say I don’t care. Conor carried on reading. “You are almost nine hundred years old and not the five hundred you have also told everyone you were. You and your cousin Definiao Kiltern are the only ones left of your line. Due to the fact every one of your family males, females and young were put to death by the ones they betrayed. You and Definiao were left alive, a mistake perhaps or just a lucky break for you both?”

  Loa shrugged again and sounded bored as she responded. “Who’s to say, maybe they just were not good at their job.”

  Fin smiled like a shark. “That could have been it. You and Definiao were taken to your Grove’s Queen who adopted you both out to separate families. Definiao’s family eventually were relocated to the High Queen’s Grove. You remained at your small Grove until your cousin found you again whereby you started out on your campaign to take over the world.”

  Loa yawned, then adopted a small smile but refused to speak.

  Fin smiled as well then said. “We know your cousin assigned you to worm your way into the graces of Queen Scarlett. It must have seemed like divine intervention when she was chosen to replace the High Queen’s chosen…”

  A little jerk of Loa’s head was enough for Fin to stop talking. He raised an eyebrow. If Fin had not been watching for something, a tell-tale sign he would have missed the involuntary twitch.

  Conor smiled as Fin said. “Oh, I see, it was not an accident that killed the Queens light. You killed him, so Queen Scarlett and King Elijah would be given Dragon’s Grove because you knew she was next in line for the position. Well done, quite clever!” He applauded. Loa could not help it, her smile grew a little more.

  “Wow! That was some long game; they were playing.” Edith murmured from her seat next to Sharm.

  “Sleeper agent.” Ash agreed, he grinned at their surprised looks, “Olinda likes spy movies and books.”

  Conor asked. “Nothing to say?” Loa shrugged and did not answer. His voice turned menacing as he snarled. “As the mate to the one, you and your cousin almost killed. I want so very much to take your life. In fact I want to make you bleed so much it is taking everything I own not too.”

  Loa’s eyes widen as she lowered her head so she did not have to look into the burning amber eyes of Conor’s. Because she believed him. She could feel the sweat slip down her back as Conor said. “Instead, I will make a deal with you?”

  Loa’s head came up and her eyes narrowed, she found it hard to believe that the Leo would make a deal with her or be allowed too. After all it was as he said. His mate she had lured into a trap but a niggling sliver of hope still remained in her heart that she would survive this, so she asked. “What deal?”

  “Tell us everyone in Definiao’s employ and his complete network structure as well as where all his funds are.”

  She laughed. “And for that, even if I knew that information, what would I get in return? A nice retirement plan or a nice safe cell, or no…no let me guess a safe house somewhere hidden away with guards.” She looked at Sparrow as she said the last. Sparrow returned her look without expression.

  Conor leaned back in his chair as Fin smiled.

  “No Loa none of the above.” She looked back at the two males sitting opposite her and smirked. “I thought not!”

  Fin carried on as though she had not spoken. “What you will get is to choose how you die.”

  This approach and decision had been agreed upon by the dragons, shifters and faeries as she had betrayed so many of the people. It was deemed a necessity, when so many wanted to end her life. This as they expected it would, captured her attention, what was not expected by those watching on screens was what she said next. “What if I call for Combaal?”

  In Reighn’s conference room, Clint asked. “What is that?”

  “Trial by combat.” Birdy who entered with Joy, Paige and Kadee answered. Andre` looked at the girls as Rene` asked. “Are you allowed to be here?”

  Harper answered for them. “Joy is, I agreed.”

  “Paige?” Ciana asked.

  “Mom said if you say it is okay, we can stay and watch.”

  “How is she?” Harper asked, Paige said. “She is okay, her throat is better but she has the shakes still.” “Cuddling dad makes her feel better.” Kadee told her as she moved to Andre` therefore missing the smothered laughs. “Granddad, will you come visit after this?” He kissed Kadee’s forehead. “We all will.” She sighed in relief. “Good.”

  “Do you want to be here?” Verity asked Paige who nodded as Kadee said. “Yes Lady Verity.”

  “Well alright then.”

  Kadee wiggled in beside Andre` as she asked him. “Is it okay if I hold your hand?” He took her hand in his. “Of course my lovely.”

  Paige sat on the floor between his feet and looked up. “Is this okay?”

  Andre` grinned softly. “Of course.” His eyes found Rene`s as Ace and Harper made room for Joy. Rene` smiled warmly back at him. You are as blessed as I am.

  Yes I am so very fortunate. Andre` replied then he asked. Paige. “Where is your mom now?”

  “With Parker in the stone apartment with Uncle Saul and hundreds of shifter warriors and Elven warriors as well as the dragon warriors. Grandma Grace and Grandpa Patrycc are with her. They are watching this on a screen with tea and coffee. We wanted to be here with you, and Birdy said she would come with us.”

  Andre` brushed her hair. “That is good.”

  Birdy took a seat next to Clint. “So what have we missed so far?” He filled them in as she looked at Hayden when Clint was finished Birdy told him. “She will need you after this.”

  “You think Loa will choose Sparrow for this Combaal?” He asked her.

