Void Beast Box Set

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Void Beast Box Set Page 1

by Matthew Jones

  VOID BEAST Collection

  Volumes 1-4 With Bonus Chapters

  By: Matthew A. Jones

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1: The Songs Of Pain

  Chapter 2: Scars And Battles

  Chapter 3: The Human

  Chapter 4: An Upward Climb

  Chapter 5: Blue Orbs

  Chapter 6: Trials and Tribulations

  Chapter 7: The Powers That Be

  Chapter 8: New Enemies Emerge

  Chapter 9: Training Begins

  Chapter 10: Eat Your Heart Out

  Chapter 11: Betrayal

  Chapter 12: Unstoppable

  Chapter 13: The Pack

  Chapter 14: Brains

  Chapter 15: The Ravagers

  Chapter 16: Old Friends

  Chapter 17: The Hooded Figure

  Chapter 18: Silence

  Chapter 19: A Land Beyond Dreams

  Chapter 20: The March

  Chapter 21: Thirst and Revenge

  Chapter 22: Breaking the Force

  Chapter 23: Battle and Futures

  Chapter 24: This Is My Land

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  The world isn’t a safe place anymore. And with the rash of recent kidnappings, Takeo Johnson, or “TJ” as his father calls him, doesn’t understand how anyone still manages to feel safe in leaving their house.

  A towering African-American who is well-versed in martial arts, TJ is a lone wolf in every sense of the word, considering that he comes from a long line of werewolves. To him, being one is both a blessing and a curse. Over the years, TJ had learned that transforming into a wolf just reduced his control over himself. So, with the help of his father, he learned how to harness his energy, superhuman strength, and speed without having to transform into the creature itself. This came in handy, especially when his powers were needed and the full moon was nowhere in sight.

  Through the years, TJ had always dedicated his life to helping others, especially when a number of young girls started to go missing recently. With this dedication came intensive training in the ways of the ninja. Not only has TJ become a powerful human with many immunities, he could almost defeat an enemy without harnessing his wolf powers… almost.

  Then, there were the zombies. The earth had undergone terrible wars. Not surprisingly, with modern advancement resulting in biological warfare, a virus had developed, turning anyone who was not naturally immune, or superhuman, into a zombie. Anyone who wasn’t infected either fell victim or hid themselves to survive.

  TJ’s father is his biggest ally, and he teaches TJ everything he knows. Before the zombie apocalypse, his father was a captain in the military and had fought in the wars leading to the near extinction of the human race. The werewolves were shallow in numbers at that time, having been used as weapons in the war and then discarded after chemical warfare eradicated them.

  Recently, there had been a series of kidnappings involving young girls. All of them ended up either turning into zombies or having their bodies tossed in the woods like garbage. TJ picked up these events immediately, and his keen sense of smell helped lead him to the girls every time. Unfortunately, he was always two seconds too late. At the end of the day, he would retreat, his spirit broken and angry, back to his father’s house where he would have his wounds attended to and devise a new plan of attack. TJ knew that someone was out there snatching these girls. If they weren’t zombies at the time of the kidnapping, this person was turning them into one or killing them. Their bodies were full of scars and stitches when TJ found them heaped in the woods. It was almost like someone was playing games or running some sick experiment on young girls.

  Beyond hunting down these missing girls, TJ didn’t have much of a social life. The truth was there wasn’t anyone left to socialize with unless you wanted your drinking partner to try to eat your brains. TJ would spend most of the time at his father’s house and stay in the basement, researching everything he could on the virus and the wars. He felt that the more he knew, the more he could help. He was aware that most of the scientists that originally came up with the virus were dead or in hiding, and that there was a pretty good chance one of them was behind these killings.

  TJ’s dad tried to help as much as he could despite being stuck in a wheelchair due to his injuries from the war. He couldn’t even morph into a wolf anymore, so he focused his energies on training TJ to prepare him for whatever came his way. He scolded his son a lot, but only because he felt that his heart was so far into the cause that he was blind to his enemy. Because TJ had completely suppressed his physical wolf, he felt like a human but reacted like a beast. It was something that could get you killed if you weren’t careful. When TJ was out on the hunt, his father would use his power of telepathy to calm TJ down. He knew that his son could get overzealous, which could lead to an unnecessary loss of human life. Werewolves may have come a long way since the days of scavenging and killing others for fun, but those animal instincts were still embedded deep inside them.

