by Chris Harman
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) 400 , 402 , 451 , 464
Industry Roman 83 ; growth in Sung China 110–111 ; rural growth in sixteenth century Europe 181 ; European (1840s) 336–337 ; France 325 ; northern Italy 325 ; Catalonia 325 ; Bohemia 325 ; US 325 ; Urals 325 ; Egyptian under Mohammed Ali 363 ; German begins to overtake British 342 ; India and China at time of First World War 454 ; transformation in long boom 549
Inflation Russia (1917) 417 ; Germany (1923) 442
Inquisition 197 , 239 , 312 , 148 , 174 , 195
Institutionalised Revolutionary Party 461
Intellectual reaction of 1800s 327 ; optimism at beginning of twentieth century 385–386 ; disillusionment after First World War 411–412 , 466–468 ; pessimism in face of Stalinism 566 ; pessimism of 1980s 588
Intellectual life in early Manchu China 224–225 ; comparisons with Enlightenment Europe 225
Intellectuals China at end of First World War 457–458
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles 569
Interest on national debt in Britain after 1815 321
Intermediate periods, Egyptian first 32 ; second 40
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 594 ; and Yugoslavia 595 ; 599
International Working Women’s Day established 413 ; in 1917 412–413
Iran Safavid Empire 220 ; divided into Russian and British spheres of influence 393 ; Shah returned to power (1953); revolution of 1979 597–598
Iraq monarchy 559 ; revolution of 1958 559 ; post-1958 562
Iraq-Iran War 560 , 598 ; role of US 600
Ireland trade resticted by Britain 260 ; under British rule in eighteenth century 307 ; uprising of 1798 307–309 ; famine 343 , 337 ; revival of nationalism in mid-nineteenth century 343–344 (see also Home Rule, Easter Rising )
Irish Citizen Army 451
Irish Question and British politics 309 , 343
Irish Republican Army 452 , 453
Irish Republican Brotherhood 451
Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union 400
Iron discovery of how to smelt 46 ; in Africa 46 ; probability of independent development of smelting in Africa 137–138 ; impact on economic and social life 48 , 165 , 167 , 170 ; ancient China 55 ; cast 55 , 179 ; output in Sung China 111 ; smelting with coal 234 , 257 ; role in Spanish conquest of Americas 165 , 167 , 170
Iron Curtain 544 , 546
Ironsides in English Civil War 210
Iroquois 12
Irrigation and rise of class societies 18–19 ; 27 ; origins of 34 ; 46 ; in Mauryan Empire in India 50 ; and flood control, China 55 , 61 ; Mesopotamia 129 ; systems neglected in Abbasid Empire 132 ; destruction of in Andes by Spanish conquest 170
Isabella and Ferdinand 162 , 173 , 174 (see Catholic Monarchs )
Isandlwana, Battle of 394
Isfahan 220
Isherwood, Christopher 471
Islam rise of 123–131 ; and politics 125 ; influences from Christianity and Judaism 124–125 ; early appeal 124–125 ; and women 125 ; development in Abbasid times 129 , 130–131 ; early heresies 128 , 130 , 133 ; in China 108 ; and interest 130 ; spread across sub-Saharan Africa 138
Islamic conquests 119 , 126
Islamic culture high point of 131
Islamism in 1980s and 1990s 597–599 ; contradictions in 598–599
Ismailis 133
Israel as a settler state 559 ; army oversees massacres of 1982 598
Italy ancient city states 47 (see also Roman republic ); medieval 146 ; city states 176 ; Spanish lands in 174 ; eighteenth century 236 ; 1848–49 335 , 341 ; unification of 342–343 ; 401 ; ‘two red years’ 438–439 ; fascism 443–446 ; war against Ethiopia 521 ; capitalists and Mussolini 533 ; resistance 533–535 , 537 ; ‘hot autumn’ 578 , 583
Jackson, Julian on France 1934–38 499
Jacobinism in countries occupied by France 304–305 ; in Britain 305–307
Jacobins 281 ; centralise power 297 ; overthrown 298–299 ; and slavery 311
Jains 51
James, C L R on capitalism and slavery 254
James I of England, VI of Scotland 200 , 205 ; book on witches 237
James II of England 218
Janissaries 362
