by Chris Harman
Social Democrats, Austrian policy (1918–30) 430 , 491 ; membership 491
Social Democrats, Portuguese 1975 586
Social fascism 479 , 481
Social Revolutionaries in 1917 419 ; strength early in revolution 420–421
Socialism in one country 466 , 473–474
Socialist parties of West, development of 440
Socialist Party, Chile 584–585
Socialist Party, France (SFIO) 442 ; toleration of deflationary Radical governments 494 ; leads government: 1936–37 495–498 ; in Radical government (1937); majority of deputies back Pétain (1940) 499 ; 535
Socialist Party, Italy 438–439 , 444 , 533 , 535 , 501–502 , 505 ; 1918–20 441 ; 442
Socialist Party, Spain (PSOE) 400 (see also PSOE )
Socialist Party, US 442
Society of the Friends of the Blacks 311
Socrates political beliefs 68
Solidarność 590
Solomon 45
Solon 67
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr , Gulag Archipelago 428
Somalia, US landing in 600
Sombart, Werner end of capitalist crises 465–466
Sons of Liberty 268
Sophists 69
South Africa apartheid 558 ; end of apartheid 599
South Korea state capitalism in 562 ; 567 ; demonstrations and strikes in 1987–88 597
South Vietnam 567
Southern States of US character of economy 346 ; ties to British cotton industry 347
Southey, Robert 303
Soviets St Petersburg of 1905 401 ; as characteristic form of revolution with large-scale industry 401 ; Russia (1917) 413–416 ; political allegiances of delegates 421 ; meeting of 25 October 423
Soviet Union character in mid-1920s 472 , 474–475 ; economic growth rates 478 ; living standards in 1920s 472 ; under Stalinism 476 ; appeal to ex-colonial countries 560–562 ; invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968) 579–580 ; economic contraction of mid-to late 1980s 591 ; miners’ strikes of 1989 and 1991 591–592 ; dissolution of 592
Spain war in Netherlands 195–196 ; and Thirty Years War 196–198 , 200–202 ; economic decline 202 ; guerrilla war against Napoleonic occupation 312 ; 1918–20 436–437 ; background to civil war 500–502 ; military rising 500 , 503 ; politics of workers’ organisations 504 ; course of civil war 503 , 507–509 ; end of Francoism 583–584
Spanish Empire restrictions on slavery of Indians 250 ; in late seventeenth century 202 ; 501 ; Morocco rising of 1920s 508
Sparta 65 ; oligarchic rule 68
Spartacus 78–80
Spartakus League 441
Spender, Stephen 566
Spinning mechanisation of 234 , 257 ; factories 320
Spínola, António de 585–586
Spinoza, Baruch 242
Sputnik 560
SS ( Schutzstaffel ) 490 ; on Eastern Front in Second World War 530
St Sophia Cathedral 117 , 119
St Petersburg large-scale industry in overwhelmingly peasant country 401 ; 1914 402 (see also Petrograd )
Stalin critical support for provisional government (February 1917) 415 , 466 , 472 ; accumulates power 473 ; against socialism in one country 474 ; in favour of socialism in one country 475 ; adopts forced industrialisation 475 ; orders Communists to vote for Nazi referendum of 1931 489 ; kills members of Lenin’s central committee 477 , 480 ; deal with Hitler 524 ; lack of preparedness for war 524–527 , 563 ; Great Russian chauvinism 524 ; divides Europe with Churchill and Roosevelt 536 ; against revolution 537 ; backs Churchill on Greece 538 , 547 ; refuses to support Chinese Communists in Civil War 555 ; death 562 ; mass deportations of nations 563 ; Stalin and Bukharin support for Chiang Kai-shek 479 ; Canton rising 479
Stalingrad, Battle of 526–527 , 530
Stalinism causes of 448 ; rise of 471–475 ; perpetuates isolation of Soviet Union 479–481 ; as state capitalism 476–478 ; similarities and differences with Nazism 511–512 ; and primitive accumulation 511 ; methods of industrialisation 560
Standard of living in industrial revolution 320
Stanislaw, King last of Poland 316
Stanley, Henry 394
Star Chamber 206
State capitalism in Russia, China and Eastern Europe 478 ; as global trend (1930s to 1970s) 561–562 ; crisis of in 1980s and 1990s 593–594 ; inability of market to deal with crises of 594–595
