Trust Our Tomorrows

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Trust Our Tomorrows Page 32

by Carrie Carr

  He stopped brushing and peered over Stormy's back. "Are you trying to tell me that you always let Amanda win?"

  Lex laughed. "Of course not. But I am smart enough to realize that when she's happy, we're both happy. We don't always agree on everything, but we respect each other's feelings. And when we do happen to disagree, we leave our egos out of it."


  "Yep. Nothing will destroy a relationship faster than always trying to one-up each other. It's pointless and hurtful."

  Ronnie left the stall and joined her on the bale. "Yeah, I don't ever remember seeing you and Amanda do that."

  "And you never will. When we got together, I swore to her that I would always love and respect her, and I always keep my promises."

  "I hope Nora and I can have the same kind of relationship. I love her like crazy."

  Lex patted him on the back. "Just remember how much you love her, and you'll never go wrong." She stood and brushed the hay off her jeans. "One more thing."


  "A little groveling never hurts, either. Especially when you've put your foot in your mouth."

  LEX AND RONNIE stepped into the house and hung their jackets and hats on hooks by the back door. He gave her a sheepish shrug and went in search of Nora, while Lex went into the dining room to see how the kids were doing.

  "Ha! You can't catch me now," Teddy said.

  Lorrie rolled her eyes. "I don't care. This is boring." She saw Lex in the doorway. "Momma. Can we go outside and play?"

  "Only if you wear your coats. And don't leave the yard." When the kids cheered and started to leave, Lex stopped them by putting her hand on Melanie's head. "Not so fast. You have a mess to clean up in here."

  Three bodies turned into cleaning whirlwinds, and in no time at all, the boxes of games were stacked neatly at one end of the table. "Is this okay?" Lorrie asked, anxiously.

  Lex pretended to think about it. "I don't know. Are all the games in their right boxes?"

  "Yes, ma'am." All three children answered at once.

  "Hmm. I guess I only have one more thing to say."

  Melanie danced from foot to foot. "What, Momma?"

  "Why are you still in here? You should be out back, playing." Lex dodged out of the way to keep from being run over by excited children.

  She laughed as they rushed to get their coats by the back door.

  Jeannie came out of the den and met Lex in the hallway. "I take it you told the terrible trio they could finally go out and play?"

  "Yep. It's not that cold, and I figured it was better than letting them destroy the house."

  "I'm tempted to join them. Watching basketball isn't my idea of Christmas fun." Jeannie linked arms with Lex. "How's your back?"

  Lex patted Jeannie's hand. "A lot better. Don't tell Amanda, but she was right. Lazing around for a few weeks has done wonders."

  Jeannie laughed at her. "Don't worry. I'm not about to give her any ammunition. We've got to stick together, right?"

  "We sure do." Lex felt herself being led toward the kitchen. "Got the munchies again, little mama?"

  "I shouldn't, but I do. I know I'm going to regret pigging out, especially later tonight." Jeannie released Lex and headed for the refrigerator. "I love Martha's barbeque. It's the best part of Christmas here at the ranch."

  Lex sat at the table and watched as Jeannie made herself a large sandwich out of leftover barbeque brisket. She grimaced when sliced jalapenos and coleslaw were added, along with a dollop of potato salad. "You're not seriously going to eat that, are you?"

  "Of course. Why not?" Jeannie sat beside Lex and bit into one end of the sandwich. "Mmm." As she chewed, she looked up at Lex and held out her masterpiece. "Wan' smmm?"

  "Uh, no. Thanks." Lex grinned as barbeque sauce dribbled down Jeannie's chin. She took a paper napkin from the holder on the table and dabbed at the mess. "You're as bad as the kids."

  Jeannie blinked innocently, and was saved from answering when Amanda came into the kitchen.

  "There you are. I was wondering if you had gotten lost." Amanda sat beside Lex. "Are you enjoying the show?" she asked, pointing toward her sister.

  Lex put her arm around Amanda's shoulder. "Yep. Nothing more exciting than watching a pregnant woman put away a disgusting sandwich." She flinched when Jeannie tossed her wadded napkin at her. "Behave."

  Jeannie stuck out her tongue, food and all.

  "Eww, Jean Louise. That's disgusting," Amanda said. "You'd better finish pretty soon, because I think your husband is exhausted from napping on our sofa."

