My Brother's Best Friend's Secret Baby (His Secret Baby Book 8)

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My Brother's Best Friend's Secret Baby (His Secret Baby Book 8) Page 8

by Jamie Knight

“Cooper,” I said.

  “Oh, right then.”

  “I've got this, well, I guess the right word is boyfriend.”

  “You do? That's wonderful! Who is it?”

  “Remember Aden?”

  “Aden Adams?”


  “Weren't he and Cooper best friends.”

  “Still are,” I said.

  “I see, and Cooper is being overbearing and absurd.”

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “Tell him directly he is being unreasonable and why. If he keeps trying to pull crazy shenanigans, blank him for a while. He can be a fool, but he really does love you. If he thinks he'll actually lose you, he'll smarten up.”


  “Worked when he was lagging at the mall. All I had to do was walk a bit faster, and he would scream and come running after me.”

  “How old was he?”

  “Three, but the principle still stands.”

  “Thanks, mom.”

  “No problem, sweetie.”

  Armed with this new information, I finished draining the cup of tea and pulled on my coat, dropping the phone into the pocket.

  I was ready. I could do it. Come what may.

  Unfortunately, what came was a massive crack in the sidewalk large enough to get the heel of my shoe. I struggled mightily trying to gain my freedom without breaking my ankle in the process. There did turn out to be a break, but it instead involved the separation of the heel from the rest of my shoe. Setting me free but also sending me tumbling backward. Of course, there was a taxi coming along at that moment.

  There was never one around when I wanted it but when I was falling into traffic - BANG

  I could feel the hard glass crumple under me as the windshield shattered. My last thought was of Aden and how I never told him about the baby.

  Chapter Fifteen


  My heart was in my throat. There were few times in my life that I had been as scared as I was right then. The idea that I might lose Camilla suddenly on par with the enemy discovering my position. Truth be told, I also wasn't thrilled with the notion of losing Cooper as a friend. We had known each other since 6th grade and stayed in touch even when I was touring the war zones of the world.

  I had been worried about both of them since the fight. Cooper wouldn't even look at me after he got patched up, and Camilla disappeared after storming off which really wasn't like her. It usually took about twenty minutes for her to calm down and return.

  I would have gone after her at the time, but she was really upset, and I had to completely redraft the ruined work the ink was spilled on, which required me to stay after my usual hours to get back to where I had been at lunchtime. It was nearly six by the time I left for home, noticing a text from Camilla asking me to meet her as I left while getting ready to call her. I wasn't late though, just barely. I nearly bounded up the stairs, such was my desperation to see her, even if she was still pissed off at me.

  The door was open when I got there. My soldier instincts kicked in immediately, and I proceeded with caution, ready for trouble at a moment's notice. None of the lights were on, which also put me on edge.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked Cooper.

  “Camilla asked me to come,” he said, from his position on the couch.

  “Really,” I said, meaning it as a statement.

  “Well, yeah. I wasn't supposed to get here for a while, but I just wanted to see her.”

  I could understand that. I could feel my anger and tension lifting ever so slightly. I was still a bit sore at him for attacking me like that, but I knew Coop well enough to understand why he did it—screwed up as his reasons might have been. Though I couldn't honestly say that I wouldn't have done the same thing.

  “Where is she?”

  “I don't know. She never showed up after work,” Cooper explained.

  “That's not like her,” I said.

  “Don't I know it. I tried calling, but she's not picking up.”

  That really wasn't like her. As mad as she was, Camilla would still answer the phone to yell at the offending party if nothing else. She was short-tempered but not all that petty. There was definitely something wrong. Especially considering that she seemed so keen to work things out.

  “Does she have GPS on her phone?”

  “You can track her?” Cooper asked.

  “I don't feel good about it, but yeah.”

  “It is an emergency, probably,” Cooper conceded.

  My phone started buzzing in my pocket as though a sign from the heavens, releasing me from my purgatory of worry.

  “Aden Adams,” I said.

  “Aden, it's Shae.”

  “What happened?” I asked, tipped off by my little cousin's infamous serious voice.

  “I came on shift a while ago, and Camilla is here. She's listed as a Jane Doe because they couldn't find any ID.”

  “We'll be right there,” I said before hanging up.

  “Camilla?” Cooper asked.

  “Is in at the hospital.”

  We took Cooper's car. It was faster, and he didn't really have parking rights at the building. Taking the traffic code more as a suggestion rather than hard and fast rules, Cooper had us at the hospital in a few minutes.

  “That was quick,” Shae said, meeting us at the door.

  “Are you surprised?” I asked.

  “Not really, this way.”

  We really weren't allowed into the recovery room, but Shae bent the rules for us. I could see Camilla through the window. I tried not to cry.

  “She's doing pretty well considering. They had to take out her spleen because it started to hemorrhage. Other than that, it was a couple of clean breaks with no real damage to her spine or head. Her back took the brunt of the impact from the car. The theory is that someone stole her purse from the scene.”

  At least that's what I think she said. I wasn't really listening at that point. I was moving without really knowing that I was doing it, going towards Camilla's bedside. I held her hand, which felt cold, and kissed her on the cheek.

