Rise of the Titan

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Rise of the Titan Page 17

by Pressley James


  The feel of him on her was too much…

  Again, she prayed for deliverance.

  “You could never be that,” he said huskily, keeping his fingers against her soft lips. “Never get that silly notion in that beautiful head of yours.” His eyes dropped to her mouth. “Maybe I should bring you down here more often. You’re definitely an inspiration.”

  She struggled to breathe again. “How so?” she whispered.

  “That naked fiery spirit of yours is infectious.” His eyes flicked over her face long and thoroughly. Then, he dropped his hand from her face, and now, a playful look adorned his handsome features. “And while you’re struggling against it, you like me.”

  “Says who?” she gasped with a simple laugh.

  “Me, who else?” he teased, giving a roguish grin. “Don’t worry. The feeling is mutual. I like you too.”

  “You have to be the most arrogant beast that I’ve ever encountered,” she giggled and shook her head. “What an ego.”

  He winked. “Just another one of my admirable qualities.”

  She was unable to resist a laugh. “Get over yourself.”

  “Like that’ll ever happen,” he chided good-naturedly and then turned serious. “I’m afraid that I have some work to catch up on. Unfortunately, that means you’ll have lunch alone. You probably want a break from me anyway, so here’s your chance.” He paused for a second. “How about we have dinner later?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “How does 7:00 sound?”

  She ignored the flutters in her chest. “Perfect.”

  “Good,” he muttered, offering a hand. “Time to leave here, then.”

  She clasped his hand shyly. “Of course.”

  Together, hand in hand, they left.


  The afternoon hours passed quickly.

  Evening dawned.

  She awaited 7:00 with a bated breath.

  When the time arose, she prayed that she hadn’t overdressed. But, upon seeing him clothed in a white business shirt and gray trousers, she realized that her blue cocktail dress was appropriate. As usual, he was the consummate gentleman as he’d led her from the living room to the dining area.

  Truth told, it felt like a date.

  She was experiencing the typical nervous giddiness.

  Dinner was an enjoyable occasion as usual, with Carmine cooking up a splendid, divine Italian course and leaving good wine. Again, they found themselves alone. For the thousandth time, she was reminded of how pleasurable his company was. She prayed that her fascination didn’t show while watching him. By leaps and bounds, her adoration was expanding. But, he was equally attentive, and more than once, she caught him staring.

  Of course, they’d kept things interesting.

  They’d teased one another with little jabs, and again, found that they shared common interests. Though, they left it unspoken, a definite subtle intimacy tinged their meeting.

  That very intimacy continued as they returned to the living room area. A deep contentedness filled her as she looked around the space. Too much it was beginning to feel like home. Contemplating the riveting thought, she shivered before sinking down onto the sofa. “It’s a bit chilly, isn’t it?”

  “Sorry about that. The fire’s gone out a bit.” Quickly, he moved to the fireplace and stoked it. Within seconds, the flames crackled and leapt with a fresh resurgence. Carefully, he replaced the poker back to its holding place. Then, journeying across the room, he took a seat beside her. “Like anything else, if you don’t tend to it, it dies out.”


  And again, more words of wisdom from him.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” A dangerous light played in his gray eyes. “If I haven’t, then shame on me.”

  Her face warmed. “You don’t have to flatter me, you know.”

  “How is it flattery when it’s the God-given truth?” he challenged softly. “Come on, you can’t be clueless to the fact that you’re a beautiful woman.”

  Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching!

  Another point for him!

  He was definitely throwing out the charm.

  And she was catching it!

  Still, she struggled to find some defense amidst her giddiness. “Guess that depends on how you define beauty.” Her gaze clashed with his. “Better yet, which is most important? Inner beauty or outer beauty?”

  “You’re the only breathing female on this Earth that fights against a compliment.” Casually, he threw an arm across the back of the sofa. Then, he regarded her with open amazement. “Why in the hell is it so difficult for you to take one? I say that you’re beautiful and you get defensive.”

  “I don’t know. At times, I don’t even understand my reactions.”

  “You don’t have to fight me, damsel.” The challenging light in his eyes deepened, and a teasing smile curled his lips. “If there’s anyone on your side, it’s yours truly.”

  Stupid heart, stop fluttering!

  But, how could it when he was looking at her like that and saying such things?

  It had to!

  For her sanity, if nothing else!

  “Speaking of compliments, why don’t I pay one to you? I know that I’ve said this before, but you play really well. Who would ever think that you’d have such talent?” She winced apologetically. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that as an insult.”

  “Of course, you didn’t. Believe me---I don’t take offense to your words. Hell, sometimes, I’m taken by surprise. But, it’s my outlet. The intense moments offer me clarity, and when they do, the lyrics come to life.”

  “Well, you need to have a lot of them, intense moments, that is,” she suggested, turning sideways on the sofa, and then propped against the corner cushion. “You’re a natural talent. Have you ever thought of pursuing it professionally?”

  “Hell, no, and I don’t want to. True, I love doing it. But, building a career around it? No. Jameson’s Incorporations---while it is a bitch---is my bitch, and leading it is what I’m good at.” He chuckled with amusement. “On my deathbed, I’ll be signing ledgers and working deals.” Stretching, he leaned back against the cushions and expelled a tired sigh. “At this point, playing is just a hobby---my way of unwinding. I tend to write about whatever’s heavy on my mind.”