  With the new realization that someone was slowly killing off some of the last remaining humans in the city, TJ and his father got to work tracking any leads that came their way. So far, nothing had panned out, and the path was running cold. TJ’s father said he had one last lead he wanted to check out, but it would take him a few days to investigate it. So, TJ went home and decided to lock himself up at home and relax for a few days. He felt that it might do him some good.

  The thing is, as the moon moves in its rotation, TJ can sense the death of someone close coming upon him. This enemy, lurking in the shadows, slipping from his grasp at every turn, is getting closer and closer to the we
rewolves. The full moon is approaching, sending TJ’s powers into overdrive. His heightened senses begin to itch at him, and every bit of blood coursing through his veins is screaming for a run, wolf style.

  Between the bodies and the stench of zombies wandering the streets, it’s almost unbearable to sit around and do nothing. The shadows are beginning to take over, and as the number of humans dwindles further, TJ fears that his next venture will uncover even more bodies laid to rest in a heap of meat amongst the dried fall leaves. Little does he know that the hunter may just have become the hunted.

  Chapter 1: The Songs Of Pain

  His feet hit the ground, the soft, wet mud seeping through his toes and splashing up the backs of his legs. TJ was done sitting around. His wolf sense just wouldn’t allow it, not on a full moon like this one. His eyes darted feverishly back and forth, searching for any sign of life. One of his wolf powers that had become vital was his ability seek out heat. Heat meant life, and life meant one of two things: a victim was alive, or the killer was on the run. Either way, he was determined to chase it down.

  TJ hadn’t started the night with any intention of leaving the house, even with his wolf instincts scratching on the door. He had cooked himself a nice rare steak, paired with some mashed potatoes with gravy. He was plopped in front of the television, enjoying the air conditioning that was on full blast that October night. Wolves were naturally hot-blooded, and no matter how hard he concentrated, TJ could never suppress the heat, not even in his human form. So, while the air cooled to the forties outside, TJ had the air conditioning set to the thirties on the inside. No wonder he had had to rebuild six air conditioners over the last year; he ran the things to death.

  The sound of TJ’s feet slapping the wet leaves and mud under his feet reminded him of the old days when he and his father would go out after the first spring rain. The air would be crisp, and the earth would be free of artificial scents for just a couple of hours. They would run until their paws couldn’t carry them anymore and then settle into hunting mode. TJ’s dad, however, didn’t believe in killing humans, so he taught TJ how to control his wolf instincts to ignore the human scent and focus on animals like deer and bears. Bears were tough since they were large and vigorous, but the wolf overcame them every time.

  TJ’s thoughts were scrambled as his vision picked up heat in the distance. His stomach turned a bit, realizing it was close to the same place he found the last body. He picked up his pace, ignoring the urge to lunge forward and turn into a wolf, which would offer him a bit more protection. It was incredible how fragile the human form seemed to someone who could shift into a creature that was almost impossible to take down. As he moved closer and closer, his father’s voice came into his mind.

  Out for an evening stroll?

  I caught wind of another victim, I think.

  Son, be careful. I think I’ve figured out who is doing all of this.

  Who is it?

  I don’t want to tell you now. Come to the house. I’ll show you what I’ve found.

  I need to see who this is first.

  Son, don’t. It’s too dangerous... please…

  At that moment, TJ cleared his mind. He didn’t want to leave someone alive out in the woods. He didn’t like blocking off thoughts of his dad; it was the equivalent of hanging up on someone. But TJ felt he wasn’t using his human side enough. His wolf was simple and focused, but the human in him was capable of so much more when it came to thinking things through. Sometimes, TJ had to take his human instincts into account, and this was one of those times.

  The wind shifted, knocking the scent away. But TJ’s eyes stayed focused on the beating red aura in his vision. He was close and started to slow down, watching where he stepped in case the target was the enemy. He crept towards the heat source, switching his vision back to normal, and hid in the bushes surrounding the opening. There was a body on the ground. Before running in head first, TJ wanted to make sure it wasn’t a trap. He crouched silently amongst the twigs and leaves, scanning the area for any movement or smell. Finally, he was satisfied that they were alone. He tiptoed over to the heat source. A young girl, maybe fifteen or sixteen, was lying there, barely breathing.

  TJ could sense that her life was leaving her, so he sat down next to her and placed her head on his lap. Her eyes opened slightly and calmly looked up at TJ. Her hand was pressed against a wound at her side, blood steadily leaking onto the ground. She opened her mouth and attempted to talk but just wheezing was released. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, evidently determined to say whatever it was before she died.