  “I love you.”

  I turned to see Cooper staring at me. I had expected another punch, but he looked more resigned and angry. He might not have bee happy about Camilla and me being together, but he seemed willing to accept it if that was her choice. Something even I wasn't sure of at that moment. We traded off, Cooper going over and doing his thing, begging her not to die like the drama queen he could be.

  “Okay, off you go, we've got to clear out, so I don't get in trouble,” Shae said, pushing Cooper gently toward the door where I was waiting.

  Resigning ourselves to the waiting room, with its diabolically uncomfortable chairs and three-year-old magazines. I would have laughed about the latter were I not in such a serious mood.

  “Do you love her?” Cooper asked out of nowhere.

  “Don't you?”

  “That's not what I asked.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “That's what I figured. I just had to be sure.” He sat back in his chair. “I know that I've been overbearing, and you know why I'm protective of Camilla, but she needs to be free to make her own choices and her own mistakes. I just hope that you don't end up being one of them.”

  “Me too, considering I'm planning on asking her to marry me.”

  I had no idea where that came from, really. I guess I had been considering it in passing but not really focusing on the idea. But after I said it felt right as soon as I said it. I had never really considered marriage before, but I had never really known anyone else like Camilla either.

  “Are you asking my permission?”

  “No, consider it fair warning. Asking permission would imply that you own her. I would be happier if you were okay with it, though.”

  “I am,” Cooper said, after a few moments of consideration, “I can see how much you love her and know you will take care of her. You'll have no more trouble from me.”

  “Okay, she's
stable now,” Shae said, now acting in a more official capacity, “you can go back one at a time.”

  “You go on,” I said.

  “Really?” Cooper asked, sounding surprised.

  “Yeah, next of kin and all that.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I felt pretty terrible. Almost like I'd been hit by a car. I couldn't really move between my neck and my hips. I realized that the freezing must still be doing its work. I had heard about epidurals but never really thought I would ever have one. It was almost as bad as the stories I'd heard. I was just glad that I couldn't remember it being done. Being unconscious and all. Must have saved the anesthesiologist some time and effort.

  I heard the door open and forced myself to turn my head, hoping against hope that it would be Aden. It wouldn't be fair to say that I was disappointed to see Cooper, but it would be fair to say that it wasn't what I had been expecting.

  “Hey, sis,” Cooper said, nicer than usual. I was immediately suspicious.

  “You need to back the hell off and treat me like an adult. I am old enough to make my own decisions and my own mistakes. I'm not in the mood for arguing so like it or lump it,” I said, as sternly as I could manage.

  “I know, you're right,” he said.

  “I'm what?” I asked, shocked.

  “You're right,” he repeated.

  “That's what I thought you said.”

  “And I meant it, too.”

  “Is this some kind of trap? You're not just lulling me into a false sense of security, getting ready to strike are you? Or being nice because I'm in the hospital.”

  “Not that I know of. I actually support your relationship with Aden. I can't think of a better guy for you to be with. Though really, you didn't have to be quite so dramatic. I mean, really, throwing yourself in front of a car! A taxi no less.”

  “Get the heck out!” I said, laughing as I did so.

  “I'll send Aden in,” Cooper said as he headed for the door.

  “Aden is here?”

  “Of course, he is. Do you really think he would abandon you now?”

  “No,” I said, almost defensibly.

  I didn't know I had gone to sleep. If anything, I would have expected that the excitement about seeing Aden would have kept me wide awake. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

  When I returned to the waking world, I felt a gentle pressure on my hand. I tried to return the squeeze the actual grasp coming out a lot weaker than I had intended. I felt a second hand stroke my hair in a very familiar way, and I knew that it was Aden there with me.

  “I'm sorry,” I said, my voice coming out as a weak whisper.

  “Don't worry about it. You've only been out for about twenty minutes.”

  “No, I mean for everything. Making you worry and all that.”

  “You knew I was worried?”

  “I know you, baby,” I said, trying for a smile.

  “Yeah, you do.”

  “Have you talked to Cooper?”

  “Oh yeah. More than we have for the past couple weeks anyway.”

  “What did he say?”

  “That he's been an overbearing jerk and needs to back off, and has no problem with us getting married. I know we were well past the point of needing the blessing of the family, but it seemed formal, and things would be easier with it than not.”

  “Married?” I asked, this being the first I had heard about it.

  “Yeah, I was kind of thinking of proposing. I've loved you for years and have grown weary of wasting time not having you in my life. The last two weeks have been as happy as I have ever been, and I want that to continue. I know it seems a bit quick, but we've really known each other for years when you think about it.”

  “I love you too. I'll be waiting for that proposal. I promise I'll act surprised.”

  The kiss was as spontaneous as it was tender and passionate. He climbed up onto the bed, somehow fitting himself in beside me, and held me gently. We didn't say anything then. Just snuggled in silence, Aden giving me gentle kisses on my face and neck.


  We both looked up, seeing Shae in her nurse's uniform, her pink hair tied back in a businesslike bun.

