His Best Friend's sister: The Cohan Billionaire Brothers Book Six

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His Best Friend's sister: The Cohan Billionaire Brothers Book Six Page 13

by Layla Holt

  “You’re welcome,” Megan said. “I’m glad I can help you guys. Is Matt’s room next door?”

  Leah nodded. “Right next to this one.”

  “Great.” Megan dropped her weekend bag on the carpeted floor.

  “Don’t hesitate to call me if Matt gives you trouble,” Leah said. “Usually, there’s a reason for it but it’s not so obvious and he’s not able to verbalize things when he’s upset.”

  “Or I can call Corrine,” Megan said gently.

  Leah laughed. “Okay, maybe I’m overthinking this and yes, Corrine is wonderful with Matt.”

  “You said yourself you haven’t gone anywhere alone with Adrian in a long time. Go out and enjoy yourself. Matt and I are surrounded by the family. We’ll be fine and other than Saturday afternoon, I’ll be here the whole time. I promise I’ll take great care of him,” Megan said.

  To Megan’s surprise, Leah closed the distance between them and threw her arms around her. Megan hugged her back.

  “Thank you,” Leah said.

  “You’re welcome,” Megan said.

  “Mom! Dad look, Aunt Megan is here!”

  Megan and Leah drew apart as Matt ran at full speed to them. Shrieking, Megan held him as he slammed into her body, making her stagger back a couple of steps.

  “Matt, you’ll knock Aunt Megan down,” Adrian said.

  “No, he won’t,” Megan said. “I’m stronger than I look.”

  “I hope so, because you don’t look strong at all,” Adrian teased.

  “Not true,” Leah said as Matt moved to her for a cuddle. She ruffled his hair. “How was school?”

  “Good,” he said.

  “Are you ready honey?” Adrian said. “Our flight is in an hour and a half.”

  “I’m ready,” Leah said. “Our luggage is downstairs. Matt. Remember what we said. Behave yourself for Aunt Megan, okay?”

  “Yes mom,” Matt said and then turned to Megan. “Do you want to watch Lion King?”

  Megan had watched it several times before but it was the kind of animated movie you could watch over and over again. “Not Frozen?” she teased.

  Matt made a face of disgust. “Frozen is for girls.”

  “Lion King it is. But that’s after you eat you after school snack and then shower. We’ll get a blanket and snuggle in it to watch the movie.”

  A wide smile split Matt’s face in two and then he turned and tore off. Seconds later, they heard his footsteps as he pounded the stairs in his haste to eat and shower.

  Leah laughed. “You’ve definitely taken the favorite aunty spot.”

  They followed Matt downstairs and after more hugs, Adrian and Leah finally left. Megan was relieved that Matt did not seem affected by his parent’s departure considering that his sitter had left too.

  The evening was a success. Matt fell asleep after dinner, when they were watching Lion King a second time. Megan gently woke him up and helped him upstairs to his bed. She tucked him in amid his sleepy protests that he was a big boy and did not need to be tucked in.

  Back downstairs, Megan retrieved her phone from the charging pod. She hadn’t looked at it in hours and the screen was lighting up with messages. Some were from Maisie and there was one from Max. She read the one from Max first, knowing that Maisie’s was work-related stuff.

  She’d texted Max before charging her phone to tell him that she would be busy for the next hour watching a movie with Matt.

  Max: Hey sweetheart. How was the movie?

  Megan: It was fun cuddling with Matt. Movie was great, even the second time.

  Max: Lol, he made you watch it twice?

  Megan: Yep. The price I have to pay to be called Aunty.

  Max: If you were a movie, I’d watch you over and over again.

  Megan: That’s terrible.

  Max: I’m trying to be romantic.

  Megan: Don’t. Lol. I’m okay with you as you are.

  Max: If you’re sure.

  Megan: Double sure.

  Max: Going to bed?

  Megan: Maybe later. I’m a night owl. Want to work on my laptop for a little while.

  Max: I’m off to read in bed. Don’t forget our date tomorrow.