Japan 52 ; feudalism 220 , 365–366 ; Meiji Revolution 366 ; imperialism against China 367 ; builds colonial empire 393 ; attacks on China in 1930s 521–522 , 555 ; grabs European colonies 525 ; early 1950s 547 ; rise after 1950s 580
Jaruzelski, Wojciech declares martial law (1981) 590 ; round table meetings with opposition (1988) 592
Jazz Age 463–466 , 468
Jefferson, Thomas support for monarchy early in 1776 265 ; 269 , 275 ; and slavery 346
Jerusalem importance with Roman Empire 88 ; revolts within 89 , 92
Jesuits 183 , 197 , 206 ; thrown out of eighteenth-century monarchies and disbanded by pope temporarily 245
Jesus of Nazareth existence unproven 87 ; 92
Jeunesse dorée 299
Jews diaspora in Roman times 90–93 ; attitude to Islamic conquests 126 ; massacres of in medieval Europe 151–152 ; expulsion from Spain 174–175 ; 252 ; in Eastern Europe 344 (see also Holocaust )
Jiang Qing 574 , 576
Jinnah, Mohammed Ali 552 , 553
Johnson, Andrew 352–353
Johnson, Lyndon B 580
Jolof Empire 256
Jones, A H M on effects of Roman slavery on peasantry 75
Jones, T B quoted 23
Jonson, Ben 177
Jordanian monarchy 559
Josephus 87 , 89–90
Jouhaux, Léon support for war (1914) 407
Judaeo-Christian values 130 , 141
Judaism versions of in Roman times 89–90 ; dietary rules 90–93 ; converts in pre-Islamic Arabia 124
Julian, Emperor 99
July Days of 1917 421–422
June Days of 1848 338–340
Jung Chang Wild Swans 575
Junkers (German landowners) 388
Junta of Cadiz 312
Jürchen invade Sung China 114
Justinian I 86 , 119 , 121
Jutes 104
K’ai-feng size 110
Kabul 127
Kádár, János 545 , 565
Kafka, Franz 467
Kaiser (Wilhelm II) appoints social democrats to government 430 ; flees 431
Kamenev, Lev B opposes Bolsheviks taking power in 1917 422 ; 472
Kansas Question and causes of American Civil War 347–348
Kant, Immanuel on Age of Enlightenment 246 ; justifies Jacobins 303
Kapp Putsch 437
Karachi in 1990s 554
Kashmir India and Pakistan go to war over 553–554
Kassites 40
Katz, Friedrich quoted on ancient Meso-American class divisions 23–24
Kautsky, Karl on Christianity 88 ; argument with Bernstein in 1890s 392–393 ; rejects open opposition to war (1914) 407 ; 433 ; on impossibility of Nazis winning in Germany 484
Kautsky, Luise 425
Kazan, Elia 518
Kelvin, Lord William Thomson 384
Kennedy, President John F threatens nuclear war over Cuba 569
Kennedy, Robert quoted on willingness to go to war with Russia over Cuba 569–570 ; on Vietnam as minor question 571
Kennington Common Chartist demonstration 324
Kent State University shootings 583
Kenyatta, Jomo 556 , 557
Kepler, Johannes 177 , 238–239
Kerensky, Alexander 414 , 417 , 423
Keynes, John Maynard 386 ; influence of ideas during long boom 586 ; collapse in mid-1970s 587
Khariyites 127–128
Khartoum siege of 394
Khmer Rouge 588
Khoisans 219
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah 598
Khrushchev, Nikita 560 ; revelations about Stalin 563 ; 569–570
Kim Il Sung 541 , 547
Kindelberger, Charles on financial orthodoxy of New Deal 513
King, Martin
Luther, Jr 579
Kipling, Rudyard stories on India 358 ; 359 , 394
Kish 19
Kitchener, Lord Herbert barbarity of 395
Knights German in Reformation 189
Knossos 17 , 32
Knox, John 183 , 194
Kolko, Gabriel on Nazi terror in occupied Poland 529 ; on possibilities for revolution (1944–45) 538
Kongo kingdom of 137 , 256
Koran 124 , 134
Korea 52 , 107 , 115 ; division of 540–541 , 547 ; 597
Korean War 547 ; US tactics force China into 556
Kornilov, General Lavr 418 , 422
Kossuth, Lajos 341
Kostov, Ivan 545
Kriedte, Peter on feudal lords and agriculture 143
Kristallnacht 531
Kronstadt rebellion of 1921, character of 447
Kropotkin, Peter on role of masses in French Revolution 301 ; support for war (1914) 407
Krupp factories and death camps 532
Krupp, Alfred 342
Ku Klux Klan 352–353
Kulaks 472
Kun, Béla 434
!Kung 6
Kuomintang party 457–459 , 555
Kuomintang China state ownership in 562
Kurds 524
Kursk, Battle of 530
Kushite civilisation 40 , 136–138 (see also Nubia )