  “The rules state the one that calls for Combaal cannot then name their opponent.”

  Joy asked. “Why do you have that rule?”

  “So a queen or king can have a proxy fight for them.”

  “A what?”

  Ace explained. “It means a Queen or King may have someone else fight the fight for them.”

  “Oh is that not cheating?’ Kadee asked him. Birdy answered for him. “No in our rules it is allowed.”

  Clint asked Birdy. “So Loa will try to goad Queen Scarlett into calling for this Combaal”

  “She has to really.” Birdy stated. “She would love to fight Sparrow, if the Queen calls for it. She, Loa will nominate Sparrow. Because Loa thinks she is far superior in her skills.”

  “You don’t think she is?” Charlie asked Birdy who shook her head. “I do not know. I can only guess that Sparrow is far better than she has ever shown.”

  “She could choose me. I would fight her.” Harper said. Birdy laughed as she told her. “That will never happen, she is scared of you and Lady Charlie.” Silence descended as they heard Fin ask. “Are you calling for Combaal?”

  Loa smirked knowing there was no one strong enough that would go up against her. Time and again in training and in battle she had shown she was brave and merciless. She was in a class of her own, her and Definiao trained for years, hard, unforgiving training t
o prove that. Even Sparrow had never been brave enough to challenge her.

  She would have been surprised to learn how many warriors had wanted to be her opponent when Queen Scarlett had advised them of the very archaic custom of death by combat that was probably going to be called for. Loa smirked as she said. “I will have to, there is none here courageous enough to do so, even our dear sweet queen will not!” She swung her head towards Sparrow. “Or am I mistaken, Commander Sparrow, are you brave enough to call for Combaal? I am sure you know what it is.” She laughed, “Oh dear did little Queenie tell the good little commander, she is not allowed to challenge me? Is that in case you get hurt and prove once and for all how absolutely useless as a Commander you are, to your precious queen?”

  When neither Scarlett appeared nor Sparrow responded, Loa laughed harshly. “So be it.”

  She nodded her head to Fin, after another look at the impassive Sparrow. She was positive she saw a flicker of fear in the commander’s eyes which bolstered her decision to demand Combaal.

  Conor said. “We need the words.”

  At her sharp eyed look, he smiled. “For the records you understand?”

  Loa drew in a breath and stated in a voice devoid of humor or warmth. “I Loa Kartern, demand as is my right, Combaal!”

  Fin stated just after her, in formal address. “Let the record show Loa Kartern, formerly Kiltern demands the archaic form of trial known as Combaal.”

  Loa laughed, then sobered quickly saying.

  “Good luck with that. You know if anyone is stupid enough to go up against me and I win, which I will. I walk free and clear and there is not a thing anyone can do about it. That is the beauty of trial by combat. It is a perfect out for the strong and righteous!”

  “As far as the Faerie Nation is concerned, you are right.” Conor told her. “Sad for you, you harmed dragons and shifters. So the trial is open for all. Do not forget that as you dream of your freedom!”

  Which managed to wipe the smile off her face as Queen Scarlett and King Elijah walked in. Scarlett without looking at Loa stated. “Combaal is granted, only after information is given and verified.”

  Scarlett looked at Sparrow. “Select the opponent tonight if everything is satisfied. We set the time at dawn the day after tomorrow.”

  “Yes my Queen.” Sparrow answered as she left the room. Conor nodded to Dumoh and Johner who dragged the faerie from her seat and between them they escorted her from the room, her expression one of defiance. Once she was gone. Fin called for the screens to be turned off.

  Conor asked Scarlett. “Who will you nominate?”

  “Sparrow, she will not allow anyone else to fight.”

  “She could die.” He stated worriedly he liked the faerie commander. Scarlett looked at him and smiled then laughed softly and with a nod to Rumoh, who told Conor and Fin. “Before Sparrow became Commander of Queen Scarlett’s guard, she had been the former High Queens favoured champion. I think this will be her thirtieth Combaal.”

  “Does Loa know this?”

  He shook his head. “No one other than Queen Scarlett, King Elijah and myself knew until today.”

  Sage asked. “How can you keep something like that a secret?”

  Rumoh shrugged. “If you are fully covered and masked, it is easy.”

  “Well that is understandable as to why you did not put up an objection.” Fin said as he gathered up the single folder.

  Scarlett agreed. “Yes, now how do we find out quickly if what she tells us is the truth?”

  “You are forgetting Charlie, my light.” Elijah told her softly. Scarlett nodded, ravaged eyes stared at him. “I did.” He gathered her into his arms as he asked Reighn. “When will you interrogate Definiao?”

  “Now, I want this done with.”

  “Who will you get to do so?”

  Reighn smiled. “Ace and my brother.”

  “Storm, is that a good choice.”

  “No not Storm, it will be Keeper.”

  Elijah looked at Rumoh, who shook his head, he did not understand why either. Elijah asked. “May I ask why?”

  “Keeper is the most terrifying interrogator we have ever had.”

  “Really! I am surprised, He does not look like he would be.”

  “That is my secret weapon.” Keeper said as he and Ace walked in. “Now if we may have the room, he is on his way.”