  Instantly, her interest was piqued, and the jealousy speared through her.

  Earlier, the song that he’d played…

  So, he was focusing on a woman.

  But, who?

  Was it possible that she had missed information about a significant other in the FBI file? But, she’d combed through the papers at least a million times. To her recollection, there wasn’t a profile on any woman.

  So, there was someone, she spat in her head.

  Someone whom neither she nor the feds had an inkling about…

  The question was this.

  How important was this woman in his life?

  Across the way, he continued talking and she watched his lips move. But, his words were muffled sounds because she couldn’t attend to them. Her thoughts were too centered on her petty jealousy.

  Again, what did this woman mean to him, she sputtered inwardly, nearly choking on her own spit.

  Well, the answer was clear!

  She obviously meant a lot.

  Didn’t the lyrics of the song say as much?

  “Reckless passion…stolen every part of me…reckless passion…you’re the only thing that I breathe…reckless sorrow…morn for you through the nights…obsessive fire…won’t rest until you’re mine…You’re moonlight and madness…my heaven and my hell…both the light and the shadows…fully drenched inside your world…still can’t turn away…don’t wanna walk away…want to come straight to you…straight to you…straight to you…baby…”

  Her dismay mounted.

  With the words, he was practically making love to the woman---

  “Am I boring you?”

  The single quest
ion freed her from the ugly green spirit.

  After all, wasn’t jealousy a sin, especially when one had no claim?

  “What?” she asked in startled surprise and embarrassment burned her face. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “You haven’t heard a single word that I’ve said in the last minute, have you?” A mix of anger and curiosity played on his face. “What were you thinking about? From the looks of things, it’s heavy.”

  “I—it was nothing,” she lied quickly, shaking her head in denial. Suddenly, the need to escape from him was too great. Running away from her true feelings was what she did best, wasn’t it? She jumped up from the sofa. “It’s been a long day. I think that I’ll turn in. Thank you for dinner and everything.”

  “Are you sure that you can’t stay? Come on, Bella, it’s not that late,” he protested, standing as well. “Please, stay a little while and have a drink with me---”

  “No.” Her face flamed hot from her own abruptness. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound short. It’s just that I’m tired.”

  “Alright,” he sighed with obvious disappointment. “It’s not in me to force you to stay.” Turning, he moved away and stopped before the fireplace. “Goodnight.”

  She hesitated for a moment. “Goodnight.”

  Whirling around, she made a speedy getaway.


  An hour later, though, she was still restless.

  Finally, huffing in defeat, she sat up in bed before kicking the covers off.

  Why in the hell was she here?

  Earlier, she should have stayed downstairs and used her feminine wiles, skillfully wiggling any information that she could from the great mighty Sir Titan. Instead, she was hiding out here like a little wimp, she scowled, falling back against the pillows.

  And hiding from what?

  Herself, of course!

  She pounded a fist against the mattress.

  Well, damn it, she had a job to do!

  Like nailing his ass to the wall…

  Why was it difficult for her to do so then, she groaned, covering her face with the pillow and just laid there. Yet, she couldn’t smother out the thoughts of her own failings. Huge failings at that….Rather than capitalizing on the golden opportunities to learn things, she was outright avoiding the task. In fact, she was being the great pretender, dismissing the fact that she had a hidden agenda.

  The pillow tumbled to the floor as she knocked it from her face. Then, she muttered in the quiet darkness. “And the Vitali agenda is jam-packed. Getting the goods on golden boy is one of the many things.”

  Didn’t that colossal task rank high on the list?

  #1 in fact.

  She peered up at the ceiling.

  Maybe the list needed re-ordering.

  The chart-topper was throwing everything into chaos.

  The chaotic factor mainly being her eliminating him from the list entirely…

  Her heart fluttered

  He unsettled her.

  Because of him, she was questioning her own judgment.

  As an undercover agent, she’d learned to trust a key thing---gut instinct. That very instinct was leaving her totally conflicted about things, namely Braden. Truthfully, she was discovering the physical and mental makeup of the very man.

  Was he arrogant?

  Yes, he was to a certain degree.


  Well, maybe he was a little self-absorbed, she mulled, fighting back a smile.

  Filthy rich?

  Of course, he had plenty of Benjamins on hand to burn.


  Still, that was typically a gray area, and she’d seen some shades of it.

  Good looking?

  A blush spread along her brown features.

  Alright, he was sexy as hell…hotter than caliente…mega fine…stacked---

  “Stop it,” she hissed in disapproval and shook her head. “His physical appearance is a no issue. So, get over it.”

  Was he cold-hearted and cruel?

  Now, that’s where the picture really turned murky.

  There were many facets to him, but cold-hearted and cruel?

  “No, you’re not that.” She released a pent-up breath. “I’ve seen the way that you care for your mother, how you are about Carmine, and the way you speak of Cassius. Your devotion to your family shows the kind of man you are.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “And when I thought about Gage…you gave me the comfort and kindness that my heart needed. For the first time, I feel that I can move on. Those things….they prove to me that you’re different. You’re not a cold-blooded killer.”