State control of industry after Meiji Revolution in Japan 367 ; Tsarist Russia 561 ; in First World War 408–409
State expenditure in eighteenth-century Britain 260
State power mostly outside parliamentary control 387
State rise of 26 ; feudal 173 ; beginnings of modern 172–174
Steam engine 234 , 257 , 318
Steinbeck, John 471 , 517 , 566
Stendhal 305 , 317 ; on significance of French Revolution 300
Stone, Norman on collapse of provisional government in 1917 418
Stonehenge 21
Strachey, John 566
Strafford 207
Strasser, Otto 487
Strauss, David 317 , 327
Strikes first recorded 37 ; laws against 281 ; US steel (1919) 437 ; France (1936) 495–496 ; Germany and Austro-Hungary (January 1918) 425 ; India (1918–20) 454 ; Egypt 460 ; Barcelona in early 1930s 501 ; US New Deal years 514–516 ; US (1946) 544 ; Italy (1943–44) 533–534 ; Portugal (1974) 485 ; Western Europe (1980s) 589 ; Shanghai (1967) 575 ; India 551 , 553
Structural adjustment programmes record of failure 594
Stuart, Mary Queen of Scots 194
Stuarts attempts at restoration 233 , 257
Students in German Reformation 185 ; protests China (1919) 456 ; struggles (1968) 581 ; growing numbers in advanced capitalism 581
Su Hsün quoted on condition of Sung peasants 114
Sudan conquered by Britain 395
Sudetenland 520 , 522
Sudras 48 , 50
Suez war of 1956 559
Sufis rise of 134
Suharto, General 571
Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed 553
Sui Dynasty 107
Sukarno, President 556 , 571
Sulla 77 , 80
Sulpicius 77
Sumer 23 , 29 ; tools 33 ; (see also Mesopotamia ancient)
Sun Yat-sen 450 , 457 ; asks for help from Russia 457–458
Supermarkets 548–549
Superstition prevalence in early modern period 237
Superstructure strangles social advance 41 , 132 , 135
Surplus 18–20 , 23 , 27 , 29 , 45 , 55 , 64 ; in medieval China 107 ; in Byzantine Empire 118–119
Swadeshi campaign 450
Sweated labour and industrialisation 320
Switzerland civil war of 1847 335
Syme, Ronald on hypocrisy of senatorial elite in Rome 81
Syndicalism 400
Syngman Rhee 541 , 547 , 549
Syria ancient 41 ; post-independence 562
Taborites 153
Tacitus on Christians 87
Taft-Hartley 545
Tahiti stepped platforms 21
Tainos pacific, pre-class, pre-state society 162 , 163
T’ai-p’ing Rebellion 360–361 ; corruption of egalitarian ideals 362
Taiwan 554–555 ; state ownership in 562
Taj Mahal 220 , 227
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de 286
Tannenberg, Battle of 407
Taoism 58 , 61 , 113
Tasca, Angelo on Italy (1919–20) 442
Tax farming 131–132 , 227 , 289–290
Tax, progressive under Jacobins 293
Taxation in Roman Empire 84 ; in Byzantine Empire 120 ; in Mogul India 225–227 ; in American colonies 266 ; in British India 357–358 ; Indian for First World War 454
Taylor, A J P on US interests in Second World War 525
Taylor, Frederick 383
Technical advance outside established empires 45 ; in pre-imperial China 56 ; in early ancient Greece 63 ; in ancient Rome 83 ;
among Aztecs 166 ; in China after fourth century 106–107 ; limited in Fatimid Egypt 133 ; in Abbasid Empire 131 ; in feudal Europe 141–142 , 146 , 178–179 ; in Ming China 221
Technical change medieval India 53 ; in eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 318 , 320 ; and insecurity 320
Technical stagnation in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt 34–35 ; among Mayas 35 ; in third century AD China 61 ; in Byzantium 118 ; in Abbasid Empire 134
Tehran conference 536
Telephone 379 , 463
Telescope 239
Television 548–549
Temples Roman 72
Tenochtitlan Spanish description of 161
Teotihuacan 20 , 32 , 33 , 38 ; population 20
Terror in French Revolution 285 , 294–298 ; until September 1793 294 ; Mark Twain on 294 ; reaction to terror of royalists and Girondins 295 ; Jacobin terror against left 296 ; execution of Danton 296 ; Great Terror 297
Tet Offensive (1968) 572 , 580
Thalburg study of during rise of Nazis 484 , 486
