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ABCD model for raising sexually healthy children, 235
abortion, 208, 209, 219, 221
abstinence, 78, 83, 85, 91–92, 206, 207, 230
Purity Balls and, 84–85, 86–87, 90–91, 93–95
vows of, 86, 88–90, 92, 211
see also virginity
abstinence-only sex education, 52, 75, 76–77, 89, 210–12, 221
Adolescent Health Services and Pregnancy Prevention and Care Act, 209
Affordable Care Act, 212
Agdal, Nina, 38
AIDS, 52, 157, 210–11
alcohol, see drinking
Ali, Russlynn, 177–78
Amazon, 164
American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 21
American Enterprise Institute, 172
American Psychological Association, 180
American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS), 69
anal sex, 33–34, 70–71
pain and, 70
porn and, 33–34
virginity pledges and, 89
Andrews, Arin, 162
Anheuser-Busch, 200
Antioch College, 173, 199
Armstrong, Elizabeth, 104, 106, 107, 131
asexual orientation, 142
Association of American Universities (AAU), 176
Atlantic, 118, 186
Azalea, Iggy, 25, 27
Baby Boom generation, 104
bases, 47–48, 227
Bauer, Jill, 34
BDSM, 145
Bearman, Peter, 88
Bechdel, Alison, 148
Beckham, Victoria, 68–69
Bell, Leslie, 37, 107–8, 140
Beverly Hills 90210, 173–74
Beyoncé, 24, 26, 27, 41, 65
birth control, 88, 89, 208, 209, 210–11, 212, 221, 222
condoms, 89, 208, 210–11, 212, 224, 232
birth rate, teen, 209, 219
bisexuality, 152–53, 159, 162
blow jobs, see fellatio
blue balls, 174
body parts, 61–62, 66
body pride, 113–14
Body Project, The (Brumberg), 17
Booty Pop, 25
Boston College, 13
Brittan, Deb, 85, 86, 91, 94
Brown, Tina, 42–43
Brown University, 170
Brückner, Hannah, 88
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 17
Bud Light, 200
bullying and harassment, 86
cyberbullying, 146
see also sexual harassment
Burns, April, 55
Bush, George W., 210, 212
butt, booty, 24–27, 33
augmentation, 25
selfies, 25
Calderone, Mary, 209
California Polytechnic, 115
Calogero, Rachel, 39
Campus Climate Survey, 176
Campus Rape: When No Means No, 170
Carl’s Jr., 38
Carpenter, Laura, 82–83
casual sex, 104
friends with benefits, 105, 106, 138–39
see also hookup culture; hookups
“catching feelings,” 47
Catfish, 150
Census Bureau, 176
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50, 117
cervical cancer, 100
vows of, 86, 88–90, 92, 211
see also abstinence; virginity
Children’s Digital Media Center, 19
Christians, evangelical, 88, 89–90
cis-gender, 163
City University of New York, 55
civil court, 178
Clery, Jeanne, 177
Clinton, Bill, 49, 50, 52, 210
clitoris, 205, 206, 234
clothing, 7–9, 11–12, 14–16
“college experience,” 118
colleges and universities, 2, 81, 112
fraternities at, 113–17, 125, 133, 188, 193, 204
investigation of sexual assault cases at, 179–80
party culture at, 129–136, 185
rape at, 168, 170–73, 176–83, 185, 187–88, 192–95, 198, 199, 201
sororities at, 113–16, 133
Title IX and, 170, 177–78
CollegiateACB, 193
Colorado Springs, Colo., 76, 77, 84
Columbia University, 179
Graduate School of Journalism, 193–94
coming out, 156–57, 158
average age of, 148, 156
videos about, 155–56
condoms, 89, 208, 210–11, 212, 224, 232