  Megan: As if I would. Goodnight Max. Take care.

  Max: I’d started texting back something romantic and remembered just in time what you said. Goodnight Megan. Sleep warm.

  She was laughing when she set her phone on the table. She got her laptop bag and made herself comfortable on the couch to work.

  A couple of hours later, Megan’s eyes were heavy with sleep and she turned off her laptop and went up to bed. She had barely slipped into the covers when a tentative knock came on her door.

  “Yes?” she said, knowing it was Matt.

  He opened the door. “I had a bad dream Aunt Megan. Can I sleep with you?”

  “Sure, come in,” she said. Leah and Adrian probably didn’t encourage Matt sleeping in their bed, but she was an aunt and she couldn’t send him back to his room.

  Matt grinned, ran to the bed and jumped in. Megan tucked the duvet around him and then kissed his cheek. “Good night love.”

  “Good night Aunt Megan.”

  The following morning, Megan was the first to wake up. She carefully got up and padded into the bathroom for a shower. Matt was still sleeping when she finished and she dressed quietly, making as little noise as possible so as to avoid waking him up.

  The cook was already in and busy whipping up pancakes and frying sausages. Matt woke up half an hour later and they spent the morning playing a game of hide and seek in the house and taking a walk around the expansive compound.

  Then it was time for Megan to get ready for her date with Max. Matt walked her upstairs to her room.

  “Can I come with you Aunt Megan?” he said. “I like Uncle Max.”

  “You’ll get bored. Uncle Max and I are going to his mom’s place for lunch,” Megan explained. “But I promise I’ll be back as soon as we’re finished.”

  “I won’t be bored,” Matt said. “I’ll carry my puzzle.”

  Megan stood staring at him, conflicted. “I’m not sure what your parents would say to you going with me.”

  “Please Aunt Megan,” Matt continued.

  She couldn’t say no to him plus they were only going for lunch and then back home. “Okay. Let’s go downstairs and let Maggie know.”

  “Yay!” Matt shrieked and took off at a run. Megan followed him laughing.

  Maggie was happy to leave earlier but before going, she got Matt ready while Megan went to her room to dress. She took extra care with her appearance, brushing her hair back to fall on her shoulders and curled it in short waves.

  She applied a little makeup and when she was done, she grabbed her purse and went downstairs to wait for Max.

  “Wow, you look nice Aunt Megan,” Matt said.

  “Thank you,” Megan said. “The girls better watch out in a few years. You’re handsome and a charmer. That’s a deadly combination.”

  Max made a disgusted face. “Yuck. I don’t like girls.”

  Megan and Maggie exchanged a look and laughed. “That will change in a few years.” They walked Maggie to the front door and instead of returning to the house, they sat on the rocking chairs on the porch and waited for Max.

  Like Ruby and Dean’s house, Adrian and Leah’s house was surrounded by woods and empty tracts of land. It was gorgeous, especially when the skies were flawless with not a single cloud to be seen. The blue skies resembled a canvas, waiting for the painter to do his magic and add detail to it.

  “Is he almost here?” Matt asked.

  “I’m pretty sure that he is,” Megan said.

  Matt went still. “He’s here.” He jumped to his feet.

  “I can’t hear anything, are you sure?” Megan said doubtfully.

  Then she saw Max’s car coming up the drive. She glanced at her nephew. “You have super powers.”

  He stared at her. “Yeah, which ones?”

our hearing is a super power. I couldn’t hear Uncle Max’s car while you could.”

  Matt grinned and when Max’s car came to a stop, he tore off towards it. Megan followed, glad that she was wearing wedges rather than heels. She reached the car just as Matt was telling Max about his super power.

  “Hi,” she said, her heart skipping a beat when she saw him.

  “Hey, you look beautiful,” Max said.

  “I told her so Uncle Max,” Matt piped.

  Megan took a bow. Well, as much of a bow as she could while seated. “Thank you, gentlemen.”

  “Is everyone ready?” Max said.

  “Yes,” Megan and Matt said in unison.

  Matt chattered all the way to Max’s childhood home.