  She frowned again.

  Wasn’t it unfair to compare him to his nefarious father when they basically had nothing on him? Weeks ago, when she and Rowell had combed through the evidence, there’d been proof of legal business transactions rather than illegal ones. The feds had nothing solid on him, and presumptions were simply being made.

  Naturally, with her just coming back in, fresh and reeling from her past connections with the case, she’d initially been gong-ho on punishing anyone even remotely connected to Carlo Vitali.

  But, those very feelings were acceptable and plausible, considering.

  Somehow, though, Braden was the wildcard.

  “We’re wrong about you, Sir Titan.” Her brows furrowed in thought. “I’m seeing a different side of you, one that they’re not. A wild, reckless, and caring heart beats behind your chest.”

  She rolled over onto her side, and as she did, the moonlight slanted across her. The gentle lighting only softened her thoughts about him. Dreamily, she tapped into the part of herself that really responded to him. “You are a human being,” she whispered softly. “Flawed maybe, but human none-the-less.” Sighing, she closed her eyes. “But, I have to deal with facts. Not emotions.”

  Her eyes popped open.


  Who said anything about that! They were hardly at play, and she certainly harbored no feelings towards him whatsoever!

  She gasped in thought.

  Or did she?

  The thought sent her scrambling from the bed.

  Quickly, without thinking, she made a speedy exit from the bedroom. Once she reached the stairwell, she paused to catch a breath. “What am I doing?” she whispered again, glancing down at herself. She was practically half-naked, dressed in nothing more than the sports jersey. Maybe she should at least change! Shaking her head, she resumed walking. “It’s not like he’s going to care anyway. He’s just trying to be nice.”

  Her descent was quiet but quick.

  When her feet met the bottom step, she hesitated again. From her position, she had a full unblemished view of him. Oh, what a sight it was to behold!

  Lazily, he lounged on the floor, facing the raging fire. His knees were drawn up but slightly apart, and he propped both arms against them. At some point, he’d unbuttoned the dress shirt, and it now stood agape, baring his broad chest. Beside him on the floor, to his right, there was a half-full glass of liquor.

  Cognac, perhaps.

  The fiery flames danced higher within the fireplace, and a faint red glow played along his arresting features. Along his jaw line, the dark stubble added a sexy subtext, and his toned skin was perfectly illuminated. Beside him on the floor, to his right, there was a half-full glass of liquor.

  Against her will, her thoughts about him ran wild again.

  Hot as hell….sinfully sinful…sexy…sexy…sexy…

  She started when he suddenly spoke.

  “Back again?” he probed, arching his head sideways, and looked at her. Then, turning away, he faced the leaping flames again. “Thought you’d be asleep by now. Want a drink?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she murmured quietly, and her legs were trembly when making the final step. Slowly, she padded across the room with her bare feet. As she drew closer, she ventured towards uncharted territory. “As for a drink---no, thank you. I’ve had enough for one night.”

  Her nervousness mounted as she hovered beside him. Foolishly, again, she pondered her state of dress. Only her thighs were bared, but that was enough. Shamefully, she was already getting heated, and unfortunately, it had nothing to do with the fire. She cleared her throat uncomfortably and tugged at the shirt’s hemline again. A poor attempt at modesty. “Maybe you’ve had too many as well.”

  “Not nearly enough.” Shrugging, he continued staring into the flames. “I hold my liquor well. So, don’t worry, damsel. You won’t be dealing with a drunken bastard.” He flicked his hot gaze upward, and hypnotized hers. Again, a dangerous light played within his gray depths. “Are you going to join me or stand there and lecture me about sobriety?”

  “I find you to be rather pompous.” Gathering the hemline of the jersey, she sat down, assuming a cross-legged position. As the heat swamped over her, she stared into the roaring fire. “Not to mention overbearing.”

  “Really?” Giving a soft laugh, he stayed silent for a moment. “I’ve been called worse.” Grasping the liquor glass, he took a sip. “Not that I give a damn what anyone thinks.”

  She passed him a long sideways glance. “I have no doubts about that.”

  “But, I do care what you think. For the first time in my life, I want to make a good impression. So, that makes you quite special,” he sighed good-naturedly, cradling the glass loosely in his hands, and kept his eyes focused ahead. “You know what, damsel? We’ve done a lot of talking about me. But, when it comes to you, you’re practically mum.” He downed the remnants of the liquor before returning his smoldering eyes to her. “You love to run away. But, I won’t allow it this time. So talk.”

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  “What do you want to know? My shoe size? My favorite color?” Laughing uneasily, she tore her gaze away. Still, though, the pulse jumped erratically at her nape. Helplessly, she looked at him again, bowing to his silent charismatic power. Her feminine senses were in active play, and oh, boy, were they responding to him. “If your thoughts are that I live an exciting life, then, you’ll be disappointed. There’s really not much to tell.”

  “Well, I heartily disagree with that,” he murmured quietly, giving a lopsided grin, and held her stare. “Something tells me there are many facets to a woman like you.”


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