Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4) Page 25

by Nicole S. Goodin

“I really hope it’s not someone from Rush Communications.” El said as she sipped her coffee. “My dad will string someone up by the balls if it is...well, provided they have balls.”

  “Not if I kill them first,” I muttered under my breath.

  El heard me and lightly shoved my shoulder. “Stop talking about killing people,” she hissed.

  I smirked at her.

  She was so cute when she tried to get angry with me. She continued to glare at me so I winked at her – she let herself down by cracking a smile.

  “So you think it’s one of your guys, Law?”

  I thought about it for a minute. None of it made any sense – whoever this was, they had claimed they were coming for us. My gut was telling me I was dealing with a man, and I was hoping I was right. I couldn’t exactly beat the shit out of a girl. But if it was a man, then they were after El... and she barely knew anyone here. This was the point where I always came back to Baxter – he had the most motive.

  “I have no idea. I keep flicking through numerous scenarios, but none of them are really adding up. Maybe this asshole is paying someone I work with to keep tabs on me and El. That’s all I can really come up with.”

  El cocked her head to the side and thought for a minute. “Yeah, that could be it. What if one of your ex’s has got an employee on board?”

  “I still don’t think that it’s anyone from my past, but I guess it’s possible.”

  El stared at me with wide eyes. “So you think it’s me?” she squeaked.

  I froze.


  I turned to face her – she looked shaken. “You think it’s someone trying to get me?” she asked again.

  I nodded slowly and shrugged. “You must have thought about that possibility, El?”

  She shook her head quickly. “I mean, yeah... I considered it, but I sort of just assumed it was the other way around. This is your city. I don’t even know anyone here, Lawson. It can’t be. There’s only Baxter, and I know it’s not him.”

  I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. “I don’t know, Ells. But it’s something we have to consider.” I tried to reassure her. “You might be right, I might be the one they want.”

  Quinn interrupted, “I think you should bait them.”

  “Quinn, what the hell?” I snapped. The last thing I needed was my stupid sister giving El any risky ideas, she had enough of her own risky ideas already.

  “I mean the two of you together. You said it yourself, this person seems to know when you come and go. So go out. Walk down the street together. Have Mark watching for anyone suspicious.” She shrugged. “It’s just an idea. But I highly doubt that anyone is going to come at the two of you – not on a busy street. They’ll probably just get more photos.”

  I thought about what Quinn was saying – it actually wasn’t that bad of an idea. I looked at El. “What do you think?” I asked her.

  She grinned at me. “I think we’re going out for lunch on Monday.”

  “Were both photos taken from the same angle?” Colt asked. Our food arrived and we stopped talking while the waitress got us set up.

  “What do you mean?” I asked when she was gone.

  “Do you think they stood in the same spot for both photos? They might be hiding in an alleyway, or out of a window of a surrounding building. If you knew where they were photographing from, it’d give your guy a good starting point.”

  “Dammit, why didn’t I think of that?” I shook my head. “I’ll look into it. Mark said it’s a long-range lens, so I guess they could be a reasonable distance away.”

  “We were inside the first time,” El said quietly. “Do you think they were there?”

  “I think it’s more likely that they took the picture through the glass, honey.”

  “I don’t know.” She looked up at me with wide eyes. “It was so clear.”

  I kissed the top of her head again. “I don’t know, Ells. Try not to worry. I’ll keep you safe.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” she mumbled.

  Quinn changed the subject. “I was thinking we need another night out. Brooke wants to come out in a few weeks and I was thinking of inviting Lexie and some of our girls. Make a real weekend of it.”

  “Hell yes,” El replied.

  “God no,” I said at the same time.

  “Why the hell not, Lawson?” Quinn demanded.

  Jesus Christ, I did not need this right now. I had my hands full with these two already. I did not need however many more running around.

  No. Fucking. Way.

  “It’s not a good time, Q,” I growled. “There’s enough going on.”

  Quinn waved my comment off with a flick of her hand. “Well too bad. It’s happening, so maybe you should just accept it.”

  Fucking Quinn and her stupid fucking ideas.

  I peeked over at El and all the fight left me. She looked so damn excited at the idea, and she had those giant puppy-dog eyes working their magic on me.

  God damn it.

  “Fine,” I snapped at Quinn.

  Colt smirked at me and made a whipping motion with his hand.


  I flipped him the bird.

  There was no way in hell that Colt, Reeve and I could handle this shit. I was going to have to call my boys.

  52. Quinn

  Lawson was such a sucker. El had him wrapped around her little finger. I needed to get her alone. I was dying to know how her and Lawson’s talk had gone.

  “I’m just going to the bathroom.” I gave El a look that said ‘and you’re coming with me’.

  She jumped up. “Me too.”

  We found the ladies’ room and I checked the stalls were all empty. “Okay, spill. How’d it go?” I demanded.

  El smiled so wide I thought her face might break.

  “That good, huh?”

  “He asked me to dance, and I kind of ended up telling him with a song.” El scrunched up her nose. It was so her. “I told him I was his.” She smiled softly. “It was perfect. Our own weird kind of perfect.”