  After swallowing, Jeannie wiped her mouth with a clean napkin. "I was going to drag him home, anyway. We still have stuff to unpack. Although I'm tempted to take up Ellie and Kyle on their offer of helping."

  "It was nice of them," Amanda said.

  "You don't think they offered just because Rodney asked Ellie if she wanted to come to work for him, do you?" Rodney had cornered Ellie not long after she and Kyle had arrived. He had a nurse who was leaving the practice, and he'd hoped that Ellie would take her place. After making certain he wasn't offering the job out of pity or some misplaced family loyalty, Ellie happily agreed.

  Lex leaned back and stretched. "Nah. I think they offered because they're nice folks. At least Kyle is, anyway. Ellie can be a little grumpy at times."

  "I wonder where she gets it?" Jeannie teased.

  "I have no idea." Lex grunted when Amanda poked her in the stomach. "What?"

  Amanda poked her again. "Don't 'what' me, little Miss ButterWon't-Melt-In-My-Mouth. You can give lessons on being grumpy."

  Lex leaned close and growled playfully, nipping Amanda on the neck.

  Jeannie groaned. "My god, you two are so sickening."

  "Jealous, much?" Amanda asked.

  Jeannie shook her head and went back to her sandwich.

  ON THE LOVESEAT in the den, Ellie startled when Kyle touched her hand. They were watching the basketball game with Charlie, Rodney and Martha, but neither one seemed focused on the television.

  "Hey, want to get some air?" Kyle whispered.

  Ellie looked at the others in the room. Rodney was dozing with his head back, Charlie and Martha were conversing quietly, and Nora and Ronnie were in a serious discussion by the hearth of the fireplace. Anna Leigh and Jacob had left earlier, having promised their presence at another gathering. "Sure." Ellie stood and followed Kyle out of the room and to the front door.

  "How about the front porch? The swing looks comfortable." Kyle waited until Ellie nodded her agreement before she opened the front door. Both were wearing sweaters, so the cool December air wasn't a deterrent. Kyle sat and patted the seat beside her. When Ellie joined her she scooted closer and put her arm around her. "Is this okay?"

  "Yeah." Ellie snuggled into Kyle's embrace. "I'm glad you came with me today. It's been one of the best Christmases I can remember."

  "Thanks for inviting me. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to meet your family so soon."

  Ellie chuckled. "You'd already met Amanda, so it was inevitable that you'd meet Lex, too. Besides, with your roommates at Tony's mother's house for the day, I didn't want you to be alone."

  Kyle kissed Ellie's temple. "You're sweet. But I've been alone on holidays before."

  "Before today, even when I was surrounded by family, I felt alone," Ellie said. "Especially after my grandfather died." For once, the thought of Travis didn't bring tears, only a slight ache. "He would have liked you."

  "You think so?"


  Kyle grinned and leaned her head against Ellie's. "Cool."

  LEX CLOSED THE front door after the last family member left and released a heavy sigh. "Remind me again why we do this?" She asked Amanda, who stood nearby holding Eddie.

  "Because we love our family," Amanda answered. Eddie gurgled and kicked, putting in his two-cents worth. "At least that's what we say when we volunteer to have holidays here at the ranch."

  Lex went over and kissed Amanda ligh
tly on the lips. "Not to mention, we have the largest place. Can you imagine this bunch crammed into your dad and Lois's house?"

  "That's a scary thought. We'd be stacked three or four deep on their sofa. Gramma offered to do it, but I hate putting that much work onto her and Grandpa." Amanda followed Lex upstairs, where they heard the combined voices of their daughters. "I wonder what they're up to?"

  "Let's sneak in and find out," Lex whispered. They peeked into Melanie's room first, but found it empty. Lex shrugged and motioned for Amanda to follow her.

  When they looked into Lorrie's room, both women had to struggle to keep from laughing.

  Lorrie was sitting at a small table in the middle of the room, looking decidedly uncomfortable. She was wearing a scraggly blonde wig from Melanie's dress-up box, along with one of Amanda's old dresses and heels. Melanie was sitting across from her, dressed in one of her pretend outfits as well. Freckles sat beside Lorrie, hoping for a treat.

  "Can we quit playing tea? I wanna do something else," Lorrie said, as she scratched her head beneath the wig.

