Blue Collar Bad Boys Box Set 2

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Blue Collar Bad Boys Box Set 2 Page 4

by Brill Harper

  “I don’t know if I can believe you. You’re going to have to convince me you’re a good girl.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You need to prove to me you’re a good influence, Cassidy. That you won’t do something that would reflect badly on me as your employer. That I can trust you with my kids.”

  I think about what I could possibly say to convince him.

  He takes a step back, and I sigh with relief. The adrenaline is coursing through me hard. “Tell me what you do when on your off time. What do you do with your friends?”

  Ugh...what do normal girls do? It seems like it’s been a really long time. “We watch movies and hang out.”

  “Are there boys there?”

  I shrug. “Sometimes.”

  “Do you kiss the boys?”

  My skin heats suddenly. “Mr. Webster, I don’t want to talk about boys with you.”

  “That means yes.”

  “Yes, I’ve kissed boys before, but it’s no big deal.”

  “Show me how you kiss the boys, then.”

  “What?” He can’t mean it.

  “Like this?” He pushes his mouth against mine. His lips are gentle, and he is kissing me almost sweetly. “Like that? Is that how you kiss them?”

  I nod.

  “That’s not so bad.”

  I nod my head, agreeing with him. “You shouldn’t be touching me like this, Mr. Webster. It’s wrong.”

  “I’m just getting information. I have to know you’re safe to have around my kids. That wasn’t so bad, but do those boys ever do this?”

  He pulls me to him again. This time, his clever tongue licks my lips until I open, allowing him in. His kiss is slow, his tongue tangling with mine languidly until all my muscles loosen. He tilts his head, deepening the kiss. He tastes like chocolate and coconut. All I am is sensation, the slow glide of his tongue, the rasp of stubble on his chin, the smells and tastes of him. My mind loosens more than my muscles, and I can’t hold a thought. I’ve never been kissed into a hazy mind before, and he groans into my mouth.

  He pulls back and goes for my throat. “Do you let them do that? Do you let the boys put their tongues in your mouth when you kiss them?” he asks against my skin.

  “Sometimes,” I whisper. Nothing like that. Never anything like that.

  “Do they touch you here?” His hand gropes me, squeezing and kneading my breast.

  I gasp loudly, surprised by the sudden change.

  “Do they?”

  My porno script opens back up. “My ex-boyfriend did, Mr. Webster. But we were going out for a long time before he tried.”

  “Over your bra or under, like this?” He snakes his hand under my T-shirt and into my bra, tweaking my nipple.

  I know I shouldn’t like it, know it is wrong. I can’t believe I asked for this and I like it. My adrenaline is high, and I’m trembling.

  “Under, but just once in a while. I swear.”

  “I’m not sure I believe you. Show me your tits, sweetness. I need to see something for certain.”

  He steps away, giving me room.

  “Mr. Webster, I don’t think...”

  “Take off your shirt, Cassidy. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  My breath catches in my throat. I should be scared. And I am. Kind of. Mostly, I am totally hot. I pull off my T-shirt, keeping my eyes on the floor. I don’t need to look at my chest to know my nipples are pebbled like hard little stones in my bra.

  “You’re not done.”

  How far is this going to go? Are we really doing this? I shiver, remembering that veiny monster he keeps in his pants. I reach behind me and unclasp the bra, sliding the straps down and letting it fall to the floor.

  “Those are real pretty, sweetness.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper, not sure what to say while my boss stares at my breasts like they are a meal set before a starving man.

  “Hold them up for me, baby. I want a really good look.”

  “I can’t...” I’m so embarrassed.

  “You want to keep this job, don’t you?”

  I nod.

  “Tits. Now.”

  He’s really good at this. He promised me a pervert and he’s delivering.

  I slide my hands beneath my breasts and cup them from below as if I were offering them to this older man I work for.

  “Those are nice. Really nice.” He leans down and licks one rock-hard nipple, causing a shockwave to course through my body straight to my pussy. Oh God. “You taste delicious. Anyone ever tell you that before?”