  “This is where I grew up,” Max said to Matt.


  Megan stifled a giggle. Wow was her nephew’s favorite word. Max parked the car on the street in front of his mom’s house. What had he told his mom about her? Obviously, something since the phone call when Mrs. Foster had confirmed that Max and Nancy’s relationship was not real.

  “What are you giggling about?” Max said, as he turned off the ignition.

  “Your and Nancy’s fake relationship. You don’t look the type to agree to something like that,” Megan said laughing openly.

  “She’s like a sister to me,” he said sheepishly. “It’s hard to say no and all I had to do was go on several dates with her.”

  “That was sweet of you,” Megan said.

  “Can we go now?” Matt said, bouncing on the seat.

  “Sorry buddy,” Max said. “Aunt Megan and I were reminiscing on the past.”

  “Huh, the past indeed,” Megan said.

  “What’s reminisce?” Matt said.

  “Remembering. I’ll open the door for you before you think up another question.”

  As they strolled towards the porch, Matt held both of their hands. It made Megan picture having a child with Max. He would make a great husband and dad. The front door flew open before they went up the porch.

  “Were you watching us from the window Ma?” Max asked.

  “I was, yes,” Mrs. Foster said, unembarrassed by the admission. “I couldn’t wait to meet Megan. We met once, a long time ago, do you remember?” she said.

  “I do,” Megan said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again.”

  “Oh and who is this gentleman?” She solemnly shook his hand and Matt’s face almost split in half.

  Max introduced Matt.

  “I have two honored guests today,” Mrs. Foster said.

  “Three,” Matt said.

  “You’re right,” she said. “My counting is not what it used to be.” She winked at Matt. “Come on in before the food becomes cold.”

  Lunch was a lively affair with Mrs. Foster regaling them with tales of Max’s growing up years. After lunch, Megan helped her clean up. Despite the house being old, it had obviously been renovated and had all the modern equipment like a dishwasher and all they had to do was to load it.

  While they cleaned up, Max took Matt on a walk around the neighborhood. After cleaning up, Megan sat down with Mrs. Foster and looked at the family albums. It was fun to see a younger Max, before his teenage years when she had met him.

  “Max has always loved you,” Mrs. Foster said. “Always. Everyone who know him knows this. I can see why.”

  Megan didn’t know what to say. “Thank you.”

  Chapter 21

  Her vibrating phone roused Megan from deep concentration reviewing the week’s campaign. It had been an exhilarating week with the company going full force with the campaigns. Megan’s nose was always stuck in her phone when she was not in the office or at home.

  Social media was addictive. She now understood why Maisie was always sending her articles and posts related to their campaigns. Absentmindedly, she picked up her phone and swiped to read the new message. She smiled when she saw that it was from Max. Her smile faded as she read the message.

  Max: Hey sweetheart. I’ve got a surprise for you. Pack your bags after work. I’m taking you away for the weekend and don’t ask where. It will ruin the surprise. Pack for warm weather.

  Megan stared at the message in disbelief and mounting irritation. “Unbelievable!”

  “What is?” Maisie said.

  Megan was so upset, she couldn’t speak, so she handed Maisie her phone. Maisie grinned as she read the message.

  “I’ve told Max enough times that I don’t like surprises,” Megan fumed. “He doesn’t get it or he thinks he knows everything I want. He’s cut from the same cloth as my brothers.”

  “That sounds like something I would have said before I started dating Sean. To be honest I couldn’t stand any of you,” Maisie said.

  “Why?” Megan said.

  “I guess I saw all of you from the eyes of an employee’s daughter. You all seemed hopelessly spoiled to me, and you have to admit that your brothers are great once you get to know them but they have to grow on you. Especially Lance.”

  Megan laughed and was impressed by Maisie’s honesty. “I admit, I was a spoiled brat. Italy brought me back to earth and I learned that the world does not revolve around my whims. As for Lance,” Megan laughed again. “He’s the worst of all of my brothers. He doesn’t have a filter in his mouth.”