Thapar, Romila 53
Thatcherism 588
The Godfather (film) 567
The Great Dictator (film) 526
Thebes (Egypt) 37 , 47
Thelwall, John on factories as centres of political agitation 323
Theodoric 85 , 104
Thermidor 298–300
Thermidorians 285 , 298–300
Thiers, Louis Adolphe 370 , 372–373
Third Estate 277 , 279
Third Period of Stalin effect on membership of foreign parties 481 , 494
Thirty Years War 178 , 196–202 ; immediate cause 198 ; course of war 200–201 ; outcome 201–202
Thorez, Maurice 496 , 544 ; calls for acceptance of French state 537
Thrupp, Sylvia on medieval economic growth 142
Thyssen, Fritz 486 , 488 ; expropriated by Hitler 520–521
Tiananmen Square 596
Tibet rise of Buddhism 52
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar 450
Times, The (newspaper) on repression against Paris Commune 374
Titbits (newspaper) 381
Tithes 185 , 187
Tito, Josip Bronz 540 , break with Stalin 540 , 545
Tocqueville, Alexis de on Paris in February 1848
Togliatti, Palmiro supports government 537 ; 544
Tokugawa Japan 365–366
Toledo (Spain) translations from Arabic in 176
Toleration policy of SPD 485 ; effects of 486
Toller, Ernst moves to revolutionary left 412
Tolpuddle Martyrs 323
Tombs in ancient Egypt 36–37 (see also Pyramids )
Tories in American Revolution 265 , 274–275
Totalitarianism in imperial China 59 ; in Plato’s thought 69 ; of Nazi regime 490
Toussaint L’Ouverture, François-Dominique 310–311
Trade 38 ; and role of women 29 ; world, early developments 49 , 138 ; Roman 83 , 85 ; growth after Arab conquests 127 ; in Arab Middle Ages 129 ; growth in Sung China 110 ; early medieval Europe 140 ; in Mogul India 226 ; in Tokugawa Japan 366
Trade routes, in ancient India 49 , 51 ; through Sahara 138
Trade unions illegal in Britain 323 ; French split in 1948–49 546 ; Italian split in 1948–49 546
Traders, small in Reformation 185 , 191 ; in English Civil War 207–208 , 216 ; in France during late eighteenth century 286 (see also Sans-culottes )
Trades Union Congress 465–466
Trading networks in fifteenth-century Europe 155–156
Transport and industrial revolution 318–319
Transvaal British attempt to seize 396
Transylvania in late nineteenth century 343
Treaty of Versailles 520 ; and German big business 487
Treaty of Westphalia 201
Trevor-Roper, Hugh 136
Triangular trade 254
Tribes in ancient Rome 72
Tribunes 73–74 , 76
Tribute from empire to Rome 80–81
Tricontinental Conference 570
Trienio Bolchevista 436–437
Trigger, Bruce quoted 34
Trotsky, Leon leads St Petersburg Soviet 401 ; characterisation of revolution needed in Russia 402 ; on reasons for war enthusiasm (1914) 405 ; 415 , 418 , 420–421 ; on peaceful character of October Revolution in Petrograd 423 ; and Brest-Litovsk 426 ; builds Red Army 427 ; on colonial countries and ‘permanent revolution’ 461–462 ; in opposition to Stalin 473 ; exiled from Soviet Union 474 ; murdered by Stalin 477 ; 509 ; suffering of his family at hands of Stalin 511 ; on Nazism and Stalinism 511 ; on character of Russia 511
Troubles, Northern Ireland 578
Truman, President takes over British role in Greece 544 ; Marshall Plan 545
Trusts in Germany at beginning of twentieth century 397
Tsarism, Russian centre of counterrevolution in nineteenth century 400 ; claims to ‘protect’ peoples of Turkish Empire in Balkans 362 ; encourages Russian nationalism 389 ; state-run arms factories 398 ; aims in First World War 409
Tschernembi, Georg Erasmus von 200
Tudor, Mary 204
Túpac Amaru 170
Turati, Filippo 441 ; truce with fascists 444
Turgot 245
Turin strike of 1920 438 ; strike of 1943 533
Turkey involvement in Balkan Wars (1912–13) 403 ; war with Greece in early 1920s 435
Turkey US nuclear missiles in 569
Turkic peoples 133
Turnham Green, Battle of 209
Twain, Mark on terror in French Revolution 294
Twentieth Party Congress (CPSU) 563
Tyler, Wat 151
Type, moveable 111
Typewriter 379
Tyrants in ancient Greece 67
Ukraine 344
Ulster 452
Ultraquists 198