  “Of course, we will leave you to it.” Elijah told him as he moved with Scarlett from the room.

  “Are the screens shut off?” Keeper asked Reighn who nodded, “Yes, this is just us.”

  After the screens had gone dark. Frankie had left the conference room. Charlie turned to Storm and said. “I hate this, how could Loa have done this to her, to us.”

  Storm’s voice rumbled out. “Family is very strong, blood is loyal to blood. Her first allegiance was and will always be to Definiao. You heard Conor, there is only the two of them left.”

  Andre`s calm voice filled the room. “This is what happens when a race is long lived. It is a malaise we fight against all the time, especially with the nobles.”

  “Why don’t I understand that?” Charlie asked looking bewildered. Andre` explained. “Sometimes the only ones to place your trust in is family because they live as long as you do. So if you have a… a…” He searched for a word that would not offend his granddaughters. “Rotten… yes a rotten family like those two, it is hard to see anything else or to trust anyone else. Family is family.”

  Conor walked in and both girls jumped up and ran to him, he hugged them tight and sighed. “This is why the shifters are facing evolution, they trusted in blood, pure blood only.”

  “You say that like you are not a shifter!” Charlie grinned as she teased him. Conor inclined his head as he replied. “I am not. I have never been a shifter, just like my daughter Paige is not.” Bewildered as much as the others were, except for Andre`, Rene`, Verity and the girls. Charlie asked. “What are you then?”

  “We are ‘Firsts!”

  “First what?” Harper asked as Joy giggled with Kadee. “We know!” She crowed.

  Harper’s top lip kicked up, “I am sure you do. You are so nosy, but I want to find out from an adult.”

  Conor smiled as he looked around the room he could feel Paige tremble slightly he hugged her to him as he assured her. “It is alright Paige.”

  She nodded but kept her eyes down until Andre` said. “Granddaughter it is nothing to be ashamed of. Stand proud like your father and we do for you!”

  Paige’s head came up rapidly. “I am not ashamed! I am proud to be what my dad is. I just don’t want people to think I am weird.”

  Kadee laughed. “Too late, you are weird but we love you anyway.”

  June grinned. “Kiddo you just joined a family that are all weird.”

  Conor let out a breath as he felt the overwhelming warmth and love from the people in the room who had come to mean so much to him and his family. “We, Paige and I are the ‘First’ of a new species.” Charlie’s mouth dropped open as she looked at a equally stunned Harper. Everyone to one degree or another seemed just as surprised.

  “What the hell! Does Ocean know?” Harper asked him. Conor nodded yes to her question.

  “What does it mean?” Charlie asked. Edith answered for them. “That shifters are changing, becoming another species better, greater, more of who and what they are now.”

  “Which is what the new species will be called. Changelings.” Conor told them.

  “That will manifest how?” Olinda asked, curious as always. “Do you know?”

  Conor place his hand on the table and his hand shifted to a paw with claws while his body remained human.

  “Oh my, so you can partially shift. I have never seen that before.” Verity stated, she looked at her shadow. “Have you?”

  Rene` shook his head. “I have not. I am going to say that apart from Conor, no one has.”

  Conor nodded as he said. “And until changelings evolve, you will not see it again

  Harper asked fascinated with all that was being revealed. “What else can you do?”

  Conor smiled. “Now Harper, you don’t expect me to answer that, do you?”

  “Well, I was sort of hopeful!” She answered wishfully.


  D efiniao Kiltern was led in with Frankie by his side as well as Rumoh and Dumoh, King Elijah‘s guards, followed by Johner.

  Definiao like Loa was also chained to the bolts on the table and floor. Frankie with Johner moved to the observation room where she was greeted by Reighn and Sage. Elijah and Scarlett having left earlier.

  “How are you?” Reighn asked her. Frankie sighed “Good, not as tired as I was last time I did this, he is very powerful but knowing who I am has helped me with his abilities.”

  “Good.” Reighn hugged her, then Sage hugged her saying. “Almost over now.”

  Johner nodded as he looked at the three males in the other room. “For today, the next few days will not be happy, he will call for Combaal.”

  “Especially when he hears Loa has.”

  “Well, he would!” Johner agreed. “He considers himself far more intelligent and stronger than his cousin.”

  “And it is his plan, he believes he will win and walk out of here a free man.” Reighn told them.

  “What about Loa, is she part of the plan?” Sage asked.

  “Yes, she believes she will also win and be free.”

  “See this is why bad people always lose, because they are just dumb.” Frankie told them.

  “This is why we need a party.” Sage told them all. Frankie grinned at Sage as she told them all. “Yes, we do. We need a big, happy, fun, family, Dragon’s Gap party.”

  Definiao looked around as he waited for the two males to do whatever they had decided that needed doing. He sat smugly knowing his shields were impregnable he had spent the better part of five hundred years learning how to shield himself from others, especially the so called dragon Keepers.

  What Definiao had no idea about was that while he had been rendered unconscious by Saul’s attack. Keeper had slipped inside his mind shield. It was an ability, not many knew about, or had.


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