  “It sounds amazing, El. I’m so happy for you.”

  I watched as a devious smile crept onto her face. “And then we screwed all over the show. Holy. Shit... I know you told me that a man taking control was hot, but I had no idea just how—”

  “La, la, la, la, la!” I cried out, covering my ears and interrupting her over-sharing.

  Waaaaay too much information.

  “Sweet Jesus, El, I’m glad you finally sorted out your feelings and I’m stoked that Lawson is finally happy... but Jesus, girl, get a filter. That’s my brother.”

  She pissed herself laughing. “Oh god...” She gasped for breath. “Your face.”

  “Were you just messing with me?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She wiped the tears from her eyes. “Oh no, we fucked like rabbits. But your face was the funniest shit ever.” She cackled.

  “I hate you.”

  “You love me.” She smirked.

  “Fine. I love you.”

  El grinned. “Love you more. We’d better get back. Lawson will come looking for us otherwise.” She rolled her eyes at the thought of my overprotective big brother.

  “You don’t need another human being to make your life complete, but let’s be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn’t see them as disasters in your soul, but cracks to put their love into, is the most calming thing in this world.

  - Emery Allen

  53. Ellerslie

  “Are you coming back to Lawson’s tonight, Q?”

  We were outside the café, sheltering from the rain, getting ready to part ways.

  “Nah, Colt asked me to stay again, so I will.” She looked over at Lawson. “I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your ‘activities’ anyway.” She made quotation marks with her fingers.

  I snorted. I’d be willing to bet that she was involved in plenty of ‘activities’ herself. One look at Colt’s face told me the truth
in that. Quinn was going to have to have a word with him soon, I could see he had feelings for her, and they were definitely more than fuck-buddy feelings.

  Shit, I’m glad I haven’t got those kinds of problems anymore.

  I looked at Lawson and couldn’t stop myself from smiling. He was so much to take in. It wasn’t fair for one man to be so handsome and desirable, so rugged and sexy.

  And he called me his girlfriend!

  I was still high fiving myself for that one. I desperately wanted to ask him if he meant it, but I was too chicken-shit.

  Maybe I’ll put on my big-girl pants and ask him tonight.


  “What about tomorrow?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I’ll come by tomorrow and stay tomorrow night if that’s okay, Law?”

  “Yeah, of course. I’ll take you both into the office Monday morning.”

  “Great.” Quinn smiled brightly and gave Lawson and me both a kiss on the cheek.

  “See you tomorrow,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Bye! See ya later, Colt,” I called after them.

  Lawson threw his arm over my shoulder and walked me back to the car. I waited as he opened my door for me – apparently chivalry wasn’t dead after all. “Why thank you, kind sir,” I teased.

  “You’re welcome, ma’am,” he replied in a thick country accent. He rounded the front of the truck and climbed in.

  “That accent suits you, cowboy.” I grinned as he hopped into the truck.

  “You know what’s funny?” He smiled as be buckled his seatbelt.


  “I wanted to be a cowboy for my entire childhood. I actually tried to buy a farm back home, but it fell through. I’m glad now, but at the time I was pretty pissed off.” He chuckled.

  I laughed lightly at him. “You can be my cowboy.”

  He smirked and I knew he was thinking dirty thoughts. “Buckle up, baby. I’ll take you for a ride.”


  I’d checked my emails and caught up on a little bit of work after we got back and then we’d spent the rest of the day talking, joking and eating. We had takeout Thai food and wine for dinner and watched a movie after.

  I was surprised at how comfortable I felt in Lawson’s home – it felt like my home. Although that probably had more to do with him than it did the location. Being in his arms felt more like home than any place ever had.

  “I love having you here,” he whispered in my ear as the credits rolled.

  I snuggled back into his chest. “That’s lucky, because I love being here,” I told him quietly.

  He loosely twined and untwined our fingers. “Do you remember when I told you how things would be between us where sex was involved?”

  “Mmmhmm,” I murmured, suddenly nervous about where this conversation was going.

  “I want to make love to you.”

  I smiled and turned my head to look at him. “Is that a question? I don’t think you’ve asked my permission before.”

  He chuckled and brushed a strand of hair from my face. “I’m asking now.” His voice was soft and seductive.

  “Make love to me,” I whispered. I was dying to find out what soft, slow sex would be like with Lawson. I wasn’t kidding when I’d told Quinn that we’d fucked like rabbits – each time seemed more frantic than the last.

  “Zef, bed,” Lawson commanded.

  Zefer got up and gave me a pleading glance. “Go to bed, buddy, I’ll be here in the morning,” I reassured him. I smiled as he slinked off to his bed in the games room.

  Lawson shook his head at me. “That bloody dog is as fond of you as I am.”

  “He’s a sweet boy.”

  He smirked at me and I could tell he was holding back on some smartass remark. Probably about how there was nothing sweet about him. I raised one eyebrow at him and he shook his head.

  On best behavior, huh?

  I stood up and turned to face him. “After you.” I gestured to the door.

  He sprung to his feet and pressed his body up against mine. “Oh no, pretty girl, after you.”