Umar 125 , 126
Umar Khayyam quoted 134
Umayyads 127
Umma 125
Unemployment in inter-war slump 469 ; 1950s and 1960s 548 ; 1980s and 1990s 587–588
Union General de Trabajadores (UGT) 400 , 501 , 502 , 503 , 505
Unionism, Ireland 452
United Irishmen 308
United Nations foundation of 543
United Provinces 195 , 198 , 201 (see also Holland )
Universal suffrage 213 ; used by Louis Bonaparte and Bismarck 387 (see also Franchise )
Universities founding in Europe 145 ; 176
Untermenschen 529 , 521
Ur 19 , 32
Urbaid period 12
Urban revolution 16 , 17 ; technical advance in 33–34
Urban transport systems 380
Urbanisation England (1650) 204 ; Britain 235 , 319 ; Mogul India 226 ; nineteenth century in Britain and Germany 380 ; France and Japan in 1950 380 ; of US blacks in 1950s and 1960s 578
Uruk 19 , 23 , 32
US arms build-up (1980s) 591
US arms expenditure 546 ; on Vietnam and Korean wars 572 , 587
US capitalism strives for world hegemony 521 , 527 , 536
US economy and Vietnam War 580
US Federal Constitution 276
US imperialism 462 ; informal empire 524 , 555 , 566 ; seizure of Puerto Rico and Philippines 393 ; military landings Latin America in twentieth century 567 ; chain of satellite regimes 566 ; replaces Britain as main power in Middle East 559 ; bombing of Vietnam 571–572 ; bombing of Afghanistan and Sudan 601 ; invasion of Cambodia 583 ; war against Iraq 600
US steel strike of 1919 464 ; of 1937 516
US unions, military membership (1920–33) 514 ; 1933–37 515
US, new territories and states before civil war 346–348
US, Northern states’ industrial growth before civil war 347 ; after civil war 353
US support for Chiang Kai-shek 555
US war with Japan causes of 525
Use value 179
USSR, military expenditure 546
Ustashe 540
Uthman 126
br /> Utopian Socialism 327
Vacuum cleaner 463 , 548–549
Vagabonds Tudor measures against 175
Vaisyas 48
Valmy, Battle of 284
Vandervort, Bruce on smallness of technical gap between Europe and African states 294
Vargas, Cretúlio Brazilian president 519
Vedic religion 48
Veil and Islam 125 ; and Byzantium 122 , 125
Vendée 292–293 ; massacre of republicans by royalists 295
Venezuela risings against Spanish rule 313–314 ; 571
Versailles government of 1871 370 , 371–374
Versailles, Palace of 277 ; march on 279
Versailles, Treaty of 543
Vienna besieged by Ottomans 220 ; October–November 1918 430 ; rising of 1934 491–493
Vietminh 540
Vietnam 1945 540 ; US finances French war in 557 ; division of 571
Vietnam syndrome 600
Vietnam War 571–572 , 578 ; impact internationally 580
Vijayanagar size as described by Portuguese 219
Vikings 105 ; land in North America 172
Villa, Pancho 461
Virgin birth roots of myth 93
Virginia African slaves and white bond slaves, unity between 251 ; laws against mixing 251–252 ; and American Revolution 266 , 269–270 , 276
Visigoths 85 , 104
Volga Germans 524
Voltaire 242 ; criticisms of Rousseau and of d’Holbach 233 , 243–246 , 258 , 316 ; impact of ideas 272 , 291 ; view of Eastern civilisations 355
Von Papen 485–488 ; attitude to Hitler 488
Vorkuta revolt of 1953
Vorwärts (newspaper) on need for ‘legality’ in face of Hitler government 488
Wafd party 460
Wage labour in Abbasid Empire 131 ; spread in England 218 ; 319
Wages real between fourteenth and seventeenth centuries 182
Wages in US fall after mid-1970s 587 ; in 1990s 588
Waldensians 178
Wallace, Alfred 385
Wallenstein, Albrecht von 200–201
Walwyn, William 212
Wang Ken challenges hypocrisy, defends lower classes and women in Ming China 221
Wang Mang, Emperor on behaviour of rich and poor 58
Wannsee Conference 530
War in early agricultural societies 13 ; and agricultural societies 18 ; in European feudalism 147 , 149
War, French Revolutionary Girondins declare 282 , 303 ; becomes war of conquest 304 ; uproots feudalism 304
Warlords China 456
Warring States, Age of 55
Warriors in Meso-America 36
Wars of Religion, French 190–193
Warsaw Uprising 527 ; Stalin allows it to be crushed 540