consent, 58, 132–33, 134, 168, 171, 185, 188, 189, 195–96, 201–4, 226–27
affirmative, 173, 199, 201
sexual manipulation and, 195–97, 223
“yes means yes” law and, 199, 201
contraception, 88, 89, 208, 209, 210–11, 212, 221, 222
condoms, 89, 208, 210–11, 212, 224, 232
Cox, Laverne, 161, 164
Crisis Pregnancy Center, 85
cross-gender identification, 165
cunnilingus, 48, 49, 56, 62–63, 64, 66, 224–25
in hookups, 106
as passive activity, 56
redirection and, 65
cyberbullying, 146
Cyrus, Miley, 27, 28–32, 65
Daily Mail, 186
“dating,” use of term, 47
DeGeneres, Ellen, 148
Denison, Charis, 205–7, 208, 213–19, 222, 223–33
Department of Education, 177, 178
depression, 86, 157
Details, 65
Devine, Jennifer, 234
divorce, 92
Doherty, Shannen, 173
Don Jon, 38
Dorf, Michael, 178
Drake, 65–66
Dreger, Alice, 212–13
dress, 7–9, 11–12, 14–16
drinking, 131, 132, 133, 135, 187, 217, 225, 226, 230
alcohol poisoning and, 187
amounts consumed, 117
binge, 116, 117, 186, 187, 188
eating and, 118
energy drinks and, 129, 189
hookup culture and, 116–19, 188, 201, 202, 230
rape and, 171, 172–73, 177, 185–89, 192–93
roofies and, 188
drugs, 157, 226
Duke University, 13, 115
Dunham, Lena, 25–26, 40
Dutch, 219–23, 232, 235
Edwards, Michael, 69
either/or thinking, 23
emotions, 140
“catching feelings,” 47
England, Paula, 176–77
Enlighten Communications, 76
Epifano, Angie, 178
Etheridge, Melissa, 148
evangelicals, 88, 89–90
Facebook, 18, 19, 20
fallbacks, 214–15, 216, 217
Family Acceptance Project, 148
fan fiction, 144–45
Farley, Chris, 173
FBI, 176, 194
fellatio, 48–61, 63, 66, 70, 224–25
as active activity, 56
coerced or forced, 59
in hookups, 105, 127–28
rainbow parties and, 51
shoulder push and, 59, 61, 65
Female Chauvinist Pigs (Levy), 13–14
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 208
femininity, 162, 163, 165
Feministing, 186
Fergie, 65
Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 144
Flanagan, Caitlin, 118
Fleischman, Sasha, 162–63
Forbes, 41
Ford, Jessie, 176–77
Forgetting Sarah Marshall, 64
Fortenberry, Dennis, 93, 101
Fox TV, 170
fraternities, 113–17, 125, 133, 188, 193, 204
friends with benefits, 105, 106, 138–39
Frozen, 95
Fun Home, 148
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, 146
gezelligheid, 222
gender, 210
gender binary, 163
genderqueer, 162, 165
genital warts, 67
Girls, 25–26
Glee, 40
Glen Ridge, N.J., 168, 169–70, 180, 182
Go Ask Alice!, 146
gonorrhea, 53
Google, 46, 161–62
Gordon-Levitt, Joseph, 38
Gore, Tipper, 2
Gradus, Ronna, 34
Greek life, 113–17
fraternities, 113–17, 125, 133, 188, 193, 204
sororities, 113–16, 133
Halberstam, Jack, 164–65
hand jobs, 60
Hard to Get: Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom (Bell), 37, 140
Harry Potter, 144
Harvard University, 115
Herbenick, Debby, 67, 69–71, 104, 105
Heritage Foundation, 85
herpes, 53
Hill, Katie, 162
Hilton, Paris, 31, 41
HIV/AIDS, 52, 157, 210–11
Holland, 219–23, 232, 235
homosexuality, 144, 210
fan fiction and, 144–45
same-sex marriage and, 36, 148
see also lesbians
hooks, bell, 26–27, 33
hookup culture, 103, 217
alcohol and, 116–19, 188, 201, 202, 230
as buffer, 107
panics about, 104
“slut” and, 124–25