  I shake my head.

  He keeps his face by my tits, but looks up at me. “Are you saying no boy has ever licked your raspberry nips before?”

  I shake my head again.

  “I don’t think I believe you. No boy has ever done this?” He licks the other one and then alternates between the two a few times.

  I am going to pass out. I can’t remember what is fact and what is fiction. I like it when he talks roughly, when he treats me like an object. What does that say about me?

  But he likes it, too. And we’re adults. Lonely adults with too many responsibilities. We’re not hurting anyone. We’re just getting off.

  “Mr. Webster, we’re being so bad.”

  He puts his hands on my hips and sucks my left nipple all the way into his mouth, and I groan out loud with pleasure.

  He steps back, and the cool air hits the warm saliva he left behind on my boob. “Just because nobody has sucked them before doesn’t make you innocent.” He reaches for my hand and sets it on his groin. “You ever touch your boyfriends here?”

  “No,” I whisper, my voice gone who knows where. He forces my hand to rub him through his sweats. He is so hard and big. I clear my throat. “We shouldn’t be doing this. It’s wrong.”

  He’s watching my face very carefully. Since I’m not pulling my hand back, he knows I’m still playing along.

  “Don’t you want to see what you’ve been missing, sweetness?” He takes my hand and shoves it down his pants. His pubic hair crinkles around my hand, and he strokes my fingers down his shaft. It feels different than I thought it would. Like steel encased in velvet.

  Desire spears through me. I feel so naughty.

  He tips his head back as if in ecstasy. “You know how long I’ve been waiting for this?”

  “Mr. Webster, please let me go. You don’t want to make me do this.”

  “Baby, you have been begging to do this for months. You think I don’t notice you checking out my cock? Did you like watching me the other night?”

  I blush even hotter. Now he’s bringing reality back in. This weird mix of the real Cassidy and the naughty babysitter Cassidy are turning into one.

  He pulls my hand out and circles both my wrists in one powerful grip. He backs me away from the sink and against the wall. He raises my arms above my head so my tits lift, pinning my hands to the wallpaper. I groan as he plunges his other hand beneath the waistband of my shorts and into my panties.

  He traces one finger down my slit, and I shudder, looking into his eyes as he grins like the devil. “You’re soaking wet. All for me, sweetness.” He thrums his thumb against my clit, and I bow my back, arching my pussy to him. “Your boyfriends ever touch you here?”

  He pushes my button again, and I gasp. “No. Just you. You’re the only one.”

  “That’s a good girl. You waited so Mr. Webster could show you what you really want. What you really need. Isn’t that right?” He pushes a finger into me and presses my clit with his thumb.

  “Oh God,” I cry.

  “Jesus, baby, you’re going to fucking come in my hand.”

  He keeps diddling me, and I become desperate. He is going to make me come. I should stop him, at least pretend to, but what he is doing feels so fucking good. I hit my head on the wall trying to knock some sense back in, but then he lowers his head and starts sucking on my tits again, and I know I am going to lose.

  “Please, Mr. Webster. Stop this.

  “You’re so fucking wet right now that it’s running down your leg.” He slows down but doesn’t take his hand away. I don’t think my legs will hold out much longer. “Those boys you kissed weren’t man enough to let your inner woman out, but I am, sweetness. I’m all man. What you need. An older man. A very bad daddy.”

  He pulls his hand out of my pussy, and I almost cry with disappointment. He wipes his fingers on my nipple and then sucks the juices off. The sensation makes me clench my legs together. “You taste like honey.”

  He lets go of my wrists and steps back.

  I am free, but I don’t know what to do.

  While I am trying to decide my next move, he reaches for the hem of his tank top and pulls it over his head. Oh God. He’s perfect like a statue. Like the cover of every romance book I’ve ever read. I want to touch him. That tattoo mesmerizes me. I want all of him pressed against me. He raises his eyebrows like he can read my thoughts as he pushes down his sweats.

  I need to get back on script. “What...what are you doing, Mr. Webster?” I ask, even as he kicks the last of his clothing off.