  “What is it?” TJ asked kindly as he leaned his ear closer to her face.

  “Gut…,” she said stopping midway and swallowing again. “Gutierrez…”

  At that instant, her breath quickly drained from her lungs, and her eyes rolled backward in her head. His heart felt for her, but he also couldn’t help but be disappointed that he didn’t have the chance to get more information. He unlocked his mind and sent a message to his father.

  Dad, I found the source. A young girl, maybe fifteen. She said one thing before she died. “Gutierrez”.

  TJ waited for a moment, surprised that his father didn’t answer back right away. TJ thought that his father must have been mad at him since he hung up earlier, though it wasn’t like his dad not to answer back. TJ waited for a few seconds, trying to feel for any signal from his father.

  Dad, don’t be mad. Please answer back.


  TJ quickly got to his feet at the sound of his father’s raspy, gasping voice. Something had happened to him in the few moments he was blocked out. TJ began to pace, worry moving from his stomach up to his chest.

  Dad, what happened?

  Come… home… help…

  Hold on, Dad! I’m on my way!

  He looked down at the girl on the ground but figured he would have to leave her. She had already passed, anyway. He took one step forward, and his legs moved quickly without much thought. His mind told him to turn, but he knew he was too worried to watch it and would end up running out of the woods and right into the neighborhood still a wolf. He pushed as hard as could and reached top speed, the trees and leaves flying up in the air behind him as he ran. When he reached the forest’s edge, he kept going, not caring if a human saw him at that moment. Besides, now that zombies wandered the streets, he didn’t think it was a big deal.

  The front door to the house was open when he got there. He immediately scanned the front rooms for any sign of life. There was nothing, so he cautiously entered the house, one muddy step at a time. His father must have been downstairs in his study, but he was no longer answering TJ’s calls. Something didn’t seem quite right to TJ, so he took his time, despite his inner yearning to run at full speed for his father. As he approached the door to the room downstairs, he paused, feeling the heat of someone behind him. He turned quickly just as a foot hit his chest and sent him flying backwards. He hit the wall and fell to the floor with a thump, pain from his ribs searing through him. TJ shook the pain away and opened his eyes, watching as a girl was running out of the door. She was short, perhaps around 5’8”, with long brown hair and her clothing that appeared to be a suit, was tight-fitting with small monitors hooked to its waist.

  As the girl moved further away from the house, the sense of danger dulled in TJ’s chest. He jumped to his feet and ran down the stairs. As he reached the bottom, his eyes darted back and forth through the study until they fell upon his father lying on the floor next to his overturned wheelchair. TJ ran to his side, kneeling next to him and taking his hand in his own. His father turned towards him. TJ noticed what appeared to be a bullet hole in his stomach. He could smell the stagnant scent of silver and realized that whoever had shot him was aware that he was a wolf. The silver, however, wasn’t necessary since his father wasn’t capable of turning into a wolf.


  His father’s voice shot into his head. It was weak and muffled, but it was the most he c
ould give out since his body was quickly failing. TJ held tightly to his father's hand and nodded at him in reply. He waited patiently as his father spoke.

  Look for Dr. Gutierrez. His daughter... she’s the girl who is acting at his bidding.

  Where, Dad?

  I don’t know, but you must hurry. He has her…

  He has who?

  With those words, TJ’s father began to choke and gasp for air. His heartbeat began to slow down, and the wolf’s heat began to leave his body. The two, who lived as one, had suffered since the war. At this instance, TJ could feel the relief move through his father’s body. Slowly, as he lay in TJ’s arms, his body began to morph until, in place of a hand, TJ was holding his father’s lifeless paw.

  Tears began to flow from TJ’s face as the last of his father’s life left him. A small glow began to come from the wolf. TJ watched as the blue light grew brighter until it was almost blinding. Up from the wolf floated a glowing blue orb that stayed in front of TJ for a moment, as if deciding where to go. Before he could reach out to it, the blue orb shot forward into TJ’s chest, causing him to lean backwards and clench his hands as the feeling of pure energy shot through his body.

  As TJ’s body relaxed and his breathing normalized, he opened his eyes, revealing the last of the orb still glowing in his sockets. He took a deep breath and searched his body, feeling stronger than he ever had before. His overwhelming strength brought him to his knees. The muscles in his arms twitched and tensed under his skin. TJ had never been with a wolf when it died, but he had heard that a father’s powers would be transferred to the son. And from the instant knowledge floating in his head to the intense vision he had, it seemed this was not just a legend.


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