Kuwait 599–600
La Canadiense strike (1919) 436–437
La Rochelle 206
Labour as a commodity 332
Labour government, Britain (1929–31) 466 ; and slump 482
Labour aristocracy theory of 399
Labour camps in Soviet Union number of inmates in 1920s 474 ; in 1930s 476
Labour force, reproduction of 550
Labour Party support for war in 1914 407 ; 525
Labour power 333 ; supply of 381–382
Labour theory of value in Adam Smith 258 , 260–261
Lacombe, Claire 282 , 296
Lafargue, Paul 391
Lafayette 280–283
Lagash 19 , 23
League of Nations 543
Lahore under Moguls 220 , 226–228
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de 317
Lamartine, Alphonse de on proletarian question in 1848 335
Land occupations Chile late 1960s 584
Land reform and state capitalism 562
Landowners in North American colonies 255 ; Russian 368 ; German back Hitler as chancellor 488
Langland, William 179
Language development of 4 ; capacity for 5
Languages, national 173 ; rise of 175 , 177 ; in Europe 145 ; German and Martin Luther 178 ; Czech 201 ; Italian spread of 342
Larkin, Jim 400
Las Casas, Bartolomé de on Columbus’s methods 164 ; denounces Spanish settlers 171 ; and African slavery 250
Latin America liberation from Spain 312–314 ; stagnation in nineteenth century 314
Laud, William 206
Laws of Burgos 170
Le Chapalier Law 281
Le Père Duchesne (newspaper) 281
Leacock, Eleanor quoted 6
League of the Just 329
Leagues of far right, France 494
Lebanon ancient 47 (see also Phoenicians ); Israeli invasion of 560
Lebensraum 521
Lecomte, Claude 370
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre Auguste 341
Lee, Richard on pre-class societies 3–4 ; quoted 3 , 6–7 , 15
Leeds Convention of 1917 425
Left Opposition 472–473 , 475 ; policies of 473
Left Socialist Revolutionaries 419 ; resign from Soviet government over Brest-Litovsk 426
Legien, Carl 436
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 242
Leisure industries rise of 381
Lena gold miners’ strike (1912) 402
Lenin, Vladimir 393 , 401 , 402 ; disagreement with Martov, Dan and Axelrod 419 ; not expecting to see revolution 412 ; in 1917 418 ; changes view on character of revolution 420 ; key role in revolution 420–422 ; on tasks of successful October Revolution 423 ; and Brest-Litovsk 426 ; wounded by assassin 427 ; on bureaucracy in Soviet state 471–472 , 447 ; testament warns against Stalin 472 ; on League of Nations 543 ; in 1906 on impossibility of socialist revolution in Russia 424 ; reasons for changing his mind 424 ; on need for revolution in West 424 ; on Irish Rising 451
Leo Africanus 255
Leopold II of Belgium organises conference ‘against slavery’; organises barbarities in Congo 395 ; desire for profits 396
Levellers 212–215 ; on England’s war in Ireland 216
Leviné, Eugen on Social Democrats, Independent Social Democrats and Communists 441
Lewis, John L 514 , 516
Lexington 271
Liberal Party, British 391 ; government (1906–14) 451
Liberal Party, Italian ministers in Mussolini’s government 445
Liebknecht, Karl proclaims socialist republic 431 ; murdered 432–433
Lilburne, John 210 , 212–213 , 215
Lin Biao 574–576
Lincoln, Abraham 345 , 348 ; says he will leave slavery intact 345 ; follows ‘ultra-moderate’ course 349–350 ; radical shift frees slaves 351 ; Marx on 351
Lineages 12 , 25 , 28–29 , 72 ; disintegration and women’s oppression 30 ; chiefly 15 , 137
Lissagaray, Prosper-Olivier quoted 370
Literacy in Dark Age Europe 105 ; in Sung China 111 ; in early medieval Europe 140 ; in late medieval Europe 145 ; and Protestantism 240 ; among workers 322 , 383
Literature Byzantine 117 ; in Abbasid Empire 130 ; popular, in Ming China 221 ; Manchu China 224–225
Little Red Book (Mao Zedong) 576
Litvinov, Maxim 537
Liu Shaoqi 554 , 573 , 575
Living standards France in 1780s 289 ; middle class at end of nineteenth century 384 ; workers’ in 1950s and 1960s 548 (see also Real wages )
Livingstone, David 394