  And there it is.

  The beast that lives in his pants. It is stiff as a flagpole and pointing just as proudly. I can’t tear my eyes from it.

  His hand goes to his cock, and he pumps it slowly.

  “Right here? You’re going to do that right here?” I am trapped between him and the wall.

  And I can’t tear my eyes off his dick.

  “Did you like the way my dick felt in your hand, Cassidy? I know you did. I like the way you feel too, all slick and moist and hot.” His eyes are hooded, and he focuses on my tits. “And the way your pussy tastes. Damn. I just got a small sample, and I’ll never forget how sweet you were.”

  I can’t get a deep breath. His words are hypnotizing me to the movements of his hand on his cock. It has to be eight or nine inches. But it is the girth that really amazes me.

  He isn’t pounding it fast. He takes his time, stroking up and down slowly, his eyes on my tits. I clench my pussy tightly to keep from humping the air. I want to dip my fingers in and come so badly.

  He picks up my hand, and I don’t pull it back when he brings it to his stiff cock. He folds my fingers around him as far as they will go, and moves my fist up and down in the same rhythm he was using before.

  “There, that’s not so bad, is it? You’re doing so good, baby. That feels great.”

  He loosens his grip, but I don’t let go. My hand slips a little on the pre-cum oozing out, and it helps me to slide my hand faster. “Like this, Mr. Webster?”

  “Mmmm,” he says, reaching his hands to my tits again.

  He strokes them softly, and I add my other hand to his cock. His strokes become harder until he is pinching my nipples just like I do to myself sometimes. I cry out as a tiny orgasm rips through me, stunning me. I didn’t know I could come without touching my pussy.

  He chuckles and loosens me off his cock. “That’s what I thought.”

  Before I know what is happening, he grasps my waist and picks me up as if I weigh only a few ounces. He plops me onto the counter and spreads my legs wide, pushes the crotch of my shorts to the side, and dives his tongue into my slit.

  Up and down, in and out. He uses his whole face in my pussy, making noises like some kind of animal. Tonguing me, nipping me. I have to rest the backs of my knees on his shoulders and hold on to his hair as he goes crazy on my clit. The pressure inside me is building higher and higher as I squirm against his face. I can’t stop my body from arching and trembling.

  “Come on my face, Cassidy,” he says into my pussy. “Get it all over me.”

  I have no choice but to obey. The biggest orgasm I’ve ever had rips through me, ricocheting off every nerve. He is down there slurping me, moaning about how good I taste, and still I can’t stop humping his mouth.

  I am a shaky mess when he finally lifts his head. Mr. Webster grabs the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss I shouldn’t want. I try to back away.

  “Taste how good you are,” he says and thrusts his tongue into my mouth again, forcing my own musky sweetness into my mouth.

  Incredibly, it turns me on more, the taste of me on his tongue, and I suck on him, unable to stop myself.

  He rips my shorts down and wraps my legs around his waist, pulling me easily off the countertop. His turgid dick grazes my bottom and makes me squirm as he carries me. “Which bed should I fuck you in, sweetness?”

  Oh God. My breasts rub against his chest. “No, Mr. Webster...We can’t—” but the motion of his cock under me as he takes us upstairs is getting me hot again, distracting me.

  He lays me on the bed, his, and goes back to eating out my pussy.

  I come again, hard. I’m wrung out and shaking.

  That’s when he says, “Diaper.”

  Laid: Chapter Five


  CASSIDY SCRAMBLES UP and away from me. She’s flushed and sexy as hell. I want her like breath, but this isn’t right.

  “What?” she cries. “What did you just say? Did you just use my safe word?”

  “Easy, sweetness.” I put my hands on her legs, but she moves them away.

  Fuck, her shiny eyes are killing me. “Did I do something wrong? Why don’t you want me?”

  “That’s just it. I do want you. You, Cassidy. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever been with, but I don’t want you to pretend you’re someone else. Not our first time.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought...the role playing...”