  “Shae,” Aden said.

  “You are so going to get me in trouble.”

  Reluctantly, Aden released me and climbed down off of the bed, and strolled over to the chair as though nothing had happened. And there he sat for the next several hours, Shae leaving us soon after. Even when she was gone, he remained in the chair by the bed. Making no real attempt to join me again.

  Shae came back a few hours later with her serious face on. I could tell that she really meant business.

  “Visiting hours are over,” she said, sounding every inch the nurse.

  “I know,” Aden said bluntly.

  “Okay, if you insist,” Shae said, letting it slide.

  I couldn't say that I wasn't happy to have him there. He wasn't going to take the risk of cuddling me again, risking the cleanliness of the hospital's nice white sheets, but he was more than happy to hold my hand, which was still very comforting. Time blurring into itself, it being difficult to tell if hours passed or minutes.

  The door opened again and in strode a pleasant looking female doctor. She wore a plain, dark pant-suit with a stark white lab coat, a stethoscope around her slender neck. She shot a glance at Aden, but if she had any objections, she didn't voice them, likely assuming that Aden was my husband.

  “It looks like the baby is going to be fine,” the doctor said, looking right at me.

  Aden was clearly surprised but held his tongue. Honestly, I was happy to have been saved from having to tell him about the baby myself. I was also delighted that it was going to be okay. So much so that I could feel light, wet, salty tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “Baby?” Aden asked when the doctor had left.

  “Um, yeah, I've been meaning to tell you.”

  “Slip your mind?” he asked.

  “No, I-I wanted to be sure.”

  “Sure of what?”

  “Of you.”

  “Oh, well, I can understand that,” Aden said, being really understanding. Though I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, “there's nothing that will keep me away from here from now on. We are going to be a proper family.”

  “Including Cooper?” I asked.

  “Of course,” he said, letting a small laugh escape his lungs, “he's a nut, but we both love him.”

  “Amen to that.”



  The tension was thick. We had all been called in for a mandatory meeting, including the receptionists and freelancers. It was about a week after the accident as well as the office fisticuffs, and Cooper was worried Ryan might have changed his mind, and he was going to be fired for starting the fight. Aden had Chris on his side, verifying that he had nothing to do with the fight, and if either of them were going to be fired, it would be Cooper. Frankly, I thought the whole thing was water under the bridge, and neither of them were going to be fired.

  Before the speculation could go on any further, the door opened, and Ryan and Molly came in standing at the front of the table.

  “I won't keep you too long, and don't worry, no one is getting fired.”

  As he said this, he looked directly at Cooper, both Aden and I nudging him in the same moment.

  “Told ya,” Aden whispered.

  “It is good news I suppose, depending on your perspective,” Ryan continued.

  “You're going back to New York?” Chris asked.

  “Indeed, and I have chosen a manager, and it is Cooper.”

  Cooper looked so panicked that I couldn't help but giggle. I've never seen anyone so resistant to getting a promotion.

  “But I—”

  “It's a done deal,” Ryan said, raising a hand, silencing him.

  “I'm happy to follow your lead. It's not like I wanted it anyway,” Aden said.

  I was really proud of him for taking it so well. But it was true. He really didn't want to be the manager. It would take to much time away from illustrating and animating, which is what he loved to do. Still though, it was nice to see them getting along again. If anything, they seemed to be getting along better than they had before the fisticuffs. The fact that I was going to be having Aden's baby no doubt helping to bring Coop around.

  As icing on the cake, there was an actual cake with icing. Dutch chocolate if the color was anything to go by. We had moved out into the office by then, and Ryan was cutting the cake on the reception desk, which was the only piece of furniture large enough to hold the entire thing, gargantuan as it was.

  I was standing by with great anticipation when Aden gently lay a hand on my hip, getting my attention.

  “I need to talk to you.”


  I let him guide me over to the edge of the group.

  “I know it's not the most romantic setting, but it still feels the right, considering we are surrounded by family and friends.”

  Just when I was going to ask what he was on about, Aden got down on one knee, reaching into his pocket, taking out a small black box.

  “Will you marry me?” he asked, cutting right to the point.

  “Yes!” I said, the tears of joy already beginning to flow.

  My exclamation got the attention of the assembled crowd, all of them seeing as Aden put the ring on my finger, a beautiful pink diamond in a white gold setting. With that simple movement, the get together became a going away/engagement party. As we all mingled, I noticed Shae was there, no doubt invited by Aden. She seemed pretty deep in conversation with Chris, and I wondered if there might be some kind of romance going on there. The thought was fleeting, my attentions soon seized by Aden firmly squeezing my ass.

  “Would you like to go home?”

  Aden drove carefully, as usual, one hand on the wheel, the other in my panties, lovingly massaging my aching pussy, easing my tension in the most wonderful way, still managing to keep his eyes on the road.

  As soon as we were out of the car, Aden swooped me up into a bridal carry and carried me up to our apartment. Formerly his apartment. He won the coin toss, and to be fair, I did have fewer things to move.


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