Lloyd, George 456
Lloyd George, David 452 , 453 ; on spirit of revolution across Europe 434
Locke, John 243 ; and slavery 252 ; impact of ideas 272
Lockouts of skilled workers, Britain (1890s) 399
Lollards 178
London Corresponding Society 306–307
Long boom of 1940s to 1970s 548–551 ; sudden end of 586 ; explanations for 587 ; migration of Afro-Americans to cities 578
Long March 555
Lords, feudal 140 ; and agricultural improvement 142–144 ; and crisis of fourteenth century 149
Losey, Joseph 517
Louis XVI 277 , 279–282 , 284 ; execution of 291
Louis Bonaparte (Napoleon III) 341–342 , 368–239
Louis IX 147
Louis XI 173
Louis XIV 277
Louis XV 277
Louis XVI 245
Louis Philippe I 325 , 335
Low Countries Spanish lands in 174
Loyalist Associations Britain in 1790s 306
Loyang size of 107
Loyola, Ignatius 183
Lucknow under Moguls 226
Luddites 323
Ludendorff 409 , 430
Lugard, Frederick barbarity of 395
Lukács, Georg on developments in bourgeois high culture 467
Luke’s Gospel 87–88 ; on family 92
Luther, Martin 177–178 , 183 ; socially conservative 183 ; and German princes 183–185 , 188 ; calls for killing of peasant rebels 188
Lutheranism becomes ideology of feudal princes 190
Lutherans 198
Luxemburg, Rosa arguments against Bernstein 393 ; The Mass Strike (1906) 402 ; on war enthusiasm 405 ; on responsibility of German Social Democracy for isolation of Russian Revolution 425 ; murdered 432–433 ; 441
L’vov, Georgy 414–415
Lyons in French Revolution 292
Macao 219
MacArthur, Douglas 513 , 541
Macaulay, Thomas Babington on universal suffrage as incompa
tible with civilisation 386
MacDonald, Ramsay against First World War 425 ; joins Tories in ‘national’ government 482
Macedonia ancient kingdom and empire 69
Madagascar 15
Madero, Francisco 460–461
Madrasas 134
Madrid in Spanish Civil War 505 , 507–508
Magadha 49 , 63
Maghreb French-German rivalry over at beginning of twentieth century 397–398
Maharajahs Indian under British rule 357–359
Mahavira 51
Mahdi (religious figure) 395
Mahdis revolts 128
Maisels, C K quoted on early irrigation 19
Makarios III 557
Malaya ancient 51
Malaya, British tin and rubber 397 ; anti-colonial insurgence 556 ; British repression 557 ; independence 557
Malraux, André 510
Malta stone temples 21
Malthus, Thomas 262 ; on impossibility of ending poverty 321–322
Mamlukes 133 ; seize power in Egypt 134
Manchester end of eighteenth century 157 ; and industrial revolution 319 ; general strike of 1842 324
Manchester, second Earl of (Edward Montagu) 210
Manchuria and end of Second World War 527
Mani 97
Manicheism 97 , 108
Mann, Michael on Nazis and workers 484
Mann, Tom 400
Manning, Patrick quoted 251
Mao Zedong 554–556 ; Stalin’s attitude to 555 ; 573–575 ; and Nixon 576
Marat, Jean-Paul 281 , 283–284 , 288 , 291–292 ; murdered 293
Marathas 228 , 356
Marcel, Étienne 151
March on Rome 445
Marco Polo 115
Marcuse, Herbert on end of class struggle in advanced countries 577 ; influence of 582
Marie Antoinette 281
Marius 77 , 80
Mark Antony 80
Market feudalism 155–158 , 182
Mark’s Gospel 88
Marlowe, Christopher 177
Marne, Battle of 407
Marshall Plan 544
Marston Moor, Battle of 209
Martov, L 419
Marx, Karl on forces and relations of production 24 , 39 , 331 ; on ‘Asiatic society’ 27 , 55 ; on Spartacus 79 ; use value and exchange value 179–180 ; on production under feudalism 180 ; background 326–327 ; development of his ideas 327–328 ; 1844 Manuscripts 328–329 ; balance sheet of 1848 revolutions 341 ; on Lincoln 351 ; wrong to see Indian society as stagnant 355 ; on Paris (1871) 369 ; on Commune as workers’ government 371 ; on historic meaning 374 ; on Bonapartist dictatorship as ‘modern form of class rule’ 387 ; on humans making history 448 (see also Communist Manifesto, The and Marxism )
Marxism ‘Political’ 141 ; birth and main ideas of 326–334 ; and Chinese students and intellectuals after First World War 457 ; new audience in late 1960s and early 1970s 582