use of term, 104
hookups, 103–40, 228–29, 231
apps for, 105
and friends with benefits, 105, 106, 138–39
intercourse in, 105, 106
number of partners and, 105, 126–27
objections to, 109
oral sex in, 105, 106, 127–28
physical satisfaction in, 106–7, 126
regret over, 136–37
relationships and, 109–11
texting after, 136, 137
types of, 104–5
use of term, 47, 104
HPV, 100
Huffington Post, 186
Humphries, Kris, 41
Hunger Games, The, 144
hymen, 78
“I’m a Feminist, but I Don’t Eat Pussy,” 64
independence, assertion of, 221–22
Instagram, 9–10, 18, 19, 20, 25, 32, 41, 66, 135, 181
Internet, 46, 145–46, 161, 178, 232
cyberbullying and, 146
fan fiction on, 144–45
Google, 46, 161–62
photographs and videos of assaults posted on, 181–82
pornography and, 33
Reddit, 146
sexual identity and, 142, 144, 145–48, 149
see also social media
It’s All One Curriculum, 207–8
Jenner, Caitlyn, 14, 161, 164
Jews, 88
Jezebel, 186
Jordan, Jan, 194
Justice Department, 133
Kaiser Family Foundation, 188, 201
Kaling, Mindy, 105
Kanin, Eugene J., 194
Kardashian, Kim, 25, 41–42
Keeping Up with the Kardashians, 41
Kelly, R., 24
Kennedy, Edward, 169, 209
Kennedy, Patrick, 169
Kinsey, Alfred, 67
Kinsey Institute, 66–67, 104
Klein, Ezra, 199
Knocked Up, 64
Koss, Mary P., 170–71
Kricfalusi, John, 30
Kunis, Mila, 64
labiaplasty, 69
Lady Gaga, 24, 26, 27
Lang, Izzy, 7
leadership positions, 13
Lee, Alyson, 32–33, 36–37
Lehigh University, 177
lesbians, 142, 144, 148, 159–60, 162
passing as straight, 152, 153
Levine, Adam, 2
Levy, Ariel, 13–14, 31
Lewinsky, Monica, 49
LGBTQ, 17, 146, 156–57, 166
L’il Wayne, 2
Lopez, Jennifer, 24–25
Louisville, Ky., 181, 182, 183
Luker, Kristin, 208
L Word, The, 153
Manago, Adriana, 19
Maroon 5, 2
marriage, 107, 208
divorce and, 92
rape in, 172
same-sex, 36, 148
sex education and, 209–10
masculinity, 162, 163, 233
Massoud, Megan, 122
masturbation, 62, 65, 66, 78, 90, 128–29, 206, 234
McClelland, Sara, 5–6, 71–72
McElroy, Wendy, 194
McNeill, Amber, 141–42, 147–66
Hannah and, 154–55, 157–60, 166
Jake and, 151–52, 153, 155, 160
“Jake” identity of, 149–50
Minaj, Nicki, 24–27, 65–66
Mindy Project, The, 105
Moran, Caitlin, 12
Moran, Jeffrey, 209
Morning After, The (Roiphe), 171–72
motherhood, teen, 209, 219
MTV Video Music Awards, 28
National Commission on Adolescent Sexual Health, 5
National Institute of Mental Health, 170
National Panhellenic Conference, 114
Navarro, Christina, 75–77, 78–79, 81, 83, 84, 95–101
NBC News, 51
Netherlands, 219–23, 232, 235
New Year’s resolutions, 17
New York Magazine, 186
New York Times, 48, 50, 172, 173, 179
New York Times Magazine, 207
New York University, 50
No Child Left Behind, 211
Nodianos, Michael, 181
Not Under My Roof (Schalet), 220
NPR, 171
Obama, Barack, 2, 177, 211
objectification, 14, 15, 133, 140
self-, 2, 12–13, 39, 67
O’Connor, Sinead, 28–29
Odd Girl Out (Simmons), 20
Oh, Matilda, 19, 25–26, 27
Oliver, John, 200
O Magazine, 51
Online College Social Life Survey, 105, 176–77
oral sex, 47–61, 71, 78, 104, 217, 224–25
in hookups, 105, 106, 127–28
STDs and, 53
virginity and, 89, 98, 100
see also cunnilingus; fellatio
Orange Is the New Black, 40
Girls & Sex Page 29