  “Yep. Lance will tell you exactly how it is. I’ve come to appreciate that particular trait of his. If I want an honest opinion, I’ll ask Lance, or Jaime,” Maisie said.

  It was fun discussing her brothers’ personality traits with Maisie.

  “Honestly, I know they mean well, it’s just infuriating sometimes,” Megan said. “And Max is doing the same. I can take it from my brothers but not from Max. You and I had plans to work tomorrow morning.”

  “Don’t worry about it, we can always do it first thing on Monday. Make the best of it. Have fun,” Maisie said.

  With Maisie’s encouragement, Megan texted Max back and told him she would be ready. Despite her initial irritation with the idea, by the time evening came around, she was excited for a weekend alone with Max.

  She drove home, took a shower and changed four times before settling on skinny jeans and a pale blue top. Megan hated not knowing where they were going. It would have been so easy to know what to pack and wear if only Max had told her where they were going.

  She really hated surprises, Megan fumed as she folded clothes into a weekend suitcase. She ended up carrying a lot more stuff that she normally would have for a weekend.

  Snapping her suitcase shut, Megan wheeled it outside and returned to grab her purse and a light jacket. As she shut the front door, Max’s car appeared at the corner of the drive.

  He brought the car to a stop and hurried out of the car. The sight of him quickened her breath and filled her with happiness. He looked casually sexy in khakis and a white shirt with a button left open at the top.

  “You look perfect,” Max said, drawing her into his arms.

  She melted into him and raised her head up for a kiss. “So do you,” Megan said before his mouth touched hers, and she forgot her left from her right.

  Max dropped his hands to hers and threaded his fingers through hers. “I get to do this whenever I feel like it this weekend,” he murmured and trailed kissed down her neck.

  Her skin tingled all the way to her toes and each touch of his lips sent licks of electricity through her veins. “That feels so good,” Megan murmured.

  Max let out a groan of frustration and stepped back. “I could stand here all day making out with you.” He grabbed her suitcase with one hand and held her hand with the other.

  He went to the back of the car while Megan entered the front passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. “Where are we going?” Megan said when Max took his place at the driver’s seat.

  He smiled at her and winked. “That’s why it’s called a surprise. You find out when you get there. One thing I’m sure of is that you’ll love it.”

  Megan fought dow
n her anxiety and told herself to relax. She would find out soon enough. The first clue she got was when they took a different direction from the airport. She had thought that they were flying to their destination.

  “Your brain is buzzing with ideas, huh?” Max teased.

  “Not knowing gives me anxiety,” Megan said.

  “We’re near our destination,” Max said as he signaled to take a road on the left.

  That’s when Megan saw it. A helicopter company. What? Her heart pounded hard in her chest. Were they taking a helicopter tour of the state? She had seen pictures of people who went on helicopter tours of California and she had promised to do it one day.

  It seemed as if the day had come. The only thing that puzzled her was the weekend luggage. Helicopter tours lasted a couple of hours at the most.

  “We’re here,” Max said, slipping on his sunglasses.

  He went around to open the door for her and then to the back to get their luggage. They made their way to the reception where someone took their luggage and invited them to follow him.

  As Megan had thought, a helicopter was waiting for them. Max helped her up. The pilot introduced himself and showed them where the headsets were.

  Minutes later, the helicopter roared to life and then slowly lifted itself off the ground. Gradually, the ground became smaller and smaller. Max squeezed her hand and she flashed him a smile to show that she was enjoying herself.

  She really was. She had never been one of those people who were scared of new experiences. Megan kept her gaze fixed on the window, everything in three-hundred-sixty-degree view. She felt as if she was part of the view and not just looking at it.

  The ocean came into view and she stared at Max questioningly. “Where are we going?” Clearly it wasn’t a tour of the state. They were flying over the ocean.

  “Not far to go now,” Max said, above the sounds of the pilot as he spoke on his headpiece.

  They flew for forty-five minutes before an island came into view. Delight filled Megan as she realized where they were headed. “Catalina Island?” she asked Max.

  “Bingo!” he said.


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