  "You promised to play tea party with me if I didn't tell on you." Melanie pretended to pour from the tiny tea pot into their cups. She picked up the cup and acted like she was sipping something hot. "You should try your tea. I made it with peanut butter and strawberry juice."

  Lorrie wrinkled her nose. "Ugh."

  "It's only make-believe tea," Melanie said.

  Amanda looked at Lex. "I wonder what Lorrie did that Melanie blackmailed her with?" she whispered.

  "No telling." Lex backed away from the door. "I'm sure we'll find out, sooner or later." She trailed Amanda to their room. They started laughing at how ridiculous Lorrie had been dressed.

  In a short time, both were changed into their sleepwear and Lex joined Amanda on the bed. They stretched out together with the baby in between them. "All things considered, it was a better holiday than most," Lex admitted. She rolled onto her side and propped her head on her upraised hand, mirroring Amanda's position.

  "Yes, it was." Amanda ran her finger along Lex's cheek. "No calamities, no fights. Well, unless you count Nora threatening Ronnie."

  "Yeah, but they seemed pretty cozy by the time they left." Lex turned her head and kissed Amanda's palm. "He'll learn."

  Amanda cupped Lex's cheek. "What sage advice did you give him? He seemed like a man on a mission when you two came in from the barn."

  "I told him to respect her feelings and remember why he loved her. Everything else would work itself out."

  "Pretty smart, aren't you?"

  Lex smirked. "Years and years of trial and error," she said.

  "You know, it doesn't seem that long ago that we were as clueless as they are," Amanda said. "I remember how nervous you were, the first time I kissed you."

  "Well, yeah. I was totally gone on you, and when you fell into my arms, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven." Lex stretched across Eddie and kissed Amanda lightly. "Even now, whenever our lips touch, I feel it all the way to my toes."

  Eddie raised his hand and slapped at Lex's face. She laughed and began to kiss him all over. "Are you jealous, handsome?" When Eddie tangled his fingers in Lex's hair, she gasped. "Uh, Amanda? Could you help?"

  Amanda laughed while Lex tried to untangle his grasp. "I don't know. He seems like he's doing okay on his own."

  "Paybacks, woman," Lex said. She finally escaped Eddie's clutches and rolled onto her back and closed her eyes. "Whew."

  "Are you all right?"

  Lex didn't answer.

  "Honey?" Amanda got off the bed and walked around to Lex's side. She leaned over her wife and squealed when her hips were grabbed.


  Amanda fell across Lex's chest. "Faker!" She started laughing when Lex's hand slipped under her shirt. "Stop it."

  "Nope. I've got you now."

  Their laughter was loud enough to bring in both girls, who raced into the room and immediately climbed onto the bed. Both were careful to keep off of Eddie, but happily joined Lex in tickling Amanda.

  "Stop, please!" Amanda begged, unable to breathe.

  Her family had mercy and ceased their attack. Amanda fell across Lex in exhaustion. "Three against one isn't fair," she muttered.

  "But it was fun, Mommy," Melanie said.

  Lex gently poked Melanie in the stomach. "It was, wasn't it? Thanks for your help."

  Lorrie sat at the top of the bed and petted Eddie on the head. "I

  think Eddie wanted to play too, Momma."

  "I'm sure he did, sweetheart. And one of these days, when he's bigger, he's going to be right in the middle of things." Lex helped Amanda stand before she sat up.

  "Thanks, honey." Amanda perched at the foot of the bed. "Are you girls finished playing?"

  Lorrie looked at Melanie. "I hope so. Can Mel sleep with me tonight? We want to have a sleepover."

  "You do?" Amanda knew as well as Lex that although Lorrie loved her little sister, she rarely initiated such things. "Why?"

  Lorrie shrugged her shoulders and looked down. "Just 'cause."

  "I wanted to and Lorrie said I could," Melanie said. "We're going to read with flashlights under the covers." Each of them had a flashlight in their nightstands, in case of a power outage.

  Lex bit off a smile. "Why do you want to read under the covers?"

  "'Cause Teddy says it's fun." Melanie climbed onto Lex's legs. "Can we Momma? Please?"

  "What do you think, Mommy? Should we let them?" Lex asked Amanda.

  Amanda tapped her chin. "Hmm. I don't know. How late will you be reading?"