  I walked ahead of him, doing my best to sway my hips.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me back suddenly, causing me to land against his hard chest. “Can you stop with the teasing?” he growled. “I’m having a hard enough time stopping myself from ripping those clothes from your body and claiming you right here.”

  I grinned and squeezed his biceps in response.

  That sounds like a great plan.

  “Don’t tempt me, Ells.”

  I bit down on my lip as I caught the look in his eyes. He was not joking. He was right on the cusp of losing it.

  “Take me to bed,” I whispered.

  He didn’t say a word, just scooped me up lightly in his arms and did as I’d asked.

  Having Lawson make love to me was like burning slowly. The look in his eyes lit the match, the touch of his hands stoked the fire, and our passion fed the flames.

  He made good on his promise of worshipping every inch of me, and as much as I loved it hot and heavy, slow and sensual was incredible too. I was beginning to think that anytime our bodies met, there would be fireworks.

  Neither of us had uttered a single word. I was afraid of popping the bubble we’d created around us. Lawson lay on top of me, his breath heavy and his forehead resting on mine. He was still inside me and I felt completely sated.

  His green eyes burned into mine with an intensity that had me catching my breath. “I’m in love with you.” The words were so soft, I couldn’t be sure I’d really heard them.

  “Did you just—” I whispered.

  He nodded slowly. “I’m in love with you, Ells.”

  There was no mistaking it this time.

  He loves me?


  I was searching for the words I wanted to tell him – but he spoke again before I could get them out. “I don’t expect you to say anything, pretty girl, I didn’t say it because I needed to hear it back, I said it because I couldn’t go another minute without you knowing.”

  Oh god, swoon.

  “I don’t know when I fell in love with you... maybe it was that first day in the elevator, or it could have been the second time in my restaurant... but, when you smiled at me, called me cowboy, gave me a shot and told me to live a little – you became the focal point of my life. I didn’t even know it at the time, but I know it now, Ells.”

  I could hardly breathe. His words were clawing at my heart – my soul.

  “We were inevitable, you and I. There is nothing in this world that could keep me from you, pretty girl.” I took a deep breath and soaked in his love. It was pouring off him and into me. In that moment – I lost the last of my fear.

  He loved me and I loved him. He was a lion, roaring his love at me, chasing away my insecurities and letting me be free.

  “I’ve never known this,” I whispered.

  “Known what?” He frowned in confusion.

  “What it’s like to be completely in love with someone, and have them undoubtedly return the feeling,” I confessed softly.

  Lawson’s eyes softened in what I assumed was sympathy.

  I saw the moment he realized exactly what I’d just said. “You love me?” he asked, his voice torn.

  I nodded my head. “I’m in love with you.” I gently stroked the side of his face. “I don’t think I fell in love with you. I walked into it. I choose you. I choose your kindness and your strength. I choose your banging body and your generous heart. I choose you, Lawson.” I spoke the words with absolute clarity.

  He gave me a boyish grin that made him look much younger than his 32 years. “You and me, baby. I know we’ve rushed to this point, but we’ve got forever to take it slow.”


  I’d forced myself in the past few months to believe that nothing was forever – but when he said the words, I couldn’t help but believe it was possible.

  54. Lawson

  “I don’t
know about this, El.” I ran my hand through my hair. I knew it was a good plan, but my mind was screaming at me that it was too dangerous – that I should be keeping my girl out of harm’s way.

  “Mark agreed that it was a good idea. You said yourself, you can’t stand being a sitting duck. Well, this is your chance to take control.” She took my face in her hands and stared into my eyes. “We’ll be fine, cowboy. I’ll be fine. It’s the only chance we have to get a lead.”

  I reluctantly nodded. “Have you checked your mail yet?”

  It was early Monday morning, I’d driven Quinn and El home to get ready for work, and then driven them both here.

  Ellerslie and I had a perfect weekend. I loved that girl more than my own life. And by some small miracle she loved me too. We’d spent yesterday talking, dancing and playing. It was exactly the type of life I wanted for us. I wanted us together. I knew it was too early, but I wanted El to live with me. She belonged there.

  Quinn had stayed last night and she’d been over the moon for us. It was the best feeling in the world calling El my girlfriend, and seeing how proud my sister was of me was incredibly rewarding too.

  “Yeah, I sure did. There was nothing there,” El reassured me.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I wanted to be the target of this – not her. “That’s good, I’ll go and check in with Quinn and head back to my office.”

  She wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed me tight. “Text me if there’s anything there, okay?”

  I nodded and kissed her forehead.

  “And remember, I’m heading to the lobby at twelve and you aren’t coming down until quarter past,” she reminded me.

  I wasn’t happy about this part of the plan. El had come up with the idea and Mark had jumped all over it. The intention was that, if someone was ratting us out they would report to the stalker when El went downstairs. If photos turned up of El alone, then she was the target, if there was nothing until I was there, then I was the target. I wasn’t convinced, but as El happily pointed out to me – two beats one.

  I need to find my damn balls.

  “Yeah, yeah, I remember,” I grumbled.

  She swatted my ass as I walked away.


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