  I come up to the front of the bed and pull her head onto my chest. She’s stiff and uncomfortable, and I’m aware that I probably ruined the mood for good. “The role playing was good. It was really good.” Fuck. Watching her come. Hearing her come. Finally tasting that pussy that has been haunting my dreams. Good doesn’t do justice to it. “But our first time together...I don’t want it to be a game. I don’t want you to be playing a part. I want you. Just you.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “I think you do.”


  “You’re sexy and perfect. Just the way you are. And I don’t want you to need to feel like I’m tricking you out of your virginity for you to feel like it’s okay. I thought I could handle it, but I can’t. I want to fuck you, but I want more.”


  “I’ll teach you every damn thing you want to know about sex, Cassidy. But you need to call me Conner. Maybe after we’ve had sex a hundred times, we can play some games. But I want to be real with you. With us.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I feel like you’re rejecting me.”

  “I’m not. I swear.” I roll her over onto her back. “I want to make this good for you, Cass. Will you let me? As me? Not some asshole taking something he shouldn’t?”

  “Why are you doing this? If you don’t want me, just say so.”

  “I do want you. I want you so much I can hardly stay in my own skin right now. You’re killing me.”

  She bites that lip, undoing me. “I know I’m not sexy.”

  “That’s a goddamn lie.” I place her hand on my rock-hard cock.

  Her hand strokes it softly, and I shiver under her inexperienced touch. “You really think I’m sexy?”

  “I can prove it.”

  She’s quiet and the stroking stops. “Will you still be dominating and take control?”

  “Fuck yeah, I will.”

  She nods, but her eyes are laser focused on mine. That’s what we were missing downstairs. This connection.

  It’s better. So much better.

  “Do you know how many times I’ve already made you come tonight?”

  She shakes her head. “I lost the ability to do math when we were in the kitchen, Conner.”

  There’s my girl. I chuckle into her chest. That’s what I missed. That sense of humor. That sense she’s really with me.

  “I love making you come. It’s my favorite hobby now.
I hope you enjoy it because it’s nonstop orgasms for you from now on. Once those girls are asleep, you’re mine. Every night.” She whimpers when I take her tit into my mouth again. “I loved it when you came just from me on your tits. That ever happen to you before?”

  I bite down gently, causing her answer of, “No,” to turn into a squeal of pleasure.

  “I think I’m going to start keeping a journal of your orgasms, sweetness. All the ways I can make you come. What makes you squeak and what makes you scream.” I rub her with my whole body, the friction of her soft skin against the bottom of my shaft is the sweetest torture. “I’m going to find every place on your body that makes you shiver. I’m going to make you so, so dirty.”

  She arches her back reflexively. “That seems like a full-time job, Conner.”

  “Oh, it is. It’s also going to take a long time. I hope you weren’t thinking you’d get off on my dick tonight and that’d be it. I’ve got a lot of research I want to do.”

  I dip my fingers into her pussy. She’s wet. God, so wet.

  “More than tonight then?” she asks.

  “Cassidy, you fucking own me now.”

  She raises up on her elbows, her eyes wide with surprise. I get two fingers in her tight sheath, stretching her, and find the spot I’m looking for. “Conner!” she cries out.

  “Yeah, that’s it.” She doesn’t look away from me, from this connection. “I mean it. I’ll dominate the fuck out of you in this bedroom, but you own me.” I knew it the minute she lit that candle this morning. I should have known it months ago. But it was forged on my soul the second I got a taste of her on my tongue.

  Her legs start shaking and she starts coming on my hand. That one is going in the journal for sure. Under the letter G. My girl has an easy-to-find spot, thank God.

  My dick is leaking pre-cum all over the bed, and I don’t want to lose my whole load there, so it’s time. I don’t take my hands off Cassidy while I reach across the bed and into the drawer. She’s still shaking and coming down, so I don’t want to break contact. I take a good look at that pussy while I’m rolling on the condom. You’d think that the twins would be excellent incentive for birth control, but as my eyes skim up Cassidy’s body, I’m mentally putting a baby inside her.


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