  "Not long," Lorrie promised.

  "All right." Amanda grabbed Melanie before she could jump up and down on Lex. "Settle down. You two go get in your pajamas, and we'll be there in a few minutes."

  Melanie hopped off Lex. "Okay!" She waved at Lorrie. "Come on, Lorrie."

  With a long-suffering groan, Lorrie got off the bed and followed her. "I get to pick the book," she called after Melanie.

  Eddie started to cry, so Lex picked him up. "What's the matter? Did you want to go with your sisters?" He stopped crying as soon as Lex spoke.

  Amanda crawled up to sit next to her. "Poor thing. I have a feeling he'll be trailing after them both in no time."

  "Probably." It only took a moment of Lex rocking Eddie in her arms to get him to relax, and he peered up at her and kicked his feet. "I wonder who he'll take after? Will he tag along after Lorrie, or will Melanie be his hero?"

  "Well," Amanda put her head on Lex's shoulder and looked at him, "if he's anything like his sisters, he'll probably think his Momma is the greatest thing in the world. Not that I can blame them, since I feel the same way."

  Lex's face flushed. "Amanda."

  "Sorry, honey. But it's true." Amanda pulled back and ran a finger down Lex's reddened cheek. "You're such a good mom, and our kids are so lucky to have you in their lives. Even your brother realized what a special person you are."

  "It's great having him in our lives in a positive way," Lex said. She kissed Eddie on the head. "And I'll never be able to thank him enough for this gift."

  Amanda gently cupped Eddie's head. "If I had put in an order for a baby, he would have fit perfectly. He looks so much like you."

  "Yeah, poor kid."

  "Let's go check on the girls. I think Eddie's about ready to go down for the night." Amanda stood and held out her hands. "My turn."

  Lex gave up Eddie. "I can carry him, you know."

  "Not yet. Remember what the doctor said. 'No lifting for at least a month.' You've still got a good week or two to go." Amanda gave her the sweetest smile she could. "I promise as soon as you're allowed to, I'll gladly hand him over."

  "Uh-huh." Lex got off the bed and straightened her clothes. "I'm a little worried about the girls. They're too quiet."

  Amanda laughed. "That's always a warning sign with them, isn't it?" She headed down the hall and looked into Lorrie's room.

  The only light in the room came fr
om two flashlights. The red flashlight was lying on the floor beside the bed, and the blue flashlight was still in Lorrie's grip, only she was sound asleep.

  "That's just too cute," Amanda whispered. "I guess all the excitement of the day finally hit them."

  Lex stepped into the room and turned on the nightlight next to the bed. She picked up the red flashlight and turned it off, before carefully removing the light from Lorrie's hand. After placing both flashlights on the dresser, Lex covered up the girls and kissed each of them on the head. "Sleep well. We love you," she whispered.

  Amanda watched as Lex tucked them in for the night. "See, Eddie? Every night, your Momma will kiss you goodnight and make sure you have good dreams." She smiled at Lex when she came out of the room. "All done?"

  "Yep." Lex kissed Amanda on the lips. "Ready to head to our room?"

  "Most definitely."

  While Amanda put Eddie down for the night, Lex turned back the covers on the bed. She opened the drawer of her nightstand and took out a small, brightly wrapped box.

  "What's that?" Amanda asked as she climbed onto the bed.

  "Your last Christmas gift." Lex sat on the bed and held out the box.

  Amanda took the box and looked at it from all angles. "What is it?"

  "Open it and see."

  Carefully peeling the paper away, Amanda noticed the jeweler's name on top of the box. "Lex."

  "Go on."

  Amanda slowly opened the box. Nestled in blue velvet was a gold ring with three stones: an opal, a diamond, and a sapphire between the two. "It's beautiful. The children's birthstones?" She held the box out to Lex. "Put it on me, please?"

  Lex grinned and brought the ring out of the box. She took Amanda's right hand and kissed her ring finger, before slipping the ring on. Once it was in place, Lex kissed the ring as it rested on Amanda's finger. "It's actually from Eddie, but he was too small to give it to you."

  "I love it." Amanda leaned forward and kissed Lex. "I love you." She put the box and wrapping paper on her nightstand and got under the covers. When Lex got comfortable, Amanda snuggled down beside her and put her arm over Lex's stomach.


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